MS Sql Application role cannot create server logins/db users - sql-server

For my application I decided that every user that is created via application and that is added to the database table Users is automatically added as a server login and database User. I figured out that it would help me keep track of logs allow me to and use Sql password policies (like password expiration).
I can insert a row into Users table with no problem and login, user and schema is added to the server/database via trigger. When I log in as a created user, I can then select, modify, delete data and create additional logins/users.
I decided to use Application role to allow all the users to have the same permissions. It works okay, but using Application role I cannot add new logins/users, I cannot reset or change their passwords either. Sql displays
User does not have permission to perform this action.
When I create new connection and not set application role, all users can create new users/logins etc.
As I'm new to Sql security, how do I grant those permissions not to users, but to the application role?
I would be very grateful for your help.


Clone Login\User in SQL Server

I have a SQL Server 2017 database instance that was created before I was given administration of the database and I have a Login at DB server level named "atSupervisor" which is a user in database "StaffMonitoring". I wish to clone the login and user "atSupervisor" as login and user "bcSupervisor" in database "StaffMonitoring" to have all permissions, table access, grants etc.
I have tried a few suggestions on google such as this example -
This seems to creates the login and user and I can then assign the database "StaffMonitoring" in User Mapping in the login's properties and login with the user. However, none of the tables are present.
Is there a way to do this please that clones everything to include grant access to tables that mirrors the original login\user?

What are good practices for granting database permissions to a web service connection?

I have been searching for articles and SQL script examples that would demonstrate how to securely and conveniently solve one of the most common scenarios - connecting from a .Net Core Entity Framework based web application to an SQL database.
But somehow I could not find any coherent step-by-step guide from a reputable source.
Let's assume the following:
I cannot use integrated Windows auth in the connection string and must use username and password based auth (because hosting on a Linux server and the DB is on a different Windows server)
the web service will need your usual minimum set of permissions - connect to the database, read data, write data, delete data, execute stored procedures
While reading many tutorials, I find there are multiple ways to manage the connection permissions. To avoid this question being too broad, I'll list my current choices as I understand them (please correct me if I'm missing something).
Users and logins:
create a login and a user for the database
create a database-only user without a login (not sure if this is applicable to a web app and connection string, but still it's a feature that I've seen being used)
Assigning permissions:
assign the user to some fixed SQL role (db_datareader, db_datawriter AND also will have to grant EXECUTE permission)
grant all fixed permissions
create a custom role (let's say, db_web_apps) with required permissions
Which choices are better (more secure and easier to manage in general) and recommended by SQL DBAs?
I think every database administrator should have a template script handy for quickly adding a new user with minimum required permissions every time when developers ask for a new connection for their shiny new web app.
If you know a good, reliable tutorial or GitHub / Gist example that explains what and why is being done that way or a script that you yourself have used for years without any issues in production environments, I'll really appreciate if you could share it.
Create a role in the database and assign the required privileges to the role. Don't use the fixed database roles. Instead grant permissions directly to objects, schemas, or the entire database if necessary. Like this:
create role trusted_app_role
grant select, insert, update, delete, execute
on schema::dbo to trusted_app_role
That will grant the role full DML permissions on all the objects in the default dbo schema. So if you have any tables or procedures you don't want the app to have access to, just create them in a different schema, say, admin. This way you never have to fiddle with permissions as you add objects. The fixed database roles predate schema-based permissions, and aren't really needed any more.
For your application's identity, add Active Directory or Azure Active Directory (Azure SQL) identities to this role, or, if you can't, add SQL Users to the role.
If you are on Azure SQL, you should normally use a database user without a login. On SQL Server you can only add "contained database users" if you enable Partial Database Containment. Which you can do, but is incompatible with Change Tracking and Change Data Capture, so it's a tradeoff.
So normally for SQL Server you still create a login and map the user to the login. EG:
create login web_service_user with password = '5X+jeuAB6kmhw85R/AxAg'
create user web_service_user for login web_service_user
And then add that user to your role
alter role trusted_app_role add member web_service_user

Azure SQL database - application user setup

I am using Azure SQL database with sharding (single tenant approach). So, when the application connects to DB it goes into Shard and creates a proper connection to the tenant's DB (tenant is identified by login name).
However, we've been using a server admin credentials for that on a development stage.
Now, I'd like to create a separate application user with much more limited permissions compared to server admin.
In a very general case, what I want is to have a user that can connect to the Shard Map and figure out a connection string to any of the Shards, but have different permissions for each of the shards. For example, some application user may need to be able to connect to DB_1 with full read-write permissions, to DB_2 with read-only permissions and no permissions to connect to DB_3.
In a simpler case I just need a user that doesn't have any update permissions to ShardMap and other internal databases, but has a normal read/write/execute access to all tenant databases(shards).
I was googling around and din't find any good recipe how to do that, what are the best practices, etc.
I'd appreciate if someone could answer me or point to a docs.
Thank yuo!
In each database create a role for the Application Users, and grant the minimal permissions needed for the application to run. Granting permissions on the Schema level is a good choice here, as you don't have to manage object-level permissions.
create role ApplicationUsers;
grant select, insert, update, delete, execute on schema::dbo to ApplicationUsers;
Then if you want a single identity to access all the databases, create a login with a password. Then in each Tenant database create a user mapped to that login.
--create a server-level Login
create login AppUser with Password ='asdfAds01980(*)(*)(#&$)##';
--add a user mapped to that login in each database
create user AppUser for login AppUser;
alter role ApplicationUsres add member AppUser;
Or create a user in each database with a different password or a database user mapped to an Azure Active Directory identity.
create user AppUser with Password ='asdfAds01980(*)(*)(#&$)##';
alter role ApplicationUsers add member AppUser;
create user [] from external provider;
alter role ApplicationUsers add member [];

How can I give access to a external user to my Azure database?

I've recently created a App Service + SQL in my Azure account and I want to give access to some external user, maybe using SQL authentication with username and password. I know I must allow this user IP, but I cannot find where I can create credentials or a new user for him.
I've tried creating a new login and user using SQL statements but I can't access master database.
Is what I'm trying to do possible?
There's no need to grant users access to Master. Instead connect to the target database as an administrator and simply add the user using CREATE USER
CREATE USER SomeUserName WITH PASSWORD = 'somestrongpassword123'
See generally Controlling and granting database access

How to hide database or database object from sa and window authentication?

I have created Winforms application which stores some sensitive data like username and password.
The system used by many users. I am using SQL Server Express for storing data.
The application downloads data from a remote server by sync framework. I want to create only one user for that database so I can sync that database.
My problem is that I want to hide the database from all users which are using the application and also from the sa & Windows authentication accounts. So no one can see the other usernames or passwords.
How can I do this?
If I understand well, be best way to do it is :
keep one administrative login (one login that is member of sysadmin). It will be you. You need at least one admin.
disable sa : ALTER LOGIN [sa] DISABLE;
for all other logins, add them as users in the database, but don't give them any permission. They won't be able to see anything
use an application role (which is deprecated) OR create a user without login and use EXECUTE AS (which is the new way to go): you can learn more about it here : and That will allow you to set other permissions for your users only when the conect through the application.
