Is there some kind of persistent local storage in aws sagemaker model training? - amazon-sagemaker

I did some experimentation with aws sagemaker, and the download time of large data sets from S3 is very problematic, especially when the model is still in development, and you want some kind of initial feedback relatively fast
Is there some kind of local storage or other way to speed things up?
I refer to the batch training service, that allows you to submit a job as a docker container.
While this service is intended for already validated jobs that typically run for a long time (which makes the download time less significant) there's still a need for quick feedback
There's no other way to do the "integration" testing of your job with the sagemaker infrastructure (configuration files, data files, etc.)
When experimenting with different variations to the model, it's important to be able to get initial feedback relatively fast

SageMaker has a few distinct services in it, and each is optimized for a specific use case. If you are talking about the development environment, you are probably using the notebook service. The notebook instance is coming with a local EBS (5GB) that you can use to copy some data into it and run the fast development iterations without copying the data every time from S3. The way to do it is by running wget or aws s3 cp from the notebook cells or from the terminal that you can open from the directory list page.
Nevertheless, it is not recommended to copy too much data into the notebook instance, as it will cause your training and experiments to take too long. Instead, you should utilize the second part of SageMaker, which is the training service. Once you have a good sense of the model that you want to train, based on the quick iterations of the small datasets on the notebook instance, you can point your model definition to go over larger datasets in parallel across a cluster of training instances. When you are sending a training job, you can also define how much local storage will be used by each training instance, but you will most benefit from the distributed mode of the training.
When you want to optimize your training job you have a few options for the storage. First, you can define the size of the EBS volume that you want your model to train on, for each one of the cluster instances. You can specify it when you launch the training Job ( ):
"ResourceConfig": {
"InstanceCount": number,
"InstanceType": "string",
"VolumeKmsKeyId": "string",
"VolumeSizeInGB": number
Next, you need to decide what kind of models you want to train. If you are training your own models, you know how these models are getting their data, in terms of format, compression, source and other factors that can impact the performance of loading that data into the model input. If you prefer to use the built-in algorithms that SageMaker has, which are optimized to process protobuf RecordIO format. See more information here:
Another aspect that you can benefit from (or learn if you want to implement your own models in a more scalable and optimized way) is the TrainingInputMode (
Type: String
Valid Values: Pipe | File
Required: Yes
You can use the File mode to read the data files from S3. However, you can also use the Pipe mode which opens up a lot of options to process data in a streaming mode. It doesn't mean only real-time data, using streaming services such as AWS Kinesis or Kafka, but also you can read your data from S3 and stream it to the models, and completely avoid the need to store the data locally on the training instances.

Customize your notebook volume size, up to 16 TB, with Amazon SageMaker
Blockquote Amazon SageMaker now allows you to customize the notebook storage volume when you need to store larger amounts of data.
Blockquote Allocating the right storage volume for your notebook instance is important while you develop machine learning models. You can use the storage volume to locally process a large dataset or to temporarily store other data to work with.
Blockquote Every notebook instance you create with Amazon SageMaker comes with a default storage volume of 5 GB. You can choose any size between 5 GB and 16384 GB, in 1 GB increments.
When you create notebook instances using the Amazon SageMaker console, you can define the storage volume:
see the steps


How to transfer rules and configuration to edge devices?

In our application we have a server which contains entities along with their relations and processing rules stored in DB. To that server there will be n no.of clients like raspberry pi , gateways, android apps are connected.
I want to push configuration & processing rules to those clients, so when they read some data they can process on their own. This is to make the edge devices self sustainable, avoid outages when server/network is down.
How to push/pull the configuration. I don't want to maintain DBs at client and configure replication. But the problem is maintenance and patching of DBs for those no.of client will be tough.
So any other better alternative.?
At the same time I have to push logs to upstream (server).
Thanks in advance.
I have been there. You need an on-device data store. For this range of embedded Linux, in order of growing development complexity:
Variables: Fast to change and retrieve, makes sense if the data fits in memory. Lost if the process ends.
Filesystem: Requires no special libraries, just read/write access somewhere. Workable if the data is small enough to fit in memory and does not change much during execution (read on startup when lacking network, write on update from server). If your data can be structured as a few object variables, you could write them to JSON files, and there is plenty of documentation on other file storage options for Android apps.
In-memory datastore like Redis: Lightweight dependency, can automate messaging and filesystem-stored backup. Provides a managed framework/hybrid of the previous two.
Lightweight databases, especially SQLite: Lightweight SQL database, stored in one file and popular with Android apps (probably already installed on many of the target devices). It could work for frequent changes on a larger block of data in a memory-constrained environment, but does not look like a great fit. It gets worse for anything heavier.
Redis replication is easy, but indiscriminate, so mainly sensible if your devices receive a changing but identical ruleset. Otherwise, in all these cases, the easiest transfer option may be to request and receive the whole configuration (GET a string, download a JSON file, etc.) and parse the received values.

