type interface {} does not support indexing in golang - arrays

I have such map:
Map := make(map[string]interface{})
This map is supposed to contain mapping from string to array of objects. Arrays can be of different types, like []Users or []Hosts. I populated this array:
TopologyMap["Users"] = Users_Array
TopologyMap["Hosts"] = Hosts_Array
but when I try to get an elements from it:
it gives an error:
(type interface {} does not support indexing)
How can I overcome it?

You have to explicitly convert your interface{} to a slice of the expected type to achieve it. Something like this:
package main
import "fmt"
type Host struct {
Name string
func main() {
Map := make(map[string]interface{})
Map["hosts"] = []Host{Host{"test.com"}, Host{"test2.com"}}
hm := Map["hosts"].([]Host)
Playground link

First thing to be noted is the interface{} can hold any data type including function and struct or []struct. Since the error gives you :
(type interface {} does not support indexing)
It means that it holds no slice or no array values. Because you directly call the index in this case is 0 to an interface{} and you assume that the Map["Users"] is an array. But it is not. This is one of very good thing about Go it is statically type which mean all the data type is check at compiled time.
if you want to be avoid the parsing error like this:
panic: interface conversion: interface {} is []main.User, not
To avoid that error while your parsing it to another type like Map["user"].([]User) just in case that another data type pass to the interface{} consider the code snippet below :
u, ok := myMap["user"].([]User)
if ok {
log.Printf("value = %+v\n", u)
Above code is simple and you can use it to check if the interface match to the type you are parsing.
And if you want to be more general passing the value to your interface{} at runtime you can check it first using reflect.TypeOf() please consider this code :
switch reflect.TypeOf(myMap["user"]).String() {
case "[]main.User":
log.Println("map = ", "slice of user")
logger.Debug("map = ", myMap["user"].([]User)[0])
case "[]main.Host":
log.Println("map = ", "slice of host")
logger.Debug("map = ", myMap["user"].([]Host)[0])
after you know what's the value of the interface{} you can confidently parse it the your specific data type in this case slice of user []User. Not that the main there is a package name you can change it to yours.

This is how I solved it for unstructured data. You have to parse to index string until you reach the end. Then you can print key value pairs.
yamlStr := `
interface: eth0
reaggregate: {}
versions: {}
destination: owl-opsw-sw-dev-4.opsw:32001
interface: eth0
var obj map[string]interface{}
if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(yamlStr), &obj); err != nil {
// Act on error
// Set nested object to map[string]
inputkv := streamObj["input"].(map[string]interface{})
for key, value := range inputkv {
// Each value is an interface{} type, that is type asserted as a string
fmt.Println(key, value.(string))
interface eth0


Calling valiable name from another variable

Please help to call the variable from another variable.
I have the script which is taking EC2 instances and return in "*ec2.Instance" variable.
I can print information from static text, for example :
fmt.Println(instance.InstanceType) // t3.small
But I have the list of reqired fields like and don't know how dynamic use name from this list :
fields := []string{"InstanceId", "InstanceType", "PrivateIpAddress"}
for i := range fields {
fmt.Println(instance.fields[i]) // Not correct ... :(
You need to use reflection to do this in go.
The key takeaway is you need to "analyze" the returned value at runtime and access properties by name from the "reflected" structure. Reflection basically means analyzing objects at runtime.
package main
import (
type whatever struct {
cat string
dog string
animals int
something string
func main() {
wantProps := []string{ "cat", "animals"}
we := whatever{cat: "meow", animals: 22}
r := reflect.ValueOf(we)
for _, propName := range wantProps {
prop := r.FieldByName(propName)
fmt.Println(propName, prop)
More details:
Golang dynamic access to a struct property

