C accessing another programs memory? - c

I wrote this code so I can see the address of variable foo.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){
char* foo=(char*) malloc(1);
printf(" foo addr : %p\n\n" ,&foo);
int pause;
return 0;
Then pause it and use the address of foo in here:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
char * ptr=(char *)0x7ffebbd57fc8; //this was the output from the first code
but I keep getting segmentation fault. Why is this code not working?

This is not a C question/problem but a matter of runtime support. On most OS programs run in a virtual environment, especially concerning their memory space. In such case memory is a virtual memory which means that when a program access a given address x the real (physical) memory is computed as f(x). f is a function implemented by the OS to ensure that a given process (object which represent the running of a code in the OS) have its own reserved memory separated from memory dedicated to other processes. This is called virtual memory.

Oups, your problem is not related to C language, but really depends of the OS, if any.
First let us read it from a pure C language point of view:
char * ptr=(char *)0x7ffebbd57fc8;
your are converting an unsigned integer to a char *. As you get the integer value from the other program, you can be sure that is has an acceptable range, so you indeed get a pointer pointing to that address. As it is a char * pointer, you can use it to read the byte representation of any object that will lie at that address. Still fine until there. But common systems use virtual addresses and limit each process to access only its own pages, so by default a process cannot access the memory of another process. In addition, with the common usage of virtual memory, there are no reasons that any two non kernel processes share common addresses. Exceptions for real addresses are:
real memory OS (MS/DOS and derivatives like FreeDOS, CP/M, and other anthic systems)
kernel mode: the kernel can access the whole memory of the system - who could load your program?
special functions: some OS provide special API to let one process read the memory of another one (Windows does), but it not as simple as directly reading an address...
As I assume that you are not in any of the first two cases, nothing is mapped at that address from the current process, hence the error.

On systems use virtual memory, you have a range of logical addresses that are available to user processes. These address ranges are subdivided into units called PAGES whose size depends upon the processor (512b to 1MB).
Pages are not valid until they are mapped into the process. The operating system will have system calls that allow the application to map pages. If you try to access a page that is not valid you get some kind of exception.
While the operating system only allocates memory pages, applications are used to calls, such as malloc(), that allocate memory blocks of arbitrary sizes.
Behind the scenes, malloc() is mapping pages (ie making them valid) to create a pool of memory that is uses to return small amounts of memory.
When you omit your malloc(), the memory is not being mapped.
Note that each process has its own range of logical addresses. One process's page containing 0x7ffebbd57fc8 is likely to be mapped to a different physical page frame than another process's 0x7ffebbd57fc8. If that were not the case, one user could muck with another. (There is always a range of addresses shared by all processes but this is can only be accessed in kernel mode.)
Your problem is further complicated by the fact that many systems these days randomly map processes to different locations in the logical address space. On such systems you could run your first program multiple times and get different addresses.
Why is this code not working?
You would need to call the system service on your operating system that maps memory into the process and make the page containing 0x7ffebbd57fc8 accessible.


Passing pointer to an array in program args

Let's assume we have 2 programs written in C, one program allocates memory with malloc and launches the second program passing the address of allocated memory and size as arguments.
Now the question, is it possible for the second program to cast the first argument to a pointer and read/write to that memory. Why, why not?
For the sake of simplicity assume Linux as the underlying OS.
No, because on modern operating systems processes running in user mode see Virtual Memory. The same virtual address will translate to a different physical address or page file location between processes.
Fortunately, most operating systems do have APIs that allow for inter-process communication, so you can research those methods. This question seems to be a good place to start, since you claim to be working on Linux.

Will direct accessing of user space address instead of copy_to_user work?

