Update array element using JsonPath - arrays

I am trying to replace a certain element in an a Json array using jayway's JsonPath in Java. Example:
"store": {
"book": [
"category": "reference",
"author": "Nigel Rees",
"title": "Sayings of the Century",
"price": 8.95
"category": "fiction",
"author": "Evelyn Waugh",
"title": "Sword of Honour",
"price": 12.99
"category": "fiction",
"author": "Herman Melville",
"title": "Moby Dick",
"isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
"price": 8.99
"category": "fiction",
"author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
"title": "The Lord of the Rings",
"isbn": "0-395-19395-8",
"price": 22.99
"bicycle": {
"color": "red",
"price": 19.95
"expensive": 10
Here I'd like to be able to replace the first book in the array. I can find the element by using this query $.store.book.[?(#.author =='Nigel Rees')]
I then use this code to replace the this node:
Configuration configuration = Configuration.builder()
.jsonProvider(new JacksonJsonNodeJsonProvider())
.mappingProvider(new JacksonMappingProvider())
DocumentContext pbContext = JsonPath.using(configuration).parse(theAboveJson);
pbContext.set("$.store.book.[?(#.author =='Nigel Rees')]", someOtherJson);
But I noticed that instead of replacing, the new node is inserted at position 0 in the books array. Is there any way to actually replace the array element?


Get specific object from JSONPath array result after predicate is applied

In JSONPath 0.9.1 the following Json path was valid:
"category" : "reference",
"author" : "Nigel Rees",
"title" : "Sayings of the Century",
"price" : 8.95
I've upgraded to the latest one (2.3) and the query now returns empty array.
Is this a bug or the way to retrieve an element from the resulting array has changed?
Given this document:
"store": {
"book": [
"category": "reference",
"author": "Nigel Rees",
"title": "Sayings of the Century",
"price": 8.95
"category": "fiction",
"author": "Evelyn Waugh",
"title": "Sword of Honour",
"price": 12.99
"category": "fiction",
"author": "Herman Melville",
"title": "Moby Dick",
"isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
"price": 8.99
"category": "fiction",
"author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
"title": "The Lord of the Rings",
"isbn": "0-395-19395-8",
"price": 22.99
"bicycle": {
"color": "red",
"price": 19.95
"expensive": 10
Using JsonPath 2.3.0, the following code returns a JSONArray (rather than an Object[]):
JsonPath.parse(JSON).read("$.store.book[?(#.author==\"Nigel Rees\")]");
So, the following code ...
JSONArray read = JsonPath.parse(JSON).read("$.store.book[?(#.author==\"Nigel Rees\")]");
... will print:
{category=reference, author=Nigel Rees, title=Sayings of the Century, price=8.95}

Json schema for array of objects doesn't validate

I have this schema for a json response
"title": "Products",
"description": "schema for products",
"type": "array",
"properties": {
"id": {
"description": "id of a product",
"type": "integer"
"name": {
"description": "name of the product",
"type": "string"
"created_at": {
"description": "record created_at",
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"updated_at": {
"description": "record updated_at",
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"required": ["id", "name"]
and I want to match this schema with this json
"id": 1,
"name": "Cricket Ball"
}, {
"id": 2,
"name": "Soccer Ball"
}, {
"id": 3,
"name": "football ball"
}, {
"id": 4,
"name": "Basketball ball"
}, {
"id": 5,
"name": "Table Tennis ball"
}, {
"id": 6,
"name": "Tennis ball"
This schema matches the response but it also matches the schema in which the required field is this
"required": ["ids", "names"]
I think the schema is validated against the array and the objects in the array are not validated.
The way you have it set up now, your properties key refers to the array itself, not to each item, and is being ignored (because arrays don't have properties, they just have items). You need to use the items key to validate each item in the array, like so:
"title": "Products",
"description": "schema for products",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"id": {
"description": "id of a product",
"type": "integer"
"name": {
"description": "name of the product",
"type": "string"
"created_at": {
"description": "record created_at",
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"updated_at": {
"description": "record updated_at",
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"required": ["id", "name"]
try map
new_array = response.map{ |k| { 'id': k['properties']['id']['description'], 'name': k['properties']['name']['description'] } }

