I'm trying to loop through the results of a JSON response and get the title of each article, however my hosting company mentioned the returned object is not an array, so I can't loop through the articles.
Currently it gives me an undefined on the length of the amount of articles.
How can I loop through the articles and get their titles?
I tried everything below, and finally read somewhere I could use a for-in loop.
So I was checking out this example here: http://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?filename=tryjs_object_for_in
However, I have no idea how to apply this loop on my data to get just the articles and then loop through these and get their properties.
"blog": {
"id": "1464",
"comments": true,
"url": "blogs\/magazine",
"rss": "blogs\/magazine.rss",
"title": "Taj Magazine",
"articles": {
"3748": {
"id": 3748,
"image": 7442452,
"url": "blogs\/magazine\/foodies-walhalla-2",
"title": "Foodies Walhalla 2",
"author": "",
"author_url": false,
"summary": "dit is de samenvatting tekst",
"content": "dit is het hele artikel",
"date": "2013-11-13 13:54:00",
"comments": [],
"comments_count": 0,
"tags": {
"foodies-walhalla": {
"id": "9794",
"url": "blogs\/magazine\/tagged\/foodies-walhalla",
"title": "Foodies Walhalla",
"count": "2"
"magazine": {
"id": "9744",
"url": "blogs\/magazine\/tagged\/magazine",
"title": "magazine",
"count": "6"
"3747": {
"id": 3747,
"image": 7442441,
"url": "blogs\/magazine\/foodies-walhalla-1",
"title": "Foodies Walhalla 1",
"author": "",
"author_url": false,
"summary": "f df gdsfg",
"content": "dsfgsdfgdf sdfg",
"date": "2013-11-13 11:22:00",
"comments": [],
"comments_count": 0,
"tags": {
"foodies-walhalla": {
"id": "9794",
"url": "blogs\/magazine\/tagged\/foodies-walhalla",
"title": "Foodies Walhalla",
"count": "2"
"magazine": {
"id": "9744",
"url": "blogs\/magazine\/tagged\/magazine",
"title": "magazine",
"count": "6"
"3744": {
"id": 3744,
"image": 7442425,
"url": "blogs\/magazine\/beauty-artikel-2",
"title": "Beauty artikel 2",
"author": "",
"author_url": false,
"summary": "beauty article 2",
"content": "dfg sfg sdfg sdfgd gdsf df gsdf gdsf g",
"date": "2013-11-13 11:21:00",
"comments": [],
"comments_count": 0,
"tags": {
"beauty": {
"id": "9792",
"url": "blogs\/magazine\/tagged\/beauty",
"title": "beauty",
"count": "2"
"healthy": {
"id": "9745",
"url": "blogs\/magazine\/tagged\/healthy",
"title": "healthy",
"count": "2"
"magazine": {
"id": "9744",
"url": "blogs\/magazine\/tagged\/magazine",
"title": "magazine",
"count": "6"
"3745": {
"id": 3745,
"image": 7442417,
"url": "blogs\/magazine\/love-life-1",
"title": "Love & Life 1",
"author": "",
"author_url": false,
"summary": "dfgdsfgd",
"content": "f gdf gdfgdfg dfgdsfgdsfgdsfg",
"date": "2013-11-13 11:21:00",
"comments": [],
"comments_count": 0,
"tags": {
"love-life": {
"id": "9793",
"url": "blogs\/magazine\/tagged\/love-life",
"title": "love & life",
"count": "2"
"magazine": {
"id": "9744",
"url": "blogs\/magazine\/tagged\/magazine",
"title": "magazine",
"count": "6"
"3746": {
"id": 3746,
"image": 7442388,
"url": "blogs\/magazine\/love-life-2",
"title": "Love & Life 2",
"author": "",
"author_url": false,
"summary": "dfkjghksdjfh gdskfjdj sdlkjfhdjfghdjklfsdfkjhg df gd ghdkjsfhgkjsd fg lkjdshklgdfh kjds glkjsdh kljdsfh",
"content": "dfkjghksdjfh gdskfjdj sdlkjfhdjfghdjklfsdfkjhg df gd ghdkjsfhgkjsd fg lkjdshklgdfh kjds glkjsdh kljdsfh",
"date": "2013-11-13 11:21:00",
"comments": [],
"comments_count": 0,
"tags": {
"love-life": {
"id": "9793",
"url": "blogs\/magazine\/tagged\/love-life",
"title": "love & life",
"count": "2"
"magazine": {
"id": "9744",
"url": "blogs\/magazine\/tagged\/magazine",
"title": "magazine",
"count": "6"
"request": {
"url": "http:\/\/taj-ringen.webshopapp.com\/blogs\/magazine\/?format=json",
"method": "get",
"ssl": false,
"get": {
"format": "json"
"post": [],
"device": {
"platform": "windows",
"type": "webkit",
"mobile": false
"template": "pages\/blog.rain",
"renderer": "json"
<div id="loadstatus"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var newresult = '';
type: "GET",
url: "http://taj-ringen.webshopapp.com/blogs/magazine/?format=json",
data: "",
dataType: "json",
success: function (mydata) {
console.log('load successful');
console.log('mydata.blog.articles.length: ' + mydata.blog.articles.length); //'undefined' error
for (var i = 0; i < mydata.blog.articles.length; i++) {
newresult += mydata.blog.articles[i].title;
I also had a look at this post: Convert Object to JSON string
tried the jQuery.parseJSON function
var tmp = jQuery.parseJSON(mydata);
console.log('tmp.blog.articles.length: ' + tmp.blog.articles.length);
But there I get an error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token o on line jquery-1.10.2.min.js:4
tried the $.map function
var array = $.map(mydata, function (e) {
return [$.map(e, function (v) {
return v;
console.log('tmp.blog.articles.length: ' + array.blog.articles.length);
Here I get Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '14' in pages/blog.rain on line jquery-1.10.2.min.js:4
What I'm trying to to is convert the object that is returned by the site and be able to loop through it.
