How to read the variable value from RAM? - c

I've written a program using dynamic memory allocation. I do not use the free function to free the memory, still at the address, the variable's value is present there.
Now I want to reuse this value and I want to see all the variables' values that are present in RAM from another process.
Is it possible?
void main(){
int *fptr;
fptr=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
//this is become infinite loop
and i want to another program to read the value of a because it is still in memory because main function is infinite. how can do this?

This question shows misconceptions on at least two topics.
The first is virtual address spaces and memory protection, as already addressed by RobertL in his answer. On a modern operating system, you just can't access memory belonging to another process (even if you knew the physical address, which you don't because all user space processes work on addresses in their private virtual address space). The result of trying to access something not mapped into your address space will be a segmentation fault. Read more on Wikipedia.
The second is the scope of the C standard. It doesn't know about processes. C is defined in terms of an abstract machine executing your program (and only this program). Scopes and lifetimes of variables are defined and the respective maximum is the global scope and a static storage duration. So yes, your variable will continue to live as long as your program runs, but it's scope will be this program.
When you understand that, you see: even on a platform using a single global address space and no memory protection at all, you could never access the variable of another program in terms of the C standard. You could probably pass a pointer value somehow to your other program and use that, maybe it would work, but it would be undefined behavior.
That's why operating systems provide means for inter process communication like shared memory (which comes close to what you seem to want) and pipes.

When you return from main(), the process frees all acquired resources, so you can't. Have a look on this.

First of all, when you close your process the memory you allocated with it will be freed entirely. You can circumvent this by having 1 process of you write to a file (like a .dat file) and the other read from it. There are other ways, too.
But generally speaking in normal cases, when your process terminates the existing memory will be freed.
If you try accessing memory from another process from within your process, you will most likely get a segmentation fault, as most operating systems protect processes from messing with each other's memory.

It depends on the operating system. Most modern multi-tasking operating systems protect processes from each other. Hardware is setup to disallow processes from seeing other processes memory. On Linux and Unix for example, to communicate between programs in memory you will need to use operating system services for "inter-process" communication, such as shared memory, semaphores, or pipes.


C accessing another programs memory?

I wrote this code so I can see the address of variable foo.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){
char* foo=(char*) malloc(1);
printf(" foo addr : %p\n\n" ,&foo);
int pause;
return 0;
Then pause it and use the address of foo in here:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
char * ptr=(char *)0x7ffebbd57fc8; //this was the output from the first code
but I keep getting segmentation fault. Why is this code not working?
This is not a C question/problem but a matter of runtime support. On most OS programs run in a virtual environment, especially concerning their memory space. In such case memory is a virtual memory which means that when a program access a given address x the real (physical) memory is computed as f(x). f is a function implemented by the OS to ensure that a given process (object which represent the running of a code in the OS) have its own reserved memory separated from memory dedicated to other processes. This is called virtual memory.
Oups, your problem is not related to C language, but really depends of the OS, if any.
First let us read it from a pure C language point of view:
char * ptr=(char *)0x7ffebbd57fc8;
your are converting an unsigned integer to a char *. As you get the integer value from the other program, you can be sure that is has an acceptable range, so you indeed get a pointer pointing to that address. As it is a char * pointer, you can use it to read the byte representation of any object that will lie at that address. Still fine until there. But common systems use virtual addresses and limit each process to access only its own pages, so by default a process cannot access the memory of another process. In addition, with the common usage of virtual memory, there are no reasons that any two non kernel processes share common addresses. Exceptions for real addresses are:
real memory OS (MS/DOS and derivatives like FreeDOS, CP/M, and other anthic systems)
kernel mode: the kernel can access the whole memory of the system - who could load your program?
special functions: some OS provide special API to let one process read the memory of another one (Windows does), but it not as simple as directly reading an address...
As I assume that you are not in any of the first two cases, nothing is mapped at that address from the current process, hence the error.
On systems use virtual memory, you have a range of logical addresses that are available to user processes. These address ranges are subdivided into units called PAGES whose size depends upon the processor (512b to 1MB).
Pages are not valid until they are mapped into the process. The operating system will have system calls that allow the application to map pages. If you try to access a page that is not valid you get some kind of exception.
While the operating system only allocates memory pages, applications are used to calls, such as malloc(), that allocate memory blocks of arbitrary sizes.
Behind the scenes, malloc() is mapping pages (ie making them valid) to create a pool of memory that is uses to return small amounts of memory.
When you omit your malloc(), the memory is not being mapped.
Note that each process has its own range of logical addresses. One process's page containing 0x7ffebbd57fc8 is likely to be mapped to a different physical page frame than another process's 0x7ffebbd57fc8. If that were not the case, one user could muck with another. (There is always a range of addresses shared by all processes but this is can only be accessed in kernel mode.)
Your problem is further complicated by the fact that many systems these days randomly map processes to different locations in the logical address space. On such systems you could run your first program multiple times and get different addresses.
Why is this code not working?
You would need to call the system service on your operating system that maps memory into the process and make the page containing 0x7ffebbd57fc8 accessible.

