Best way to store presentation-specific data in react-redux application - reactjs

I know the best practice is not using a redux store to save any kind of visualization-related data. But I don't see any way to avoid that in my project. I have a simple store like this:
pages: {
byId: {
'0': {
id: '0',
canvases: {
byId: {
'0': {
id: '0',
byId: ['0':{uid:'0'}],
allIds: ['0']
allIds: ['0']
selectedId: '0'
allIds: ['0']
It just stores the document filled by pages. Each page may have one or more canvases. Each canvas has zero or more layers. Visually each page/canvas/layer is a tree of nested blocks. My idea is putting a selection frame with some handles on top of z-index of my HTML when user clicks onto a layer. The problem is that selection component is in a different DOM tree relatively to the page but at the same time I need to know a bounding rectangle of my page, canvas and layer to overlay the selection correctly. What is the best way to do that? Do I need to use a redux store to save my bounding area?

I think a good solution here will be normalizr. It takes a json like this:
"id": "123",
"author": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Paul"
"title": "My awesome blog post",
"comments": [
"id": "324",
"commenter": {
"id": "2",
"name": "Nicole"
and turns it into something like this:
result: "123",
entities: {
"articles": {
"123": {
id: "123",
author: "1",
title: "My awesome blog post",
comments: [ "324" ]
"users": {
"1": { "id": "1", "name": "Paul" },
"2": { "id": "2", "name": "Nicole" }
"comments": {
"324": { id: "324", "commenter": "2" }
Take a look at the docs for normalizr, I think it can help you.

I decided to choose MobX + MST framework: This one is covering snapshots to easily manage application states. I am even able to connect Redux Dev Tools to track my state at runtime. In addition to that it has a support of volatile states which makes sense for storing some temporary data like drag and drop mouse offset or some not tied to store visual data. And another one thing is that undo/redo logic can be implemented easily. I am originally from OOP world so MobX/MST is closer to my mindset than Flux/Redux concepts.


Graphql + MongoDB : updating a deep nested object [Partial Update the object]

I have a huge database with 1000s of records. There are different types of "Groups" and each child object(group assignments) has different levels of nesting, (refer to the code below)
mutation UpdateGroup($input: GroupUpdateInput!) {
updateGroup(input: $input) {
As you can see when I want to update just one nested object. It becomes really hard to manage and keep track of what is being modified. What is a good solution to approach this issue. I know this question is difficult to explain but please let me know if I can make something more clear in the comments. I will try to produce a working sample but it could take time because the codebase is very huge
"input": {
"id": "6231107602d54a291d29",
"name": {
"language": "en-US",
"text": "Test Update Group"
"isActive": true,
"code": "127",
"benefit": {
"provider": "Group Provider1",
"benefitOptions": [
"name": [
"language": "en-US",
"text": "Benefit Option 1"
"assignedProfileIds": ["6231101d02d54d297c6c","6231101e02d54a297c6d"]

