How to fetch external file data like json format using angularjs service - angularjs

Hi i need external file data using angular service.Here my code i want this data to json format.
Controller code:
$http.get('assets/scripts/modules/hawkColumnList.js').success (function(data){
Services code:
var resourceColumns = [
/* aggregation functions */

Try this
$http.get('assets/scripts/modules/hawkColumnList.js').success (function(data){
var dataJSON = JSON.parse(data.replace(/\r|\n/g, '').match(/(\[.*\])/)[1]);
Explanation: The regular expression \[.*\] will grab everything from the string that is within square brackets, including the brackets. JSON.parse will parse that string into a JSON object (only working on standard browsers and IE>8)
Make sure that there are no syntax errors, which will result in parse errors leading to an undefined JSON object.
EDIT: Make sure that you remove the comment from the js file, because a comment inside a string is illegal with regards to JSON.parse. I edited the code above to remove line breaks first.
Check this working fiddle


IronPDF html query parameter

Does IronPDF support html query parameters, or is there an alternate method?
I've been using IronPDF to convert an html file to PDF using the following method: var pdf = ironRenderer.RenderUrlAsPdf(reportPath);
However, the html located at reportPath now requires a parameter userid. I have tried var pdf = ironRenderer.RenderUrlAsPdf(reportPath?userid=1); but that gives me the following error: CheckHtmlFilePath - File not found: .../index.html%3Fuserid=1'
I can't see any documentation in IronPdf that parameters are supported. Does anyone have any work arounds?
Instead of adding the parameter to the variable name, add it to the string. For example:
reportPath += "?userid=1";
var pdf = ironRenderer.RenderUrlAsPdf(reportPath);
Check the URL to see if there is already a parameter, and manipulate the URL string accordingly. If you posted more code I could have described more.

How to set a context variable with dot in name?

I am trying to add a context data variable (CDV), which has a dot in its name. According to Adobe site this is correct:
s.contextData['myco.rsid'] = 'value'
Unfortunately, after calling s.t() the variable is split into two or more:
Context Variables
rsid: value
How can I set the variable and prevent splitting it into pieces?
You are setting it properly already. If you are referring to what you see in the request URL, that's how the Adobe library sends it. In your example, "myco" is a namespace, and "rsid" is a variable in that namespace. And you can have other variables in that namespace. For example if you have
s.contextData['myco.rsid1'] = 'value';
s.contextData['myco.rsid2'] = 'value';
You would see in the AA request URL (just showing the relevant part):
I assume you are asking because you want to more easily parse/qa AA collection request URLs from the browser network tab, extension, or some unit tester? There is no way to force AA to not behave like this when using dot syntax (namespaces) in your variables.
But, there isn't anything particularly special about using namespaces for your contextData variables; it's just there for your own organization if you choose. So if you want all variables to be "top level" and show full names in the request URL, then do not use dot syntax.
If you want to still have some measure of organization/hierarchy, I suggest you instead use an underscore _ :
s.contextData['myco_rsid1'] = 'value';
s.contextData['myco_rsid2'] = 'value';
Which will give you:
Side Note: You cannot do full object/dot notation syntax with s.contextData, e.g.
s.contextData = {
foo:'bar', // <--- this will properly parse
myco:{ // this will not properly parse
rsid:'value' //
} //
AA library does not parse this correctly; it just loops through top level properties of contextData when building the request URL. So if you do full object syntax like above, you will end up with:
foo would be okay, but you end up with just myco with "[object Object]" as the recorded value. Why Adobe didn't allow for full object syntax and just JSON.stringify(s.contextData) ? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Load Delimiter Separated Values in D3

