hashcat for md5($salt.$pass) - md5

How could i use hashcat to crack this hash?
md5(eWVzX3RoaXNfaXNfdmVyeV9sb25nX3NhbHRfdG9vpassword#123) = 531e89f00f009ced5e0001e33758d3c3
Salt: eWVzX3RoaXNfaXNfdmVyeV9sb25nX3NhbHRfdG9v
Plaintext: password#123
MD5: 531e89f00f009ced5e0001e33758d3c3
I have used following syntax and got Line-length exception error.
Syntax used:
hashcat -a 0 -m 0 hash_pass rockyou.txt
hashcat -a 0 -m 30 hash_pass rockyou.txt
Hashfile 'hash_pass' on line 1 (eWVzX3RoaXNfaXNfdmVyeV9sb25nX3NhbHRfdG9vpassword#123): Line-length exception
I know the salt.
I have a wordlist.
I have MD5 of above, i.e. md5($salt.$pass)
I am not sure, how to use hashcat to solve this challenge.
Request help.

In this example, the salt is '123'.
$ echo -n 'password123' | md5sum
482c811da5d5b4bc6d497ffa98491e38 -
$ cat test.hash
$ echo "password" | hashcat --quiet -m 10 -a 0 -o test.out test.hash
$ cat test.out
(Note that --quiet is optional, and there to make my demonstration output simpler. And I use -a 3 for simplicity also, your attack will vary)

Find the right hash mode in HashCat. As you have salt before password it is md5($salt.$pass) -> mode 20.
Provide both hash and salt to Hashcat (in your hash_pass file).
File format: $hash:$salt,
In your case hash_pass should contain: 531e89f00f009ced5e0001e33758d3c3:eWVzX3RoaXNfaXNfdmVyeV9sb25nX3NhbHRfdG9v
Put everything together and enjoy:
hashcat -a 0 -m 20 hash_pass rockyou.txt


How to create solr password hash

From solr documentation to create a user I need to add following lines to security.json config file:
"solr":"IV0EHq1OnNrj6gvRCwvFwTrZ1+z1oBbnQdiVC3otuq0= Ndd7LKvVBAaZIF0QAVi1ekCfAJXr1GGfLtRUXhgrF8c="
I know that under authentication.credentials the key solr is the username and value IV0EHq1OnNrj6gvRCwvFwTrZ1+z1oBbnQdiVC3otuq0= Ndd7LKvVBAaZIF0QAVi1ekCfAJXr1GGfLtRUXhgrF8c= is the hash of password SolrRocks.
But my question is, how can I generate that hash?
The documentation does not mention it anywhere,
It does not look like md5, sha1, argon nor any hash known to me.
After decoding the base64 it seems to be stored as some binary data.
What kind of hash is that, and how can I create it from bash?
You'd usually use set-user in the Authentication API to add the user.
rmalchow on GitHub has created a standalone version for bash:
SALT=$(pwgen 48 -1)
echo "hash : $(echo -n "$SALT$PW" | sha256sum -b | xxd -r -p | sha256sum -b | xxd -r -p | base64 -w 1024) $(echo -n "$SALT" | base64 -w1024)"

Unseting a value in an associative bash array when the key contains a quote

I have a bash script that uses filenames as keys in an associative array. Some of the filenames have quotes in them and I can't seem to find any way to unset them.
Here's an example replicating the problem from the terminal:
$ declare -A x
$ y="key with spaces"
$ z="key with spaces and ' quote"
$ x[$y]=5 # this works fine
$ x[$z]=44 # as does this
$ echo "${x[$y]}" "${x[$z]}" # no problems here
5 44
$ unset x["$y"] # works
$ unset x["$z"] # does not work
bash: unset: `x[key with spaces and ' quote]': not a valid identifier
$ echo "${x[$y]}" "${x[$z]}" # second key was not deleted
The file names processed in my script are arbitrary and need to work regardless of what characters they have in them (within reason, at least needs to work with printable characters.) The unset is used to clear a flag on files with certain properties.
How can I get bash to unset these particular keys when they might contain quote symbols?
I find this works for me:
unset 'x[$z]'
This works for other special characters:
$ y="key with spaces"
$ v="\$ ' \" # # * & \`"
$ x[$y]=5
$ x[$v]=10
$ echo ${x[*]}
5 10
$ unset 'x[$v]'
$ echo ${x[*]}
This is the case where single quotes around associative array key work as well so this should work:
$> declare -p x
declare -A x='(["key with spaces and '\'' quote"]="44" )'
$> unset x['$z']
$> declare -p x
declare -A x='()'
It may be a bug (at the very least, it is inconvenient). Until a fix is available, you can work around this by getting a shell-quoted version of $z with
$ unset x["$(printf '%q' "$z")"]
In bash 4.4, this can more briefly be written as
$ unset x["${z#Q}"]