loop through array or json file in angular 4

I want to loop through an array of objects in angular 4 , I use a .ts file to export array as a variable in posts.ts
export var posts = [
"id": "1",
"title":"Tooling Up",
"author":"Amber Bravo",
"date":"June 14 2015",
"desc":"How a new generation of prototyping tools at Google will help designers build better software.",
"content":"# content goes here"
"id": "2",
"title":"Expressing Brand in Material",
"author":"Viktor Persson & Rachel Been",
"date":"July 4 2015",
"desc":"Material design offers a system for designing functional and elegant software. How does your brand fit into the framework? We’ve created a step-by-step guide to staying on-brand while going material.",
"content":"# content goes here"
"id": "3",
"title":"New Design Tools",
"author":"Amber Bravo",
"date":"July 29 2015",
"desc":"See Also: (More) thoughts on design tools",
"content":"# content goes here"
"id": "1",
"title":"Design from iOS to Android (and Back Again)",
"author":"Roman Nurik & Viltor Persson",
"date":"Aug 20 2015",
"desc":"A practical guide to designing across platforms",
"content":"# content goes here"
"id": "2",
"title":"Demystifying Density",
"author":"Sebastien Gabriel",
"date":"July 10 2015",
"desc":"Sebastien Gabriel takes one for the team with his exhaustive guide to DPI & PPI",
"content":"# content goes here"
"id": "3",
"title":"Pixate and Form 1.3",
"author":"Google Design",
"date":"May 30 2015",
"desc":"Discover the latest features and start designing native prototypes on your device.",
"content":"# content goes here"
"id": "4",
"title":"Welcome to the New Google Design",
"author":"Google Design",
"date":"Sep 10 2015",
"desc":"More design, all the time",
"content":" # content goes here"
"title":"Top Ten",
"title":"A Day in the Life",
then I import it in app.componenet.ts normally with :
import { posts } from './posts';
now what I don't know is how to loop through it or how to load json file then loop through it I mean how to loop in html to display data inside the app.componenet.html
You have to pass this array to view.
class AppComponent {
posts = posts;
And then in view you have to use *ngFor directive.
<ng-container *ngFor="let post of posts">
{{ post.title }}

ng-repeat with variabile as something

Let's imagine I have an array I want to iterate. So standard way I would just
<div ng-repeat=obj in arr>
Which works correctly ofc. But let's also imagine situation i will work whole time just with obj property data.
So for example:
It works but it start looking ugly, and just in case it will have one aditional subobject or array it can go even worser.
So I hope if there is something like:
<div as o in arr>
I didnt find any information about it in Angular Doc but I belieave it could be possible or atleast work arounded.
Any idea?
e.g. array:
"data": {
"Name": "MyName",
"Gender": "female"
"data2": {
"nothing": true
}, {
"data": {
"Name": "MyNam2e",
"Gender": "male"
"data2": {
"nothing": true

ReactJS state vs props - where to keep source of truth for a To Do app

I am starting on ReactJS from Angular world and really confused with having to keep track of json data object and how to edit and remove items.
var myTasks = {
"tasks": [
"name": "HOME tasks",
"type": "HOME",
"tasklist": [
"id": 1,
"todo_name": "go home",
"user": "scotty",
"actions": [
"name": "delete",
"action": "delete.php"
"id": 2,
"todo_name": "go to work",
"user": "scotty",
"actions": [
"name": "delete",
"action": "delete.php"
"name": "WORK tasks",
"type": "WORK",
"tasklist": [
"id": 1,
"todo_name": "go home",
"user": "scotty",
"actions": [
"name": "delete",
"action": "delete.php"
"id": 2,
"todo_name": "go to work",
"user": "scotty",
"actions": [
"name": "delete",
"action": "delete.php"
Let's say I break it up into components (code is incorrect and I am just trying to illustrate the idea).
var Tasks = React.createClass({
var TaskListPerType = React.createClass({
<TaskListPerType_Actions />
var TaskListPerType_Actions = React.createClass({
I was thinking of creating a state of data on Tasks component and then pass the states as props to the child components. I want to add a delete function on the TaskListPerType_Actions component.
Question is does each component has its own states and when I add functions such as delete, do I only need to act on the state within that component and when I act on that state, does it automatically update the state in the parent where it's passed to the children as props?
For React to make sense, you have to first forget about MVC javascript. Sure, you can use MVC, but React is made for one-direction data binding. By that, I mean that the data itself (or a class containing the data, which emits events) is what triggers the changes in the view. Check out Flux and this concept will become more clear.
Typically, you don't want state to be on every component. Each component should be concerned with only it's own state. If, in the event there is storage required, that should be separated into it's own object and that object should be the source of the change.
There is no data mutation happening in React, each state change triggers a complete re-render of the view. This is confusing at first, but it becomes easier as you start to understand the way React wants your data to flow.
Here is a full example of a React application implemented using Flux which, IMO, is the most natural way to create React apps.

