how to create new MSSQL user with all privilegs only to ONE database - sql-server

I've been trying to figure out how to add a new user,
but I haven't managed to figure it out so the new user will have access to only a specific database without being able to see the whole server / users / databases.
Any help will be apperciated
thank you!

To add a new user who have access to only 1 database, you need to create a new login and add a user mapping to that login for the database you want,
to do this, open MSSQL Management Studio, on the left panel, expand your server by click on the checkbox and select security then Logins.
Then, right click on the logins box and select new login.
On the new login window, provide login name(user name) and authentication type, then there's select page tab on the left side, then select user mapping and add the database you want to that user, also remember to add object to default schema of that database.

USE Databasename ;
CREATE USER username WITH PASSWORD='passwd';
GRANT ALL ON Databasename TO username;

If you are on SQL Server 2012 and higher, Contained Databases is what you are looking for.
Making a database contained, you give it the ability to authenticate a user (not login), and the users of contained database will see nothing at the server level, no other databases will be visible to them.


After creating a new user in a SQL Server database, the user is able to create and drop tables. Why?

I have a huge problem with rights of new users of my SQL Server database. The new user cannot see any tables but is still able to drop them or create new tables.
Code to create the user:
--Code Start
--This is how I instantiate the new user:
CREATE USER userName FOR LOGIN userName;
--Furthermore, the user get some roles. So that the user can do at least something:
CREATE ROLE roleExample;
GRANT DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE ON dbo.exampleTable TO roleExample;
SP_ADDROLEMEMBER roleExample, userName;
--Code End
In my opinion, the new User should only be able to operate on the exampleTable now. But as I said, the user is also able to create and drop tables.
That's why, I added some constraints to the role, the new user gets:
DENY CREATE TABLE TO roleExample AS dbo;
This did not help either. The User is still able to create tables in dbo.
This problem is btw. not related to a specific schema. The new user can create and drop tables in any schema.
I guess that new users are allowed to create or drop tables by default. Sadly, I do not know how to change it.
I hope you guys can help me.
Attached is an example, where you can see that the user does not know the schema, where a new table should be created. Nevertheless, the schema exists and after executing this statement, the table is created. The error-message just says that this table is already created, because I executed this statement twice. Still, the user is not able to see its own created table in SQL Server Management Studio.
User does not know schema, but still can create tables in it
OK, so there's several things that it might be, but by far the most likely is that someone has granted some database permission(s) to the public role or to some AD group that your users are all in. (Also possible, but less likely is that something similar has been done to the server permissions).
To check for database permissions open SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio), right-click on your database in the Object Explorer pane and select "Properties". Then in the Database Properties window click the "Permissions" page from the list on the upper-left.
If there are any database permissions granted to any Users or Roles, they should appear in the upper listbox. If Public is in there click it to see if has been granted any database-wide permissions. All users have the Public role, so anything granted here is automatically granted to all users.
If that isn't it, then check any other roles listed in the upper listbox. Also check any users that look like they might be AD Groups because these work like DB roles except that SQL Server cannot administer them, nor tell who's in a specific group from these interfaces.
If you don't find anything here, then repeat this for the Server Permissions also.

Quick way to add user access to all databases

I have a database Server with 10 databases. One of the users is with only access to 1 database.
I would like to add this user with all the permissions that they already have to all other databases. Is there anyway where I can do it?
Or do I need to create the same user for each database?
I am using SQL Server Management Studio 2018.
In SSMS go to securities (under database) -> logins
Then select your user and with mouse right click select properties. Then in new window select user mapping tab. Here you select all the databases you want them to give access to. (Here you can also set roles for them). Click OK and you are done. Now they have access to all the databases.

Login and user is not there IN SQL Server 2017 then why in T-SQL it shows up?

Suppose I have a login metamanager\test which shows when I execute T-SQL, but it is not there when when I expand Security -> Login in SSMS.
Same with a database user.
I try to replicate but failed
use master
select * from sys.syslogins is used for login
use DB
select * from sys.sysusers is used for database user
A LOGIN and a USER are completely different objects.
A LOGIN is a server object, and appear in sys.syslogins, as you see.
A USER is a database object, and for a LOGIN to have access to a database, it needs to have a USER mapped to the LOGIN in that database. A LOGIN with no mapped logins in any databases, and without any server level roles, will be unable to access any of the database on the instance, apart from those that the public roles has in tempdb and master.
It appears, here, you need to create the user in the database, and then give it the appropriate permissions. You can create the USER with the following:
USE {YourDatabase};
CREATE USER 'metamanager\test' FOR LOGIN 'metamanager\test';
You'll need to give it the appropriate permissions afterwards.
Also, after you have created the user, ensure you have refreshed your object explorer. Object explorer doesn't automatically refresh after you create an object.
Not sure if you explaining it correctly, but syslogins and server_principals are about the same. Only the difference that server_principals include "Roles".
As far as I know it is impossible to have something in syslogins, which does not exist in server_principals.

MS Sql Application role cannot create server logins/db users

For my application I decided that every user that is created via application and that is added to the database table Users is automatically added as a server login and database User. I figured out that it would help me keep track of logs allow me to and use Sql password policies (like password expiration).
I can insert a row into Users table with no problem and login, user and schema is added to the server/database via trigger. When I log in as a created user, I can then select, modify, delete data and create additional logins/users.
I decided to use Application role to allow all the users to have the same permissions. It works okay, but using Application role I cannot add new logins/users, I cannot reset or change their passwords either. Sql displays
User does not have permission to perform this action.
When I create new connection and not set application role, all users can create new users/logins etc.
As I'm new to Sql security, how do I grant those permissions not to users, but to the application role?
I would be very grateful for your help.

Created a new database on SQL Server, can't be seen by web apps because permissions aren't set

So I created a new database on my SQL Server box and then added an ODBC entry so my ASP code knows what it is. Now I am getting this error:
Cannot open database "DB_NAME" requested by the login. The login failed.
I checked out the permissions by right clicking the db in Management Studio and checked permissions and low and behold it is empty.
I am just trying to duplicate the permissions of one of any of the other twenty or so databases sitting on the box. Is there a quick way to do this? Either way I just need to open up the lines of communication between my ASP code and my SQL Server db
Here is my connect code in ASP:
Set sqlConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
sqlConnection.Open "DB_NAME"
Is there some reason to avoid using a proper connection string:-
sqlConnection.Open "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=DB_NAME;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;"
On top of what John said, when you create a new database, you have to map the login (either SQL login or Windows login from Application Pool) to this database. You can use management studio to do this - open login properties and map it to the new database. Open Object Explorer, then click Security, Logins and rightclick login that is used by your application. Select Properties. Click User Mapping and add appropriate entry for your database in the grid you will see.
The other option is to run statement to create user within the database:
create user [web_user] from login [web_login]
Another question is to see what rights have to be assigned to the user in the database. You have to check users permissions in one of the existing databases. Again in Object Explorer, click your existing database, then Security, Users and rightclick Properties of the user that you want to check. Observe information displayed on the dialog box in the General tab and check if there are any Securables assigned to the user. You have to copy these settings to the user in your new database.
Try adding the user id and password into your connection string.
