write malloced memory between processes - c

Suppose I have started programs on one machine. Every program will first of all malloc a piece of memory. I am wondering how do I make one process's malloced address known to other processes so that they can use mmap to write other processes's that malloced piece of memory?

The comments suggest shared memory, which is appropriate for separate processes, but writing a multi-threaded program might be a better fit. With pthreads(7) the malloc'ed memory can be directly accessed by each thread, and there's a rich set of concurrency control functions.


How is memory layout shared with other processes/threads?

I'm currently learning memory layout in C. For now I know there exist several sections in C program memory: text, data, bss, heap and stack. They also say heap is shared with other things beyond the program.
My questions are these.
What exactly is the heap shared with? One source states that Heap must always be freed in order to make it available for other processes whereas another says The heap area is shared by all threads, shared libraries, and dynamically loaded modules in a process. If it is not shared with other processes, do I really have to free it while my program is running (not at the end of it)?
Some sources also single out high addresses (the sixth section) for command line arguments and environment variables. Shall this be considered as another layer and a part of a program memory?
Are the other sections shared with anything else beyond a program?
The heap is a per-process memory: each process has its own heap, which is shared only within the same process space (like between the process threads, as you said). Why should you free it? Not properly to give space to other processes (at least in modern OS where the process memory is reclaimed by the OS when the process dies), but to prevent heap exhaustion within your process memory: in C, if you don't deallocate the heap memory regions you used, they will be always considered as busy even when they are not used anymore. Thus, to prevent undesired errors, it's a good practice to free the memory in the heap as soon as you don't need it anymore.
In a C program the command line variables are stored in the stack as function variables of the main. What happens is that usually the stack is allocated in the highest portion of a process memory, which is mapped to the high addresses (this is probably the reason why some sources point out what you wrote). But, generally speaking, there isn't any sixth memory area.
As said by the others, the text area can be shared by processes. This area usually contains the binary code, which would be the same for different processes which share the same binary. For performance reasons, the OS can allow to share such memory area, (think for example when you fork a child process).
Heap is shared with other processes in a sense that all processes use RAM. The more of it you use, the less is available to other programs. Heap sharing with other threads in your own program means that all your threads actually see and access the same heap (same virtual address space, same actual RAM, with some luck also same cache).
text can be shared with other processes. These days it is marked as read-only, so having several processes share text makes sense. In practice this means that if you are already running top and you run another instance it makes no sense to load text part again. This would waste time and physical RAM. If the OS is smart enough it can map those RAM pages into virtual address space of both top instances, saving time and space.
On the official aspect:
The terms thread, process, text section, data section, bss, heap and stack are not even defined by the C language standard, and every platform is free to implement these components however "it may like".
Threads and processes are typically implemented at the operating-system layer, while all the different memory sections are typically implemented at the compiler layer.
On the practical aspect:
For every given process, all these memory sections (text section, data section, bss, heap and stack) are shared by all the threads of that process.
Hence, it is under the responsibility of the programmer to ensure mutual-exclusion when accessing these memory sections from different threads.
Typically, this is achieved via synchronization utilities such as semaphores, mutexes and message queues.
In between processes, it is under the responsibility of the operating system to ensure mutual-exclusion.
Typically, this is achieved via virtual-memory abstraction, where each process runs inside its own logical address space, and each logical address space is mapped to a different physical address space.
Disclaimer: some would claim that each thread has its own stack, but technically speaking, those stacks are usually allocated consecutively on the stack of the process, and there's usually no one to prevent a thread from accessing the stacks of other threads, whether intentionally or by mistake (aka stack overflow).

Does terminating a program reclaim memory in the same way as free()?

