How can I give access to a external user to my Azure database? - sql-server

I've recently created a App Service + SQL in my Azure account and I want to give access to some external user, maybe using SQL authentication with username and password. I know I must allow this user IP, but I cannot find where I can create credentials or a new user for him.
I've tried creating a new login and user using SQL statements but I can't access master database.
Is what I'm trying to do possible?

There's no need to grant users access to Master. Instead connect to the target database as an administrator and simply add the user using CREATE USER
CREATE USER SomeUserName WITH PASSWORD = 'somestrongpassword123'
See generally Controlling and granting database access


Access multiple database in Azure SQL

I have created 2 azure security groups (Read-SQL and the second is Write-SQL) in order for them to login into multiple Azure SQL servers via SSMS using their Azure AD identity based on their group membership in order to access multiple databases on those services.
First of all I have configured an admin group on the SQL Server in our Azure tenant.
I have connected to the SQL via SSMS using my credentials and so far so good.
After that I opened a query and typed in master database
CREATE USER [SQL-READ] FROM external provider
(Did the same thing for Write-SQL)
only the user is created and no permission given with an error saying the user does not exist or I don't have permission.
I have Azure global administrator permission in Azure and I don't know why I get this error.
In the bottom line I would like that Read-SQL and Write-SQL will be able to login in to the SQL Server and have access to all databases within it as well as giving Read-SQL reading permissions and to Write-SQL writing permission.
I read a few Microsoft articles but I got even more confused since I don't know if I need to create a login or create a user or a contained user.
Please help
Thank you
Here are few screenshots for better understanding
enter image description here
enter image description here
Read the following articles but only partial success.
Whether you should create a login, user or contained user will depend on your access and security requirements. However, in Azure SQL Database, users are created per database. So, you can create the login in the master database and then you need to create the associated user in each database on that SQL Server.
This documentation gives more information on creating logins, users and contained users for Azure SQL Database.

Cannot login to SQL Server using SSMS via specific users

I need that when I use an azure ad member to login I will have the view of all of the databases without typing the specific database I would like to connect to just like when logging as admin.
enter image description here
I have read this article but I still have difficulties:
I created the login [SQL-READ] which is a group I created in Azure AD for the master db as requested and also created a user in db master itself named SQL-READ and associated it with the login using
USE master
Furthermore I have created the same user SQL-READ in two more databases.
Then when I try to login with one of the accounts which are members of this SQL-READ group I get the error:
Login failed for user "xxxxxxx" 18456.
I only manage to connect when I type the specific DB name here at the picture below.
enter image description here
You should use CREATE USER [] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER for Azure AD logins (users and groups)

SQL server & Azure active directory - creating new contained azure ad guest users

I'm trying to create database users that are integrated with azure active directory. All of our users are guest users. I've been following multiple articles on how to create users in the SQL db but none have worked.
For example, this article:
Suggest to create users like so:
This yields the error:
Principal 'name#domain.comm' could not be found or this principal type is not supported.
Googling this error lands me on stackoverflow post (
which suggests:
CREATE USER [<yourAzureSubscriptionPrefix>] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER
and accesses:
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader', '<yourAzureSubscriptionPrefix>'
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datawriter', '<yourAzureSubscriptionPrefix>'
and this does not give an error, but it also does not provide access to the database. Since I get error NT AUTHORITY/ANONYMOUS LOGIN
I also tried to create an AAD group and provide that group access, also no error here but couldn't login either.
Couple of notes:
All IP addresses are allowed on the firewall
all users have been added in sql db IAM (not sure if this is even necessary)
I've enabled Active Directory Admin in the sql server, I put the subscription admin here
This is also the users with which I created users in the SQL DB
I'm able to create native sql users without a problem
Still I'm only able to login using the Active Directory Admin, and no other user is able to login.
Any advice on how I can login to my Azure sql database using windows credentials from Azure Active Directory?
When using external users, you need to use the "mangled user principal name" when adding them.
That's this one:
CREATE USER [<your-azure-ad-default-domain>] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER
Secondly, the users will be created only in that database; they cannot connect to master.
So you need to choose the DB to connect to.
You may also need to specify the AAD tenant id in advanced connection settings.
The reason you might need to do this is because by default an external user will login to their home tenant. Which is not the one connected to your DB. So you may need to specify the tenant to have them explicitly login against your tenant.

MS Sql Application role cannot create server logins/db users

For my application I decided that every user that is created via application and that is added to the database table Users is automatically added as a server login and database User. I figured out that it would help me keep track of logs allow me to and use Sql password policies (like password expiration).
I can insert a row into Users table with no problem and login, user and schema is added to the server/database via trigger. When I log in as a created user, I can then select, modify, delete data and create additional logins/users.
I decided to use Application role to allow all the users to have the same permissions. It works okay, but using Application role I cannot add new logins/users, I cannot reset or change their passwords either. Sql displays
User does not have permission to perform this action.
When I create new connection and not set application role, all users can create new users/logins etc.
As I'm new to Sql security, how do I grant those permissions not to users, but to the application role?
I would be very grateful for your help.

How to hide database or database object from sa and window authentication?

I have created Winforms application which stores some sensitive data like username and password.
The system used by many users. I am using SQL Server Express for storing data.
The application downloads data from a remote server by sync framework. I want to create only one user for that database so I can sync that database.
My problem is that I want to hide the database from all users which are using the application and also from the sa & Windows authentication accounts. So no one can see the other usernames or passwords.
How can I do this?
If I understand well, be best way to do it is :
keep one administrative login (one login that is member of sysadmin). It will be you. You need at least one admin.
disable sa : ALTER LOGIN [sa] DISABLE;
for all other logins, add them as users in the database, but don't give them any permission. They won't be able to see anything
use an application role (which is deprecated) OR create a user without login and use EXECUTE AS (which is the new way to go): you can learn more about it here : and That will allow you to set other permissions for your users only when the conect through the application.
