I recently had an issue with one of my batch programs, it is basically an incompleted platformer: My code is work in progress and i got stuck with my attemp of collision detection. I have a matrix M, that i can access within an EnableDelayedExpansion block like this !M[%%a][%%d]!
The first time it works, but the second usage does not work anymore:
echo A!M[%xx%,%yy%]!B yields AB.
I would appreciate any hint.
Thanks in advance!
#echo off
::creating a new line variable for multi line strings
set NLM=^
:: Two empty lines are required here
::set up initial grid
set height=9
set width=14
for /l %%a in (0,1,9) do (
for /l %%d in (0,1,14) do (
set M[%%a][%%d]=.
::create some vars at an initial value
set falling=0
set row=5
set turns=0
set x=8
set face=empty
set M[%row%][%x%]=^P
::set wall position
set x2=4
set y2=6
set M[%y2%][%x2%]=^#
::display current grid
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "grid="
for /l %%a in (0,1,9) do (
set line=!M[%%a][0]!
for /l %%d in (1,1,14) do (
set line=!line!!M[%%a][%%d]!
set grid=!grid! !NLM! !line!
echo !grid!
::prompt and make move
:: 4 = d
choice /c:wasd /n /m "" /t 1 /d s
set move=0
set /a xx=x
set /a yy=row
:move clearing Player
set M[%row%][%x%]=.
:: ^ this clears the characters trail so that there is no trail left behind after
:: moves, even when blocked. But at the start of grid Player is drawn again.
if %errorlevel%==4 ( if %x% LSS %width% ( set face=right
set /a xx=x+1) else ( set face=empty))
::if %errorlevel%==3 ( if %row% LSS %height% ( set face=down
::set /a move=0) else ( set face=empty))
if %errorlevel%==2 ( if %x% GTR 0 ( set face=left
set /a xx=x-1) else ( set face=empty))
if %errorlevel%==1 ( if %row% GTR 0 ( set face=up
set /a move=1) else ( set face=empty))
set /a yy=yy-move
if %move%==0 (
set /a falling+=1
set face=down
) else (
set falling=0
set /a yy=yy+falling
::collision tests
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
::echo !M[%xx%,%yy%]! > tmp.var
echo A!M[%xx%,%yy%]!B
::set /P var1="" < tmp.var
::if %var1%==# (
:: set face=empty
::now the actual movements
::if %face%==right set /a x+=1
::if %face%==left set /a x-=1
::if %face%==up set /a row=yy
::if %face%==down set /a row=yy
set /a x=xx
set /a row=yy
::increment turns, return to top
set /a turns+=1
goto :turn
I would like to call variables that contain other variables in their name when I have enabledelayedexpension so I would have concentric exclamation points in my variable call.
I apologize for the unclear wording; I'm not very familiar with this subject.
Here's a portion of my code that shows my issue:
set /a Freq[%%z]value[!value!]+=%%y
echo Freq %%z value !value! is !Freq[%%z]value[!value!]!
As is, batch interprets !Freq[%%z]value[!value!]! broken up into different variables with the !'s, and I don't think I can use %'s instead because I'm in a for loop where this variable is changing. I don't think I can use another for loop to replace !value! with a %%a either.
Here's a more complete look at my code:
set /a line=0
set /a goodLine=0
FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (%file%) DO (
set /a line+=1
echo Line is !line!
set data[!line!]=%%x
set /a value=0
set /a checkGood=0
FOR %%y in (%%x) DO (
set /a value+=1
if !value!==1 (
set /a Freq=%%y
set /a checkFreq=%%y %% 10
if !checkFreq!==0 (
set /a checkGood=1
) else (echo bad)
) else (
if !checkGood!==1 (
for /l %%z in (40, 10, 330) do (
if !Freq!==%%z (
set /a Freq[%%z]value[!value!]+=%%y
echo Freq %%z value !value! is !Freq[%%z]value[!value!]!
set /a Freq[%%z]quantity[!value!]+=1
echo Freq %%z value !value! quantity is !Freq[%%z]quantity[!value!]!
) else (echo checkGood bad)
SET /a value=4
FOR /L %%z IN (1,1,5) DO set /a Freq[%%z]value[!value!]=%%z+10
SET Freq
ECHO ========================
FOR %%y IN (2,7) DO FOR /L %%z IN (1,1,5) DO (
set /a Freq[%%z]value[!value!]+=%%y
SET Freq[%%z]value[!value!]