The following is an excerpt from my simple driver code.
int vprobe_ioctl( struct file *filep, unsigned int cmd, void *UserInp)
*(int*)UserInp = TotalPorts;
printk("Available port :%u \n ", TotalPorts);
I was not aware about the function copy_to_user which should be used while writing on user space memory. The code directly accesses the user address. But still I am not getting any kernel crash in my development system(x86_64 architecture). It works as expected.
But sometimes I could see kernel crash when I insert the .ko file in some other x86_64 machines. So, I replaced direct accessing with copy_to_user, and it works.
Could anyone please explain,
i) How direct accessing of user address works?
ii) Why am I seeing kernel crash in some systems whereas it works well in some other systems. Is there any kernel configuration mismatch between the systems because of which the kernel could access the user process's virtual address directly?
Note : All the systems I have used have same OS and kernel.-same image generated thru kickstart. - There is no possibility of any differences.
Thanks in advance.
would be interesting to see the crash. now what I'm saying is an assumption based on my knowledge about how the memory works.
user space memory is virtual. it means that the specific process address X is now located on some physical memory, this physical memory is a memory page that is currently allocated to your process. copy to user first checks that the memory given really belongs to the process and other security checks. beside that there is mapping issues.
the kernel memory has its own address space that need to map virtual to physical address. the kernel use the help of mmu (this is different per architecture). In x86 the mapping between the kernel virtual and user virtual is 1:1 (there are different issues here). In other system this is not always true.

How to read the variable value from RAM?

I've written a program using dynamic memory allocation. I do not use the free function to free the memory, still at the address, the variable's value is present there.
Now I want to reuse this value and I want to see all the variables' values that are present in RAM from another process.
Is it possible?
void main(){
int *fptr;
fptr=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
//this is become infinite loop
and i want to another program to read the value of a because it is still in memory because main function is infinite. how can do this?
This question shows misconceptions on at least two topics.
The first is virtual address spaces and memory protection, as already addressed by RobertL in his answer. On a modern operating system, you just can't access memory belonging to another process (even if you knew the physical address, which you don't because all user space processes work on addresses in their private virtual address space). The result of trying to access something not mapped into your address space will be a segmentation fault. Read more on Wikipedia.
The second is the scope of the C standard. It doesn't know about processes. C is defined in terms of an abstract machine executing your program (and only this program). Scopes and lifetimes of variables are defined and the respective maximum is the global scope and a static storage duration. So yes, your variable will continue to live as long as your program runs, but it's scope will be this program.
When you understand that, you see: even on a platform using a single global address space and no memory protection at all, you could never access the variable of another program in terms of the C standard. You could probably pass a pointer value somehow to your other program and use that, maybe it would work, but it would be undefined behavior.
That's why operating systems provide means for inter process communication like shared memory (which comes close to what you seem to want) and pipes.
When you return from main(), the process frees all acquired resources, so you can't. Have a look on this.
First of all, when you close your process the memory you allocated with it will be freed entirely. You can circumvent this by having 1 process of you write to a file (like a .dat file) and the other read from it. There are other ways, too.
But generally speaking in normal cases, when your process terminates the existing memory will be freed.
If you try accessing memory from another process from within your process, you will most likely get a segmentation fault, as most operating systems protect processes from messing with each other's memory.
It depends on the operating system. Most modern multi-tasking operating systems protect processes from each other. Hardware is setup to disallow processes from seeing other processes memory. On Linux and Unix for example, to communicate between programs in memory you will need to use operating system services for "inter-process" communication, such as shared memory, semaphores, or pipes.

