Project architecture: service for working only with database - database

i am just wondering how good is this approach to project architecture:
1) You have N services that do X stuff. But there is one constraint - they dont have their own database and they can not access any database directly.
2) For that i have a DB service which can access DB and do any action against that.
So the worklow is like this: If any service needs something from a database it asks database service for the records.
How well is this kind of architecture? Am i running into serious bottlenecks ?

Rather than put your entire database behind a single service and single interface, think about providing separate services for different parts of your dataset according to interfaces driven by your high-level business rules and data model (e.g. user account data service, orders data service, audit log data service). That way you can mock/scale/deploy these independent parts differently according to need and more easily change the backend storage if required later (e.g. archived order retrieval from different db). Also because the data managed by a service is of a particular type, certain decisions can be made independently for each service (e.g. caching policy - config-type data could be cached, active orders data probably not).
Initially you can implement all of these interfaces in a single service and then separate later, but the key to this approach is getting the interfaces abstracted and segregated cleanly.

This is a pretty typical architecture - It's a good idea to write your service's data access code against an abstraction so that you can unit test with a mocked version of your data.
At the least, it's a good idea to consolidate your data access code in one place so that you can make changes to it easily.


Best approach to interact with same data base table from more than one microservices

I have a situation, where I need to add/update/retrieve records from same database table from more than one microservices. I can think of below three approaches, please help me pick up the best suitable approach.
Having a dedicated Microservices say database-data-manager which will interact with data base and & add/update/retrieve data and all the other microservices will call the end points of database-data-manager to add/update/retrieve data when required.
Having a maven library called database-data-manager and all the other microservices will use this library for the db interactions.
Having the same code(copy paste) in all the applications to take care of db interactions.
Approach - 1 seems expensive as we need to host a dedicated application for a basic functionality.
Approach - 2 would reduce boiler plate code but difficult to manage library version.
Approach - 3 would cause lot of boiler plate code and maintenance efforts to keep similar code in all the microservices.
Please suggest, Thanks in advance.
A strict definition of "microservice" would include the fact it's essentially self-contained... that would include any data storage it might need. So you really have a collection of services talking to a common database. Schematics aside...
Option 1 sounds like it's on the right track: you need to have something sitting between the microservices and database. This could be a cache or a dedicated proxy service. Let's say you have an old legacy system which is really fragile, controlling data in/out through a more capable service, acting as a proxy, is a well proven pattern.
Such a proxy might do a bulk read of the database, hold the data in memory to service high-volumes of reads, and handle updates.
Updating is non-trivial and there are various options:
The services cached data becomes the pseudo master - updates are applied to the cached data first, then go into a queue to apply to the underlying database.
The services data is used only for data-reads; updates are applied to the database first, and if the update is successful it is then applied to the cached data.
Option one is great for performance, on the assumption that the proxy service is really good at managing the data and satisfying service requests. But, depending on how you implement, it might be vulnerable to outages, in which case you might lose any data that has made it into the cache but not into the pipeline that gets it into the database.
Option 2 is good for ensuring a solid master set of data, but there's the risk that consuming services might read cached data that is now out of date because it's just being updated in the database.
In terms of implementation, a queue of some sort to handle getting updates to the database might be something you want to consider, as it would give you a place to control how updates (and which updates) get to the database.