CALL echo Freq %%z value !value! is %%Freq[%%z]value[!value!]%%
Or you could use a for/f "tokens=2delims==" %%e in ('set Freq[%%z]value[!value!]') do echo %%e
depends on what you really want to do.
I couldn't get %difference_two% to work It can find %difference_one% as 2 but when I make it divide 2 by 2 it doesn't display as anything.
Use the numbers 2,5,10,17,26
To get what I need.
#echo off
color 0a
title Solver
set /p first=First:
set /p second=Second:
set /p third=Third:
set /p fourth=Fourth:
set /p fifth=Fifth:
goto solve
set /a second_minus_first= %second% - %first%
set /a third_minus_second= %third% - %second%
if %third_minus_second%==%second_minus_first% (
goto s
) else (
goto d
set /a fourth_minus_third= %fourth% - %third%
set /a difference= %third_minus_second% - %second_minus_first%
set /a difference_one= %fourth_minus_third% - %third_minus_second%
if %difference%==%difference_one% (
set /a difference_two= %difference_one% / 2
set /a thing= %first% - %difference_two%
echo %difference_two%n Squared + %thing%
pause >nul
goto numbers
) else (
goto wrong
Try this:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
color 0a
title Solver
set /p first=First:
set /p second=Second:
set /p third=Third:
set /p fourth=Fourth:
set /p fifth=Fifth:
goto solve
set /a second_minus_first= %second% - %first%
set /a third_minus_second= %third% - %second%
if %third_minus_second%==%second_minus_first% (
goto s
) else (
goto d
set /a fourth_minus_third= %fourth% - %third%
set /a difference= %third_minus_second% - %second_minus_first%
set /a difference_one= %fourth_minus_third% - %third_minus_second%
if %difference%==%difference_one% (
set /a difference_two= !difference_one! / 2
set /a thing= !first! - !difference_two!
echo !difference_two!n Squared + !thing!
pause >nul
goto numbers
) else (
goto wrong
In batch, commands in a code block (between ( )) are interpreted as on the same line, so you need to use setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion and use ! instead of % inside them.
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this question
I made this awesome (horrible) Rubik's cube scrambler a while ago, but when I look at the code, it's just too much, I know there is a very simpler way of doing this. If there is anyone who can modify certain bits to make the code more compact, I would really appreciate it.
This is purely for my understanding in batch, and hopefully others can learn from anything you answer.
Here is the code:
#echo off
mode con: cols=62 lines=10
title Cube Scrambler
color 0a
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set ct = 0
set scram=BDEFLMRSUbdflru
set /a ct = ct +1
set /a a=%random%%%14
set /a b=%random%%%14
set /a c=%random%%%14
set /a d=%random%%%14
set /a e=%random%%%14
set /a f=%random%%%14
set /a g=%random%%%14
set /a h=%random%%%14
set /a i=%random%%%14
set /a j=%random%%%14
set /a k=%random%%%14
set /a l=%random%%%14
set /a m=%random%%%14
set /a n=%random%%%14
set /a o=%random%%%14
set a=!scram:~%a%,1!
set b=!scram:~%b%,1!
set c=!scram:~%c%,1!
set d=!scram:~%d%,1!
set e=!scram:~%e%,1!
set f=!scram:~%f%,1!
set g=!scram:~%g%,1!
set h=!scram:~%h%,1!
set i=!scram:~%i%,1!
set j=!scram:~%j%,1!
set k=!scram:~%k%,1!
set l=!scram:~%l%,1!
set m=!scram:~%m%,1!
set n=!scram:~%n%,1!
set o=!scram:~%o%,1!
