Sybase: how to disable identity on multiple tables in single session - sybase

We have a case where we need to disable and enable identity for multiple tables in a single session for Sybase. I have been trying to find a solution, but am unable to find a satisfactory one so far.
Solutions such as creating new table/column without identity, copying data, then dropping old table/column is costly, since the source table may contain huge volume of data.
Also SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON/OFF can be performed for only a single table in a session and hence this won’t work as well.
Any suggestions?
Sybase version used is: Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.7/EBF 21148 SMP SP100 /P/RS6000/AIX 6.1/ase157sp100/3426/64-bit/FBO/
P.S: We had similar case for SQL Server. It was done through ALTER TABLE ... SWITCH command as suggested here -> Adding an identity to an existing column. Anything similar for Sybase should work also.


Change Data Capture's unexpected behaviour when altering the table

I'm using CDC feature from SQL Server 2019.
I understand that if I make any DDL changes to the tracked table the changes info will be added to [cdc].[ddl_history] table, but the changes will not reflect in the existing capture instance.
But in my case the following two things happening.
If I make changes to a key column after cdc is enabled, for eg. set IDENTITY Yes to No or vice versa, the cdc is straightaway disabled
automatically and I lost all the capture information.
If I add new columns and delete existing data from the table, it is disabling cdc automatically without adding DDL changes to ddl_history
Due to this issue the existing jobs failing and creating a big mess of the whole process. please can someone help me on how to deal with this unexpected behaviour. I have gone through most of the documentation on cdc topic from ms documentation. I didn't come across the automatic disabling of cdc on a table, or I must have missed.
Thanks for looking at my query.
UPDATE: I'm making the changes in SSMS, in table designer.
For IDENTITY: Select column properties and then under Identity Specification set IsIdentity to Yes/No.
For New columns: Add new columns in the designer. Not using ALTER TABLE script (Not sure if it makes a difference to cdc)

SSIS Package Creation via MVS 2015 ODBC IDENTITY_INSERT

Today I am trying to figure out how to get rows with identity columns inserted into a Microsoft SQL 2016 database via an SSIS package that I am constructing using MVS 2015 (with SSDT 14.0.61709.290). I am pulling data from another data source (which works without issue) and I am inserting rows into a destination table that has been previously defined on the destination SQL server like so:
create table [DB_NAME].[dbo].[TableName]
key_value IDENTITY(1,1) primary key,
...other values...
When I move values from the old data source to the new data source I get the error:
[MSQL Deal [70]] Error: Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) error
occurred. state: '23000'. Native Error Code: 544. [Microsoft][SQL
Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot insert explicit value for
identity column in table 'TableName' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to
There are a tremendous number of forums and results that come up when searching that indicate that there should be a checkbox that permits identity inserts when modifying the column mappings page of the destination. This option does not exist and the "Advanced Editor" interface in MVS/SSDT 2015/2017 has column mappings only and no options for handling inserts for identity columns.
Also I have tried to add a step to my control flow that turns identity insert on, but for some reason enabling IDENTITY_INSERT at this level does not work and my package still fails on all insert attempts.
Now I am going to be completely honest, I am fully aware that I have alternative options to get this to work - but keep in mind I am building dev test and production databases that I am trying to keep scripted and automated and idiot proof for when it gets further down the line toward deployment. I don't want to have to introduce an intermediate step that forces one of our DBAs to wait for the first SSIS package to finish, run a SQL query that will enable identity inserts for a specific table, run the next package, then run a query to disable identity inserts. I would have to do this many times....
Did SSIS 2015 (and I tried this using MVS/SSDT 2017) completely drop support for identity inserts? Do I have to use a different interface with my DSN to get this to work (ODBC?)?
Is this still an option but it is hidden somewhere really really really well?
ODBC Destination has no option for identity insert, you can use an OLEDB Destination instead if it, and it is contains a Keep Identity check box, which can be used