Filtering JSON data in a list

I am new to working with JSON data. I am having difficulty on how to return back bicycles that have a color of "Blue". Using JSONPath.
The following example JSON file.
"store": {
"book": [
"category": "reference",
"author": "Nigel Rees",
"title": "Sayings of the Century",
"price": 8.95
"category": "fiction",
"author": "Evelyn Waugh",
"title": "Sword of Honour",
"price": 12.99
"bicycle": [
"price": 19.95
"color": [
"price": 20.99
"color": [
I have tried to use the following filter but it doesn't work.
Any ideas to how to get this to work and only return the price of bicycles that are Blue?
Any information is greatly welcomed.
The JSON Data is
"store": {
"book": [
"category": "reference",
"author": "Nigel Rees",
"title": "Sayings of the Century",
"price": 8.95
"category": "fiction",
"author": "Evelyn Waugh",
"title": "Sword of Honour",
"price": 12.99
"bicycle": [
"price": 19.95,
"color": [
"price": 20.99,
"color": [
The JSONPath is
$.store.bicycle[?(#.color.indexOf('blue') != -1)]

Sorting arrays in Mongo

H have json document with array. As I can't add to beginning of array with push or addtoset I need to sort array. Example
"Component": [
"Id": "PDP-1",
"Links": {"Link": [
"Text": "Western Division",
"Url": "/1x7-en70ai/last-minute-holidays-western-division",
"Title": "Last minute holidays Western Division"
"Text": "Browse Regions ",
"Url": "/1x7-en6uly-10ts/last-minute-holidays-gambia/regions",
"Title": "Last minute holidays Gambia",
"Style": "BrowseForMore"
"Text": "City of Banjul",
"Url": "/1x6-en6vq7/holidays-city-of-banjul",
"Title": "City of Banjul Holidays"
"Text": "Western Division",
"Url": "/1x6-en70ai/holidays-western-division",
"Title": "Western Division Holidays"
"Title": "Regions",
"Type": "PDP"
"Id": "PDP-2",
"Links": {"Link": [
"Text": "Bijilo",
"Url": "/1x7-enbmy6/last-minute-holidays-bijilo",
"Title": "Last minute holidays Bijilo"
"Text": "Browse Cities ",
"Url": "/1x7-en6uly-10tt/last-minute-holidays-gambia/cities",
"Title": "Last minute holidays Gambia",
"Style": "BrowseForMore"
"Text": "Banjul Beach",
"Url": "/1x6-enakgm/holidays-banjul-beach",
"Title": "Banjul Beach Holidays"
"Text": "Bijilo",
"Url": "/1x6-enbmy6/holidays-bijilo",
"Title": "Bijilo Holidays"
"Text": "Brufut Heights",
"Url": "/1x6-encok8/holidays-brufut-heights",
"Title": "Brufut Heights Holidays"
"Text": "Kololi",
"Url": "/1x6-enpnle/holidays-kololi",
"Title": "Kololi Holidays"
"Text": "Kotu",
"Url": "/1x6-enq067/holidays-kotu",
"Title": "Kotu Holidays"
"Title": "Cities",
"Type": "PDP"
"Id": "118431",
"Template": {
"PageTemplate": {
"Code": "2B2",
"text": "041 - TEMP2 - COP_CONCOU_{LAST MINUTE}"
"Category": {
"Code": "1X7",
"Type": "Product",
"text": "Last minute holidays"
"GeoObject": {
"Code": "EN6ULY",
"text": "Gambia, The"
"GeoObjectType": {
"Code": "1A",
"text": "Political"
"GeoObjectSubType": {
"Code": "10TR",
"text": "Country"
"Type": "Content",
"Url": "/1x7-en6uly/last-minute-holidays-gambia",
"_id": {"$oid": "528492d4c90fa9fcd0436929"}
I want to sort this by Style in Links.Link 'BrowseForMore'. Any idea how to do it? I thought I could add dummy array with push which could then sort it the way I want. Any help appreciated
You appear to want to update the array and keep the sort order with your Links.Link.Style value at the front of the list. In which case use the $sort modifier with update.
{ _id: id },
{ $push: { "Links.Link: {$each: [doc], $sort { Style: -1 }}} }
The $each operator is required even if there is only one document, but can take many.
if you are trying to use $addToSet to maintain unique documents the official MongoDB line is that sets are considered to be unordered and hence the modifiers are not available here.