Printing a malloc'd pointer always gives the same address

Am I printing it wrong?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
main( void )
int * p = malloc(100000);
int * q;
printf("%p\n%p\n", (void *)p, (void *)q);
(void)getchar(); /* to run several instances at same time */
return 0;
Whether I run it sequentially or in multiple terminals simultaneously, it always prints "0x60aa00000800" for p (q is different, though).
EDIT: Thanks for the answers, one of the reasons I was confused was because it used to print a different address each time. It turns out that a new compiler option I started using, -fsanitize=address, caused this change. Whoops.
The value of q is uninitialized garbage, since you never assign a value to it.
It's not surprising that you get the same address for p each time you run the program. That address is almost certainly a virtual address, so it applies only to the memory space of the currently running program (process).
Virtual address 0x60aa00000800 as seen from one program and virtual address 0x60aa00000800 as seen from another program are distinct physical addresses. The operating system maps virtual addresses to physical addresses, and vice versa, so there's no conflict. (If different programs could read and write the same physical memory, it would be a security nightmare.)
It also wouldn't be surprising if they were different each time. For example, some operating systems randomize stack addresses to prevent some code exploits. I'm not sure whether heap addresses are also randomized, but they certainly could be.
This behavior is not entirely surprising. The malloc operation is simply returning a pointer to user addressable + allocated memory in the process. It's completely reasonable for the first memory request of the same size to return the same address through different invocations of a process
The behavior for q doesn't contradict this. You have given q no value hence it gets whatever the last value written to that portion of the stack was. It's unsurprising that undefined behavior would be different through different invocations of the same process (after all, it's undefined)
Your code is fine.
The same code, and the same algorithm for obtaining memory with malloc() is run each time, so there's no reason the addresses should be different.
Some malloc implementations could randomize the start of memory allocations, yours does not.
This is because of virtual memory. The physical memory address for memory of q is different, but your operating system provides each process with a virtual view of memory, mapping different physical memory addresses to the same virtual addresses in your processes. So all processes have a similar view of the memory (and cannot see the memory of other processes)
Heap allocators are not required to provide distinct / unique addresses each time you run the program. There is no guarantee either way on this, but it's entirely reasonable for an implementation of malloc() to have deterministic behavior and give you the same pointer each time you run the program.
The stack, on the other hand, usually is (but is not required to be) located at a different address. This is a protection measure against buffer-overflow exploits. By making the stack location non-deterministic, they make it more difficult for an attacker to inject direct memory addresses of code via buffer-overflow attack.
Finally note that all pointers in a program are virtual memory addresses, not physical addresses. So even though two concurrent processes might have the same memory address in a pointer, those two processes still have distinct memory in separate areas of physical memory. The operating system takes care of this via its virtual memory manager and page translation. Each process has its own virtual address space, various pieces of which are mapped transparently by the OS to physical memory as needed.

Can malloc return same address in two different processes?

Suppose I have two process a and b on Linux. and in both process I use malloc() to allocate a memory,
Is there any chances that malloc() returns the same starting address in two processes?
If no, then who is going to take care of this.
If yes, then both process can access the same data at this address.
Is there any chances that malloc() return same starting address in two process.
Yes, but this is not a problem.
What you're not understanding is that operating systems firstly handle your physical space for you - programs etc only see virtual addresses. There is only one virtual address space, however, the operating system (let's stick with 32-bit for now) divides that up. On Windows, the top half (0xA0000000+) belongs to the kernel and the lower half to user mode processes. This is referred to as the 2GB/2GB split. On Linux, the divide is 3GB/1GB - see this article:
Kernel memory is defined to start at PAGE_OFFSET,which in x86 is 0XC0000000, or 3 gigabytes. (This is where the 3gig/1gig split is defined.) Every virtual address above PAGE_OFFSET is the kernel, any address below PAGE_OFFSET is a user address.
Now, when a process switch (as opposed to a context switch) occurs, all of the pages belonging to the current process are unmapped from virtual memory (not necessarily paging them) and all of the pages belonging to the to-be-run process are copied in (disclaimer: this might not exactly be true; one could mark pages dirty etc and copy on access instead, theoretically).
The reason for the split is that, for performance reasons, the upper half of the virtual memory space can remained mapped to the operating system kernel.
So, although malloc might return the same value in two given processes, that doesn't matter because:
physically, they're not the same address.
the processes don't share virtual memory anywhere.
For 64-bit systems, since we're currently only using 48 of those bits there is a gulf between the bottom of user mode and kernel mode which is not addressable (yet).
Yes, malloc() can return the same pointer value in separate processes, if the processes run in separate address spaces, which is achieved via virtual memory. But they won't access the same physical memory location in that case and the data at the address need not be the same, obviously.
Process is a collection of threads plus an address-space. This address-space is referred as virtual because every byte of it is not necessarily backed by physical memory. Segments of a virtual address-space will be eventually backed by physical memory if the application in the process ends up by using effectively this memory.
So, malloc() may return an identical address for two process, but it is no problem since these malloced memories will be backed by different segments of physical memory.
Moreover malloc() implementation is moslty not reentrant, therefore calling malloc() in differents threads sharing the same address-space hopefully won't result in returning the same virtual address.
