excess # in printing array elements in c - c

I've written a c program to recursively reverse a 10 char array:
void rev(char *, char *);
int a = 0;
void main()
char in[10], out[10];
scanf("%s", in);
rev(in, out);
printf("in is:%s\n", in);
printf("out is:%s\n", out);
for(a = 0; a < 10; a++)
printf("out[%d] is:%c\n", a, out[a]);
void rev(char *in, char *out)
if(a < 10)
rev(in, out);
out[9 - (--a)] = in[a];
but it returns an # at the end of array when I print the whole array while when I print array elements one by one, it doesn't exists.
please tell me what it is?

rev is reversing the entire in array, not just the part that contains the user's input. So it's copying the uninitialized values after the input.
The reason you're seeing different output when you print out than when you print the individual characters is because you're not adding a null byte to out. So printing the string goes past the end of the array when it looks for the null byte.
You should only reverse the part of the array up to strlen(in) rather than the entire array.
You also should pass a as a parameter, not use a global variable.
And finally, when you reach the end you need to add a null byte to the output string.
void rev(char *in, char *out, start, len)
if(start < len)
rev(in, out, start + 1, len);
out[len - start-1] = in[start];
} else {
out[start] = '\0';
And call it:
rev(in, out, 0, strlen(in));


copy pointer to pointer (an array containting pointer) to another one

I tried to copy a pointer to pointer (an array containing pointer) but when I ran it get weird result:
here is my code:
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
void mycopy(char *c[], char *o[], int olen);
char *alloc(int n);
int main() {
char *o[] = { "12", "13", "14" };
char *c[3];
mycopy(c, o, 3);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
printf("%s\n", o[i]);
printf("%s\n", c[i]);
return 0;
void mycopy(char *c[], char *o[], int olen) {
char *t;
for (int i = 0; i < olen; i++) {
//printf("%d\n", strlen(o[i]));
if ((t = alloc(strlen(o[i]))) == NULL) {
printf("don't use copy cause there isn't enough space\n");
//printf("%s\n", o[i]);
strcpy(t, o[i]);
//printf("%s\n", t);
*c++ = t;
#define MAXBUF 1000000
char buf[MAXBUF]; /* Maximum space which we can allocate */
char *bufc = buf;
/* alloc: allocate space to a pointer */
char *alloc(int n) {
if (buf + MAXBUF - bufc >= n) {
bufc += n;
return bufc - n;
return 0;
weirdly the result for c is:
121314 1314 14
while I checked the process by commented printfs in mycopy function and every thing seems right.
is there anyway other way to copy ?
oh and I'm a beginner in c so while I tried to solve an example in K&R2 this problem came up to me.
t = alloc(strlen(o[i]))
But the length of a string is strlen+1, because you need one byte for the trailing nul terminator.
If you're not sure, just use strdup instead.
NB. You can see exactly why this gives the output it does, by examining the address stored in each of your three pointers. Either use your debugger, or just print the addresses.
Each element is in the form: '1' '2' '\0' (the last is the terminator).
Your buffer at the end contains: ['1', '2', '1', '3', '1', '4', '\0', ..........] and when you print you're actually printing from the beginning of your current element up to the first '\0'. Each time you overwrite the last '\0' (printf stops there). You just should "alloc(strlen(o[i] + 1)".