what is wrong with this json array code facebook form

The error i am getting is this : Can't parse fields attribute. Is it a JSON array or CSV list?
The problem is in the select menu which is being included in the form. what i want to achieve is a select box as shown here on this link : Registration plugin
But somehow the problem is that the select box is not being displayed!
<iframe src='http://www.facebook.com/plugins/registration.php?
{'name':'captain', 'description':'Best Captain', 'type':'select', 'options':{'P':'Jean-Luc Picard','K':'James T. Kirk'}}
{'name':'captain', 'description':'College','type':'select','options':
{'P':'Jean-Luc Picard','K':'James T. Kirk',
'1':'Acropolis','2':'Astral','3':'Aurobindo','4':'BM','5':'Central','6':'Chameli','7':'IET (DAVV)','8':'IIST
','15':'MIT (Malwa)
','16':'Malwa (Malwa2)
','19':'MITM (Medi1)
','20':'MIST (Medi2)
','52':'DCBS (Daly College)
','54':'IIMR (IIST)
','55':'IIPS (DAVV)
','59':'IMS (DAVV)
','65':'MIT (Malwa)
','78':'Sanghvi Innovative
','95':'SOPE (DAVV)
','103':'Smriti (SCOPE)
','107':'Bombay Hospital
','110':'RD Memorial
','117':'BIG Aims
','122':'SJMC (DAVV)
','123':'Virtual Voyage
','132':'EMRC (DAVV)
','130':'Vaishnav'} },
{"name":"Fashion","description":"Fashion Designing","type":"checkbox","value":"Fashion Designing"},
{"name":"Interior","description":"Interior Designing","type":"checkbox","value":"Interior Designing"},
{"name":"Poetry","description":"Poetry / Writing","type":"checkbox","value":"Poetry / Writing"},
{"name":"Sketching","description":"Sketching / Drawing","type":"checkbox","value":"Sketching / Drawing"},
Try to replace fields=[....] with valid JSON
"name": "name"
"name": "email"
"name": "gender"
"name": "birthday"
"name": "captain",
"description": "BestCaptain",
"type": "select",
"options": {
"P": "Jean-LucPicard",
"K": "JamesT.Kirk"
"name": "captain",
"description": "College",
"type": "select",
"options": {
"1": "Acropolis",
"2": "Astral",
"3": "Aurobindo",
"4": "BM",
"5": "Central",
"6": "Chameli",
"7": "IET(DAVV)",
"8": "IIST",
"9": "IIST2",
"10": "IPS",
"11": "JDCT",
"12": "KCB",
"13": "LKCT",
"14": "LNCT",
"15": "MIT(Malwa)",
"16": "Malwa(Malwa2)",
"17": "Mandsaur",
"18": "Mathuradevi",
"19": "MITM(Medi1)",
"20": "MIST(Medi2)",
"21": "MGIEM",
"22": "Nalin",
"23": "Oriental",
"24": "Patel",
"25": "Prestige",
"26": "Priyatam",
"27": "Rishiraj",
"28": "RKDF",
"29": "Royal",
"30": "Sanghvi",
"31": "Sdbansal",
"32": "SGSITS",
"33": "SIMS",
"34": "SKSITS",
"35": "Star",
"36": "SVCE",
"37": "SVITS",
"38": "Transnational",
"39": "Truba",
"40": "Venkateshwar",
"41": "Vidhyasagar",
"42": "Vikrant",
"43": "Vindhya",
"44": "Acro",
"45": "Apex",
"46": "Arihant",
"47": "BM",
"48": "Chamelidevi",
"49": "Chimc",
"50": "Choithram",
"51": "Christian",
"52": "DCBS(DalyCollege)",
"53": "IBMR",
"54": "IIMR(IIST)",
"55": "IIPS(DAVV)",
"56": "Ilva",
"57": "IMIR",
"58": "Imperial",
"59": "IMS(DAVV)",
"60": "Islamia",
"61": "JDCT",
"62": "LKCT",
"63": "LNCT",
"64": "Maharaja",
"65": "MIT(Malwa)",
"66": "Mathuradevi",
"67": "Matushri",
"68": "MBKhalsa",
"69": "Medicaps",
"70": "Patel",
"71": "Pioneer",
"72": "Prestige",
"73": "Priyatam",
"74": "Renaissance",
"75": "Rishiraj",
"76": "Sahib",
"77": "SAIMS",
"78": "SanghviInnovative",
"79": "Sapient",
"80": "SGSITS",
"81": "SIMS",
"82": "SJDM",
"83": "SKSITS",
"84": "Softvision",
"85": "SVCE",
"86": "Rransnational",
"87": "Vaishnav",
"88": "Venkteshwar",
"89": "Vidhyasagar",
"90": "Vikrant",
"91": "Acropolis",
"92": "Aurobindo",
"93": "BM",
"94": "Central",
"95": "SOPE(DAVV)",
"96": "IIP(IIST)",
"97": "IPS",
"98": "Oriental",
"99": "Rishiraj",