I am trying to load a pipe separated value file in D3 using the generic d3.dsvFormat() function. While I do not get an error, nothing happens which I think is because the callback function is not executed.
I did check the documentation here but did not find it that helpful:
Is there a problem with my syntax?
var psv = d3.dsvFormat("|");
psv.parse("my_file.txt", function(error, data) {
Do a bunch of stuff with the data....
console.log(data); //nothing happens here
psv.parse wants text, you are passing text - just that it doesn't have any pipe in it: "my_file.txt". As this is one line of text and the first line of text translates into column names, you won't get any data with this.
Your problem is that psv.parse won't fetch a file for you like d3.csv or d3.tsv (Rather psv.parse() acts like d3.csvParse() or d3.tsvParse()). Luckily this is not too difficult to fix.
If we look at the API documentation for d3.csv we can recreate the same functionality for any delimited file. With d3.csv,
If a callback is specified, a GET request is sent, making it
equivalent to:
.response(function(xhr) { return d3.csvParse(xhr.responseText, row); })
(from API docs)
We just have to emulate this for a pipe separated file:
var psv = d3.dsvFormat("|");
.response(function(data) { return psv.parse(data.response) })
.get(function(data) {
It's a little bit more verbose than a plain old d3.csv() or d3.tsv(), but achieves the same result with the callback function located in the get method.
You could also use data.responseText in the response method, I'm not sure what the difference is though, both appear identical in my quick testing.
You may have also noted that I did not specify a row function in the response method, this is an optional function that allows "conversion of row objects to a more-specific representation", eg: returning numbers rather than strings. API documentation).
One last note:
In relation to your original code, psv.parse("text") returns the data, you don't use a callback function for this method. The following snippet demonstrates how you might parse straight pipe delimited text:
var psv = d3.dsvFormat("|");
var data = psv.parse("a|b\n1|2\n4|3")
<script src=""></script>

Finatra FeatureTests: How to manually deserialize returned json

I read the Finatra getting started guide and I was able to write the HelloWorld Service and its feature test.
Currently my feature test looks like
path = "/hi",
postBody = """{"name": "Foo", "dob": 136190040000}""",
andExpect = Ok,
withBody = """{"msg":"Hello Foo. You are 15780 days old today"}""")
This works fine and my tests pass. However my requirement is that I extract the json returned by the server and then manually perform asserts on the object returned.
I changed my code to
val response = server.httpPost(
path = "/hi",
postBody = """{"name": "Abhishek", "dob": 136190040000}""",
andExpect = Ok,
withBody = """{"msg":"Hello Abhishek. You are 15780 days old today"}""")
val json = response.contentString
This also works and I can see the json returned in side the variable json.
My question is that if I have to deserialize this json into an object. Should I just pull in any json library like circe? and then deserialize the object?
or can I use the jackson framework which comes inside of Finatra.
In all examples I could find, I see that Finatra "automatically" handles the json serialization and deserialization. But in my case I want to perform this manually.
You can use the FinatraObjectMapper by calling (using your example) server.mapper. That wraps a Jackson ObjectMapper that you could use if you wanted to use the Jackson library without any of the Finatra add ons.
Or you can import your a different JSON library. If you are using SBT, you can restrict libraries to certain areas of your code, so if you wanted to use circe only in the test code, you could add the following to your build.sbt
"org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.2.6" % "test"

"no implicit conversion of Array into String" when trying to parse JSON data

I’m using Rails 4.2.3. I’m trying to parse JSON data, so I have
content = ["{\"sEcho\":3,\"timestamp\":1464705752942,\"iTotalRecords\":1242,\"iTotalDisplayRecords\":1242,\"aaData\":[{\"externalId\":\"4279\"}]}"]
my_object_times_array = JSON.parse(content)
Sadly, the second line gives the error
no implicit conversion of Array into String
The JSON is well-formed (at least as far as I can tell) so I’m not sure what is causing the error above and how to fix it. I would prefer not to change the JSON.
content is an array, but JSON.parse expects a JSON String.
Example of usage from the documentation:
require 'json'
my_hash = JSON.parse('{"hello": "goodbye"}')
puts my_hash["hello"] => "goodbye"
Check the documentation here
So you could do following:
content = "{\"sEcho\":3,\"timestamp\":1464705752942,\"iTotalRecords\":1242,\"iTotalDisplayRecords\":1242,\"aaData\":[{\"externalId\":\"4279\"}]}"
my_object_times_array = JSON.parse(content)
content = ["{\"sEcho\":3,\"timestamp\":1464705752942,\"iTotalRecords\":1242,\"iTotalDisplayRecords\":1242,\"aaData\":[{\"externalId\":\"4279\"}]}"]
my_object_times_array = JSON.parse(content[0])
