Load Delimiter Separated Values in D3 - file

I am trying to load a pipe separated value file in D3 using the generic d3.dsvFormat() function. While I do not get an error, nothing happens which I think is because the callback function is not executed.
I did check the documentation here but did not find it that helpful: https://github.com/d3/d3-dsv/blob/master/README.md#dsvFormat
Is there a problem with my syntax?
var psv = d3.dsvFormat("|");
psv.parse("my_file.txt", function(error, data) {
Do a bunch of stuff with the data....
console.log(data); //nothing happens here

psv.parse wants text, you are passing text - just that it doesn't have any pipe in it: "my_file.txt". As this is one line of text and the first line of text translates into column names, you won't get any data with this.
Your problem is that psv.parse won't fetch a file for you like d3.csv or d3.tsv (Rather psv.parse() acts like d3.csvParse() or d3.tsvParse()). Luckily this is not too difficult to fix.
If we look at the API documentation for d3.csv we can recreate the same functionality for any delimited file. With d3.csv,
If a callback is specified, a GET request is sent, making it
equivalent to:
.response(function(xhr) { return d3.csvParse(xhr.responseText, row); })
(from API docs)
We just have to emulate this for a pipe separated file:
var psv = d3.dsvFormat("|");
.response(function(data) { return psv.parse(data.response) })
.get(function(data) {
It's a little bit more verbose than a plain old d3.csv() or d3.tsv(), but achieves the same result with the callback function located in the get method.
You could also use data.responseText in the response method, I'm not sure what the difference is though, both appear identical in my quick testing.
You may have also noted that I did not specify a row function in the response method, this is an optional function that allows "conversion of row objects to a more-specific representation", eg: returning numbers rather than strings. API documentation).
One last note:
In relation to your original code, psv.parse("text") returns the data, you don't use a callback function for this method. The following snippet demonstrates how you might parse straight pipe delimited text:
var psv = d3.dsvFormat("|");
var data = psv.parse("a|b\n1|2\n4|3")
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/4.10.0/d3.min.js"></script>


Gatling .sign issue

I am trying to build a Get request as follows and I would like CaseReference value to be populated via feeder .feed(CaseProviderSeq) but for some reason it's not picking CaseReference value and printing following for my println statement in .sign statement bellow
PATH KJ: /caseworkers/554355/jurisdictions/EMPLOYMENT/case-types/Manchester_Multiples/cases/$%7BCaseReference%7D/event-triggers/updateBulkAction_v2/token
My feeder CSV got following rows currently
so I am expecting this amended URL would be like
any idea what wrong I am doing here ??
.get(session => SaveEventUrl.replace(":case_reference","${CaseReference}").replaceAll("events", "") + s"event-triggers/${EventId}/token")
.header("ServiceAuthorization", s2sToken)
.header("Authorization", userToken)
.sign(new SignatureCalculator {
override def sign(request: Request): Unit = {
val path = request.getUri.getPath
println("PATH KJ: " + path)
request.getHeaders.add("uri", path)
This is not related to .sign, but your session attribute CaseReference not being interpreted. If you look closely you can see the braces %-encoded in $%7BCaseReference%7D.
Interpretation of the Gatling Expression Language strings happens only when a String is present when an Expression[Something] is needed1.
This bug you wrote is shown exactly in the warning in the documentation above.
I believe you can simply remove session => in your .get, so you are passing in a String rather than a Session => String2. That string will be implicitly converted to Expression[String]. That way Gatling will put the session attribute into the URL.
This happens because of the Scala implicit conversion.
In fact it is Session => Validation[String], because, again, of implicit conversions.

proper way to get the last element of the array when split is used on the string within JSON

I have a JSON response from the server and I am using map to use only necessary key:valuepairs in Angular (typescript) that will be used to display on the Frontend side.
here bizStep is actually according to a standard (EPCIS) and has the following value:
I only want to the user to read receiving hence I used split and obtained the last value of the array to display the value.
The logic is shown below:
this.serv.getEpcisInfo(code) // HTTP GET Service from Angular
.subscribe(res => {
this.data = res.map(el => { // map only some key value pairs now!
return {
'business step': el.bizStep.split(':')[el.bizStep.split(':').length - 1]
But it is observed that in order to obtain the overall length of the splited string array I have to write the expression el.bizStep.split(':') twice.
Is there a shorthand or elegant expression to obtain the last string value of the array.
I did try to use el.bizStep.split(':')[-1] however this expression failed and did not provide me any value.
You can use Array.pop since you don't need to preserve the result of the split, i.e. el.bizStep.split(':').pop().
A more general approach would be to use an anonymous function, e.g.:
(s => s[s.length-1])(el.bizStep.split(':'))
You could modify this to get elements other than the last. Of course, this example has no error checking on the length or type of el.bizStep.