set /a z1=%random%%%2 +1
set /a z2=%random%%%2 +1
set /a z3=%random%%%2 +1
set /a z4=%random%%%2 +1
set /a z5=%random%%%2 +1
set /a z6=%random%%%2 +1
set /a z7=%random%%%2 +1
set /a z8=%random%%%2 +1
set /a z9=%random%%%2 +1
set /a z10=%random%%%2 +1
set /a z11=%random%%%2 +1
set /a z12=%random%%%2 +1
set /a z13=%random%%%2 +1
set /a z14=%random%%%2 +1
set /a z15=%random%%%2 +1
if %z1% == 2 goto 2x2
set x1='
if %z2% == 2 goto 3x3
set x2='
if %z3% == 2 goto 4x4
set x3='
if %z4% == 2 goto 5x5
set x4='
if %z5% == 2 goto 6x6
set x5='
if %z6% == 2 goto 7x7
set x6='
if %z7% == 2 goto 8x8
set x7='
if %z8% == 2 goto 9x9
set x8='
if %z9% == 2 goto 10x10
set x9='
if %z10% == 2 goto 11x11
set x10='
if %z11% == 2 goto 12x12
set x11='
if %z12% == 2 goto 13x13
set x12='
if %z13% == 2 goto 14x14
set x13='
if %z14% == 2 goto 15x15
set x14='
if %z15% == 2 goto ans
set x15='
echo Scramble: %ct%
echo %a%%x1% %b%%x2% %c%%x3% %d%%x4% %e%%x5% %f%%x6% %g%%x7% %h%%x8% %i%%x9% %j%%x10% %k%%x11% %l%%x12% %m%%x13% %n%%x14% %o%%x15%
echo { Enter } = New scramble
echo Made by: Ruan Swanepoel
set x1=
set x2=
set x3=
set x4=
set x5=
set x6=
set x7=
set x8=
set x9=
set x10=
set x11=
set x12=
set x13=
set x14=
set x15=
goto strt
Maybe something like this approach using FOR loops?
SETLOCAL enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
mode con: cols=62 lines=10
title Cube Scrambler
color 0a
set "ct=0"
set "discontinue="
set "scram=BDEFLMRSUbdflru"
set /a "ct+=1"
for %%x in (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o) do (
set /a "xx=!random!%%15"
call set "%%x=%%scram:~!xx!,1%%"
for /L %%y in (1, 1, 15) do (
set /a "yy=!random!%%2"
if !yy! EQU 1 (
set "x%%y= "
) else (
set "x%%y='"
echo Scramble: %ct%
echo %a%%x1% %b%%x2% %c%%x3% %d%%x4% %e%%x5% %f%%x6% %g%%x7% %h%%x8% %i%%x9% %j%%x10% %k%%x11% %l%%x12% %m%%x13% %n%%x14% %o%%x15%
echo { Enter } = New scramble
echo Made by: Ruan Swanepoel
set /P "discontinue="
if defined discontinue goto :endlocal
goto strt
title %CD%
rem mode con: cols=80 lines=25
goto :eof
It could probably be trimmed down a bit more (especially if I wanted to tweak the spacing), but I got it down to 29% of what it was, so there's that.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
mode con cols=62 lines=10
title Cube Scrambler
color 0A
set ct=0
set scram=BDEFLMRSUbdflru
set /a ct+=1
for /l %%A in (1,1,15) do (
set /a mod_15=!random!%%15
for /F "delims=" %%B in ("!mod_15!") do (
set mov[%%A]=!scram:~%%B,1!
set /a inv[%%A]=!random!%%2
if !inv[%%A]! equ 0 (
set "inv[%%A]= "
) else (
set "inv[%%A]=' "
echo Scramble: !ct!
for /l %%A in (1,1,15) do (
set /p"=!mov[%%A]!!inv[%%A]!"<nul
echo { Enter } = New scramble
echo Made by: Ruan Swanepoel
goto begin
This version is even smaller (just above 18% of the original) at the expense of some readability:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
mode con cols=45 lines=10
set c=0
set s=BDEFLMRSUbdflru
set /a c+=1
title Cube Scramble !c!
for /l %%A in (1,1,15) do (
set /a r=!random!%%15,i%%A=!random!%%2
for /F %%B in ("!r!") do set m%%A=!s:~%%B,1!
if !i%%A! equ 0 (set i%%A= ) else (set i%%A=' )
for /l %%A in (1,1,15) do set /p=!m%%A!!i%%A!<nul
echo Enter: Rescramble
goto a
Good Afternoon!
