Will React Native work with ad SDK's? - reactjs

I know this isn't a specific code question, but I have asked in a lot of places and haven't gotten a completely clear answer. I'm hoping SO can help me.
I'm about to start a moderately complicated React Native project for both iOS and Android.
I'm confident the whole app can be built just fine with RN or a mix of RN and native code.
The one thing I want to make 100% sure of before I start, is that there won't be any problems or hangups with any advertisement SDK (tremor media, bright roll, flurry, tap joy, etc, etc).
I'm ok with having to code them in pure native code, so long as there are no conflicts which RN might introduce which would make it flat out incompatible/impossible to have (probably intricate) ad SDK implementations.

I wrote admob wrapper for RN, If you want to admob please check this out: melihmucuk#react-native-admob-sample
If you want to others, you should find wrapper or write yourself.

I’ve been doing some digging on this myself. And here is what I've found so far.
AdMob: Supported and verified
I managed to make this work. In terms of dependency, AdMob requires FireBase. But FireBase does not support React Native out of box. I used a wrapper called React-Native-Firebase to make it work. https://rnfirebase.io/
FB Ads: Supported
I haven’t verified it myself. But it seems to be well documented. (And React Native being related to Facebook, I’d be surprised if it weren’t supported.) https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-fbads
Flurry: NOT supported
Flurry Analytics supports React Native but Flurry Ads do not. Below is message from their support team when I asked them about this.
"Thank you for contacting Flurry Technical Support. We offer a React Native wrapper, however it does not currently support ads, only analytics. You can read more about it here: https://developer.yahoo.com/flurry/docs/integrateflurry/react-native/ "
MoPub: Not really
I’ve found two React Native wrappers. One is old and no longer updated. (The authors seem to be actively monitoring the discussions and replying to queries. But they are no longer providing tech support.) And the other is very new and doesn’t seem to have enough documentation or evidence that it actually works.


Does LayoutAnimation Work Under Any Circumstances?

LayoutAnimation is a part of React Native that automatically animates components when the view is rendered.
The official documentation is here:
However, the examples in the docs do not work. Objects in the examples that are supposed to animate just jump from the starting position to the end position.
Here is an example of one of the Snacks in the documentation that does not appear to animate:
This would lead one to the conclusion that this API is just not supported or no longer functional.
Is it the case that Layout Animation just does not work? Or if it does work under some circumstances, please share a link containing a working Snack / Gist with an extremely simple but working LayoutAnimation example.
UPDATE: LayoutAnimation possibly does not support web. Does anyone have any knowledge of this or who can refer the reader to an explanation in the docs?
LayoutAnimation is currently not supported properly in react-native-web. You can see that here: https://github.com/necolas/react-native-web#modules and here https://github.com/necolas/react-native-web/issues/1613, https://github.com/necolas/react-native-web/issues/1056. It doesn't seem to be a priority for the project at the moment so I wouldn't count on it being implemented.
On iOS/Android it's a different story. If we look here: https://reactnative.dev/docs/layoutanimation/ you can actually see this working properly by pressing play and selecting iOS for example.
On Android we have support as well but it might not work/crash. If you look over the issues open for react-native, you will see a lot of them mention issues with LayoutAnimation and Android. E.g. it crashes under certain conditions on Android: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/27552 and https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/29919.
I don't recommend using LayoutAnimation, especially on Android, as it is highly experimental and might crash on some devices without warning.
If you want to try some more interesting animations with better performance, I recommend you try using the Animated API from ReactNative or the newer react-native-reanimated which is faster, more modern but still in alpha (I'm talking about the current, v2, version).
By my test the given link in the question post works properly:
Also, I test it on my friend's iPhone and it's worked properly too. But many of React Native features don't work properly on Web export. For example animations on RNW (React Native Web) works on Android/iOS exports but not on Web exports.
For such web situations, you should decouple the web component and make a separate file then write the desired animation on it.