IndexedDb dynamically populating existing ObjectStores

I have created many, let's say three ObjectStores inside a defined and versioned IndexedDB schema.
I need to populate all of them. To do so, I created an object which stores both name end endpoint (where it gets data to populate).
Also to avoid error when trying to fill objectstores already populated, I use the count() method to ... count key inside the objectstore and if there are 0 key, then populates, else reads.
It works perfect if I execute on a one by one basis, that is instead of using a loop, declare and execute each one of the three objectstores.
However when invoking the function to populate each storage inside a loop, I get the following error message for the last two objectstores to be populated:
Failed to read the 'result' property from 'IDBRequest': The request
has not finished. at IDBRequest.counts.(anonymous function).onsuccess
Here is the code:
// object contains oject stores and endpoints.
const stores = [
{osName:'user-1', osEndPoint:'/api/1,
{osName:'user-2', osEndPoint:'/api/2},
{osName:'user-3', osEndPoint:'/api/3}
// open db.
var request = indexedDB.open(DB_NAME, DB_VERSION);
// in order to dynamically create vars, instantiate two arrays.
var tx = [];
var counts = [];
var total = [];
// onsuccess callback.
request.onsuccess = function (e) {
db = this.result;
for(k in stores) {
tx[k] = db.transaction(stores[k].osName).objectStore(stores[k].osName);
counts[k] = tx[i].count();
counts[k].onsuccess = function(e) {
total[k] = e.target.result;
// if the counting result equals 0, then populate by calling a function that does so.
if (total[k] == 0) {
fetchGet2(stores[k].osEndPoint, popTable, stores[k].osName); //
} else {
readData(DB_NAME, DB_VERSION, stores[0].osName);
} // closes for loop
}; // closes request.onsuccess.
The fetchGet2 function works well inside a loop, for example the loop used to create the objectstores, and also has been tested on a one by one basis.
It looks like an async issue, however I cannot figure how to fix the problem which is to be able to populate existing objectstores dynamically, avoiding to populate filled objectsores and only filling empty ones.
Indeed testing without the count issue, but inside the loop works perfect, or with the count but without loop.
At the moment and when logging counts[k], It only logs data for the last member of the object.
Thanks in advance, I'm coding with vanilla js, and I'm not interested in using any framework at all.
Yes, this looks like an issue with async. For loops iterate synchronously. Try writing a loop that does not advance i until each request completes.

Can I use same param name multiple times in the URL for codeigniter-restserver?

When using $this->get('code') on a url like above I expect the REST library to return an array or a list of the codes.
Instead it returns the last one.
Is there a way to return both values in a list, or is there another recommandation for formating the URL.
Thank you
I know it has been long since you posted the question. However it could help other people looking for the same thing.
Assuming that transfer is your controller and transfers is the function, another way to format your url could be:
This was you perform $this->get('code') you'll get an array back.
If you are creating the url via code then you may use http_build_query(). It handles the necessary escaping. It means it will replace [ for %5B and ] for %5D, in this case.
The code would be like:
$codes = array(456, 234);
$query = http_build_query(array('code' => $data));
$url = 'http://example.com/api/transfer/transfers?' . $query;

How to fetch external file data like json format using angularjs service

Hi i need external file data using angular service.Here my code i want this data to json format.
Controller code:
$http.get('assets/scripts/modules/hawkColumnList.js').success (function(data){
Services code:
var resourceColumns = [
/* aggregation functions */
Try this
$http.get('assets/scripts/modules/hawkColumnList.js').success (function(data){
var dataJSON = JSON.parse(data.replace(/\r|\n/g, '').match(/(\[.*\])/)[1]);
Explanation: The regular expression \[.*\] will grab everything from the string that is within square brackets, including the brackets. JSON.parse will parse that string into a JSON object (only working on standard browsers and IE>8)
Make sure that there are no syntax errors, which will result in parse errors leading to an undefined JSON object.
EDIT: Make sure that you remove the comment from the js file, because a comment inside a string is illegal with regards to JSON.parse. I edited the code above to remove line breaks first.
Check this working fiddle
