how to write unix "time" like utility - c

I am new to unix and learning to write some c programs that we can execute using gcc compiler in ubuntu. question:I need to write something similar to this: "time ls" where time should be replaced by my program. I know how to write c program for this, however, I cannot understand how unix will figure out what to execute if I replace time with my utility lets say "mytime" for instance? Some background for this will really help

Read some good Linux programming book, perhaps ALP - a bit old, but freely downloadable.
Read also intro(2) & syscalls(2).
For time related stuff, start with time(7). It explains that there are several notions of time. Then consider time(2), gettimeofday(2), getrusage(2), clock_gettime(2), times(2), localtime(3), strftime(3) etc...
Notice also that time(1) is either a builtin command of your shell, or an external one in /usr/bin/time. So it is some free software, whose source code you could download and study.
I cannot understand how unix will figure out what to execute
Be aware of the PATH variable (see also environ(7)), used by shells and in execvp(3). You could set your PATH to suit your needs. You might also be interested by strace(1) to understand what system calls a command or a process is doing. Notice that shells are ordinary programs, and you can write your own one (and that is a very useful exercise). Most shells are free software whose source code you can study. sash is a very simple shell...


What are common uses for the system (3) command?

I came across the command while reading the famous C Language Book (1988). Is the command commonly used today?
From the book (section 7.8.4):
The function system(char *s) executes the command contained in the
character string s, then resumes execution of the current program. The
contents of s depend strongly on the local operating system. As a
trivial example, on UNIX systems, the statement
causes the program date to be run ...
I was under the impression that fork-and-exec is the main way to run another program from the current one...
system it the function from the standard C library that allows a C program to invoke an external (meaning OS level) command.
(Almost) everything is in the above sentence: the function is standard C, meaning that is is supported by any conformant implementation. But what OS does is err... just OS dependant.
It should the prefered way for writing portable programs (because it is standard C) but unfortunately:
not all OS support same commands and/or same syntax
it is known to have some caveats on most systems
The latter part is related to security: many OS (at least all I know) have a configurable path where a command is searched, and in that case the system function does use that path. The problem is that by changing the path, the program can invoke in reality a command that is not the one intended by the programmer, if someone managed to install a different command with same name in a place they control, and also managed to change the path.
This is the reason why system is generally frowned upon and careful programmers only rely on lower level system dependant functions like fork+exec on Unix like or CreateProcess on Windows, or alternatively use absolute paths for the commands called from system. But then you need a rather complex configuration way to adapt that absolute path to various systems...

Is it possible to modify a C program which is running?