Test type of value in Go

Im trying to validate a JSON object in Go. I'm trying to see if the 'tags' attribute is an array.( Later on I'll also want to know if another attribute is an object too).
I have reached to this. If I print reflect.TypeOf(gjson.Get(api_spec, "tags").Value() I get :
string // When the field is a string
[]interface {} // When the field is an array
map[string]interface {} // When the field is an object
But when trying to test this on the below code :
if ( gjson.Get(api_spec, "tags").Exists() ) {
if ( reflect.TypeOf(gjson.Get(api_spec, "tags").Value()) != "[]interface {}" ) {
// some code here ...
I get the below error code :
invalid operation: reflect.TypeOf(gjson.Get(api_spec, "tags").Value()) != "[]interface {}" (mismatched types reflect.Type and string)
Thanks in advance!
Use a type assertion to determine if a value is a []interface{}:
v := gjson.Get(api_spec, "tags").Value()
_, ok := v.([]interface{}) // ok is true if v is type []interface{}
Here's the code in the question modified to use a type assertion:
if gjson.Get(api_spec, "tags").Exists() {
if _, ok := gjson.Get(api_spec, "tags").Value().([]interface{}); !ok {
// some code here ...
There's no need to use reflection. If you do want to use reflection for some reason (and I don't see a reason in the question), then compare reflect.Type values:
// Get type using a dummy value. This can be done once by declaring
// the variable as a package-level variable.
var sliceOfInterface = reflect.TypeOf([]interface{}{})
ok = reflect.TypeOf(v) == sliceOfInterface // ok is true if v is type []interface{}
run the code on the playground
When you print a type to console, it's converted to a string; however, as you can see from the documentation for TypeOf, it does not return a string, it returns a reflect.Type. You can use Kind() to test programmatically what it is:
if reflect.TypeOf(gjson.Get(api_spec, "tags").Value()).Kind() != reflect.Slice {
Other Kinds you might be interested in are reflect.String and reflect.Map.
reflect.TypeOf returns a Type object. See docs at https://golang.org/pkg/reflect/#TypeOf
Your code should read:
if reflect.TypeOf(gjson.Get(api_spec, "tags").Value()).Name() != "[]interface {}" {
// some code here ...

Slice and interface manipulation

I have recently started programming with Go on Google App Engine and I have run into a road block. I come from Java land so it's been a slight struggle to adapt to Go.
I want to have a method that allows me to pass in a pointer to a slice that I can then pass into the datastore.GetAll call to retrieve the results. I then want to iterate through the results and use an assertion to cast as a specific interface (Queryable) in order to call a method Map().
Initially, I had this functioning properly:
func (s ProjectService) RunQuery(context context.Context, q *datastore.Query, projects *[]Project) error {
keys, err := q.GetAll(context, projects)
if err != nil {
return err
for i, key := range keys {
(*projects)[i].Id = key.Encode()
(*projects)[i].CompanyId = (*projects)[i].Company.Encode()
return nil
I want to have a more generic method that can be applied to any entity that implements a Queryable interface. The idea is to have a hook that allows me to perform some post processing after retrieving the results. I've looked into the ProperyLoadSaver interface however I have no access to the actual key that is associated to the entity. I would like to store the string representation of the datastore.Key in the entity.
This is the Queryable interface:
type Queryable interface {
Map(*datastore.Key) error
Here's an example entity that I am persisting to the GAE store:
type Camera struct {
Id string `datastore:"-"`
ProjectId string `datastore:"-"`
Name string
Project *datastore.Key `json:"-"`
Active bool
Timestamp Timestamp
// Implement Queryable interface. Let me perform any additional mapping
func (c *Camera) Map(key *datastore.Key) error {
c.Name = "Maybe do other things here"
c.Id = key.Encode()
return nil
The idea is to have something like the snippet below.
func (c Crud) RunQuery(context context.Context, q *datastore.Query, entities interface{}) error {
keys, err := q.GetAll(context, entities)
v := reflect.ValueOf(entities)
dv := v.Elem()
for i, key := range keys {
// I left this in to show that this worked however this won't let me enforce the interface contract
entity := dv.Index(i).Interface().(Queryable)
return err
However, when this executes, it panics with the following:
PANIC: interface conversion: entity.Camera is not entity.Queryable: missing method Map goroutine 9 [running]:
Just as a note, I realize the appropriate way to perform an assertion is to do if as, ok := elem.(Type); ok {} but I just wanted to see what the error was
I am guessing I am getting this error because I have defined my parameter with a pointer receiver func (c *Camera) Map(key *datastore.Key) error and not func (c Camera) Map(key *datastore.Key) error However, I want to modify the actual value.
Where am I going wrong with this? Is my Java-ness showing?
Being that I am very new to Go, I may be approaching this completely wrong.
Because the method is on a pointer receiver (as it should be), use the address of the slice element:
entity := dv.Index(i).Addr().Interface().(Queryable)
An alternative approach is to use a slice of pointers for the result:
var result []*Camera
err := c.RunQuery(ctx, q, &result)
The code can be written to work with both []Camera or []*Camera as follows:
var queryableType = reflect.TypeOf((*Queryable)(nil)).Elem()
needAddr := !dv.Type().Implements(queryableType)
var entity Queryable
if needAddr {
entity = dv.Index(i).Addr().Interface().(Queryable)
} else {
entity = dv.Index(i).Interface().(Queryable)

