application analytic - analytics

I have mtiks a mobile analytic software in my application and I want know if I have to inform the user that I use it or can I ignore it? Do I get lawproblems or is my application not accepted?

There's no requirement to show a disclaimer in the app itself, you can include it in your apps EULA. More details for a Google Analytics example here:


How to verify a phone number and login using Facebook in Flutter

I am developing a mobile application in Flutter, the mobile application should allow the user to verify his phone number first before allowing him to proceed, and we should allow the user to authenticate by Facebook, is there any tutorial or documentation that shows out how to do this?
The firebase_auth plugin does this for you. Setting it up you will have to follow the instructions on the page, which also gives a basic example of the functionality.
Documentation, sadly, is not really avalaible, but the source is easy to understand (after taking a look at the example in the Here you can take a look at authentication with Facebook.
Phone auth is currently not completely implemented with the official SDK, so please check the latest replies to this issue.

Integrating CRM platform to Google Home

Can you integrate a CRM platform database (i.e Salesforce) to create customized responses from Google Home?
Probably on some way, at least for Google Home where the variables and speech bias can be dynamic. The question is more what should the result be?
And is it good?
Is it usable?
Alexa has already an Salesforce Skill but I dont know it. So no idea if its useful.

Testing google analytics

I am new to google analytics and mobile testing and got a task of testing google analytics on one of our in-house application. could you guys please help me by understanding that how can I proceed doing so. I have no idea about google analytics.
Thanks in advance.
Just perform the actions that you are actually tracking and check if a corresponding entry is recorded in the analytics database.
As a starting point, first check if your UA tracking ID is implemented. Secondly, make some interaction with you mobile application and check if the data is available in Google Analytics (e.g. real time report).

What payment gateways work well on appengine?

Well, I've been building some free apps on top of appengine, but now I want to start charging money. My question is:
What is the best way to collect payments from users. Do certain services (paypal, google checkout, etc) work better/worse with AppEngine's library restrictions? Are there any good examples or tutorials to help me learn how to do this?
You can do this any way you want, really - and there's nothing App Engine specific about it. For example, you could use Google Checkout or Paypal, and charge users on any basis you want.
Also just something to point out about the implementation, a simple boolean property on your user object should allow you to easily turn functions in your app on and off, depending on which tier your user has paid for.
Checkout or Both are billing solution SaaS apps. http based api's and easy to use. I use
If you plan to sell business apps you could integrate with the Google Apps Marketplace which uses Google Checkout for billing.

How to track if browser is Silverlight enabled

I'm trying to get some stats on how many of the visitors to our website have Silverlight enabled browsers.
We currently use Google Analytics for the rest of our stats so ideally we'd like to just add 'Silverlight enabled' tracking in with the rest of our Google Analytics stats. But if it has to get written out to a DB etc then so be it.
Nikhil has some javascript to Silverlight tracking to Google Analytics. I have tried this code but Google Analytics doesn't pick it up.
Does anyone have any other ideas/techniques?
In case you missed it, there's a link to a more detailed article as well in the comments:
Edit: As David pointed out, this article covers the reverse scenario more (how to write your silverlight app so that it plays well with Analytics).
I think you answered it yourself. The page you are linking to does just that: detect which version of Silverlight the user has (not if s/he installs it). From the page:
After a little poking around, I found that Google Analytics has support for reporting a user-defined field.
Basically this detects the presence of Silverlight, and if its available, it records the version as the value of the user-defined field. Now your analytics reports will have one of three values: "(not set)", "Silverlight/1.0" or "Silverlight/2.0".
The Using Google Analytics with rich (managed) web applications in Silverlight article is very interesing but is more focused on how to get your Silverlight app to send messages to Google Analytics.
Yeah, I thought that too but I have tried running my page with Nikhil's javascript and Google Analytics didn't pick it up. But I could have screwed something up somewhere.
I'm just interested to know if anyone else has managed to do this (track Silverlight-ness) successfully.
I've written a lightweight Silverlight library that helps make it easy to integrate Google Analytics in your silverlight app. You can grab download the code or binaries here.
I think the code posted on Nikhil's blog is out of date if you are using ga.js and not urchin.js.
The use of the global function __utmSetVar() is replaced by the tracker method _setCustomVar()
