Dont print secrets in log - arrays

I am using Zap logger and I want to limit the information that gets logged. For example , I have below code snippet
func (m *mountCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
filelogger.Info("First log", zap.Strings("input args", args))
And the log output is as below
{"level":"info","ts":"2017-11-16T10:04:40.225Z","msg":"First log","input args":["/var/lib/kubelet/pods/74785895-cab5-11e7-88ed-ce1c8b57856c/volumes/xyz-xandndnd",
How do I just prevent the access-key and secret-key values from getting added to the log due to sensitivity of the data.
I tried many string manipulation functions in Go so that I can just remove those contents before using the zap object.There seems no simple function to get this done in a straight forward simple way.

Your current args is a slice of the following strings:
The input argument that contains the security-sensitive data is at index 1, and it's a JSON text.
You should not "string-manipulate" a JSON text. First you should unmarshal it into a Go value, then manipulate it, then marshal it back.
This is how this can be done:
// Make a copy of args:
args2 := append([]string{}, args...)
// Unmarshal:
var m map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(args2[1]), &m); err != nil {
// Modify:
m[""] = "XXX"
m[""] = "YYY"
// Marshal:
s2, err := json.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
args2[1] = string(s2)
// Verify:
// Now use args2 to log
filelogger.Info("First log", zap.Strings("(masked) input args", args2))
The "Verify:" is obviously not needed, it's just for us to see the result. Output on the Go Playground:
In your solution you should also add slice index checks to avoid run-time panic.


Range over elements of a protobuf array in Go

I have a Protobuf structure defined as so in my .proto file:
message Msg{
message SubMsg {
string SubVariable1 = 1;
int32 SubVariable2 = 2;
string Variable1 = 1;
repeated SubMsg Variable2 = 2;
I pull data into this structure using the package when consuming data from a JSON API, as so:
Response, err := Client.Do(Request)
if err != nil {
DataByte, err := ioutil.ReadAll(Response.Body)
if err != nil {
DataProto := Msg{}
err = protojson.Unmarshal(DataByte, &DataProto)
if err != nil {
What I want to be able to do is to range over the elements of Variable2 to be able to access the SubVariables using the protoreflect API, for which I have tried both:
Array := DataProto.GetVariable2()
for i := range Array {
Element := Array[i]
and also:
DataProto.GetVariable2().ProtoReflect().Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) {
return true})
The first of which fails with error message:
cannot range over DataProto.GetVariable2() (type *SubMsg)
despite the fact DataProto.GetVariable2() returns a variable of type []*Msg_SubMsg.
The second of which fails with:
DataProto.GetVariable2.ProtoReflect undefined (type []*SubMsg has no field or method ProtoReflect)
which suggests that DataProto.GetVariable2() does indeed return an array unlike what is suggested in the error returned in my first approach. This makes sense to me as the protoreflect API only allows this method to be called on a defined message, not an array of those messages. There therefore must be another way of accessing the elements of these arrays to be able to make use of the protoreflect API (for which I have been unsuccessful in finding and answer to on the web thus far).
Could someone help me make sense of these seemingly conflicting error messages? Has anyone had any success iterating over a Protobuf array themselves?
Thanks in advance.
You'll want to treat your Array variable as a List, which means you can't use Range() as in your second attempt. It's close though. Here is a functional example of iterating through and inspecting nested messages:
import (
func TestVariable2(t *testing.T) {
pb := &Msg{
Variable2: []*Msg_SubMsg{
SubVariable1: "string",
SubVariable2: 1,
pbreflect := pb.ProtoReflect()
fd := pbreflect.Descriptor().Fields().ByJSONName("Variable2")
if !fd.IsList() {
t.Fatal("expected a list")
l := pbreflect.Get(fd).List()
for i := 0; i < l.Len(); i++ {
// should test that we are now inspecting a message type
li := l.Get(i).Message()
li.Range(func(lifd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, liv protoreflect.Value) bool {
t.Logf("%v: %v", lifd.Name(), liv)
return true
Run with go test -v ./... if you want to see output

Golang best practices: empty array response or error?

