SSIS Package Creation via MVS 2015 ODBC IDENTITY_INSERT - sql-server

Today I am trying to figure out how to get rows with identity columns inserted into a Microsoft SQL 2016 database via an SSIS package that I am constructing using MVS 2015 (with SSDT 14.0.61709.290). I am pulling data from another data source (which works without issue) and I am inserting rows into a destination table that has been previously defined on the destination SQL server like so:
create table [DB_NAME].[dbo].[TableName]
key_value IDENTITY(1,1) primary key,
...other values...
When I move values from the old data source to the new data source I get the error:
[MSQL Deal [70]] Error: Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) error
occurred. state: '23000'. Native Error Code: 544. [Microsoft][SQL
Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot insert explicit value for
identity column in table 'TableName' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to
There are a tremendous number of forums and results that come up when searching that indicate that there should be a checkbox that permits identity inserts when modifying the column mappings page of the destination. This option does not exist and the "Advanced Editor" interface in MVS/SSDT 2015/2017 has column mappings only and no options for handling inserts for identity columns.
Also I have tried to add a step to my control flow that turns identity insert on, but for some reason enabling IDENTITY_INSERT at this level does not work and my package still fails on all insert attempts.
Now I am going to be completely honest, I am fully aware that I have alternative options to get this to work - but keep in mind I am building dev test and production databases that I am trying to keep scripted and automated and idiot proof for when it gets further down the line toward deployment. I don't want to have to introduce an intermediate step that forces one of our DBAs to wait for the first SSIS package to finish, run a SQL query that will enable identity inserts for a specific table, run the next package, then run a query to disable identity inserts. I would have to do this many times....
Did SSIS 2015 (and I tried this using MVS/SSDT 2017) completely drop support for identity inserts? Do I have to use a different interface with my DSN to get this to work (ODBC?)?
Is this still an option but it is hidden somewhere really really really well?

ODBC Destination has no option for identity insert, you can use an OLEDB Destination instead if it, and it is contains a Keep Identity check box, which can be used


How to copy a SQL table to another server with index and keys?

I am trying to copy 2 tables from one server to another with the primary key, data and index.
Method 1:
I have tried with import/export wizard and exported data, also edited the script to have primary key and identity and checked the insert identity checkbox before execution.
Method 2:
Generated script for those 2 tables with Types of data to script - Schema and data and Script Indexes - True
But in both of these method, i am losing the identity functionality in the new table. When I do a right click on the new table and select Design option, the Identity Specification is stated as NO but in the old table it is staed as YES.
Is there any other method to copy a table with this identity functionality?
Obviously there is a bug in Microsoft SSMS. With your method 1 SSMS 2016 still executes the standard CREATE TABLE query in the background, although you edit it in the wizard. My recommendation is that you download and install the latest SSMS version. Here is the link to it. After that you can use your method 1 without problems and it will work without problems.

Dynamically create destination table from source server with SSIS

I need a bit advice how to solve the following task:
I got a source system based on IBM DB2 (IBMDA400) which has a lot of tables that changes rapidly and daily in structure. I must load specified tables from the DB2 into a MSSQL 2008 R2 Server. Therefore i thought using SSIS is the best choice.
My first attempt was just to add both datasources, drop all tables in MSSQL and recreate them with a "Select * Into #Table From #Table". But I was not able to get this working because I could not connect both OLEDB Connections. I also tried this with an Openrowset statement but the SQL Server does not allow that for security reasons and I am not allowed to change that.
My second try was to manually read the tables from the source and drop and recreate the tables with a for each loop and then load the data via the Data Flow Task. But I got stuck on getting the meta data from the Execute SQL Task... so i dont got the column names and types.
I can not believe that this is too hard to archieve. Why is there no "create table if not exist" checkbox on the Data Flow Task?
Of course i searched for the problem here before but could not find a solution.
Thanks in advance,
This is the solution i got at the end:
Create a File/Table which is used for selection of the source tables.
Important: Create a linked Server on your SQL Instance or a working Connectionstring for the OPENROWSET (i was not able to do so - i choosed the linked server)
Query source File/Table
Build a loop through the resultset
Use Variables and Script Task to build your query
Drop the destination table
Build another Querystring with INSERT INTO TABLE FROM OPENROWSET (or if you used linked Server OPENQUERY)
Execute this Statement
As i said above i am not quite happy with this but for now it should be ok. I will update this if i got another solution.

Sybase: how to disable identity on multiple tables in single session

We have a case where we need to disable and enable identity for multiple tables in a single session for Sybase. I have been trying to find a solution, but am unable to find a satisfactory one so far.
Solutions such as creating new table/column without identity, copying data, then dropping old table/column is costly, since the source table may contain huge volume of data.
Also SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON/OFF can be performed for only a single table in a session and hence this won’t work as well.
Any suggestions?
Sybase version used is: Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.7/EBF 21148 SMP SP100 /P/RS6000/AIX 6.1/ase157sp100/3426/64-bit/FBO/
P.S: We had similar case for SQL Server. It was done through ALTER TABLE ... SWITCH command as suggested here -> Adding an identity to an existing column. Anything similar for Sybase should work also.

Message: This row was successfully committed to the database. However, a problem occurred

I have a table in SQL Server 2005 whose primary key is an identity column (increment 1), and I also have a default value set for one of the other columns.
When I open the table in SQL Server Management Studio and type in a new record into the table, the inserted values are not displayed, and I get the following message on save:
However, if the table has either an identity column, or one or more columns with a default value specified, the inserted value(s) will be displayed in the table after a save. And can be edited.
I frequently create test data in ssms this way and this issue makes it cumbersome to do some things I would like to.
Is there any way around this?
Right click on it and say Execute should not display it(error)..its just sql server way of doing things..since it inserts the identity column later..You should not add records in that way in the first place.
You should not add records to a database that way! It can have unfortunate side effects (especially on large tables) as you have discovered.
Records for lookup tables should be added through rerunable scripts. Those scripts should in source control. This makes them easy to promote from dev to Qa to staging to prod.
Test records should also be done in scripts (including scripts to remove the test records) so that you can run thenm on other environments as well as being able to delete and recreate them if some process you are testing went bad. These too should eb in source control (as should all database changes which also should not be done through the GUI).

Importing data into Oracle via Web Enterprise Manager with unique constraints

I am not at all familiar with Oracle so bear with me!
I am using version Oracle 10G with the web front end called Enterprise Manager. I have been given some CSV files to import however when I use the Load Data from User Files option I think I can set everything up but when the job runs it complains that there are unique constraints, I guess because there is duplicate data trying to be inserted.
How can I get the insert to create a new primary key similar to a MSSQL auto inc number?
Oracle does not have an analog to the MSSQL auto incrementing field. The feature has to be simulated via triggers and Oracle sequences. Some options here are to:
create a trigger to populate the columns you want auto incremented from a sequence
delete the offending duplicate keys in the table
change the values in your CSV file.
You might look at this related SO question.
There is no autoinc type in Oracle. You have to use a sequence.
By using a before insert trigger, you could get something similar to what you get by using an autoinc in SQL Server.
You can see here how to do it.