Continuously updated database shared between multiple AWS EC2 instances

For a small personal project, I've been scraping some data every 5 minutes and saving it in a SQL database. So far I've been using a tiny EC2 AWS instance in combination with a 100GB EBS storage. This has been working great for the scraping, but is becoming unusable for analysing the resulting data, as the EC2 instance doesn't have enough memory.
The data analysis only happens irregularly, so it would feel a waste to pay 24/7 to have a bigger EC2 instance, so I'm looking for something more flexible. From reading around I've learned:
You can't connect EBS to two EC2 instances at the same time, so spinning up a second temporary big instance whenever analysis needed isn't an option.
AWS EFS seems a solution, but is quite a lot more expensive and considering my limited knowledge, I'm not a 100% sure this is the ideal solution.
The serverless options like Amazon Athena look great, but this is based on S3 which is a no-go for data that needs continuous updating (?).
I assume this is quite a common usecase for AWS, so I'm hoping to try to get some pointers in the right direction. Are there options I'm overlooking that fit my problem? Is EFS the right way to go?
Answers by previous users are great. Let's break them down in options. It sounds to me that your initial stack is a Custom SQL Database you installed in EC2.
Option 1 - RDS Read Replicas
Move your DB to RDS, this would give you a lot of goodies, but the main one we are looking for is Read Replicas if your reading/s grows you can create additional read replicas and put them behind a load balancer. This setup is the lowest hanging fruit without too many code changes.
Option 2 - EFS to Share Data between EC2 Instances
Using EFS is not straightforward, to no fault of EFS. Some databases save unique IDs to the filesystem, meaning you can't share the hard drive. EFS is a service and will add some lag to every read/write operation. Depending on how your installed Database distribution it might not even be possible.
Option 3 - Athena and S3
Having the workers save to S3 instead of SQL is also doable, but it means rewriting your web scraping tool. You can call S3 -> PutObject on the same key multiple times, and it will overwrite the previous object. Then you would need to rewrite your analytics tool to query S3. This option is excellent, and it's likely the cheapest in 'operation cost,' but it means that you have to be acquainted with S3, and more importantly, Athena. You would also need to figure out how you will save new data and the best file format for your application. You can start with regular JSON or CSV blobs and then later move to Apache Parquet for lower cost. (For more info on how that statement means savings see here:
Option 4 - RedShift
RedShift is for BigData, I would wait until querying regular SQL is a problem (multiple seconds per query), and then I would start looking into it. Sure it would allow you query very for cheap, but you would probably have to set up a Pipeline that listens to SQL (or is triggered by it) and then updates RedShift. Reason is because RedShift scales depending on your querying needs, and you can spin up multiple machines easily to make querying faster.
As far as I can see S3 and Athena is good option for this. I am not sure about your concern NOT to use S3, but once you can save scraped data in S3 and you can analyse them with Athena (Pay Per Query model).
Alternatively, you can use RedShift to save data and analyse which has on demand service similar to ec2 on demand pricing model.
Also, you may use Kenisis Firehose which can be used to analyse data real time as and when you ingest them.
Your scraping workers should store data in Amazon S3. That way, worker instances can be scaled (and even turned off) without having to worry about data storage. Keep process data (eg what has been scraped, where to scrape next) in a database such as DynamoDB.
When you need to query the data saved to Amazon S3, Amazon Athena is ideal if it is stored in a readable format (CSV, ORC, etc).
However, if you need to read unstructured data, your application can access the files directly S3 by either downloading and using them, or reading them as streams. For this type of processing, you could launch a large EC2 instance with plenty of resources, then turn it off when not being used. Better yet, launch it as a Spot instance to save money. (It means your system will need to cope with potentially being stopped mid-way.)