heap overflow affecting other programs

I was trying to create the condition for malloc to return a NULL pointer. In the below program, though I can see malloc returning NULL, once the program is forcebly terminated, I see that all other programs are becoming slow and finally I had to reboot the system. So my question is whether the memory for heap is shared with other programs? If not, other programs should not have affected. Is OS is not allocating certain amount of memory at the time of execution? I am using windows 10, Mingw.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
void mallocInFunction(void)
int *ptr=malloc(500);
printf("Memory Could not be allocated\n");
printf("Allocated memory successfully\n");
int main (void)
So my question is whether the memory for heap is shared with other programs?
Physical memory (RAM) is a resource that is shared by all processes. The operating system makes decisions about how much RAM to allocate to each process and adjusts that over time.
If not, other programs should not have affected. Is OS is not allocating certain amount of memory at the time of execution?
At the time the program starts executing, the operating system has no idea how much memory the program will want or need. Instead, it deals with allocations as they happen. Unless configured otherwise, it will typically do everything it possibly can to allow the program's allocation to succeed because presumably there's a reason the program is doing what it's doing and the operating system won't try to second guess it.
... whether the memory for heap is shared with other programs?
Well, the C standard doesn't exactly require a heap, but in the context of a task-switching, multi-user and multi-threaded OS, of course memory is shared between processes! The C standard doesn't require any of this, but this is all pretty common stuff:
CPU cache memory tends to be preferred for code that's executed often, though this might get swapped around quite a bit; that may or may not be swapped to a heap.
Task switching causes registers to be swapped to other forms of memory; that may or may not be swapped to a heap.
Entire pages are swapped to and from disk, so that other programs can make use of them when your OS switches execution away from your program and to the other programs, and when it's your programs turn to execute again among other reasons. This may or may not involve manipulating the heap.
FWIW, you're referring to memory that has allocated storage duration. It's best to avoid using terms like heap and stack, as they're virtually meaningless. The memory you're referring to is on a silicon chip, regardless of whether it uses a heap or a stack.
... Is OS is not allocating certain amount of memory at the time of execution?
Speaking of silicon chips and execution, your OS likely only has control of one processor (a silicon chip which contains some logic circuits and memory, among other things I'm sure) with which to execute many programs! To summarise this post, yes, your program is most likely sharing those silicon chips with other programs!
On a tangential note, I don't think heap overflow means what you think it means.
Your question cannot be answered in the context of C, the language. For C, there's no such thing as a heap, a process, ...
But it can be answered in the context of operating systems. Even a bit generically because many modern multitasking OSes do similar things.
Given a modern multitasking OS, it will use virtual address spaces for each process. The OS manages a fixed size of physical RAM and divides this into pages, when a process needs memory, such pages are mapped into the process' virtual address space (typically using a different virtual address than the physical one). So when all memory pages are claimed by the OS itself and by the processes running, the OS will typically save some of these pages that are not in active use to disk, in a swap area, in order to serve this page as a fresh page to the next process requesting one. But when the original page is touched (and this is typically the case with free(), see below), it must first be loaded from disk again, but to have a free page for this, another page must be saved to swap space.
This is, like all disk I/O, slow, and it's probably what you see happening here.
Now to fully understand this: what does malloc() do? It typically requests from the operating system to have the memory of the own process increased (and if necessary, the OS does this by mapping another page), and it uses this new memory by writing some information there about the block of memory requested (so free() can work correctly later) and ultimately returns a pointer to a block that's free to use for the program. free() uses the information written by malloc(), modifies it to indicate this block is free again, and it typically can't give any memory back to the OS because there are other malloc()d blocks in the same page. It will give memory back when possible, but that's the exception in a typical scenario where dynamic allocations are heavily used.
So, the answer to your question is: Yes, the RAM is shared because there is only one set of physical RAM. The OS does the best it can to hide that fact and virtualize RAM, but if a process consumes all that is there, this will have visible effects.
malloc() is not system call but libc library function. So when a program ask for allocating memory via malloc(), system call brk()/sbrk() OR mmap() to allocated page(s), more details here.
Please keep in mind that the memory you get is all virtual in nature, that means if you have 3GB of physical RAM you can actually allocate almost infinite memory. So how does this happens? This happens via concept called 'paging', where system stores and retrieves data from secondary memory storage(HDD/SDD) to main memory(RAM), more details here.
So with this theory, out of memory usually quite rare but program like above which is checking system limits, this can happen. This is nicely explained here.
Now, why other programs are sort of hanged OR slow? Because they all share the same operating system and system is starving for resource. In fact at a point the system will crash and reboot again.
Hope this helps?