What are best practices in terms of error handling for a function that accepts slice of objects and returns another slice of objects (ideally of same length as input array) along with error as follows:
func ([]interface{}) ([]interface{}, error)
One way is whenever you get an error for processing one of the objects in a slice, you return an error response, but that way at the receiving function, if you don't discard all slice elements, error response becomes of little use merely telling us that processing of one of the elements or all failed. Another way is you return an error when none of the elements get processed but again this is of little use I feel. One more way is you don't include error as return object and instead with every slice element struct, have it's own error object as a composite so you can send elementwise error as output.
The best way obviously depends on the particular scenario, however, I want to know if there are any best practices people follow or any design patterns around this problem.
PS: This was one of the closest questions, however since its accepting single object as input, not very relevant:
Return empty array or error
... a function that accepts [slice of interface representing an] array of objects and returns another [slice of interface representing an] array of objects along with error ...
You have not told us enough to go on.
Does the returned slice actually have anything to do with the parameter slice?
If so, what relationship do they have? For instance, perhaps the returned slice should be half the size of the input slice, and an error occurs if and only if the number of input objects is odd, in which case the last input object has been ignored.
Must inputs be processed in order, or will they be processed in parallel?
One more way is you don't include error as return object and instead with every array object struct, have it's own error object as a composite so you can send elementwise error as output.
This is probably a wise approach if the outputs are one-to-one with the inputs and you intend to handle them in parallel and/or continue processing the remaining inputs upon reaching one bad one. Equivalently, you can have the output slice include an error.
It's really very problem-dependent.
Edit: consider, e.g., the following (which I don't claim is good, mind you):
const maxWorkers = 10 // tunable
// Process a slice of T's in parallel. The results are either an
// R for each T, or an error. Caller provides the actual function
// f(T), which returns R + error (an empty/zero R for error).
func ProcessInParallel(input []T, f func(T) (R, error)) ([]interface{}, error) {
// Make one channel for sending work to workers,
// and one for receiving results from workers.
type Todo struct {
i int // the index of the item
item T // the item to work on
workChan := make(chan Todo)
type Done struct {
i int // the index of the item worked on
r R // result, if we have one
e error // error, if we have one
doneChan := make(chan Done)
// Spin off workers: maxWorkers or len(input),
// whichever is smaller.
n := len(input)
if n > maxWorkers {
n = maxWorkers
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
go func(i int) {
for todo := range workChan {
i := todo.i
r, err := f(input[i])
doneChan <- Done{i, r, err}
// Close doneChan when all workers finish.
go func() {
// Hand out work to workers (then close work channel).
go func() {
for i := range input {
workChan <- Todo{i, input[i]}
// Collect results.
var anyErr error
ret := make([]interface{}, len(input))
for done := range doneChan {
i := done.i
r, err := done.r, done.e
if err != nil {
anyErr = err
ret[i] = err
} else {
ret[i] = r
return ret, anyErr
This has an overall error return, and it returns a slice of interface{}. This means you can immediately tell if everything worked. However, it's kind of annoying to use:
ret, err := ProcessInParallel(arg, f)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("some inputs failed")
for i := range ret {
if e, ok := ret[i].(error); ok {
fmt.Printf("%d: failed: %v\n", i, e)
} else {
fmt.Printf("%d: %s\n", i, ret[i].(R))
} else {
fmt.Println("all inputs were good")
for i := range ret {
fmt.Printf("%d: %s\n", i, ret[i].(R))
Why bother with the all-error summary?
Instead, we could have ProcessInParallel return []R, []error, for instance, or—probably better—use a simple error interface return value to store a MultiError as Cerise Limón suggested in a comment:
ret, err := ProcessInParallel(arg, f)
if err != nil {
if merr, ok := err.(datastore.MultiError); ok {
// merr[i] indicates the various failed items
// any ret[i] for which merr[i] is nil is OK
} else {
// all ret[i] are ok
A working example that doesn't use MultiError is here.
A working example that does use MultiError is here.
While Go supports multiple return values, when one of the return types is an error, it is meant to process either error or the other return values and not both. It means that when error is not nil, the other return values has no specific meaning and should not be processed.
In your case, I'd personally prefer to use an iterator pattern, similar to what is implemented for database/sql.Rows, such that:
func X(values []interface{}) *Result
The Result would hold all processed slice elements associated with their errors. Somewhere in the code I would write something like this:
result := X(values)
for result.Next() {
if err := result.Err(); err != nil {
// Handle the err for this specific element.
// Whether continue or fail the whole process.
v := result.Cur()
// Process current element.