Iterate through the article object, pulling out the keys associated with each article using the method described in the below post:
How to list the properties of a JavaScript object
You could also use the following loop:
for(var article in blog.articles) {
The error i am getting is this : Can't parse fields attribute. Is it a JSON array or CSV list?
The problem is in the select menu which is being included in the form. what i want to achieve is a select box as shown here on this link : Registration plugin
But somehow the problem is that the select box is not being displayed!
<iframe src='http://www.facebook.com/plugins/registration.php?
{'name':'captain', 'description':'Best Captain', 'type':'select', 'options':{'P':'Jean-Luc Picard','K':'James T. Kirk'}}
{'name':'captain', 'description':'College','type':'select','options':
{'P':'Jean-Luc Picard','K':'James T. Kirk',
'1':'Acropolis','2':'Astral','3':'Aurobindo','4':'BM','5':'Central','6':'Chameli','7':'IET (DAVV)','8':'IIST
','15':'MIT (Malwa)
','16':'Malwa (Malwa2)
','19':'MITM (Medi1)
','20':'MIST (Medi2)
','52':'DCBS (Daly College)
','54':'IIMR (IIST)
','55':'IIPS (DAVV)
','59':'IMS (DAVV)
','65':'MIT (Malwa)
','78':'Sanghvi Innovative
','95':'SOPE (DAVV)
','103':'Smriti (SCOPE)
','107':'Bombay Hospital
','110':'RD Memorial
','117':'BIG Aims
','122':'SJMC (DAVV)
','123':'Virtual Voyage
','132':'EMRC (DAVV)
','130':'Vaishnav'} },
{"name":"Fashion","description":"Fashion Designing","type":"checkbox","value":"Fashion Designing"},
{"name":"Interior","description":"Interior Designing","type":"checkbox","value":"Interior Designing"},
{"name":"Poetry","description":"Poetry / Writing","type":"checkbox","value":"Poetry / Writing"},
{"name":"Sketching","description":"Sketching / Drawing","type":"checkbox","value":"Sketching / Drawing"},
Try to replace fields=[....] with valid JSON
"name": "name"
"name": "email"
"name": "gender"
"name": "birthday"
"name": "captain",
"description": "BestCaptain",
"type": "select",
"options": {
"P": "Jean-LucPicard",
"K": "JamesT.Kirk"
"name": "captain",
"description": "College",
"type": "select",
"options": {
"1": "Acropolis",
"2": "Astral",
"3": "Aurobindo",
"4": "BM",
"5": "Central",
"6": "Chameli",
"7": "IET(DAVV)",
"8": "IIST",
"9": "IIST2",
"10": "IPS",
"11": "JDCT",
"12": "KCB",
"13": "LKCT",
"14": "LNCT",
"15": "MIT(Malwa)",
"16": "Malwa(Malwa2)",
"17": "Mandsaur",
"18": "Mathuradevi",
"19": "MITM(Medi1)",
"20": "MIST(Medi2)",
"21": "MGIEM",
"22": "Nalin",
"23": "Oriental",
"24": "Patel",
"25": "Prestige",
"26": "Priyatam",
"27": "Rishiraj",
"28": "RKDF",
"29": "Royal",
"30": "Sanghvi",
"31": "Sdbansal",
"32": "SGSITS",
"33": "SIMS",
"34": "SKSITS",
"35": "Star",
"36": "SVCE",
"37": "SVITS",
"38": "Transnational",
"39": "Truba",
"40": "Venkateshwar",
"41": "Vidhyasagar",
"42": "Vikrant",
"43": "Vindhya",
"44": "Acro",
"45": "Apex",
"46": "Arihant",
"47": "BM",
"48": "Chamelidevi",
"49": "Chimc",
"50": "Choithram",
"51": "Christian",
"52": "DCBS(DalyCollege)",
"53": "IBMR",
"54": "IIMR(IIST)",
"55": "IIPS(DAVV)",
"56": "Ilva",
"57": "IMIR",
"58": "Imperial",
"59": "IMS(DAVV)",
"60": "Islamia",
"61": "JDCT",
"62": "LKCT",
"63": "LNCT",
"64": "Maharaja",
"65": "MIT(Malwa)",
"66": "Mathuradevi",
"67": "Matushri",
"68": "MBKhalsa",
"69": "Medicaps",
"70": "Patel",
"71": "Pioneer",
"72": "Prestige",
"73": "Priyatam",
"74": "Renaissance",
"75": "Rishiraj",
"76": "Sahib",
"77": "SAIMS",
"78": "SanghviInnovative",
"79": "Sapient",
"80": "SGSITS",
"81": "SIMS",
"82": "SJDM",
"83": "SKSITS",
"84": "Softvision",
"85": "SVCE",
"86": "Rransnational",
"87": "Vaishnav",
"88": "Venkteshwar",
"89": "Vidhyasagar",
"90": "Vikrant",
"91": "Acropolis",
"92": "Aurobindo",
"93": "BM",