Collation change on MS sql server 2012

Dear all, Currently I am just researching how I could handle the change of the collation on the database.
Somebody made an unusual decision to create accent sensitive database for global use... but I am on the way to handle this!
REASON: of changing the collation is that database contains data collected from different countries and as we all know some of cultures have their own letters.
With the respect for the customers, our organization would like to have Accent Insensitive database. That will allow users to request data from the server without any limitations using local characters.
As far as I have find out, there may be an option to drop constraints and etc. change collation and then just to bring everything back. In this case I am afraid if this would be enough to affect already existing data (columns).
Another way, I have found an article in Collation change on 2005 and 2008 server. However, this does not include the 2012 server.
Also I am taking the complexity of this example into consideration as well.
I believe that I am not in an easy phase. But I am hoping to get few advises what would be the best and safest way to handle this.
Thank you for your concerns and assistance.
UPDATE let me add what architecture do we have: The complete system contains 4 databases and more than 1.000 tables in total. So my expectations is that not all of the possible ways may work in an optimal way.
me too i had to deal with a similar issue because of a different reason: ancient databases with an old SQL collation installed ages ago on a SQL6.5 server that has been inplace upgraded for each version from sql 7 to sql 2005 and now should be updated to sql 2012.
why all these inplace upgrades? because the actual collation was the server collation and was so old that is not available during then install process of a recent version (2000+) of sql server...
i decided to drop all that old rubbish so i had to find a way that allowed me to move to a new installation with a windows collation.
i had to exclude the data migration (create a new database and import data) because of the lack of documentation and the huge number of customizations, triggers, hidden rules and so on.
the solution i used (the order matters):
disable automatic statistics generation
script the creation of all foreign keys and then drop them
script unique and primary indexes and then drop them
script all remaining indexes and then drop them
script custom statistics and then drop them
script CHECK and DEFAULT constraints and then drop them
now you can run the ALTER commands needed to change the collation of the columns and change the collation of the database itself.
when done repeat the above in reverse order to rebuild all the needed objects.
it happens that if the database is so old as is mine you may incur in something funny like existing foreign key that references fields with different datatypes.
Changing collation of all existing columns is a real pain. I suggest a side-by-side migration rather than alter each column individually. Create a new database with the desired collation containing only empty tables. Copy data from the old db to the new one using INSERT...SELECT (or the ETL tool of your choice), and then create constraints, indexes, and other database objects.
Consider upvoting the Make it easy to change collation on a database SQL Server feature request.
There are a number of complicated solutions on the internet for inplace collation changes but the simplest (and safest) way we have found is to script out the database, alter the script to create a new db with the collation set at the start and then import the data to the new database.
We achieve this using MS SQL Server 2012 Management Studio in the following way:
Script out all database objects with Tasks -> Generate Scripts -> Script entire Database and all Database objects
Alter the script with the following 2 changes and then run it to create a new database:
a) Change DB name to MY-NEW-DB
b) Under the CREATE DATABASE statement add: ALTER DATABASE [MY-NEW-DB] collate Latin1_General_CS_AS
If desired, use a tool like RG SQL Compare to compare the old and new database to verify all indexes, constraints, types etc were the same and collation on relevant columns only was changed.
Run Tasks->Import Data ensuring 'Enable Identity Insert' checked. All data transferred to the new case sensitive database correctly.
Run DBCC CHECKDB if you wish to check consistency

What is the suitable data type for DB replication?

I'm creating a DB using SQL Server 2008.
This DB will be used in two countries and at some time (every day) they will be synchronized, I'll use the Replication service to accomplish that.
Most of the tables are using an Int column with Identity increment. But the tables will be empty when deployed so both countries will have a row with identity 1, 2, and son. I've never use replication before so I wanna know if there will be an error when the tables are synchronized?
Should I use a GUID data type instead?
Replicate Identity Columns (MSDN):
Replication offers three identity range management options:
Automatic. Used for merge replication and transactional replication with updates at the Subscriber...
Manual. Used for snapshot and transactional replication without updates at the Subscriber...
None. This option is recommended only for backwards compatibility...
So, yes, you can continue to use IDENTITY, provided you read through the information on replication and choose an option that makes sense for you.
Under Automatic, what it does is each server grabs a range of usable identity values and hands the individual values out as needed. Provided synchronization occurs often enough so that the ranges aren't completely exhausted, you'll never notice this detail.
And this allows you to scale out later as needed - as opposed to e.g. a MOD scheme where one server hands out odd values and the other even - you can't easily add a third server to such a scheme.
By your description, it sounds like you want to implement so called Merge replication.
In SQL Server you would not need to change the identity to a GUID, however, if you don't SQL server will automatically add another column called rowguid for each table and you may end up with duplicates of your original identity column. To circumvent this, you could have the servers assign mod 2 IDs.
In my opinion it makes most sense to use a GUID for the IDs altogether. Don't forget to set the ROWGUIDCOL property on your identity columns. Good luck.
Relevant MSDN:
Consider adding a deviceID field to all tables users can update. With each device making changes using its own ID as part of the PK, there cannot be conflicts across devices.

Importing data into Oracle via Web Enterprise Manager with unique constraints

I am not at all familiar with Oracle so bear with me!
I am using version Oracle 10G with the web front end called Enterprise Manager. I have been given some CSV files to import however when I use the Load Data from User Files option I think I can set everything up but when the job runs it complains that there are unique constraints, I guess because there is duplicate data trying to be inserted.
How can I get the insert to create a new primary key similar to a MSSQL auto inc number?
Oracle does not have an analog to the MSSQL auto incrementing field. The feature has to be simulated via triggers and Oracle sequences. Some options here are to:
create a trigger to populate the columns you want auto incremented from a sequence
delete the offending duplicate keys in the table
change the values in your CSV file.
You might look at this related SO question.
There is no autoinc type in Oracle. You have to use a sequence.
By using a before insert trigger, you could get something similar to what you get by using an autoinc in SQL Server.
You can see here how to do it.