Long time reader, first time poster! I have been having a lovely time trying to modify a working batch file to account for variability. The situation is that I have a variable-size text document that normally would be able to be split into sections of 252 lines. The code below worked like a champ:
#echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set param=%*
if not defined param (
echo. Usage: batchsplit [device:][pathname]filename
goto :EOF
set param=%param:"=%
if not exist "%param%" (
echo. File "%param%" not found
goto :EOF
for %%j in ("%param%") do (
set name=%%~dpnj
set ext=%%~xj
for /F %%j in ('type "%param%" ^| find /V /C ""') do set Full=%%j
set /A Split=%Full%/252
for /L %%G in (1,1,%Split%) do type nul > "%name%_%%G%.new"
set X=1
set N=1
set Q=1
set limit = 252
for /F "tokens=1* delims=]" %%j in ('type "%param%" ^| find /V /N ""') do (
set /A N+=1
set /A Q+=1
echo.%%k>> "%name%_!X!%.new"
if !Q! gtr 252 (
set /A X+=1
set /A Q=1
) else if !N! gtr Full (goto theend
echo split into %split% files with 252 lines each
rem pause
However, there were some changes to the formatting of the text, and now instead of four pages of 63 lines per split file, it can be completely variable. The only constant is this final line, which precedes the remaining space for a 63 line page:
Note that there is a single space in front of it, as well as multiple spaces, a colon, and underscore characters. Being the meathead that I am, I thought I could insert an if-then statement into the for loop to trigger the batch to split to the next page. However, I could be further from that right now. This is the code I have been smashing my head with:
rem #echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set param=%*
if not defined param (
echo. Usage: textsplit [device:][pathname]filename
goto :EOF
set param=%param:"=%
if not exist "%param%" (
echo. File "%param%" not found
goto :EOF
for %%j in ("%param%") do (
set Name=%%~dpnj
set ext=%%~xj
for /F %%j in ('type "%param%" ^| find /V /C ""') do set Full=%%j
set stopvar= ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE AND CORRECT AS NOTED:___________________
set Split=1
echo %stopvar%
set X=1
type nul > "%name%_!X!%.new"
set N=1
set Q=1
set S=0
set L=63
for /F "tokens=1* delims=]" %%j in ('type "%param%" ^| find /V /N ""') do (
set /A N+=1
echo %N%
set /A Q+=1
echo %Q%
echo.%%k>> "%name%_!X!%.new"
if ["%%k%" == "!stopvar!"] (
set /A S+=1
if !Q! gtr !L! (
if !S! == 1 (
set /A X+=1
set /A Q=1
type nul > "%name%_!X!%.new"
set /A Split+=1
set S=0
else set /A L+=63
else if !N! gtr Full goto theend
echo Split into %split% files!
The premise is that every 63 lines, the stop variable (S) is checked. If it is off (0) then the batch will continue to write for another 63 lines (one page). If the stopvar matches the line that is being read by the for loop, S becomes 1. When the program checks again, it will create a new file and begin writing to that new file. Right now, based on turning off #echo off the hangup is at the for loop. See below:
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>rrtextsplit texttest.txt
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>rem #echo off & setlocal Enabl
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>setlocal EnableDelayedExpansio
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set param=texttest.txt
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>if not defined param (
echo. Usage: rrtextsplit [device:][pathname]filename
goto :EOF
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set param=texttest.txt
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>if not exist "texttest.txt" (
echo. File "texttest.txt" not found
goto :EOF
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>for %j in ("texttest.txt") do
set Name=%~dpnj
set ext=%~xj
set Name=C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test\texttest
set ext=.txt
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>for /F %j in ('type "texttest.
txt" | find /V /C ""') do set Full=%j
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set Full=567
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set stopvar= ON THIS FORM IS C
OMPLETE AND CORRECT AS NOTED:___________________
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set Split=1
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>echo ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE
AND CORRECT AS NOTED:___________________
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set X=1
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>type nul 1>"C:\Users\theangry
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set N=1
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set Q=1
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set S=0
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set L=63
What are your thoughts? Where am I going wrong with the batch? I wish I could use something different, but alas I cannot, for internal company reasons. Thanks for your help!