i was wondering if it is possible to modify a piece of C program (or other binary) while it is running ?
I wrote this small C program :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
static uint32_t gcui32_val_A = 0xAABBCCDD;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
uint32_t ui32_val_B = 0;
uint32_t ui32_cpt = 0;
printf("\n\n Program SHOW\n\n");
while(1) {
if(gcui32_val_A != ui32_val_B) {
printf("Value[%d] of A : %x\n",ui32_cpt,gcui32_val_A);
ui32_val_B = gcui32_val_A;
return 0;
With a Hex editor i'm able to find "0xAABBCCDD" and modify it when the program is stopped. The modification works when I relauch the program. Cool !
I would like to do this when the program s running is it possible ?
Here is a simple example to understand the phenomena and play a little with it but my true project is bigger.
I have an old DOS game called Dangerous Dave.
I'm able to modify the tiles by simply editing the binary (thanks to
I developped a small editor that do this pretty well and had fun with it.
I launch the DOS game by using DOSBOX, it works !
I would like to do this dynamically when the game is running. Is it possible ?
PS : I work under Debian 64bit
I was wondering if it is possible to modify a piece of C program (or other binary) while it is running ?
Not in standard (and portable) C11. Read the n1570 specification to check. Notice that most of the time in practice, it is not the C source program (made of several translation units) which is running, but an executable result of some compiler & linker.
However, on Linux (e.g. Debian/Sid/x86-64) you could use some of the following tricks (often with function pointers):
use plugins, so design your program to accept them and define conventions about your plugins. A plugin is a shared object ELF file (some *.so) containing position-independent code (so it should be compiled with specific options). You'll use dlopen(3) & dlsym(3) to do the dynamic loading of the plugin.
use some JIT-compiling library, like GCCJIT or LLVM or libjit or asmjit.
alter your virtual address space (not recommended) manually, using mprotect(2) and mmap(2); then you could overwrite something in a code segment (you really should not do that). This might be tricky (e.g. because of ASLR) and brittle.
perhaps use debug related facilities, either with ptrace(2) or by scripting or extending the gdb debugger.
I suggest to play a bit with /proc/ (see proc(5)) and try at least to run in some terminal the following commands
cat /proc/self/maps
cat /proc/$$/maps
ls /proc/$$/fd/
(and read enough things to understand their outputs) to understand a bit more what a process "is".
So overwriting your text segment (if you really need to do that) is possible, but perhaps more tricky than what you believe !
(do you mind working for several weeks or months simply to improve some old gaming experience?)
Read also about homoiconic programming languages (try Common Lisp with SBCL), about dynamic software updating, about persistence, about application checkpointing, and about operating systems (I recommend: Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces & OsDev wiki)
I work under Debian 64bit
I suppose you have programming skills and do know C. Then you should read ALP or some newer Linux programming book (and of course look into intro(2) & syscalls(2) & intro(3) and other man pages etc...)
BTW, in your particular case, perhaps the "OS" is DOSBOX (acting as some virtual machine). You might use strace(1) on DOSBOX (or on other commands or processes), or study its source code.
You mention games in your question. If you want to code some, consider libraries like SDL, SFML, Qt, GTK+, ....
Yes you can modify piece of code while running in C. You got to have pointer to your program memory area, and compiled pieces of code that you want to change. Naturally this is considered to be a dangerous practice, with lot of restrictions, and with many possibilities for error. However, this was practice at olden times when the memory was precious.

Using parse_datetime from gnu c

I am developing a program for analyzing time series under gnu/linux. To analyze a time window, I want to be able to specify start/end times on the command line. Parsing dates using strptime is simple enough, however I would like to use the flexible 'natural language' format as it is used by the unix ''date'' command. There, this is done using the parse_datetime function.
I have the source of the coreutils, but would like to avoid copying over the code and all attached header files.
My question is: is there a standard library under Unix/Linux which gives access to the full power of parse_datetime().
The function you refer to is not part of any standard, nor any stock utility library. However, it is available as a semi-standalone component as part of gnulib, namely the parse-datetime module. You will need to take it and incorporate it into your program; the gnulib distribution has tools for that. Be aware that if you do this you have to GPL your entire program (this is not a big deal if the program is only for your personal use -- the GPL's requirements only kick in when you start giving the compiled program to other people).
A possible alternative is g_date_set_parse from GLib, but I can't speak to how clever it is.

Substitute to pstat.h in linux when moving C code from HP-Unix to Linux

I am porting an application(in C language) from HP-UX to Linux(icc compiler). i have a problem with pstat.h. It's there only in HP-UX but not in Linux and im getting error "pstat_getproc is undeclared". Is there any alternate solution to this? Is there any substitute for sys/pstat.h? As of now I am planning to replace that whole code with something that will work on Linux. Looking forward to your solutions.
There is no direct equivalent; the whole family of pstat functions is extremely HP/UX specific. Probably the closest equivalent is the /proc interface -- to get information on the current process, for instance, one can examine the pseudofiles in /proc/self.
You will, indeed, probably need to replace most of the code which makes use of pstat.

Call command line from C program

I am writing an command line application in C and from within the program, I would like to call other command-line applications. For example (and only as a clear example!), say the I would like to write a C app that calls the java compiler. For one, how would I do this? Is there a C function that directly calls the command line of something? For two, how would I take the normal text output that the java compiler displays and display it through the c program?
I'm sorry if this sounds a bit crazy, but I am very new to C and I have never done anything like this before. I would love to start writing a few of these utility style apps. If it matters any, I am currently running Windows, but would prefer a platform-independent method if possible, as I do use Linux from time to time.
You might look into system. I think you can use it in Windows as well as UNIX/Linux systems.