Count ip repeat in log from bash

bash as I can tell from the repetition of an IP within a log through a specific search?
By example:
# Log line: [Sat Jul 04 21:55:35 2015] [error] [client] Access denied with status code 403.
grep "status\scode\s403" /var/log/httpd/custom_error_log | while read line ; do
[[ $line =~ $pattern ]]
echo "Remote Addr: $res_remote_addr"
I need to know the end results obtained a few times each message 403 ip, if possible sort highest to lowest.
By example output: 50 times. 40 times. 30 times.
... etc ...
This we need to create an html report from a monthly log of apache in a series of events (something like awstats).
there are better ways. following is my proposal, which should be more readable and easier to maintain:
grep -P -o '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}' log_file | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1,1 -r -n
output should be in a form of:
count1 ip1
count2 ip2
filter only 403:
grep -P -o '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}(?=.*403)' log_file | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1,1 -r -n
notice that a look ahead would suffice.
If log file is in the format as mentioned in question, the best is to use awk to filter out the status code needed plus output only the IP. Then use the uniq command to count each occurence:
awk '/code 403/ {print $8}' error.log | sort | uniq -c |sort -n
In awk, we filter by regexp /code 403/ and then for matching lines we print the 8th value (values are separated by whitespace), which is the IP.
Then we need to sort the output, so that the same IPs are one after another - this is requirement of the uniq program.
uniq -c prints each unique line from input only once - and preceded by the number of occurences. Finnaly we sort this list numericaly to get the IPs sorted by count.
Sample output (first is no. of occurences, second is IP):

Using a variable to pass grep pattern in bash

I am struggling with passing several grep patterns that are contained within a variable. This is the code I have:
GREP="$(which grep)"
for i in {-2..2}
GREP_MY_OPTIONS+=" -e "$(date --date="$i day" +'%Y-%m-%d')
MYARRAY=( $(${GREP} ${GREP_MY_OPTIONS} "/home/user/this path has spaces in it/"*"/abc.xyz" | ${GREP} -v :0$ ) )
This is what I wanted it to do:
determine/define where grep is
assign a variable (GREP_MY_OPTIONS) holding parameters I will pass to grep
assign several patterns to GREP_MY_OPTIONS
using grep and the patterns I have stored in $GREP_MY_OPTIONS search several files within a path that contains spaces and hold them in an array
When I use "echo $GREP_MY_OPTIONS" it is generating what I expected but when I run the script it fails with an error of:
/bin/grep: invalid option -- ' '
What am I doing wrong? If the path does not have spaces in it everything seems to work fine so I think it is something to do with the IFS but I'm not sure.
If you want to grep some content in a set of paths, you can do the following:
find <directory> -type f -print0 |
grep "/home/user/this path has spaces in it/\"*\"/abc.xyz" |
xargs -I {} grep <your_options> -f <patterns> {}
So that <patterns> is a file containing the patterns you want to search for in each file from directory.
Considering your answer, this shall do what you want:
find "/path\ with\ spaces/" -type f | xargs -I {} grep -H -c -e 2013-01-17 {}
From man grep:
-H, --with-filename
Print the file name for each match. This is the default when
there is more than one file to search.
Since you want to insert the elements into an array, you can do the following:
IFS=$'\n'; array=( $(find "/path\ with\ spaces/" -type f -print0 |
xargs -I {} grep -H -c -e 2013-01-17 "{}") )
And then use the values as:
echo ${array[0]}
echo ${array[1]}
echo ${array[...]}
When using variables to pass the parameters, use eval to evaluate the entire line. Do the following:
parameters="-H -c"
eval "grep ${parameters} file"
If you build the GREP_MY_OPTIONS as an array instead of as a simple string, you can get the original outline script to work sensibly:
path="/home/user/this path has spaces in it"
GREP="$(which grep)"
for i in {-2..2}
GREP_MY_OPTIONS[$((j++))]=$(date --date="$i day" +'%Y-%m-%d')
MYARRAY=( $(${GREP} "${GREP_MY_OPTIONS[#]}" "$path/"*"/abc.xyz" | ${GREP} -v :0$ ) )
I'm not clear why you use GREP="$(which grep)" since you will execute the same grep as if you wrote grep directly — unless, I suppose, you have some alias for grep (which is then the problem; don't alias grep).
You can do one thing without making things complex:
First do a change directory in your script like following:
cd /home/user/this\ path\ has\ spaces\ in\ it/
$ pwd
/home/user/this path has spaces in it
$ cd "/home/user/this path has spaces in it/"
$ pwd
/home/user/this path has spaces in it
Then do what ever your want in your script.
$(${GREP} ${GREP_MY_OPTIONS} */abc.xyz)
[sgeorge#sgeorge-ld stack1]$ ls -l
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 sgeorge eng 4096 Jan 19 06:05 test tesd
[sgeorge#sgeorge-ld stack1]$ cat test\ tesd/file
[sgeorge#sgeorge-ld stack1]$ grep SUKU */file
[sgeorge#sgeorge-ld stack1]$ find */* -print | xargs -I {} grep SUKU {}

