Spring Data Mongodb MANIFEST.MF file suggests that Mongo 3.x is not supported? - spring-data-mongodb

According to Release Train Fowler, there is MongoDB 3.x compatibility from version 1.7.0.RELEASE onwards. However, when I examine the MANIFEST.MF file for, say 1.9.2.RELEASE, I see the following:
which suggests that the maximum Mongo version is less than 3.0.0.
I'm misinterpreting the MANIFEST.MF file?
Thanks, Steve.

The MANIFEST.MF is generated using templates. Spring Data MongoDB allows usage of both the 2.x and 3.x line of drivers. I've created DATAMONGO-1452 to get that fixed.

BTW, I noticed that the 1.3.x bundles do not restrict the version of the mongo driver. Which versions of mongo does 1.3.x support?


Data-Migration ElasticSearch 5.6.16 to 7.2.0

how can i perfom full data migration from ElasticSearch 5.6.16 to 7.2.0. I have an application running version 5.6.16. No i have to update some of the data to version 7.2.0. The manufacturer has written / provided an own tool for the migration, but this requires that the new installation (7.2.0) has been installed on a new separate server. But this is the only the last option for me. So what's an easy and good way to do this on the same machine? Or would it be an solution to install the new version (7.2.0) on the same machine with different port and then do my stuff as this would be two servers?
First backup the data and the re-import after installing new version? Did i get problems with the indexes (i read something about this.. that this could result in errors)
You have few questions but I will try to answer two important ones,
How can you run the two different version of elasticsearch on a single machine
Answer : it is possible although not recommended in production environment, as you guess it right, by running these two version on different ports.
How to migrate from ES 5.6 to 7.2
Answer: Elasticsearch provides the backward compatibility till last major version, so if you are upgrading to 7.X, than ES 6.X indices can be backed up and re-imported in ES 7.X but you can't do this for 5.X indices.
Note: Refer upgrade elasticsearch official doc for detailed explanation and process.

swagger-java and OpenAPI 3.0 support in Apache Camel

I can't find any place saying which versions of Swagger does camel produce, but using it produces 2.0, is there a configuration that makes it produce 3.0?
Does it even support OpenAPI 3.0? Is it planned?
Adding an answer after all this time.
This was supported and released in version 2.21.0, according to this:
The camel-swagger-java component does not support OpenAPI spec 3

Configure solrnet with Solr

Is it necessary to use tomcat for configuring Solr with asp.net.
by this link [link]https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/480091/Using-Solr-for-Search-with-NET-Csharp
i configured and it works!! but it uses solr 1.4 version and i want to update my solr version.
And [link]https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Running+Solr+on+Tomcat
it says that you cannot configure the tomcat with version 5 or latest from it.
so how to configure asp.net with solr latest version ?
Latest Solr runs as standalone black box. Do not look at ancient tutorials for Tomcat information, they are not useful anymore. And it is a separate issue from connecting to it via .NET client.
For the client part, the source-code version of SolrNet is more up to date. And it should work with latest Solr, with the main issue being that the URL for Solr now must include collection name, so http://localhost:8983/solr/collectionname . Check for parameters to set core or collection or similar.
There is also Solr Express you may want to have a look at.

Install ComplexPhraseQueryParser with Solr 4.2

In reference to my other SO question (Using solr 4.2 how do I use/enable fuzzy phrase searching)
I was told I can get fuzzy phrases working by installing the plugin mentioned there (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-1604). However, with every attempt I've made I cannot get it to work. When I download the latest dated file, there is not readme or install directions. Also, I'm not entirely sure that there is a version for Solr 4.2 yet.
Can someone provide me with instructions on how to install that plugin with Solr 4.2?
I was just looking at this myself. According to another SO question (https://stackoverflow.com/a/28463319/1222019) that parser was added in Solr 4.8, though it may be possible to add it to the solr war file in earlier versions and recompile.

Adding CakePHP core features in an older version of CakePHP

I am using CakePHP 2.2 and I will probably need to use SMTP with TTL which is only available at CakePHP 2.3.0.
The additions for this new feature are documented here:
And i was wondering where should I add this code in my CakePHP project as I guess the core folders should stay untouched.
Could I do it using the app\lib folder? In that case, how should I add the content? Do I need to follow any structure? How Cake would detect it?
Just follow the CakePHP Migration guide and update to 2.3.
Honestly, I didn't even read through the migration guide, I just swapped into 2.3 and everything has just worked. It doesn't appear that there are many changes to existing code - just improvements / additions, so you'll likely not have to do any code modification.
I like to keep my versions of Cake separate (see advanced installation), but if you're on the normal install, just replace the files within /lib/Cake/ with the new versions files.
