Is it possible to display numeric keyboard for Messenger Platform? - facebook-messenger

I am developing a bot using the Messenger Platform with Node.js. Sometimes the user need to provide an information based only on numbers. Is there a way to display the numeric keyboard in this situation?

Specifying the keyboard type is not supported.


React Native - Is there any possible way to embed elements within the text of a text input?

I would like to allow the users to type raw text into an input, but also allow them to embed special kinds of content within the raw text.
For example:
My hope would be that the element would be handled by React Native as essentially just an extra big text character, so that it could be multi-selected, backspaced, etc.
If this is not supported by default in React Native, would it even be possible to implement this functionality on my own? Or is this type of feature not even supported on the native (Android/iOS) environments?

Nepali/Hindi Keyboard for specific input in React native

Is it possible to show Nepali/Hindi keyboard by default when a specific TextInput is focused in React native?
I have an app that is primarily in Nepali. I want to make it possible for users to input data in Nepali in a TextInput.
Thank you
You can try to write a wrapper over indic keyboard,
Indic Keyboard is a versatile keyboard for Android users who wish to use Indic and Indian languages to type messages, compose emails and generally prefer to use them in addition to English on their phone. You can use this application to type anywhere in your phone that you would normally type in English. It currently supports 23 languages and 54 layouts.

Sencha MessageBox vs Notification usage preference

Sencha Touch has 2 classes Ext.device.Notification and Ext.Msg to display messages.
As per documentation of Ext.device.Notification Notifications are used to show native dialog boxes. The Simulator implementation will use Ext.MessageBox for show and a simply animation when you call vibrate. In otherwords, while testing in simulator/chrome emulation, Notifications behaves like MessageBox. But on actual device, it launches native device notification.
So I was wondering why would we not always use Ext.device.Notification to show Notifications ? Is there a need to use Ext.Msg? Are there any performance issues of using Notification over Msg?
Haven't used Ext.device.Notification so far but it seems that you can not style this type of message as you could style Ext.Msg. So it should be easier to include Ext.Msg into your app theme and have a consistent look.
On the other hand (as you already mentioned) you can vibrate the device using Ext.device.Notification. This is not possible using Ext.Msg though.
That being said these two classes are not completely interchangeable.

Is it possible in c# to show, hide, and manipulate the Windows 8 on-screen keyboard?

I am making a WPF application that is to be used on a kiosk with no hardware keyboard. Currently we are using a third party on-screen keyboard, but the Windows 8 version is a lot better and we are thinking of switching to it.
So my question is simply if it is possible to show/hide it as well as show a numeric only version using c#.
From this source:
There is no direct way to control the touch keyboard programmatically.
Requiring the user to set the focus rather than the program is a
deliberate design decision to prevent UI churn.
See Input Hosting Manager and the Touch Keyboard for more information
on how and why this works. The User-driven invocation section of that
document explains the specific behavior you are asking about.
But, once the user touches an input control, the soft keyboard will automatically be displayed (with no extra coding needed).
Finally, to address your question on a numeric-only version of a keyboard, you may propose a different keyboard layout using InputScope on a TextBox. The different input scopes are enumerated here, but one of them is "Number".
I've published a sample on how to trigger the touch keyboard in WPF applications when a user clicks into a Textbox, its here:
I've been working on this sample for many months and am glad to finally contribute it to our community. Please let me know if there are any questions, suggestions, problems, etc in the sample Q&A pane
Also note that while demonstrate how to "show" the keyboard, i'm not sure how to dismiss it programmatically at this point so its important to test any actual implementation to ensure its a good experience. For example some controls like Button will dismiss the keyboard when they get focus from a TextBox, but certain ones like Checkbox will not and I demonstrate that in my sample.

How can I add a button to my form

I can't find any button control to add to a form in my mobile application. It's a standard mobile application with mobile emulator 6.0.
How can I add a button?
Check out this code project article.
Perhaps the questioner can clarify, but there are two different SDKs for Windows Mobile 6: Standard (for phones without touchscreens), and Professional (for phones with touchscreens). In Standard, there is no button control as it is not supported.
However, custom controls are supported, and you can still create a button (IMHO it's needed, as you can still use one with a D-pad). Go here for an example on how to create one.