"100": "RKDF",
"101": "Safe",
"102": "SGSITS",
"103": "Smriti(SCOPE)",
"104": "svce",
"105": "vikrant",
"106": "Arihant",
"107": "BombayHospital",
"108": "Index",
"109": "MGMMC",
"110": "RDMemorial",
"111": "Shubhdeep",
"112": "Aurobindo",
"113": "CDSH",
"114": "GCD",
"115": "Index",
"116": "Modern",
"117": "BIGAims",
"118": "Frameboxx",
"119": "INIFD",
"120": "MAAC",
"121": "SDPS",
"122": "SJMC(DAVV)",
"123": "VirtualVoyage",
"124": "Zica",
"125": "IPS",
"126": "SDPS",
"127": "Christian",
"128": "SOL(DAVV)",
"129": "IIL",
"130": "Vaishnav",
"132": "EMRC(DAVV)",
"P": "Jean-LucPicard",
"K": "JamesT.Kirk",
"#": "--------------------------------"
"name": "Arts",
"description": "Arts",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Arts"
"name": "Act",
"description": "Act",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Act"
"name": "Cooking",
"description": "Cooking",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Cooking"
"name": "Dance",
"description": "Dance",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Dance"
"name": "Designing",
"description": "Designing",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Designing"
"name": "Fashion",
"description": "Fashion Designing",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Fashion Designing"
"name": "Interior",
"description": "Interior Designing",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Interior Designing"
"name": "Modeling",
"description": "Modeling",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Modeling"
"name": "Photography",
"description": "Photography",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Photography"
"name": "Poetry",
"description": "Poetry / Writing",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Poetry / Writing"
"name": "Programming",
"description": "Programming",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Programming"
"name": "Reading",
"description": "Reading",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Reading"
"name": "Sketching",
"description": "Sketching / Drawing",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Sketching / Drawing"
"name": "Singing",
"description": "Singing",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Singing"
"name": "Sports",
"description": "Sports",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Sports"
"name": "Stunting",
"description": "Stunting",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Stunting"
"name": "Videography",
"description": "Checkthis",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Videography"
"name": "Other",
"description": "Other",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "Other"
"name": "captcha"
Your fields parameter for Registration social plugin contain not valid JSON object (JSON should use double quotes instead of single quotes) and you're missing , (comma) in the middle of array, after next line:
{'name':'captain', 'description':'Best Captain', 'type':'select', 'options':{'P':'Jean-Luc Picard','K':'James T. Kirk'}}
Actually even usage of just valid JSON may not work in that case due to fact that this is passed as query string arguments, so that JSON should be properly encoded to avoid problems. Also may cause some issues.
Also you have two fields named "captain" (which cause problem with registration plugin too).
Here I've created some samples (due to massive code of fields, I'm not putting them here):
Creating fields from JavaScript object and passing em to Registration plugin: http://jsfiddle.net/QwdCv/
Correctly encoded fields in URL passed directly within iframe tag src attribute: http://jsfiddle.net/QwdCv/1/
