swagger-java and OpenAPI 3.0 support in Apache Camel - apache-camel

I can't find any place saying which versions of Swagger does camel produce, but using it produces 2.0, is there a configuration that makes it produce 3.0?
Does it even support OpenAPI 3.0? Is it planned?

Adding an answer after all this time.
This was supported and released in version 2.21.0, according to this:

The camel-swagger-java component does not support OpenAPI spec 3


Can Apache Camel integrate with an old component version?

I wonder if it is possible to integrate an old version of a Camel component, with an application of a newer Apache Camel version. In my case I want to integrate to Hbase server version 1.2, that is supported only with HBase client 1.2. Therefore even though I want to use a 3.1 Camel version, I want to use the 3.0.1 version of Camel-HBase component. Is it a fine thing to do?
Or is there any place that I can see the versions of the libraries Apache Camel supports?
You can check the Camel dependencies POM to find the versions of dependencies that are imported by the different components.
See the dependencies POM of Camel 3.10.x. You will find <hbase-version>2.3.1</hbase-version> in it.
Another source is Maven Central where you can see the dependency versions of a specific Camel component version.
See Camel-HBase 3.1.0 that references Hbase-client 1.2.6.
However, normally one cannot choose the Camel version to match a specific component dependency version. In general it is the other way round. You want or have to work with an already existing version or you want to use a current version to get the best of the framework.
If you build a new application with Camel 3.10.x, you get the hbase-client in version 2.3.1.
If newer Hbase client versions are not compatible with Hbase 1.2 it becomes difficult.
you get lots of problems when you mix and match Camel component versions
even if you can build your application with an older Camel version, you could never upgrade
The only solution I see would be to isolate the Hbase integration in its own (freezed) application with an older Camel version that matches your desired Hbase-client version.

Spring Data Mongodb MANIFEST.MF file suggests that Mongo 3.x is not supported?

According to Release Train Fowler, there is MongoDB 3.x compatibility from version 1.7.0.RELEASE onwards. However, when I examine the MANIFEST.MF file for, say 1.9.2.RELEASE, I see the following:
which suggests that the maximum Mongo version is less than 3.0.0.
I'm misinterpreting the MANIFEST.MF file?
Thanks, Steve.
The MANIFEST.MF is generated using templates. Spring Data MongoDB allows usage of both the 2.x and 3.x line of drivers. I've created DATAMONGO-1452 to get that fixed.
BTW, I noticed that the 1.3.x bundles do not restrict the version of the mongo driver. Which versions of mongo does 1.3.x support?

spring-data-mongodb java driver 3.x api adoption

I'm wondering if there are any plans to adopt the "non-legacy" mongo java driver 3.x api (i.e. the classes in com.mongodb.client, MongoDatabase, MongoCollection, etc.) in spring-data-mongodb at some point. MongoOperation.execute(DbCallback) forces you into the legacy mongo java driver api, and it's unfortunate to not be able to follow the latest mongodb java driver documentation at http://mongodb.github.io/mongo-java-driver/3.0/driver/reference/. Per https://docs.mongodb.org/ecosystem/drivers/driver-compatibility-reference/#java-driver-compatibility, the 3.2 java driver is compatible with all recent versions of mongodb. Is there a reason spring-data-mongodb is still using the 2.x driver and/or the legacy api classes (com.mongodb.DB, com.mongodb.DBCollection, etc)?

Documentation for migrating from Gatling 1.x to 2.0?

I have been bit by a bug in the JSON parser in Gatling 1.5.5 which I read is solved by migrating to 2.0.
The challenge is, there is very little documentation (that I have been able to find) on Gatling 2, aside from: https://github.com/excilys/gatling/wiki/Gatling%202.
What state is the complete 2.0 documentation in, and is it accessible online yet? If so, can I get a link?
Upcoming Gatling 2 documentation (targeting current snapshot) is now stored in the repository, along with the sources.

Updating camel version in fuse esb

Hi I would like to know which camel version is used in Fuse esb (jboss-fuse-6.0.0.redhat-024),
according to the migration guide it's 2.10.0 .
how can I update it to use 2.10.5 ?
JBoss fuse is using customer version of Camel which is based on the Camel 2.10.x branch.
As there are lots other projects which may relates to this Camel version, I don't suggest you to change the version yourself.