Getting as much uninitialized memory as possible

I'm trying to create a C/C++ program that dumps as much uninitialized memory as possible.
The program has to be run by a local user, i.e in user mode.
It does not work to use malloc:
Why does malloc initialize the values to 0 in gcc?
The goal is not to use this data as a seed for randomness.
Does the OS always make sure that you can't see "leftovers" from other processes?
If possible, I would like references to implementations or further explanation.
The most common multi-user operating systems (modern Windows, Linux, other Unix variants, VMS--probably all OSes with a concept of virtual memory) try to isolate processes from one another for security. If process A could read process B's leftover memory, it might get access to user data it shouldn't have, so these operating systems will clear pages of memory before they become available to a new process. You would probably have to have elevated privileges to get at uninitialized RAM, and the solution would likely depend on which operating system it was.
Embedded OSes, DOS, and ancient versions of Windows generally don't have the facilities for protecting memory. But they also don't have a concept of virtual memory or of strong process isolation. On these, just allocating memory through the usual methods (e.g., malloc) would give you uninitialized memory without you having to do anything special.
For more information on Windows, you can search for Windows zero page thread to learn about the OS thread whose only job is to write zeros in unused pages so that they can be doled out again. Also, Windows has a feature called superfetch which fills up unused RAM with files that Windows predicts you'll want to open soon. If you allocated memory and Windows decided to give you a superfetch page, there would be a risk that you'd see the contents of a file you don't have access to read. This is another reason why pages must be cleared before they can be allocated to a process.
You got uninitialized memory. It contains indeterminate values. In your case those values are all 0. Nothing unexpected. If you want pseudo-random numbers use a PRNG. If you want real random numbers/entropy, use a legitimate random source like your operating system's random number device (e.g. /dev/urandom) or API.
No operating system in its right mind is going to provide uninitialized memory to a process.
The closest thing you are going to find is the stack. That memory will have been initialized when mapped to the process but much of it will have been overwritten.
It's common sense. We don't need to document that 1+1=2 either.
An operating system that leaks secrets between processes would be useless for many applications. So if a general purpose operating system that wants to be general purpose it will isolate processes. Keeping track of which pages might contain secrets and which are safe would be too much work and too error-prone, so we assume that every page that has ever been used is dirty and contains secrets. Initializing new pages with garbage is slower than initializing them with just one value, so random garbage isn't used. The most useful value is zero (for calloc or bss for example), so new pages are zeroed to clear them.
There's really no other way to do it.
There might be special purpose operating systems that don't do it and do leak secrets between processes (it might be necessary for real-time requirements for example). Some older operating systems didn't have decent memory management and privilege isolation. Also, malloc will reuse previously freed memory within the same process. Therefore malloc will be documented to contain uninitialized garbage. But that doesn't mean you'll ever be able to obtain uninitialized memory from another process on a general purpose operating system.
I guess a simple rule of thumb is: if your operating system ever asks you for a password it will not give uninitialized pages to a process and since zeroing is the only reasonable way to initialize pages, they will be zeroed.

