how to remove "powered by zingchart" in angularjs piechart - angularjs

Is there any way to remove "powered by zingchart" text in zingchart piechart ?
I saw some answers in web, that need to add license key.
Do we have any other way, without adding the license key ?

Try this...
div[id$="license"] {
display: none !important;
Tested here
Still, this is a illegal way. Use a valid license key for legal and permanent usage.

This is a question about how to violate our terms of agreement for using our product at This is totally inappropriate and should be removed. More details on courses of action can be found at the following:


ExtJS Admin Dashboard Example from the docs

I am trying to understand how things connect in the Admin Dashboard example, the register page here:
FYI, I have read the entire docs on the quick start and the guide (which includes almost everything), and yet I find few things that I cannot connect. Maybe the docs need improvement or maybe I'm just dumb. I'll find out if its the latter.
This is the entire source code for the application: I am working with the classic version.
Now for the register page, the main view is this:
My questions are:
At line 25: cls: 'auth-dialog-register'. Which means an extra css class is being added to the component. Now I searched the scss files and did not find the style definitions for this class anywhere. Since this component is the 'authdialog', I looked at this file in particular:, but I cannot find 'auth-dialog-register' anywhere. Where is that class defined? Or is it not being used(in that case, bummer)
Similarly at lines: Line 42, Line 57 also, there is a class 'auth-textbox' being attached to text boxes, but I cannot find where its styles are defined.
Moving on, on line 49, for the textfield, a 'triggers' config is defined. In the docs it is here: , It really doesn't explain anything, just a bunch of code. Also on the next line in the Register.js file, on line 50, it has a 'glyphed' config inside triggers. Again, I cannot find out in the docs what it is used for. Sure the idea is clear, that it is used for a textbox trigger, but I need to be sure I know what is happening.
My next question is probably connected with the previous one. If you look at the example page:, you see that all text boxes have an icon saying what the field is for: Email field has an email icon. How did that come? I'm pretty sure it had to do with the triggers config in my previous question. According to the documentation, I should use a 'iconCls' config, but here that is not used.
Please someone explain this. Is it reasonable to have these questions? Or should I have been able to figure them out? I am new to ExtJS and have just started learning it from 2 weeks.
1/2) Seems they are unused classes. I'll open a ticket to remove them.
3) The triggers are button like things that can be appended to the field. As it says in the docs, they are a set of configurations for Ext.form.trigger.Trigger, the options for those can be found here:
glyphed is not a config, but rather a "label" for that trigger in the field.
4) That is some custom css, applied by the classes used in the trigger.
.auth-envelope-trigger {
top: 10px;
left: -18px;
position: relative;
color: $dialog-trigger-color;
font-size: 30px;
&.auth-password-trigger:before {
content: "\f023";
&.auth-email-trigger:before {
content: "\f007";
&.auth-envelope-trigger:before {
content: "\f0e0";

DMN Decision Table Output

I am new to decision table so please forgive me if I asked a very basic question. I am working on an angular web app that uses decision table.
Could we change the table header 'Output' to something else?
Unfortunately, I cannot find any such label neither in the HTML nor in the controller.
For future reference:
It cannot be done through CSS. therefore following is my solution.
Inspect the code that either the dmn table is using modeling module or some other bpmn table features. In my case, it is using modeling. I override the following module by inheriting from it, to make the Input header cell dynamic and output fixed or change the label as well.

How to custom placeholder in international phone number plugin

I have problem with custom placeholder. I am using this I want to add more ex. E.g. 131123456789 to my place holder which default gave something like this 131123456789. I read the document they use customPlaceholder to custom place holder, but they do not have any example with angularjs, so could someone show me example code with custom place holder like this.
Here my code that I added to my app
])->ipnConfig.customPlaceholder = 'E.g. 131123456789'
but it doesn't work for me.
This will solve this problem
Please refer this link & this is angularJS plugin
On selection of country, placeholder will change
The documentation for is lacking, but it seems like it could be a good tool. I think I would personally like to see a working implementation inside of an existing application before I'd rule it as the solution to use. I'm still having trouble implementing this one compared to the one by mareczek.
edit To answer your question, I think that it changes the placeholder based on the flag you have selected. If you have it set to a default country, can you not just change the placeholder in the html? Or can you target it directly using css?

Does CakePHP DebugKit have built-in support for changing the toolbar location?

I'm enjoying using CakePHP's DebugKit toolbar, but is there a simple way to change its location from top right to anywhere else on the screen without having to fiddle with the code?
If the answer to this question were as simple as changing the CSS from top:0px; to bottom:0px; for #debug-toolkit-bar, I'd have already done it and I wouldn't be asking a question in the first place. The answer definitely isn't documented in the ever-so-hefty 9k file found on github unless you're referring to the section on Toolbar Configuration Settings:
The toolbar has a few configuration settings. Settings are passed in
the component declaration like normal component configuration.
public $components = array(
'DebugKit.Toolbar' => array(/* array of settings */) );
That's all it says about the "array of settings" - not much help there.
It does not have built-in support for changing it's location.
OP: If the answer to this question were as simple as changing the CSS from
top:0px; to bottom:0px; for #debug-toolkit-bar, I'd have already done
it and I wouldn't be asking a question in the first place.
It is actually that simple. To change it's location, just look at the CSS for the debug-kit-toolbar and the panel-tabs and override the float-lefts to right and the position to left instead of right...etc - all simple CSS stuff.
As far as the settings, you can view any/all of it's settings by looking at the code for the DebugKit Toolbar in Github.

CakePHP: I can't understand this in translate behavior

in cakebook on page there is a sentence what I am not able interpret:
When defining fields for TranslateBehavior to translate, be sure to omit those fields from the translated model's schema. If you leave the fields in, there can be issues when retrieving data with fallback locales.
Can somebody explain me in a more simple way than it is in originally?
I think I have language problem as english is not my native :P
It means that in the following case:
class Article extends AppModel
var $actsAs = array('Translate' => array('title'));
You should not have the field Article.title (i.e. articles.title) in your database, otherwise you'll have trouble at some point.
Basically, when you design your table you plan to translate, omit those fields you want to translate.
Hope that helps!
I've never used that behaviour and I have to say that I would be looking elsewhere for an explanation of how to use it as I too (and I'm English) am having trouble understanding it.
My guess is that you need to ensure that there are no fields in the i18n table with the same name as a field that you are translating, i.e. if you are translating you must be careful not to have
I don't use the console and there is no explanation of the required name or structure of the i18n table, so my comment is guesswork but I hope that it is in someway helpful.