I saw this answer to a stack overflow question that says that freeing memory at the very end of a c program is actually harmful because it moves variables that wouldn't be used again into system memory.
I'm confused why the free() method in C would do anything different than the operating system reclaiming the heap at the end of the program.
Does anyone know if there is a real difference between free() and termination in terms of memory management and if so how the operating system may treat these two differently?
would anything different happen between these two short programs?
void main() {
int* mem = malloc(1);
return 0;
void main() {
int* mem = malloc(1);
return 0;
No, terminating a program, as with exit or abort, does not reclaim memory in the same way as free. Using free causes some activity that ultimately has no effect when the operating system discards the data maintained by malloc and free.
exit has some complications, as it does not immediately terminate the program. For now, let’s just consider the effect of immediately terminating the program and consider the complications later.
In a general-purpose multi-user operating system, when a process is terminated, the operating system releases the memory it was using to make it available for other purposes.1 In large part, this simply means the operating system does some accounting operations.
In contrast, when you call free, software inside the program runs, and it has to look up the size of the memory you are freeing and then insert information about that memory into the pool of memory it is maintaining. There could be thousands or tens of thousands (or more) of such allocations. A program that frees all its data may have to execute many thousands of calls to free. Yet, in the end, when the program exits, all of the changes produced by free will vanish, as the operating system will discard all the data about that pool of memory—all of the data is in memory pages the operating system does not preserve.
So, in this regard, the answer you link to is correct, calling free is a waste. And, as it points out, the necessity of going through all the data structures in the program to fetch the pointers in them so the memory they point to can be freed causes all those data structures to be read into memory if they had been swapped out to disk. For large programs, it can take a considerable amount of time and other resources.
On the other hand, it is not clear it is easy to avoid many calls to free. This is because releasing memory is not the only thing a terminating program has to clean up. A program may want to write final data to files or send final messages to network connections. Furthermore, a program may not have established all of this context directly. Most large programs rely on layers of software, and each software package may have set up its own context, and often no way is provided to tell other software “I want to exit now. Finish the valuable context, but skip all the freeing of memory.” So all the desired clean-up tasks may be interwined with the free-memory tasks, and there may be no good way to untangle them.
Software should generally be written so that nothing terrible happens if a program is suddenly aborted (since this can happen from a loss of power, not just deliberate user action). But even though a program might be able to tolerate an abort, there can still be value in a graceful exit.
Getting back to exit, calling the C exit routine does not exit the program immediately. Exit handlers (registered with atexit) are called, stream buffers are flushed, and streams are closed. Any software libraries you called may have set up their own exit handlers so that they can finish up when the program is exiting. So, if you want to be sure libraries you have used in your program are not calling free when you end the program, you have to call abort, not exit. But it is generally preferred to end a program gracefully, not by aborting. Calling abort will not call exit handlers, flush streams, close streams, or perform other wind-down code that exit does—data can be lost when a program calls abort.
1 Releasing memory does not mean it is immediately available for other purposes. The specific result of this depends on each page of memory. For example:
If the memory is shared with other processes, it is still needed for them, so releasing it from use by this process only decrements the number of processes using the memory. It is not immediately available for any other use.
If the memory is not in use by any other processes but contains data mapped from a file on disk, the operating system might mark it as available when needed but leave it alone for the moment. This is because you might run the same program again, and it would be nice if the data were still in memory, so why not just leave it in place just in case? The data might even be used by a different program that uses the same file. (For example, many programs might use the same shared library.)
If the memory is not in use by any other processes and was just used by the program as a work area, not mapped from a file, then system may mark it as immediately available and not containing anything useful.
would anything different happen between these two short programs?
The simple answer is: it makes no difference, the memory is released to the system in both cases. Calling free() is not strictly necessary and does incur an infinitesimal overhead but may prove useful when trying to track memory leaks in more complex programs.
Does terminating a program reclaim memory in the same way as free?
Not exactly:
Terminating a program releases the memory used by the program, be it for the program code, data, stack or heap. It also releases some other resources such as file handles, device handles, network sockets... All this is done efficiently, no matter how many blocks of memory have been allocated with malloc().
Conversely, free() makes the block of memory available for further use by the program for later calls to malloc() or realloc(). Depending on its size and the implementation of the heap, this freed block may or may not be returned to the OS for use by other programs. Also worth noting it the fragmentation problem, where small blocks of freed memory may not be usable for a larger allocation because they are surrounded by allocated blocks. The C heap does not perform packing or de-fragmentation, it merely coalesces adjacent free blocks. Freeing all allocated blocks before leaving the program may be useful for debugging purposes, but may be complicated and time consuming, while not necessary for the memory to be reused by the system after the program terminates.
free() is a user level memory management function and depends on malloc implementation you are currently using. The user-level allocator might maintain a linked-list of memory chunk and malloc/free will take the chunk of appropropriate size/put it back.
exit() Destroys an address space and all regions.
This is related to malloced heap as well as some other regions and in-kernel data structures used for managing address space of the process:
Each address space consists of a number of page-aligned regions
of memory that are in use. They never overlap and represent a set
of addresses which contain pages that are related to each other in
terms of protection and purpose. These regions are represented by
a struct vm_area_struct and are roughly analogous to the
vm_map_entry struct in BSD. For clarity, a region may represent the
process heap for use with malloc(), a memory mapped file such as
a shared library or a block of anonymous memory allocated with
mmap(). The pages for this region may still have to be allocated, be
active and resident or have been paged out
Reference: https://www.kernel.org/doc/gorman/html/understand/understand007.html
The reason well-designed programs free memory at exit is to check for memory leaks. If your application-level memory allocation does not go to zero after your last deallocation, you know that you have a memory memory that is not being managed properly and probably have a memory leak in your code.
would anything different happen between these two short programs?
I'm confused why the free() method in C would do anything different than the operating system reclaiming the heap at the end of the program.
The operating system allocates memory in pages. Heap managers (such as malloc/free implementations) allocate pages from the operating system and subdivide the pages into smaller allocations. Calls to free() normally return memory to the heap. They do not return the pages to the operating system.