loop to reverse string in C

So I've looked around on SO and can't find code that answers my question. I have written a function that is supposed to reverse a string as input in cmd-line. Here is the function:
void reverse (char string[]) {
int x;
int i = 0;
char line[strlen(string)];
for (x = strlen(string) - 1; x > 0; x--) {
char tmp = string[x];
line[i] = tmp;
string = line;
When I call my reverse() function, the string stays the same. i.e., 'abc' remains 'abc'
If more info is needed or question is inappropriate, let me know.
You're declaring your line array one char shorter remember the null at the end.
Another point, it should be for (x = strlen(string) - 1; x >= 0; x--) since you need to copy the character at 0.
void reverse (char string[]) {
int x;
int i = 0;
char line[strlen(string) + 1];
for (x = strlen(string) - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
char tmp = string[x];
line[i] = tmp;
for(x = 0; x < strlen(string); x++)
string[x] = line[x];
Note that this function will cause an apocalypse when passed an empty string or a string literal (as Bobby Sacamano said).
Suggestion you can probably do: void reverse(char source[], char[] dest) and do checks if the source string is empty.
I think that your answer is almost correct. You don't actually need an extra slot for the null character in line. You just need two minor changes:
Change the assignment statement at the bottom of the procedure to a memcpy.
Change the loop condition to <-
So, your correct code is this:
void reverse (char string[]) {
int x;
int i = 0;
char line[strlen(string)];
for (x = strlen(string) - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
char tmp = string[x];
line[i] = tmp;
memcpy(string, line, sizeof(char) * strlen(line));
Since you want to reverse a string, you first must decide whether you want to reverse a copy of the string, or reverse the string in-situ (in place). Since you asked about this in 'C' context, assume you mean to change the existing string (reverse the existing string) and make a copy of the string in the calling function if you want to preserve the original.
You will need the string library
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
Array indexing works, and this version takes that approach,
/* this first version uses array indexing */
streverse_a(char string[])
int len; /*how big is your string*/
int ndx; /*because 'i' is hard to search for*/
char tmp; /*hold character to swap*/
if(!string) return(string); /*avoid NULL*/
if( (len=strlen(string)) < 2 ) return(string); /*one and done*/
for( ndx=0; ndx<len/2; ndx++ ) {
But you can do the same with pointers,
/* this is how K&R would write the function with pointers */
streverse(char* sp)
int len, ndx; /*how big is your string */
char tmp, *bp, *ep; /*pointers to begin/end, swap temporary*/
if(!sp) return(sp); /*avoid NULL*/
if( (len=strlen(bp=sp)) < 2 ) return(sp); /*one and done*/
for( ep=bp+len-1; bp<ep; bp++, ep-- ) {
tmp=*bp; *bp=*ep; *ep=tmp; /*swap*/
(No, really, the compiler does not charge less for returning void.)
And because you always test your code,
char s[][100] = {
"", "A", "AB", "ABC", "ABCD", "ABCDE",
"hello, world", "goodbye, cruel world", "pwnz0r3d", "enough"
/* suppose your string is declared as 'a' */
char a[100];
strcpy(a,"reverse string");
/*make a copy of 'a', declared the same as a[]*/
char b[100];
printf("a:%s, r:%s\n",a,b);
/*duplicate 'a'*/
char *rp = strdup(a);
printf("a:%s, r:%s\n",a,rp);
int ndx;
for( ndx=0; ndx<10; ++ndx ) {
/*make a copy of 's', declared the same as s[]*/
char b[100];
printf("s:%s, r:%s\n",s[ndx],b);
/*duplicate 's'*/
char *rp = strdup(s[ndx]);
printf("s:%s, r:%s\n",s[ndx],rp);
The last line in your code does nothing
string = line;
Parameters are passed by value, so if you change their value, that is only local to the function. Pointers are the value of the address of memory they are pointing to. If you want to modify the pointer that the function was passed, you need to take a pointer to that pointer.
Here is a short example of how you could do that.
void reverse (char **string) {
char line = malloc(strlen(*string) + 1);
//automatic arrays are deallocated once the function ends
//so line needs to be dynamically or statically allocated
// do something to line
*string = line;
The obvious issue with this is that you can initialize the string with static memory, then this method will replace the static memory with dynamic memory, and then you'll have to free the dynamic memory. There's nothing functionally wrong with that, it's just a bit dangerous, since accidentally freeing the string literal is illegal.
char *test = "hello";
free(test); //this is pretty scary
Also, if test was allocated as dynamic memory, the pointer to it would be lost and then it would become a memory leak.