Unmarshalling top-level JSON array in Go

I'm learning Go by writing a simple http server and I need to handle some JSON responses.
With an object response, I can unmarshal it idiomatically with 2 lines of code:
structResult := Foo{}
json.Unmarshal(structBody, &structResult)
I don't know how to do the same for an array response (see the example below). Is there a way to specify (possibly via json tag) that top-level array should go into a given struct field?
package main
import "fmt"
import "encoding/json"
type Foo struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
type BaseResult struct {
Error string `json:"error"`
type FooResult struct {
Foos []Foo
func main() {
// Simple and works.
structBody := []byte(`{"id": 1,"name": "foo"}`)
structResult := Foo{}
json.Unmarshal(structBody, &structResult)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", structResult)
// Doesn't work.
arrayBody := []byte(`[{"id": 1,"name": "foo"},{"id": 2,"name": "bar"},{"id": 3,"name": "foobar"}]`)
arrayResult := FooResult{}
json.Unmarshal(arrayBody, &arrayResult)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", arrayResult)
I know I could make FooResult an array:
type FooResult []Foo
but then I lose the ability to specify base object which I would like to use to store error message and such. I also know that I can unmarshal into &fooResult.Foos directly, but I want the code to work with both objects and arrays.
Implementing UnmarshalJSON as suggested by #dyoo partially solves my problem, but I was hoping that I could use BaseResult to store parse error in case JSON has a different structure:
arrayBody := []byte(`{"error": "foo"}`)
arrayResult := FooResult{}
json.Unmarshal(arrayBody, &arrayResult)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", arrayResult)
Of course I could implement more complex logic inside UnmarshalJSON - but isn't there a simpler way to do it?
You can implement the json.Unmarshaler interface in your FooResult, to customize exactly how it responds to unmarshaling. (Similarly, there's a json.Marshaler interface.)
func (f *FooResult) UnmarshalJSON(bs []byte) error {
return json.Unmarshal(bs, &f.Foos)
after which your code should otherwise work. http://play.golang.org/p/oMdoB2e-rB
You might try something like:
func (f *FooResult) UnmarshalJSON(bs []byte) error {
err1 := json.Unmarshal(bs, &f.BaseResult)
err2 := json.Unmarshal(bs, &f.Foos)
if err1 != nil && err2 != nil {
// Arbitrarily choose an error.
return err1
return nil
although even this is beginning to look dubious. Handling union type results is not quite what the json library is designed to handle automatically for you. You'll need to explicitly code the coercion logic if your JSON has dynamic type.
See: How to unmarshall an array of different types correctly? and http://blog.golang.org/json-and-go for related issues.
Just specify Foos when you Unmarshal
package main
import "fmt"
import "encoding/json"
type Foo struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
type BaseResult struct {
Error string `json:"error"`
type FooResult struct {
Foos []Foo
func main() {
// Simple and works.
structBody := []byte(`{"id": 1,"name": "foo"}`)
structResult := Foo{}
json.Unmarshal(structBody, &structResult)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", structResult)
// Doesn't work.
arrayBody := []byte(`[{"id": 1,"name": "foo"},{"id": 2,"name": "bar"},{"id": 3,"name": "foobar"}]`)
arrayResult := FooResult{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(arrayBody, &arrayResult.Foos); err != nil {
arrayResult.BaseResult.Error = string(arrayBody)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", arrayResult)

How to Unmarshal the json array?

There is something wrong when I unmarshal the json array.
How do I correct it ? the code is:http://play.golang.org/p/AtU9q8Hlye
package main
import (
type Server struct {
ServerName string
ServerIP string
type Serverslice struct {
Name string
Servers []Server
func main() {
var s []Serverslice
str := `{"name":"dxh","servers":[{"serverName":"VPN0","serverIP":""},{"serverName":"Beijing_VPN","serverIP":""}],
json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &s) //the wrong line.....................
First of all, you're ignoring the error return value from json.Unmarshal. You probably want something like:
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &s); err != nil {
With that change, we can see that your JSON data isn't valid: invalid character 's' after object key:value pair. There is a missing quote at the end of "dxh1 on the second line.
Fixing that error and rerunning the program you'll get a different error: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type []main.Serverslice. There are two possible problems here:
You meant to decode into an object. In this case, just declare s as a Serverslice. Here is a version of your program that makes that change: http://play.golang.org/p/zgyr_vnn-_
Your JSON is supposed to be an array (possible, since it seems to have duplicate keys). Here's an updated version with the JSON changed to provide an array: http://play.golang.org/p/Wl6kUaivEm