How to read the variable value from RAM?

I've written a program using dynamic memory allocation. I do not use the free function to free the memory, still at the address, the variable's value is present there.
Now I want to reuse this value and I want to see all the variables' values that are present in RAM from another process.
Is it possible?
void main(){
int *fptr;
fptr=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
//this is become infinite loop
and i want to another program to read the value of a because it is still in memory because main function is infinite. how can do this?
This question shows misconceptions on at least two topics.
The first is virtual address spaces and memory protection, as already addressed by RobertL in his answer. On a modern operating system, you just can't access memory belonging to another process (even if you knew the physical address, which you don't because all user space processes work on addresses in their private virtual address space). The result of trying to access something not mapped into your address space will be a segmentation fault. Read more on Wikipedia.
The second is the scope of the C standard. It doesn't know about processes. C is defined in terms of an abstract machine executing your program (and only this program). Scopes and lifetimes of variables are defined and the respective maximum is the global scope and a static storage duration. So yes, your variable will continue to live as long as your program runs, but it's scope will be this program.
When you understand that, you see: even on a platform using a single global address space and no memory protection at all, you could never access the variable of another program in terms of the C standard. You could probably pass a pointer value somehow to your other program and use that, maybe it would work, but it would be undefined behavior.
That's why operating systems provide means for inter process communication like shared memory (which comes close to what you seem to want) and pipes.
When you return from main(), the process frees all acquired resources, so you can't. Have a look on this.
First of all, when you close your process the memory you allocated with it will be freed entirely. You can circumvent this by having 1 process of you write to a file (like a .dat file) and the other read from it. There are other ways, too.
But generally speaking in normal cases, when your process terminates the existing memory will be freed.
If you try accessing memory from another process from within your process, you will most likely get a segmentation fault, as most operating systems protect processes from messing with each other's memory.
It depends on the operating system. Most modern multi-tasking operating systems protect processes from each other. Hardware is setup to disallow processes from seeing other processes memory. On Linux and Unix for example, to communicate between programs in memory you will need to use operating system services for "inter-process" communication, such as shared memory, semaphores, or pipes.