"94": "Central",
"95": "SOPE(DAVV)",
"96": "IIP(IIST)",
"97": "IPS",
"98": "Oriental",
"99": "Rishiraj",
"100": "RKDF",
"101": "Safe",
"102": "SGSITS",
"103": "Smriti(SCOPE)",
"104": "svce",
"105": "vikrant",
"106": "Arihant",
"107": "BombayHospital",
"108": "Index",
"109": "MGMMC",
"110": "RDMemorial",
"111": "Shubhdeep",
"112": "Aurobindo",
"113": "CDSH",
"114": "GCD",
"115": "Index",
"116": "Modern",
"117": "BIGAims",
"118": "Frameboxx",
"119": "INIFD",
"120": "MAAC",
"121": "SDPS",
"122": "SJMC(DAVV)",
"123": "VirtualVoyage",
"124": "Zica",
"125": "IPS",
"126": "SDPS",
"127": "Christian",
"128": "SOL(DAVV)",
"129": "IIL",
"130": "Vaishnav",
"132": "EMRC(DAVV)",
"P": "Jean-LucPicard",
"K": "JamesT.Kirk",
"#": "--------------------------------"
"name": "Arts",
"description": "Arts",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Arts"
"name": "Act",
"description": "Act",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Act"
"name": "Cooking",
"description": "Cooking",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Cooking"
"name": "Dance",
"description": "Dance",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Dance"
"name": "Designing",
"description": "Designing",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Designing"
"name": "Fashion",
"description": "Fashion Designing",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Fashion Designing"
"name": "Interior",
"description": "Interior Designing",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Interior Designing"
"name": "Modeling",
"description": "Modeling",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Modeling"
"name": "Photography",
"description": "Photography",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Photography"
"name": "Poetry",
"description": "Poetry / Writing",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Poetry / Writing"
"name": "Programming",
"description": "Programming",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Programming"
"name": "Reading",
"description": "Reading",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Reading"
"name": "Sketching",
"description": "Sketching / Drawing",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Sketching / Drawing"
"name": "Singing",
"description": "Singing",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Singing"
"name": "Sports",
"description": "Sports",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Sports"
"name": "Stunting",
"description": "Stunting",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Stunting"
"name": "Videography",
"description": "Checkthis",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Videography"
"name": "Other",
"description": "Other",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Other"
"name": "captcha"
Your fields parameter for Registration social plugin contain not valid JSON object (JSON should use double quotes instead of single quotes) and you're missing , (comma) in the middle of array, after next line:
{'name':'captain', 'description':'Best Captain', 'type':'select', 'options':{'P':'Jean-Luc Picard','K':'James T. Kirk'}}
Actually even usage of just valid JSON may not work in that case due to fact that this is passed as query string arguments, so that JSON should be properly encoded to avoid problems. Also may cause some issues.
Also you have two fields named "captain" (which cause problem with registration plugin too).
Here I've created some samples (due to massive code of fields, I'm not putting them here):
Creating fields from JavaScript object and passing em to Registration plugin: http://jsfiddle.net/QwdCv/
Correctly encoded fields in URL passed directly within iframe tag src attribute: http://jsfiddle.net/QwdCv/1/