BASH store values in an array and check difference of each value

[CentOS, BASH, cron] Is there a method to declare variants that would keep even when system restarts?
The scenario is to snmpwalk interface I/O errors and store the values in an array. A cron job to snmpwalk again, say 5 mins later, would have another set of values. I would like to compare them with previous corresponding value of each interface. If the difference exceeds the threshold (50), an alert would generate.
So the question is: how to store an array variable that would lost in the system? and how to check the difference of each value in two arrays?
UPDATE Mar 16, 2012 I attach my final script here for your reference.
# This script is to monitor interface Input/Output Errors of Cisco devices, by snmpwalk the error values every 5 mins, and send email alert if incremental value exceeds threshold (e.g. 500).
# Author: Wu Yajun | Created: 12Mar2012 | Updated: 16Mar2012
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )"
# Check and initiate .log file storing previous values, create .tmp file storing current values.
test -e $DIR/host1_ifInErrors.log || snmpwalk -c public -v 1 $host IF-MIB::ifInErrors > $DIR/host1_ifInErrors.log
snmpwalk -c public -v 1 $host IF-MIB::ifInErrors > $DIR/host1_ifInErrors.tmp
# Compare differences of the error values, and alert if diff exceeds threshold.
# To exclude checking some interfaces, e.g. Fa0/6, Fa0/10, Fa0/11, change the below "for loop" to style as:
# for i in {1..6} {8..10} {13..26}
totalIfNumber=$(echo $(wc -l $DIR/host1_ifInErrors.tmp) | sed 's/ \/root.*$//g')
for (( i=1; i<=$totalIfNumber; i++))
currentValue=$(cat $DIR/host1_ifInErrors.tmp | sed -n ''$i'p' | sed 's/^.*Counter32: //g')
previousValue=$(cat $DIR/host1_ifInErrors.log | sed -n ''$i'p' | sed 's/^.*Counter32: //g')
[ $diff -ge 500 ] && (ifName=$(echo $(snmpwalk -c public -v 1 $host IF-MIB::ifName.$i) | sed 's/^.*STRING: //g') ; echo "ATTENTION - Input Error detected from host1 interface $ifName" | mutt -s "ATTENTION - Input Error detected from host1 interface $ifName" <email address here>)
# Store current values for next time checking.
snmpwalk -c public -v 1 $host IF-MIB::ifInErrors > $DIR/host1_ifInErrors.log
Save the variables in a file. Add a date stamp:
echo "$(date)#... variables here ...." >> "$file"
Read the last values from the file:
tail -1 "$file" | cut "-d#" -f2 | read ... variables here ....
That also gives you a nice log file where you can monitor the changes. I suggest to always append to the file, so you can easily see when the service is down/didn't run for some reason.
To check for changes, you can use an simple if
if [[ "...old values..." != "...new values..." ]]; then
send mail