Stateless Micro services and database

We have a requirement of building stateless micro services which rely on a database cluster to persist data.
What is the approach that is recommended for redundant stateless micro services(for high availability and scalability) using the database cluster. For example: Running multiple copies of version 1.0 Payment service.
Should all the redundant micro services use a common shared DB schema or they should have their own schema? In case of independent DB schema inconsistency among the redundant services may exist.
Also how can the schema upgrade handled in case of common DB schema?
This is a super broad topic, and rather hard to answer in general terms.
A key requirement for a micro service architecture is that each service should be independent from the others. You should be able to deploy, modify, improve, scale your micro service independently from the others.
This means you do not want to share anything other than API definitions. You certainly don't want to share a schema; each service should be able to define its own schema, release new versions, change data types etc. without having to check with the other services. That's almost impossible with a shared schema.
You may not want to share a physical server. Sharing a server means you cannot make independent promises on scalability and up-time; a big part of the micro service approach means that the team that builds it is also responsible for running it. You really want to avoid the "well, it worked in dev, so if it doesn't scale on production, it's the operations team's problem" attitude. Databases - especially clustered, redundant databases - can be expensive, so you might compromise on this if you really need this.
As most microservice solutions use containerization and cloud hosting, it's quite unlikely that you'd have the "one database server to rule them all" sitting around. You may find it much better to have each micro service run its own persistence service, rather than sharing.
The common approach to dealing with inconsistencies is to accept them - but to use CQRS to distribute data between microservices, and make sure the micro services deal with their internal consistency requirements.
This also deals with the "should I upgrade my database when I release a new version?" question. If your observers understand the version for each message, they can make decisions on how to store them. For instance, if version 1.0 uses a different set of attributes to version 1.1, the listener can do the mapping.
In the comments, you ask about consistency. This is a super complex topic - especially in micro service architectures.
If you have, for instance, a "customers" service and an "orders" service, you must make sure that all orders have a valid customer. In a monolithic application, with a single database, and exclusively synchronous interactions, that's easy to enforce at the database level.
In a micro service architecture, where you might have lots of data stores, with no dependencies on each other, and a combination of synchronous and asynchronous calls, it's really hard. This is an inevitable side effect of reducing dependencies between micro services.
The most common approach is "eventual consistency". This typically requires a slightly different application design. For instance, on the "orders" screen, you would invoke first the client microservice (to get client data), and then the "orders" service (to get order details), rather than have a single (large) service call to retrieve everything.

Universal data model and microservices integration

Since the native-cloud applications or microservices architecture requires decentralized data model (each microservices has its own database), and universal data model is centralized data model
So, how we have microservices architecture with universal data model patterns?
Is there any reference or implementation of universal data model and microservices?
In general the two concepts are not compatible. Using a universal data model for all of your services would clash with a couple of key ideas behind using Microservices, e.g. Polyglot Persistence, separate development & deployment of each service. Also, let's not forget that the "Data Model Resource Book" was last updated in 2009.
However, if you must combine the two approaches, e.g. because management insists on it, you can encapsulate all access to the universal data model by a dedicated service and make your other services dependent on it.
Some good thoughts on the subject can be found here:
Yes to #Fritz's point -- universal data modeling and microservices are really two different concepts and are very difficult if not impossible to be used together. I would like to add that the reasoning for polyglot persistence is also because of how the data should be modeled. Microservices allow the use of different data stores that can best model the data according to their domain.
To elaborate more, I don't think it would do justice to mention microservices and data modeling but not domain driven design. From my experience, domain driven design really helps in thinking about services, their responsibilities, and their right to exist. For instance, I found it often to be the case that there are usually a collection of services that carries out a particular domain functionality. An example could be an e-commerce application that have payments, shopping carts, etc. These could be separated into different "bounded contexts" based on domain driven design terminology.
With the different bounded contexts, each microservice no longer sees the same concept in the system the same, so in effect, there is no real universal data model. The easiest example that I can think of to show this, is when you also want reporting on the metrics in the system. If the example was an ecommerce application, the notion of a transaction in the orders microservice are going to be different than transactions in a reporting service. The reporting service for instance may want to know about transactions at a sub-level such as the profit or revenue generated for a particular order instead of the particular line items in an order. However, in the perspective of the orders service, the order details such as the line items and the address of the individual that made the purchase are probably important and should be known. This should then require two different data models.
With respect to domain modeling, I may be a bit extreme but I would go as far as saying that if there are multiple services sharing the same data source, they should really be the same service; there should be only one service for a single data source. My arguments for that would be that the domain hasn't been properly modeled and that the coupling makes it different to evolve any one service if there are multiple services that relies on a single data source. The case could be that one service requires the schema of the data source to change while the other one does not but still is required to accommodate the schema change. Hope this helps!