write malloced memory between processes

Suppose I have started programs on one machine. Every program will first of all malloc a piece of memory. I am wondering how do I make one process's malloced address known to other processes so that they can use mmap to write other processes's that malloced piece of memory?
The comments suggest shared memory, which is appropriate for separate processes, but writing a multi-threaded program might be a better fit. With pthreads(7) the malloc'ed memory can be directly accessed by each thread, and there's a rich set of concurrency control functions.

scan memory of calling process

I have to scan the memory space of a calling process in C. This is for homework. My problem is that I don't fully understand virtual memory addressing.
I'm scanning the memory space by attempting to read and write to a memory address. I can not use proc files or any other method.
So my problem is setting the pointers.
From what I understand the "User Mode Space" begins at address 0x0, however, if I set my starting point to 0x0 for my function, then am I not scanning the address space for my current process? How would you recommend adjusting the pointer -- if at all -- to address the parent process address space?
edit: Ok sorry for the confusion and I appreciate the help. We can not use proc file system, because the assignment is intended for us to learn about signals.
So, basically I'm going to be trying to read and then write to an address in each page of memory to test if it is R, RW or not accessible. To see if I was successful I will be listening for certain signals -- I'm not sure how to go about that part yet. I will be creating a linked list of structure to represent the accessibility of the memory. The program will be compiled as a 32 bit program.
With respect to parent process and child process: the exact text states
When called, the function will scan the entire memory area of the calling process...
Perhaps I am mistaken about the child and parent interaction, due to the fact we've been covering this (fork function etc.) in class, so I assumed that my function would be scanning a parent process. I'm going to be asking for clarification from the prof.
So, judging from this picture I'm just going to start from 0x0.
From a userland process's perspective, its address space starts at address 0x0, but not every address in that space is valid or accessible for the process. In particular, address 0x0 itself is never a valid address. If a process attempts to access memory (in its address space) that is not actually assigned to that process then a segmentation results.
You could actually use the segmentation fault behavior to help you map out what parts of the address space are in fact assigned to the process. Install a signal handler for SIGSEGV, and skip through the whole space, attempting to read something from somewhere in each page. Each time you trap a SIGSEGV you know that page is not mapped for your process. Go back afterward and scan each accessible page.
Do only read, however. Do not attempt to write to random memory, because much of the memory accessible to your programs is the binary code of the program itself and of the shared libraries it uses. Not only do you not want to crash the program, but also much of that memory is probably marked read-only for the process.
EDIT: Generally speaking, a process can only access its own (virtual) address space. As #cmaster observed, however, there is a syscall (ptrace()) that allows some processes access to some other processes' memory in the context of the observed process's address space. This is how general-purpose debuggers usually work.
You could read (from your program) the /proc/self/maps file. Try first the following two commands in a terminal
cat /proc/self/maps
cat /proc/$$/maps
(at least to understand what are the address space)
Then read proc(5), mmap(2) and of course wikipages about processes, address space, virtual memory, MMU, shared memory, VDSO.
If you want to share memory between two processes, read first shm_overview(7)
If you can't use /proc/ (which is a pity) consider mincore(2)
You could also non-portably try reading from (and perhaps rewriting the same value using volatile int* into) some address and catching SIGSEGV signal (with a sigsetjmp(3) in the signal handler), and do that in a -dichotomical- loop (in multiple of 4Kbytes) - from some sane start and end addresses (certainly not from 0, but probably from (void*)0x10000 and up to (void*)0xffffffffff600000)
See signal(7).
You could also use the Linux (Gnu libc) specific dladdr(3). Look also into ptrace(2) (which should be often used from some other process).
Also, you could study elf(5) and read your own executable ELF file. Canonically it is /proc/self/exe (a symlink) but you should be able to get its from the argv[0] of your main (perhaps with the convention that your program should be started with its full path name).
Be aware of ASLR and disable it if your teacher permits that.
PS. I cannot figure out what your teacher is expecting from you.
It is a bit more difficult than it seems at the first sight. In Linux every process has its own memory space. Using any arbitrary memory address points to the memory space of this process only. However there are mechanisms which allow one process to access memory regions of another process. There are certain Linux functions which allow this shared memory feature. For example take a look at
this link which gives some examples of using shared memory under Linux using shmget, shmctl and other system calls. Also you can search for mmap system call, which is used to map a file into a process' memory, but can also be used for the purpose of accessing memory of another process.
