Commands button not working on iOS build - codenameone

I use codenameone to build android and javascript apps for many years. This is the first time I sending build to iOS. The apps is install on my device, everythings is working fine, just the Commands (on the Old GUI Form) not working when pressed (touch). This happen on every Forms (design using Old GUI Editor)
It this a iOS Build Server error(I don't think so)..
Anyone can help on this?


Can I embed a browser or emulator view into vs code

I have recently discovered that Android Studio has a feature to display the emulator as a tab inside its own view which allows faster UI development.
You can click anywhere, browse files, etc. but the tab will always be there and you don't have to bring it to the front whenever you make a change and see how it looks.
Is there a way to do a similar thing with vs code on win10 with the android emulator for flutter or with chrome/edge for react?

Is Angular JS based hybrid app support windows?

I am working on cordova based cross platform mobile App project which needs to be done using MVC Based framework and able to work on each windows device like windows phones & tablets. So i selected Angular + ionic + cordova.
I tried so many examples to test that windows platform will work with Angular JS or not and every time I install app on windows device, application was crashed each and every time. Those apps are working perfectly on android and ios devices.
I have gone through so many tutorials and blogs for this question, but I didn't find any satisfactory answer. Is there anyway to achieve windows support in angular + ionic?
I tried using "shim" way and also created project through visual studio, but still result is same.
Is there anyone can help me to find answer?
Thanks for help.

Debugging VoiceOver application using Angular JS

I have this huge Web Application using Angular JS. This application run in almost every platform and browser configuration like WIn7/IE10, MAC, iPad iOS5,7 and many more.
But this application does not work well when VoiceOver is ON for accessibility and test on iPad iOS 7. The application turn blank on double tap. How to debug this application and anyone who face similar issue can guide, it will be helpful.

Sencha touch - Launch not invoked

I'm developing an app with Sencha Touch and i'm using phonegap to wrap it into native app and to use native APIs.
My app was working great, but suddenly after some hours changing some things, I built it to test it on my tablet. But it does not launch (it only shows the loading indicator), in spite of launching perfectly on desktop browser.
I've put some alert() in my code and I discovered that the launch function on app.js is not being invoked...
My index.html is being executed perfectly.
Everything was working great but now I dont know whats happening...
Can anybody save me?

Play Videos Using Silverlight In WebView(Cocoa)

I created a video player using Silverlight (mediaElement) and it works fine with IE in Windows. Now, I am trying to get that same stuff to work on the Mac. So, in my Cocoa app I have a WebView and I load that *.xap. Click events work fine, but I am not able to view the videos. If someone else has faced the same issue, please let me know what mistake I have done.
P.S. I had the same issue with Windows. I solved it by running the Web Project as the Startup project.