Store large IoT data at high frequency to the cloud

I am building an IoT device that will be producing 200Kb of data per second, and I need to save this data to storage. I currently have about 500 devices, I am trying to figure out what is the best way to store the data? And the best database for this purpose? In the past I have stored data to GCP's BigQuery and done processing by using compute engine instance groups, but the size of the data was much smaller.
This is my best answer based upon the limited information in your question.
The first step is to document / describe what type of data that you are processing. Is it structured data (SQL) or unstructured (NoSQL)? What type of queries do you need to make? How long do you need to store the data and what is the expected total data size. This will determine the choice of the backend performing the query processing and analytics.
Next you need to look at the rate of data being transmitted. At 200 Kbits (or is it 200 KBytes) times 500 devices this is 100 Mbits (or 800 MBits) per second. How valuable is the data and how tolerant is your design for data loss? What is the data transfer rate for each device (cellular, wireless, etc.) and connection reliability?.
To push the data into the cloud I would use Pub/Sub. Then process the data to merge, combine, compress, purge, etc and push to Google Cloud Storage or to BigQuery (but other options may be better such as Cloud SQL or Cloud Datastore / BigTable). The answer for the intermediate processor depends on the previous questions but you will need some horsepower to process that rate of data stream. Options might be Google Cloud Dataproc running Spark or Google Cloud Dataflow.
There is a lot to consider for this type of design. My answer has created a bunch of questions, hopefully this will help you architect a suitable solution.
You could also look at IoT Core as a possible way to handle the load balancing piece (it auto-scales). There would be some up front overhead registering all your devices, but it also then handles secure connection as well (TLS stack + JWT encryption for security on devices using IoT Core).
With 500 devices and 200KB/s, that sound well within the capabilities of the system to handle. Pub/Sub is the limiter, and it handles between 1-2M messages per second so it should be fine.

Database for large data files and streaming

I have a "database choice" and arhitecture question.
Clients will upload large .json files (or other format like .tsv, it is irrelevant) where each line is a data about their customers (e.g name, address etc.)
We need to stream this data later on to process it and store results which will also be some large file where each line is data about each customer (approximately same as uploaded file).
My requirements:
Streaming should be as fast it could (e.g > 1000 rps) and we could have multiple process running in parallel (for multiple clients)
Database should be scalable and fault tolerant. Because there could easily be uploaded many GB of data it should be easy for me to implement automatically adding new commodity instances (using AWS) if storage gets low.
Database should have kind of replication because we don't want to lose data.
No index is required since we are just streaming data.
What would you suggest for database for this problem? We tried to upload it to Amazon S3 and let them take care of scaling etc. but there is a problem of slow read/streaming.
Initially uploading the files to S3 is fine, but then pick them up and push each line to Kinesis (or MSK or even Kafka on EC2s if you prefer); from there, you can hook up the stream processing framework of your choice (Flink, Spark Streaming, Samza, Kafka Streams, Kinesis KCL) to do transformations and enrichment, and finally you’ll want to pipe the results into a storage stack that will allow streaming appends. A few obvious candidates:
Keyspaces for Cassandra
Hudi (or maybe LakeFS?) on top of S3
Which one you choose is kind of up to your needs downstream in terms of query flexibility, latency, integration options/standards, etc.

What methods are available to implement a local cache of a large DB driven data?

My company maintains a number of large time series databases of process data. We implement a replica of a subset at a pseudo-central location. I access the data from my laptop. The data access over our internal WAN even to the pseudo-central server is fairly expensive (time).
I would like to cache data requests locally on my laptop so that when I access it for a second time I actually pull from a local db.
There is a fairly ugly client side DAO that I can wrap to maintain the cache but I'm unsure how I can get the "official" client applications to talk to the cache easily. I have the freedom to write my own "client" graphing/plotting system, and already have a custom application that does some data mining already implemented. The custom application dumps data into .csv files that are manually moved around on a very ad-hoc basis.
What is the best approach to this sort of caching/synchonization? What tools could implement the cache?
For further info, the raw data set I have estimated at approx 5-8Tb of RAW time series data per year, with at least half of the data being very compressible. I only want to cache say a few hundred Mb locally. When ad-hoc queries are made on the data it tends to be very repetitive over very small chunks of the data.
