Play Videos Using Silverlight In WebView(Cocoa) - silverlight

I created a video player using Silverlight (mediaElement) and it works fine with IE in Windows. Now, I am trying to get that same stuff to work on the Mac. So, in my Cocoa app I have a WebView and I load that *.xap. Click events work fine, but I am not able to view the videos. If someone else has faced the same issue, please let me know what mistake I have done.
P.S. I had the same issue with Windows. I solved it by running the Web Project as the Startup project.


React-Three-Fiber's Canvas freaks out on Android phone

I'm creating my first web app using React and I've implemented some 3D animations using React-Three-Fiber.
I've already deployed the page in github pages and while in Chrome on the desktop, both in the webpage and in localhost the website works flawlessly (has some freezes but that's not the point).
However, when I visit the page on an Android Phone, all the Canvas stop working and display the text multiple times whenever I scroll (I don't really know how to explain what's happening, so I'll leave this video: . You can see that the problem only exists on the Canvas, since the Header is not a Canvas element).
I've tried to load the page on iPhones but it doesn't even load and just crashes.
On two of the Android phones I've tried, the page loaded nicely at start but after some time it started glitching like in the video.
I have absolutely no clue on what is going on, other than the problem lies on the Canvas that I have created.
I assume this is a simple thing that I might have missed but I'm really lost.
Thanks in advance! :D
Here is the webpage:
Here is the code:

Commands button not working on iOS build

I use codenameone to build android and javascript apps for many years. This is the first time I sending build to iOS. The apps is install on my device, everythings is working fine, just the Commands (on the Old GUI Form) not working when pressed (touch). This happen on every Forms (design using Old GUI Editor)
It this a iOS Build Server error(I don't think so)..
Anyone can help on this?

Gumby framework - mobile nav doesn't work

I'm starting to build a new portfolio with this Gumby framework. I've chosen Gumby because I like SASS more than LESS, so I would like to try a framework based on this language.
The problem is that the mobile navigation doesn't work for me.
If I use the ui.html inside the downloaded package and I resize the browser window, the "three lines icon" appears, but if I click nothing happend!
If I use the Gumby's UI demo on the website it works...either for some website I saw here on stackoverflow that use gumby!
I've checked all the paths, the developer told me that I have to use gumby.min.js and it's uncomment by default, so i don't know why this mobile menu doesn't work for me.
Maybe I have to work online with the website hosted on a server? But I'ts strange...
I don't know what code to post, because it's simply the ui.html who all of you can find inside the downloaded gumby package.
I don't know javascript well so I cannot explain how/why this works but there is an issue with toggleswitch.js. Add e.stopImmediatePropagation(); to line 45. That's what worked for me.
If someone knows how or why this works I would love to learn.

Sencha touch - Launch not invoked

I'm developing an app with Sencha Touch and i'm using phonegap to wrap it into native app and to use native APIs.
My app was working great, but suddenly after some hours changing some things, I built it to test it on my tablet. But it does not launch (it only shows the loading indicator), in spite of launching perfectly on desktop browser.
I've put some alert() in my code and I discovered that the launch function on app.js is not being invoked...
My index.html is being executed perfectly.
Everything was working great but now I dont know whats happening...
Can anybody save me?

Facebook Connect in Silverlight

Is there a good way to get Facebook Connect onto a Silverlight page? All I really need is simple authorization/registration. I've looked into the facebook developer toolkit, but the documentation is more or less non-existent for Silverlight, and I didn't really get anywhere with it.
Is there a good tutorial or a working library for adding Facebook Connect into a Silverlight app? Or is the best way to run Silverlight in Windowwless mode with HTML overlayed on top?
Are you looking for something like that?
Before developing this small test app i took a look at these samples:
Make sure to download the newest source code of the Facebook Development Kit for .NET and build it yourself since the release version(January) didn't work for me correctly.
Let me know if you have any problems.
I've decided to use the WebBrowser control that was added in Silverlight 4 to accomplish this.
