Add badge for android with codenameone - codenameone

We tried more time to find badges with android using codename one, but I found some comments in stackoverflow is only working on IOS and not working on android, if true so when will it become available on android?.
Thanks in advance

When we created the badge code Android didn't support that UI paradigm. Arguably it still doesn't but some vendors include that functionality with a special API.
Currently the main thing holding this back is that no one asked for it or implemented it. First of all I suggest filing an RFE which will give you a way to track the schedule for adding this. You can add an RFE on
You can also just implement this yourself and submit a pull request as explained in this post:
This should be relatively easy although you will need to be careful with using the right API level options and might need to use reflection to avoid SDK dependencies which we don't want.
Other than that it's just a matter of interest if we need to implement it. If you have an enterprise account then make sure to let us know through the account of your interest in this feature. We also take pro account requests more seriously when assigning a feature.


What are various effective practices in modularizing the individual features of a mobile app?

While this is not a theoretical question, I would like to ask for suggestions on how to best approach the modularization of features of a mobile app.
If it helps, I usually use Ionic for mobile app development, so it would be great if the best practices would work with Ionic, but any general recommendation and suggestions would be very much appreciated.
Ionic is a cross-platform mobile app development framework that supports creating Android and iOS apps using Angular / TypeScript.
Let us assume we have an application that lets users register for an account. Upon registration, this application will offer various services to the user, a really wide variety. Let's say the user can receive notifications (both in-app pages and push notifications), receive discount coupons (either from coupons given by the admin using a management dashboard, or via doing things such as achieving a certain amount of steps recorded by the app as a pedometer, etc), and various other features.
Having so many features in an app will make it huge indeed, and since as a software development company, we would like to tailor the app so that it can provide what a client needs, and not provide the other things.
The problem in short becomes something like:
What is the best way to separate the different features of an app, make it modular and non-dependent on each-other so that some features can be easily disabled and the others enabled?
Is there a way so that the disabled features are not included at all in the resulting compiled app?
My own idea
The most logical way I can think of right now is to have a core app that includes all features. The features are enabled (shown in the app menu bar) by configuring the app's build environment file; for example, setting coupons: false, would cause all coupon-related feature to not get enabled most probably by using if statements and ngIf directives around the app. This core app will have all features enabled by default, but once a client requests for a specific app configuration, a new Git branch will be created from the latest branch, configured to the client's needs, and remain as a separate branch (or project).
However, my boss has complained that "that solution sounds like it's coming from the year 2010, there has to be another way," and unfortunately, I can't think of anything better than this. There will definitely also be design changes (like logos, color themes, and layout changes and font size changes) that can never be customized just by changing flags on a build environment file (is there? Maybe I'm the one who doesn't know.) so I don't know how to support those by using something 'better than Git'.
Modularization of an app by implementing various features as modules so that they can easily be enabled or disabled upon client request is probably feasible in some way, but I'm not sure if there is something better than Git in order to facilitate the management of different versions. My boss seems to be expecting it to be as easy as the flick of a switch (and enabling/disabling features can probably be made to be this easy), but attending to the unique needs of the client (text, design, layout, etc differences) is quite hard to do as easily.
I would be really thankful for any suggestions, or ideas on how to approach this scenario.
Thank you very much!

How to include using Smartwatches in an app written with Codename One?

My company recently came up with an idea to include using smartwatches with the app I wrote using codename one.
Is this possible? If yes, which libraries do I need?
We are evaluating the possibility of smartwatch support, this depends on customer demand.
We currently have a major enterprise prospect that has expressed interest in this but hasn't signed up. If your company is serious about this please contact us directly.
Assuming we don't go that route or you need something immediately this depends on your supported platform, you would need to use native interfaces for most functionality. In Android notifications (which we support) should work for Android wear. In iOS we are transitioning to the new xcode 7.x which should support smartwatches too but I'm not sure what would need doing.

Will React Native work with ad SDK's?