How to get reports from web services in efficient manner

We have a distributed system with 3 sites. Each site has its own services that encapsulates both logic and data.All services are using mysql database as the persistence system and SOAP services. But we get a trouble with database reports since maintaining services encapsulation prevents from accessing database directly. So How to get reports from web services without breaking encapsulation provided by web services and in the same time maintaining efficiency.
Share a common data-structure known by the services and the clients.
I'd implement a very simple serializable data-structure, and have these entities to be interchanged, known between the client and the server(s). And of course all services would output the same data-structures.
If you have already a persistence layer (if not, build one), with DAO/DAL(s) entities, have them to be responsible of querying the data and performing the transformation between the original data to these new common data-structures. A helper class would do that automatically.
What I think it could be this data-structure, is an entity based on a set of rows and columns (array of object instances), plus, an array of columns identifiers, known by both the client and the server, so that your model knows which are the columns being requested by the client.
In this way you could have a client requesting 3 columns of the report, and a different client, might be requesting many others of the same report.
Additionally, I'd of course, not including any HTML in the data, just the raw data, and your clients to be responsible on how to present that data.
This above is a little bit abstract.. but hope it helps you anyway.

Any recomendations for an efective way to sync data from one database, to other app's databases?

Here's my problem. I built a web app, and naturally kept the data in a database which describes that app's domain. Afterwords, I built another web app for the same organization, and used a seperate database to describe that app's domain and store data... and naturally a couple more projects came up and for each app I've isolated it's data to a single database. Deveolpment wise, I think it's ok, as I can maintain changes to the data structure and data at the app's database.
Considering these apps belong to the same organization, there tends to be plenty of data replicated between them, like department names, job titles, shop names, etc. Most of these tables hold the same data, but are not exactly the same in each database, and are not always used by all of the apps. Changes to this data, though, needs to be changed at all the apps (sometimes in a diferent ways) creating a growing management "hassle".
So I've been think of a way to get some syncronization between the data. I want an easier management - update at one app (or a central app) and update all the databases as needed by each app - and also a better way to share data between apps (like maybe mash up data from differnt apps in a new app to alow specific analysis). Most of the data I'm refering to is used as contraints more than being core domain concept, describing the organization rather than describing a particular domain.
I'm looking for opinions on some ways to get this done.
My first idea was to grab comun data structures, like the department names' table i mentioned, and stick'em in a core database. Any updates to the data would be done at this database, through a dedicated web app, and I'd apply some sort of Observer or Publisher / Suscriber Pattern for these changes - on changes the app would notify observing apps (through there dedicated webservice) that the changes occured and allow for the app to grab the new data and use it as it needs. GUIDs could be user as a reference to identify the same data throughout the apps. Also, I could build web services for read and search operations that don't need to be in a specific app's database, but could be useful to it.
A second idea would be that each app manage it's own data, and the apps could observe one another. A change in one could notify others that share the same data structure that the change occurred. I could still use some GUIDs and even build services on any of the apps. I think this would also be less excessive in terms of duplication of data, but might be harder to manage as each app would eventually be coupled to other apps, and I would some how have to distribute responsabilities as to which app controls what information.
I'm really curious as to something of this genre of data distibuition and syncing would work and even be recomended. Opions and other ideas are more than welcome!
What you describe here is a typical case for a "Master Data Management" system. EAI vendors (Oracle, TIBCO, IBM) offer such products. They resemble your first solution, being centralised databases with synchronization processes, detecting changes in external data sources, grabbing the changes and synchronizing data out to other external databases. They also provide a user interface to change master data directly.
MDM software are expensive, but you can implement a custom solution which will be - at least initially - cheaper than purchasing one. Both of your solutions make technical sense but there is a difference in their manageability.
The first one is better, if you can dedicate a responsible person/organization to take care of it and the business owners of your services can agree on making changes via this new centralised system.
The second solution shares the responsibility between the service owners. The hard task here is to identify the owner of each type of information (business object).
I cannot advise a solution without a deeper knowledge of your systems and organizations, but I hope I could give some ideas.