A question about React Native Licence and any legal issues

We are currently in the planning phases of a new Social Media app. We want to build it in React Native, due to working with javascript, etc.
Now I couldn't get a complete answer when looking online but I want to ask you, if there would be any legal issues if would ever go public and get any success, since we would be a direct competitor with Facebook.
If you have any advice about this I would be were happy to hear it.
https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/master/LICENSE, This is on facebooks' own account.
Also there are resources like this on the web https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-conditions-of-the-React-Native-license

Add badge for android with codenameone

We tried more time to find badges with android using codename one, but I found some comments in stackoverflow is only working on IOS and not working on android, if true so when will it become available on android?.
Thanks in advance
When we created the badge code Android didn't support that UI paradigm. Arguably it still doesn't but some vendors include that functionality with a special API.
Currently the main thing holding this back is that no one asked for it or implemented it. First of all I suggest filing an RFE which will give you a way to track the schedule for adding this. You can add an RFE on http://github.com/codenameone/CodenameOne/issues/
You can also just implement this yourself and submit a pull request as explained in this post: https://www.codenameone.com/blog/how-to-use-the-codename-one-sources.html
This should be relatively easy although you will need to be careful with using the right API level options and might need to use reflection to avoid SDK dependencies which we don't want.
Other than that it's just a matter of interest if we need to implement it. If you have an enterprise account then make sure to let us know through the account of your interest in this feature. We also take pro account requests more seriously when assigning a feature.

smartGWT vs Mgwt (mgwt + smartgwt)

I finished 1 Project in Pure GWT and 1. in SmartGwt. However I want to support a Mobile version of both Projects now.
I found :
mgwt -> which has a medium Community, documentation is well made and under heavy development.
SmartGwt - Mobile -> which has a low Community, documentation is not that good, development idk..
Both have a Showcase site.
I personally liked the SmartGWT-Mobile Showcase better.
But the point that mgwt gives me better support is huge!
My questions is now :
1.Mgwt or SmartGwt mobile or together?
I think the answer depends on your strengths itself. I tried both of them when I started building cross platform app.
Smart GWT Mobile
Easy to start working with
Large number of ready to use components.
-ve :
Support is an issue.
And if there is some thing the framework didn't support, it was hard to get it done.
The Smart GWT performed best when the server side also used Smart GWT. Even though Smart GWT mobile is free, I was not comfortable since they may tie it up to server similar to Smart GWT some time in future.
of course, open source.
good support on google forums. Normally the questions are answered on mgwt forums and occasionally Daniel Kurka also jumps. Daniel is creator of mgwt and he is also a member of GWT steering committee.
The themes in mgwt are good. The L & F just matched the ios or android platform.
I can extend it easily if some component is not available or if I didnt like any thing.
limited number of components.
It takes time to set up and start using.
Slow updates.
Finally I went with mgwt since I have a team which can open up the code and fix it, if they see any issues.

A small query regarding appcelerator titanium?

i'm planning on working with titanium.
i want to know if "Same origin policy" can be eliminated by using titanium.
are there any drawbacks in titanium?
please recommend some cross-platforms..
please do leave some suggestions..
Thank you,
SOP is especially used for HTTP. So it doesn't concern titanium since it only use javascript as "local" language that is "translated" into xcode. at the end you got an simple xcode-project and an .app file.
i use it for a quite complex app and it works fine. i needed adding some features as module written in objC since the framework isn't as ongoing concering the iphone API as the native objC, but that worked out fine.
Since you are asking for the drawbacks of Titanium.. here it is..
I would not say that it's cross platform. Even my android app will look different in my Mac compared to the one developed in Windows.
Not all functions will work on Android and iPhone. Some will partially work on the other.
Ti is a biased and Android Developer are always left behind.
Also, if you are developing an Android app like me, you will be facing a lot of problems and Kitchen Sink will not always work. Android development in Ti is very bad and expect to find a lot of bugs.
Contacts API is not even complete as of now (Version 1.60) . I can't even get the contacts email and phone number!
No Bluetooth support
I spent a lot of hours "debugging" and waiting for the emulator rather than serious coding.
API refence and the QA will help a bit but there are more questions than answers.
Ti doesn't even have a proper debugging features as well as IDE. Make sure to dedicate a lot of hours in knowing how it works. I have a hard time finding a good resources to start.
Memory Problem and Leaks are very common.
Gradients will not work in Android (use image instead)
and last thing, Documentation really sucks!
(but still I love Ti despite all of the above)