I know this isn't a specific code question, but I have asked in a lot of places and haven't gotten a completely clear answer. I'm hoping SO can help me.
I'm about to start a moderately complicated React Native project for both iOS and Android.
I'm confident the whole app can be built just fine with RN or a mix of RN and native code.
The one thing I want to make 100% sure of before I start, is that there won't be any problems or hangups with any advertisement SDK (tremor media, bright roll, flurry, tap joy, etc, etc).
I'm ok with having to code them in pure native code, so long as there are no conflicts which RN might introduce which would make it flat out incompatible/impossible to have (probably intricate) ad SDK implementations.
I wrote admob wrapper for RN, If you want to admob please check this out: melihmucuk#react-native-admob-sample
If you want to others, you should find wrapper or write yourself.
I’ve been doing some digging on this myself. And here is what I've found so far.
AdMob: Supported and verified
I managed to make this work. In terms of dependency, AdMob requires FireBase. But FireBase does not support React Native out of box. I used a wrapper called React-Native-Firebase to make it work.
FB Ads: Supported
I haven’t verified it myself. But it seems to be well documented. (And React Native being related to Facebook, I’d be surprised if it weren’t supported.)
Flurry: NOT supported
Flurry Analytics supports React Native but Flurry Ads do not. Below is message from their support team when I asked them about this.
"Thank you for contacting Flurry Technical Support. We offer a React Native wrapper, however it does not currently support ads, only analytics. You can read more about it here: "
MoPub: Not really
I’ve found two React Native wrappers. One is old and no longer updated. (The authors seem to be actively monitoring the discussions and replying to queries. But they are no longer providing tech support.) And the other is very new and doesn’t seem to have enough documentation or evidence that it actually works.

display a calendar function on lots of different websites

first of all, please excuse my ignorance, this is an exploratory question, rather than a specific programming program that needs solving.
I have a number of clients that have unique websites, none of which I was involved in developing. I would like them to be able to display a calendar of common events, but which would also contain events unique to them.
Is it possible using something like Server Side Includes to be able to give them a few lines of code which they could insert into their website (on any particular page) which might display a calendar type display, which their users can then interact with?
I guess I am looking for something similar to a Google calendar but I do not want to use a Google calendar. The key thing would be that they would only need to insert the few lines of code on one of their webpages; they wouldn't have to install any software on their servers.
Any suggestions?
There are are all sorts of web calendars that will allow you to include them on a web page (typically using javascript, not SSI). Some are targeted at specific platforms (ie, Wordpress) and some are more generic.
Try searching "web calendar widget" for examples.
You'd have to put some amount of content on their site. If you can do that, you can include some javascript that will load more javascript from the server side that can do the bulk of the calendaring work for you.
You wouldn't be able to just drop a few files on the server and have them work, you'd need some way to link to them by changing the existing content on at least one of the pages.
I may be misunderstanding your question though.
If you are looking for specific recommendations on web calendar widgets, Arshaw's fullcalendar is my favorite to date.
It displays a great calendar that can be easily styled with css or jquery ui themeroller and is very programmable. The website has great documentation and examples as well.
Per using it on different sites, it supports that easily.
Note, I'm not affiliated with that calendar at all, just a satisfied customer.

Should I buy or build a web services forms module for DotNetNuke?

I'm fairly new to DNN. I need to spin up dozens of similarly skinned sites, all of which have to eventually call a web service that will allow users to submit information.
I want to find a module that will let me point it at said web service, then let me define the workflow (e.g. fill it out over multiple pages?) and select the controls (textbox, checkbox) to fill out a message to post to that web service.
I've seen things like Dynamic Forms and Enterprise Forms, but I cannot find any information as to whether this is possible.
Anyone know of a module or optional idea that will allow me to do this? Am I making something like this up? An absence of answers makes me think "I'll just build it..."
My experience with DNN modules is that they're rarely an exact fit for a particular technical issue. So I'd try the following
1) Email the people behind the tools you mention
2) Buy them anyway, with source, and learn the architecture of a well structured DNN addin - the time saved with more than repay the cost
3) Make your decision based on that knowledge.
I am not aware of any forms modules out there at this time that integrate to a web service.
However, you might want to look at potentially extending an existing module, and simply changing the persistance mechanism for it, rather than a whole custom solution.