C: reverse string function not affecting pointer

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int reverse(char *, int);
char *word = "Thanks for your help";
reverse(word, strlen(word));
printf("%s", word);
int reverse(char *line, int len)
int i, j;
char *newline = malloc(strlen(line));
for (i = len - 1, j = 0 ; i >= 0; i--, j++)
newline[j] = line[i];
newline[j] = '\0';
line = &newline;
Hey folks. I've got a simple C question that I can't seem to solve.
The program above is meant to take in a string and print it out backwards. Reverse is the function by which this is done.
The issue, specifically, is that when I print word in main(), the string appears unchanged. I've attempted to make the address of line the address of newline, but it doesn't have any effect.
int reverse(char *line, int len)
int i, j;
char *newline = malloc(strlen(line));
for (i = len - 1, j = 0 ; i >= 0; i--, j++)
newline[j] = line[i];
newline[j] = '\0';
line = &newline; // Your problem is here
You're merely assigning to the local line pointer. This has no effect on the calling function whatsoever.
Consider instead:
char *reverse(char *line, int len)
// ...
return newline;
Additional advice:
Turn on compiler warnings, and heed them. You've got lots of little things wrong (e.g. reverse isn't currently returning anything, but is declared as returning int).
Given that the first argument of reverse is a pointer to a C string (NUL-terminated), there's no need to take a length argument as well.
A reverse function doesn't necessarily need to be defined as returning a copy of the string, reversed. It could instead reverse a string in-place. Note that you cannot pass a string literal to a function like this, as they are read-only.
Here's how I would write this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void reverse(char *str)
size_t i, j;
for (i = strlen(str) - 1, j = 0 ; i > j; i--, j++)
// Swap characters
char c = str[i];
str[i] = str[j];
str[j] = c;
int main(void)
// Mutable string allocated on the stack;
// we cannot just pass a string literal to reverse().
char str[] = "Here is a test string";
printf("Result: \"%s\"\n", str);
return 0;
Note that the for loop condition is i > j, because we want each to only traverse half the array, and not swap each character twice.
$ ./a.exe
Result: "gnirts tset a si ereH"
Take a look at the code below:
void addOne(int a) {
int newA = a + 1;
a = newA;
int main() {
int num = 5;
printf("%d\n", num);
Do you see why that will print 5, and not 6? It's because when you pass num to addOne, you actually make a copy of num. When addOne changes a to newA, it is changing the copy (called a), not the original variable, num. C has pass-by-value semantics.
Your code suffers from the same problem (and a couple other things). When you call reverse, a copy of word is made (not a copy of the string, but a copy of the character pointer, which points to the string). When you change line to point to your new string, newLine, you are not actually changing the passed-in pointer; you are changing the copy of the pointer.
So, how should you implement reverse? It depends: there are a couple options.
reverse could return a newly allocated string containing the original string, reversed. In this case, your function signature would be char *reverse, instead of int reverse.
reverse could modify the original string in place. That is, you never allocate a new string, and simply move the characters of the original string around. This works, in general, but not in your case because char pointers initialized with string literals do not necessarily point to writable memory.
reverse could actually change the passed-in pointer to point at a new string (what you are trying to do in your current code). To do this, you'd have to write a function void reverse(char **pointerToString). Then you could assign *pointerToString = newLine;. But this is not great practice. The original passed-in argument is now inaccessible, and if it was malloc'd, it can't be freed.