When would you use mmap

So, I understand that if you need some dynamically allocated memory, you can use malloc(). For example, your program reads a variable length file into a char[]. You don't know in advance how big to make your array, so you allocate the memory in runtime.
I'm trying to understand when you would use mmap(). I have read the man page and to be honest, I don't understand what the use case is.
Can somebody explain a use case to me in simple terms? Thanks in advance.
mmap can be used for a few things. First, a file-backed mapping. Instead of allocating memory with malloc and reading the file, you map the whole file into memory without explicitly reading it. Now when you read from (or write to) that memory area, the operations act on the file, transparently. Why would you want to do this? It lets you easily process files that are larger than the available memory using the OS-provided paging mechanism. Even for smaller files, mmapping reduces the number of memory copies.
mmap can also be used for an anonymous mapping. This mapping is not backed by a file, and is basically a request for a chunk of memory. If that sounds similar to malloc, you are right. In fact, most implementations of malloc will internally use an anonymous mmap to provide a large memory area.
Another common use case is to have multiple processes map the same file as a shared mapping to obtain a shared memory region. The file doesn't have to be actually written to disk. shm_open is a convenient way to make this happen.
Whenever you need to read/write blocks of data of a fixed size it's much simpler (and faster) to simply map the data file on disk to memory using mmap and acess it directly rather than allocate memory, read the file, access the data, potentially write the data back to disk, and free the memory.
consider the famous producer-consumer problem, the producer creates a shared memory object using shm_open(), and since our goal is to make the producer and consumer share data, we use the mmap syscall to map that shared memory region to the process' address space. Now, the consumer can open that shared memory object (shared memory objects are referred to by a "name") and read from it, after a call to mmap to map the address space as done for the producer.

Freeing memory in C under Linux

If you do not free memory that you malloc'd in a C program under Linux, when is it released? After the program terminates? Or is the memory still locked up until an unforseen time (probably at reboot)?
Memory allocated by malloc() is freed when the process ends. However memory allocated using shmget() is not freed when the process ends. Be careful with that.
mmap() is not shmget() read about the difference here: http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/000095399/functions/mmap.html http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/shmget.html
They are different system calls, which do very different things.
Yes, the memory is freed when the process terminates.
malloc()ed memory is definitely freed when the process ends, but not by calling free(). it's the whole memory mapping (presented to the process as linear RAM) that is just deleted from the MMU tables.
In Linux (and most other Unixes) when you invoke a program from a command shell, it creates a new process to run that program in. All resources a process reserves, including heap memory, should get released back to the OS when your process terminates.
Memory 'allocation' has two distinct meanings that are commonly overlapped in questions like this.
memory is made available to the process by the sbrk system call
memory is assigned to some purpose within the context of the program by malloc()
the sbrk system call tell the kernel to get some more memory ready in case the process needs it. the memory is not actually mapped into the processes address space until immediately before it is written to. This is called demand paging. Typically the right to access this memory is never actually revoked by the operating system until the process exits. If memory becomes scarce then the kswapd (part of the kernel) will shuffle the least used parts off to disk to make room. The kernel can enforce a hard limit on the ammount of memory in a processes working set if you would like :)
the second context is what you are talking about when you call malloc/free. malloc keeps a list of available memory and hands chunks out to your functions when requested. if it detects that it doesnt have enough memory on hand to meet a request it will call sbrk to allow the process to access more.
when you look at the output of top you will see two numbers for a processes memory usage. One for the 'virtual size' and 'resident size', virtual size is the total amount that the process has requested access to. resident size is the amount that is actively being used by the process at the moment.
The memory is released from the point of the program when it exits. It is not tied up in any way after that and can be reused by other processes.
modern operating systems will release all memory allocated by a process when that process is terminated. The only situations where that might not be true, would probably be in very old operating systems (perhaps DOS?) and some embedded systems.
