Integrating CRM platform to Google Home - database

Can you integrate a CRM platform database (i.e Salesforce) to create customized responses from Google Home?

Probably on some way, at least for Google Home where the variables and speech bias can be dynamic. The question is more what should the result be?
And is it good?
Is it usable?
Alexa has already an Salesforce Skill but I dont know it. So no idea if its useful.


Mobile app and cloud

I need to develop an mobile app that is able to:
1) Allow users create profiles with a login system;
2) An area that allow users to search profiles near them by geo position.
Is not an production app, I just need to learn how the things work..
1) To developer a app thus as explained, I need a web service.
But, what is the complete infrastructure needed to deploy this app?
I had read that the amazon delivery one solution called S3...this is all that I need to know as example to study?
What are all the requirements to study this kind of solution by complete???
Thank you
S3 is a storage solution, not really what you are looking for I think. Look at Google's Cloud Endpoints. Simple REST service with lots of tutorials.

application analytic

I have mtiks a mobile analytic software in my application and I want know if I have to inform the user that I use it or can I ignore it? Do I get lawproblems or is my application not accepted?
There's no requirement to show a disclaimer in the app itself, you can include it in your apps EULA. More details for a Google Analytics example here:

What payment gateways work well on appengine?

Well, I've been building some free apps on top of appengine, but now I want to start charging money. My question is:
What is the best way to collect payments from users. Do certain services (paypal, google checkout, etc) work better/worse with AppEngine's library restrictions? Are there any good examples or tutorials to help me learn how to do this?
You can do this any way you want, really - and there's nothing App Engine specific about it. For example, you could use Google Checkout or Paypal, and charge users on any basis you want.
Also just something to point out about the implementation, a simple boolean property on your user object should allow you to easily turn functions in your app on and off, depending on which tier your user has paid for.
Checkout or Both are billing solution SaaS apps. http based api's and easy to use. I use
If you plan to sell business apps you could integrate with the Google Apps Marketplace which uses Google Checkout for billing.

User API for Google App Engine far too restrictive?

Looking at the Google App Engine API, it seems that despite all its great features, the User API is extremely limiting. It seems you can only authenticate people who have a Google account, or use an OpenID account, or via some OAuth kung fu (handshaking with a Facebook account etc).
This appears to be a major stumbling block for anyone who wants a proprietary user base by creating user accounts within the application. In short, I don't want my users to have to use or create a Google account to access my app.
Has anyone else come across this limitation and has it been a deal breaker for using the GAE? Am I missing something? It is possible to deploy my own Spring based security etc within the app and use my own User API? Comments on this issue greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You're free to completely ignore the Users API and implement your own authentication system, as you would in any other hosting environment. Nothing about App Engine prevents you from doing so.
The Users API is just there as a convenience, in case you'd like to spare yourself the effort of re-implementing everything, and spare your users the inconvenience of filling out another sign up form and remembering another set of credentials.
You can always implement your own user management system.
In my application I have used spring-security for this purpose. spring security 3.0.1 works perfectly fine with app engine 1.3.5. There may occur some issues integrating other versions of both. I found below links extremely useful :

Google App Engine: Share data between users

Is it possible to make invitations to share/view data similar to Google Docs?
Definitely: GAE is a platform, a canvas for what you want to build. Document access management is entirely up to you, but of course you'll have access to some APIs to facilitate your life (e.g. Google Accounts integration).
Of course it is. You can create virtually any kind of web application that you want with AppEngine. It doesn't come with anything built-in to do this other than an API for sending emails, but you can certainly code up this functionality.