Inserting a string into another string no library functions

I am attempting to complete a homework assignment, part of which is to design a function that inserts a string into another string. All functions, with the exception of strlen(), are off limits to me. Specifically the problem is this: I am having trouble implementing the part of the function that "makes room" in the target string for the inserted string. Inserting the string always results in a trampling of array elements. Can anyone point out what I am doing wrong here? Thanks for helping me learn!
Edit: Integer n is the location in the string that I am supposed to insert the other string.
void insertstring(char *str, char *ins, int n)
int i;
int scoot=strlen(ins);
char *p=str+n;
for (i=strlen(str); i > n; --i) { //This is where I'm doing it wrong I think
str[i+scoot]=str[i]; //
do {
*p = *ins;
while (*ins != '\0');
An elegant solution uses reversing to achieve the desired result. Assume your target string, str, is composed of two blocks, AB, where A is the block before the insertion point, and B is the block after insertion point. Furthermore, assume that the string to insert, ins, is denoted by a third block C.
It can be seen that if you concatenate C to AB and then reverse B, reverse C, and reverse both B and C, you get ACB, which is the desired result. More explicitly, this is what you have after appending C to AB:
And this is what you want:
ACB can be obtained by:
Reverse B, to get B_r (B reversed);
Reverse C, to get C_r - at this point we have AB_rC_r;
Reverse both B and C, that is, compute A(B_rC_r)_r, which yields ACB.
Here's the code that implements this algorithm:
void reverse(char *, char *, char *);
/* Insert string C between blocks AB in str */
void insertstring(char *str, char *ins, int n) {
/* 1 - Append C to the end of str */
int i = strlen(str);
char *p = str+i, *q = ins;
while ((*p++ = *q++));
/* 2 - Reverse C and B */
reverse(str, str+i, p-1); /* C */
reverse(str, str+n, str+i-1); /* B */
/* 3 - Reverse B_rC_r */
reverse(str, str+n, p-1);
void reverse(char *str, char *begin, char *end) {
char tmp;
while (begin < end) {
tmp = *begin;
*begin = *end;
*end = tmp;
And some sample code to test it:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
void insertstring(char *, char *, int);
char test[128] = "A string to test.";
printf("Before: %s\n", test);
insertstring(test, "hello!", 4);
printf("After: %s\n", test);
return 0;
This will insert "hello!" beginning in test[4]. Here's the output:
$ ./test
Before: A string to test.
After: A sthello!ring to test.
Consider taking this approach: the code is short and elegant. This technique is described in Programming Pearls, 2nd edition, as a good way to perform vector rotation. According to the author, Brian Kernighan and P.J. Plauger used precisely this method in their Software Tools in Pascal to move lines within a text editor.
First you have change
for (i=strlen(str); i > n; --i)
for (i=strlen(str); i >= n; --i)
because you have to move str[n] too.
The other problem is when you insert ins:
do {
*p = *ins;
while (*ins != '\0');
Here you copy the terminating '\0' from ins to str so the rest is lost. Change it to
while (*ins != '\0') {
*p = *ins;
After mentioning about n, update for loop as
for (i=n+scoot; i >= n; i--)
You want to move strlen(ins) number of character ahead from location n.
Tried it with single loop,
go to index , copy src content into temp_array and simultaneously copying medi into src
once medi is copied completely , start putting the content of temp_array till it become empty
void insert_in_middle (char *src, char *medi, int index)
int i=0, j = index, k=0;
char temp_array[50];
while(src[j] != '\0' || temp_array[k] != '\0')
temp_array[i] = src[j];
if(medi[i] != '\0')
src[j] = medi[i];
else if(temp_array[k] != '\0')
src[j] = temp_array[k];
i++; j++;
printf("src[%s]\n", src);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char *str_ins();
int main()
char *test = "Hello, world!";
str_ins(&test,strstr(test,"world"),"my ");
char *str_ins(a, b, c) // insert string c into a at point b
char **a, *b, *c;
char *stemp;
int pos = strlen(*a) - strlen(b);
stemp = (char *) malloc(strlen(*a)+strlen(c)+1);
*a = stemp;
return *a;

qsort segmentation fault

So I'm working on a program where the function reads in from stdio, and keeps reading in characters in chunks of n characters.
So far I've gotten it so that everything is stored in a character array called buffer. For the next step, I need to sort each chunk of n characters. For example the string cats/ndogs/n should be split as cats/n dogs/n if n =5, and then qsort() needs to alphabetize it. This is how I'm calling qsort():
qsort (buffer, (line-2)*n*(sizeof(char)),n,compare);
Where (line-2)*n*sizeof(char) gives the total number of items in the array buffer; 10 in this case.
This is my compare function:
int compare (const void * a, const void * b)
return (strcmp(*(char **)a, *(char **)b));
When I run this, however, I always get a seg fault in strcmp(). Any ideas why?
This is the loading code:
while (!feof(stdin))
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
char l = getchar();
if (l != EOF)
if ((i == 0) && (line != 1))
success = (int *)realloc(buffer, line*n*(sizeof(char)));
buffer[(n*(line-1))+i] = l;
line = line + 1;
Silly question, but are your strings null terminated? You seem to only have a newline on the end.
Also, you probably only need "strcmp((char *)a, (char *)b)" as the extra *s look to be redundant to me.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char buffer[] ="333000222555111777888666999444";
int mycmp(void *l, void*r);
int main(void)
/* note: sizeof buffer is 31,
** but the integer division will round down
** , ignoring the extra nul-byte */
qsort(buffer, (sizeof buffer/3), 3, mycmp);
printf ("[%s]\n", buffer);
return 0;
int mycmp(void *l, void *r)
return memcmp(l,r,3);