SET "name=q23396663"
SET "ext=.txt"
SET /a pagelength=10
SET "targetstring= ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE AND CORRECT AS NOTED:___________________"
SET /a filenum=0
SET /a linecount=pagelength + 1
FOR /f "tokens=1*delims=]" %%a IN (
'find /v /n "" "%name%%ext%"') DO (
IF !linecount! GEQ %pagelength% (
SET /a linecount=0
SET /a filenum+=1
>>U:\%name%_!filenum!.new ECHO(%%b
IF "%%b"=="%targetstring%" SET /a linecount=pagelength
SET /a linecount+=1
For testing purposes, I set up a file q23396663.txt containing your trigger data. I've left the destination directory as U:\ which suits me, and the pagelength at 10 which makes my testing easier.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM ------------------THIS SECTION SPECIFIES THE FILE-------------------------
set param=%*
if not defined param (
echo. Usage: filesplit [device:][pathname]filename
goto :EOF
set param=%param:"=%
if not exist "%param%" (
echo. File "%param%" not found
for %%j in ("%param%") do (
set name=%%~dpnj
set ext=%%~xj
ECHO SPLITTING %name%.%ext% .................
REM ----------------THIS SECTION SETS THE VARIABLES---------------------------
set "trigger= ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE AND CORRECT AS NOTED:___________________"
set /a pagelength=63
set /a filenum=0
set split=1
set /a linecount=pagelength
set stopvar=0
REM ------------------THIS SECTION IS THE FOR LOOP----------------------------
FOR /f "skip=2 tokens=1* delims=]" %%a IN (
'find /v /n "" "%name%%ext%"') DO (
SET /a linecount-=1
IF !linecount! LEQ 0 (
IF !stopvar! EQU 1 (
SET /a "linecount=pagelength"
SET /a filenum+=1
SET /a split+=1
SET /a stopvar-=1
) else set /a "linecount=pagelength"
echo.%%b>> "%name%_!filenum!.new"
IF "%%b"=="%trigger%" (
set /a "stopvar+=1"
set /a linecount+=1
REM ----------------THIS SECTION ENDS THE FOR LOOP----------------------------
ECHO Split into %split% files!
ping -n 1 -w 2500 > nul
As I posted in the comment above, this is just a variation of the first answer that accounts for blank spaces if they are needed to keep the output files from having unnecessary whitespace on top. This is especially helpful when a print manager is just spitting out whitespace until the end of the page before starting the next part instead of going straight to the next portion.
So I've been writing a batch file which backs up a certain file while cleaning old entries every so often. I've run into an issue where it would be simpler and more readable to store month lengths (for calculation purpose) (days1,days2,days3,etc.), and reference these by concatenating the word days with a variable which stores the month (1, 2, 3, etc.). Unfortunately, this never seems to reference the right variable correctly. Here's the relevant code, from a section calculating a date 28 days previously:
set days1=31
set days2=28
set days3=31
set days4=30
set days5=31
set pastmonthday=%curday%-28
set pastmonthmonth=%curmonth%
set pastmonthyear=%curyear%
if %pastmonthday% lss 0 (
set /a pastmonthmonth=%pastmonthmonth%-1
set /a pastmonthprevmon=1
if %pastmonthmonth%==0 (
set /a pastmonthyear-=1
set /a pastmonthmonth=12
set monthlengthvar=0
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set tempmonthlengthvar=0
if %pastmonthday% lss 0 (set tempmonthlengthvar = !days%pastmonthmonth%!)
for /F "delims=" %%A in (!tempmonthlengthvar!) DO (
set "monthlengthvar=%%A"
set pastmonthday+=%monthlengthvar%
The two echoes output 0 and -7, respectively. I can't figure out why this is, no matter how I've reworked it.
some errors (forgotten /a in set, quotes etc.)
#ECHO OFF &SETLOCAL disableDelayedExpansion
SET /a days1=31
set /a days2=28
set /a days3=31
set /a days4=30
set /a days5=31
set /a pastmonthday=22-28
set /a pastmonthmonth=2
set /a pastmonthyear=2014
if %pastmonthday% lss 0 (
set /a pastmonthmonth-=1
set /a pastmonthprevmon=1
if %pastmonthmonth% equ 0 (
set /a pastmonthyear-=1
set /a pastmonthmonth=12
set /a monthlengthvar=0
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /a tempmonthlengthvar=0
if %pastmonthday% lss 0 SET /a tempmonthlengthvar=!days%pastmonthmonth%!
for /F "delims=" %%A in ("%tempmonthlengthvar%") DO (
IF "!"=="" endlocal
set /a monthlengthvar=%%A
set /a pastmonthday+=monthlengthvar