Lookup refs allowed for old values in datomic db.fn/cas - datomic

I try to use the folloing db.fn/cas transaction which contains lookup refs for both the old and the new value:
[[:db.fn/cas id :task/state [:task-state/name "locked"] [:task-state/name "pending"]]
However it fails with:
{:e 17592186045792, :a :task/state, :v-old [:task-state/name "locked"], :v 17592186045558, :db/error :db.error/cas-failed}
(I verified that both lookup refs exist)
Does this mean that lookup refs are not allowed for old values?
Or did I miss some Point ?

Lookup refs for the old value are not allowed when using :db.fn/cas, but you could make a custom tx function that supports lookup refs quite easily


How do I access value of a selected <option> tag down 2 trees in a function?

I'll try to describe my issue in the least confusing way. So what I'm trying to achieve is create a function(pic4-PizzaBuilder2), where I compare the given key of this.state.ingredients.Bases (and other sub-objects, but that's not important for now) with value of selected option tag in Bases.js and when it matches, set the given value of that key to true. The hierarchy is like this: PizzaBuilder.js > Ingredients.js > Bases.js. I have already managed to match each option value with the key inside the object with the same name. However, what I'm still struggling with is how to access it in PizzaBuilder.js when the select option value I wanna compare it to is 2 trees down (see pic4-PizzaBuilder2, that is supposed to be const selectedOption, but I obviously still need to figure out how to access it). I'll be really grateful for any kind of advice.

ReactJS - Is it possible to render this dictionary (via map) when the keys can change?

Question Is it possible to render a dictionary with a key (which isn't known until an algorithm is run) with a value that is an array, itself with a dictionary with unknown key-value pairs until an algorithm is run?
Detailed information
I have this dictionary:
var currentWorkers = = {EmployeesAtRestaurant :
[{"James" : "Manager"},
{"Jessica" : "Waiter"},
{"Bob" : "Waiter"},
{"Ben" : "Chef"}],
EmployeesAtOffice :
[{"Rebecca" : "Manager"},
{"Nicole" : "Part-time Employee"},
{"Robert" : "Full-time Employee"},
{"Eric" : "Full-time Employee"}],
EmployeesAtZoo :
[{"Robert" : "Manager"},
{"Naomi" : "Part-time Employee"},
{"Jennifer" : "Full-time Employee"},
{"Ken" : "Full-time Employee"}]}
And I want to render it on a page as below (mock up). It is to display employees of an organisation:
What I've tried
I've read some previous answers on Stack (Push component to array of components - ReactJS) of how to attempt this, but their dictionaries use a simple key and value pair, and since my key is not known (i.e I can't do dictionary.Organisation for example) I'm not able to do the above.
I've tried to remodel the dictionary into a model similar to the above, but then I lose a lot of the information above.
Frankly, I'm beginning to suspect my best option is to just remodel the dictionary at this point, if the above is too difficult to attempt.
To make sure I'm understanding your question: Are you talking about the special prop called key[1] that React uses for rendering?
If that's the case, the important thing is that each key is unique, but it doesn't necessarily have to be the same key that your algorithms are calculating.
If you don't have access to the results of your algorithm yet, but you still want to render the strings like in your screenshots, you'll need a different unique key to use while mapping.
The map function on Arrays sends the element as the first function parameter, and the element's index as the second parameter[2]. Lots of places will warn you that index keys aren't the best. As far as I know, this is because if the order of the Array shifts then you lose the optimization that React is trying to provide you.
If index is the only unique data you've got, however, it's reasonable to consider using it. This is especially true if the data is coming from a static source, because you know that the order of the data isn't going to shift out from under you.
Let me know if I've misunderstood your question.

change value in hash using an array of keys in ruby

i was wondering if it is possible to access an value of a hash with an array of keys as described in the post ruby use array tvalues to index nested hash of hash. My aim is not just to access this value but to change this value.
As I understood
keys.inject(hash, :fetch)
returns the value of the hash-value determined by the key-array and not it's reference. How can I accomplish to modify this value?
I know it's bad style to modify an object instead of making a copy and working with immutables but in severel cases it seems much more comfortable to do it the short way.
Thanks a lot.
Use all but the last key to get the most deeply nested Hash, then assign normally using the last key.
keys[0...-1].inject(hash, :fetch)[keys.last] = value
Ruby doesn't have references so you can't reassign the value directly. Instead you have to reassign the object pointer, which means going up one level of nesting.

How to initialize a Ref<?> field in objectify to a dummy value

I have a collection(arraylist) of Ref `s ,the objectify documentation says that I need to initialize collections for them to be persisted and hence modified in the future.....
Now , Ref points to an object but when I launch my app for the first time I dont have any objects in the data store...so whats the best way for me to initialize a dummy value......
Is my assumption that a Ref<> needs to point to a real object in the data store?
Two things:
You should just initialize an empty collection. You don't need to add anything to it. eg, field = new ArrayList<Ref<Thing>>();
It's actually not even required that you initialize the collection. It's just a good idea for reasons that will become apparent if you use the system for a while.

how to pass a ndb key with a parent and use it to get an entity

I pass an NDB Key() with a parent to a deferred function. In this function I retrieve the entity again. But I cannot use the passed key to get the entity directly. I have to change the key order pairing in the ndb.Key().
deferred.defer(my_deferred.a_function, entity.key)
The entity.key() looks like :
Key('Parents', 'my_parent', 'Childs', 'my_child') # the first pair is the parent?
my_deferred.py :
def a_function(key) :
entity = ndb.Key(key) # the pass entity.key does not work !!!!!
Giving exception : ValueError: Key() must have an even number of positional arguments.
entity = ndb.Key('Childs', key.id(), parent = key.parent()).get() # this one works fine
I do not understand why the entity.key() method does not give me a key, which I can use directly? Or is there another way to get the entity, without "changing" the key. And I do not understand the ValueError excpetion.
Update : Thanks to Gregory
entity = key.get() # works fine
first, answering your code specific question, passing the key properly, it is not a callable:
deferred.defer(my_deferred.a_function, entity.key)
next, on the actual design of the code itself, there are some things that need tweaking.
the deferred api serializes your code, so there really is no need to re-query entity from the datastore. if you insist on this though, passing the entity.key to the deferred method, it's already an instance of ndb.Key, so there's no need to construct a new Key object.
I can't test this right now, but what about:
entity = ndb.Key(*key.flat())
The Key constructor accepts a few different kinds of input, and since flat() Returns a tuple of flattened kind and id values (kind1, id1, kind2, id2, ...)., unpacking the tuple should pass in the necessary inputs . Per the same link, this should also work:
entity = ndb.Key(pairs=key.pairs())