Problem accumulating/appending values in an array using recursion with Go

First of all, this is my first non-dummy program using Go. Any recommendation will be appreciated.
Code description:
I want to retrieve all the information from an API where the information is being paginated. So I want to iterate through all the pages in order to get all the information.
This is what I did so far:
I have the these two functions:
func request(requestData *RequestData) []*ProjectsResponse {
client := &http.Client{
Timeout: time.Second * 10,
projects := []*ProjectsResponse{}
innerRequest(client, requestData.URL, projects)
return projects
func innerRequest(client *http.Client, URL string, projects []*ProjectsResponse) {
if URL == "" {
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", URL, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Request creation failed with error %s\n", err)
req.Header.Add("Private-Token", os.Getenv("API_KEY"))
res, err := client.Do(req)
log.Printf("Executing request: %s", req.URL)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("The HTTP request failed with error %s\n", err)
data, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
var response ProjectsResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(data, &response)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Unmarshalling failed with error %s\n", err)
projects = append(projects, &response)
pagingData := getPageInformation(res)
innerRequest(client, pagingData.NextLink, projects)
Undesired behavior:
The values in the projects []*ProjectsResponse array are being appended on each iteration of the recursion, but when the recursion ends I get an empty array list. So, somehow after the innerRequests ends, in the project variable inside the request method I get nothing.
Hope somebody and spot my mistake.
Thanks in advance.
I'm guessing that all of your project objects are scoped to the function so they no longer exist when the function ends. I don't think you need your projects to exist before you call innerRequest, so you should probably just have that method return the projects. I think something like this should work...
func innerRequest(client *http.Client, URL string) []*ProjectsResponse {
if URL == "" {
return nil
//More code...
pagingData := getPageInformation(res)
return append([]*ProjectsResponse{&response}, innerRequest(client, pagingData.NextLink)...)
The confusion lies in the way a slice is handled in Go. Here is the in-depth explanation, but I will abbreviate.
The common misconception is that the slice you pass around is a reference to the slice, which is false. The actual variable you operate on when you handle a slice is known as a slice header. This is a simple struct with a reference to the underlying array under the covers and follows Go's pass by value rules, i.e. it is copied when passed to a function. Thus, if it is not returned, you won't have the updated header.
Returning data from recursion follows a straightforward pattern. Here is a basic example. I'm also including a version that doesn't require a return, but operates on the slice as a reference, which will modify the original. (Note: Passing around slice pointers is generally not considered idiomatic Go)
Playground link:
// correct way to return from recursion
func addReturn(s []int) []int {
if finalCondition(s) {
return s
s = append(s, 1)
return addReturn(s)
// using a reference
func addReference(s *[]int) {
if finalCondition(*s) {
*s = append(*s, 1)
// whatever terminates the recursion
func finalCondition(s []int) bool {
if len(s) >= 10 {
return true
return false

Count similar array value

I'm trying to learn Go (or Golang) and can't seem to get it right. I have 2 texts files, each containing a list of words. I'm trying to count the amount of words that are present in both files.
Here is my code so far :
package main
import (
func stringInSlice(str string, list []string) bool {
for _, v := range list {
if v == str {
return true
return false
func main() {
// Texts URL
var list = ""
var url1 = ""
//Create storing arrays
var buffer [2000]string
var bufferUrl1 [40000]string
// Set a sibling counter
var sibling = 0
// Read and store text files
wordList, err := http.Get(list)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error while getting the url : %v", err)
defer wordList.Body.Close()
wordUrl1, err := http.Get(url1)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error while getting the url : %v", err)
defer wordUrl1.Body.Close()
streamList := bufio.NewScanner(wordList.Body)
streamUrl1 := bufio.NewScanner(wordUrl1.Body)
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
//Fill arrays with each lines
for streamList.Scan() {
buffer[i] = streamList.Text()
for streamUrl1.Scan() {
bufferUrl1[j] = streamUrl1.Text()
// This code if i'm not wrong is supposed to compare through all the range of bufferUrl1 -> bufferUrl1 values with buffer values, then increment sibling and output FIND
for v := range bufferUrl1{
if stringInSlice(bufferUrl1, buffer) {
// As a testing purpose thoses lines properly paste both array
// fmt.Println(buffer)
// fmt.Println(bufferUrl1)
But right now, my build doesn't even succeed. I'm only greeted with this message:
.\hello.go:69: cannot use bufferUrl1 (type [40000]string) as type string in argument to stringInSlice
.\hello.go:69: cannot use buffer (type [2000]string) as type []string in argument to stringInSlice
bufferUrl1 is an array: [4000]string. You meant to use v (each
string in bufferUrl1). But in fact, you meant to use the second
variable—the first variable is the index which is ignored in the code
below using _.
type [2000]string is different from []string. In Go, arrays and slices are not the same. Read Go Slices: usage and internals. I've changed both variable declarations to use slices with the same initial length using make.
These are changes you need to make to compile.
// Create storing slices
buffer := make([]string, 2000)
bufferUrl1 := make([]string, 40000)
and the loop on Line 69:
for _, s := range bufferUrl1 {
if stringInSlice(s, buffer) {
As a side-note, consider using a map instead of a slice for buffer for more efficient lookup instead of looping through the list in stringInSlice. has the fix for the comments below (you won't be able to make HTTP requests from the Playground).

Convert back byte array into file using golang

Is there a way to write a byte array to a file? I have the file name and file extension(like temp.xml).
Sounds like you just want the ioutil.WriteFile function from the standard library.
It would look something like this:
permissions := 0644 // or whatever you need
byteArray := []byte("to be written to a file\n")
err := ioutil.WriteFile("file.txt", byteArray, permissions)
if err != nil {
// handle error
According to, as of Go 1.16 this function is deprecated. Use instead (ioutil.WriteFile simply calls os.WriteFile as of 1.16).
Otherwise, Jeffrey Martinez's answer remains correct:
permissions := 0644 // or whatever you need
byteArray := []byte("to be written to a file\n")
err := os.WriteFile("file.txt", byteArray, permissions)
if err != nil {
// handle error