MongoDB Array Query Performance

I'm trying to figure out what the best schema is for a dating site like app. User's have a listing (possibly many) and they can view other user listings to 'like' and 'dislike' them.
Currently i'm just storing the other persons listing id in a likedBy and dislikedBy array. When a user 'likes' a listing, it puts their listing id into the 'liked' listings arrays. However I would now like to track the timestamp that a user likes a listing. This would be used for a user's 'history list' or for data analysis.
I would need to do two separate queries:
find all active listings that this user has not liked or disliked before
and for a user's history of 'liked'/'disliked' choices
find all the listings user X has liked in chronological order
My current schema is:
_id: 'sdf3f'
likedBy: ['12ac', 'as3vd', 'sadf3']
dislikedBy: ['asdf', 'sdsdf', 'asdfas']
active: bool
Could I do something like this?
_id: 'sdf3f'
likedBy: [{'12ac', date: Date}, {'ds3d', date: Date}]
dislikedBy: [{'s12ac', date: Date}, {'6fs3d', date: Date}]
active: bool
I was also thinking of making a new collection for choices.
userId // id of current user making the choice
userlistId // listing of the user making the choice
listingChoseId // the listing they chose yes/no
I'm not sure of the performance implications of having these choices in another collection when doing the find all active listings that this user has not liked or disliked before.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
Well you obviously thought it was a good idea to have these embedded in the "listings" documents so your additional usage patterns to the cases presented here worked properly. With that in mind there is no reason to throw that away.
To clarify though, the structure you seem to want is something like this:
"_id": "sdf3f",
"likedBy": [
{ "userId": "12ac", "date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z") },
{ "userId": "as3vd", "date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z") },
{ "userId": "sadf3", "date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z") }
"dislikedBy": [
{ "userId": "asdf", "date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z") },
{ "userId": "sdsdf", "date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z") },
{ "userId": "asdfas", "date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z") }
"active": true
Which is all well and fine except that there is one catch. Because you have this content in two array fields you would not be able to create an index over both of those fields. That is a restriction where only one array type of field (or multikey) can be be included within a compound index.
So to solve the obvious problem with your first query not being able to use an index, you would structure like this instead:
"_id": "sdf3f",
"votes": [
"userId": "12ac",
"type": "like",
"date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z")
"userId": "as3vd",
"type": "like",
"date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z")
"userId": "sadf3",
"type": "like",
"date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z")
"userId": "asdf",
"type": "dislike",
"date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z")
"userId": "sdsdf",
"type": "dislike",
"date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z")
"userId": "asdfas",
"type": "dislike",
"date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z")
"active": true
This allows an index that covers this form:{
"active": 1,
"votes.userId": 1,
"": 1,
"votes.type": 1
Actually you will probably want a few indexes to suit your usage patterns, but the point is now can have indexes you can use.
Covering the first case you have this form of query:{ "active": true, "votes.userId": { "$ne": "12ac" } })
That makes sense considering that you clearly are not going to have both an like and dislike option for each user. By the order of that index, at least active can be used to filter because your negating condition needs to scan everything else. No way around that with any structure.
For the other case you probably want the userId to be in an index before the date and as the first element. Then your query is quite simple:{ "votes.userId": "12ac" })
.sort({ "votes.userId": 1, "": 1 })
But you may be wondering that you suddenly lost something in that getting the count of "likes" and "dislikes" was as easy as testing the size of the array before, but now it's a little different. Not a problem that cannot be solved using aggregate:[
{ "$unwind": "$votes" },
{ "$group": {
"_id": {
"_id": "$_id",
"active": "$active"
"likes": { "$sum": { "$cond": [
{ "$eq": [ "$votes.type", "like" ] },
"dislikes": { "$sum": { "$cond": [
{ "$eq": [ "$votes.type", "dislike" ] },
So whatever your actual usage form you can store any important parts of the document to keep in the grouping _id and then evaluate the count of "likes" and "dislikes" in an easy manner.
You may also not that changing an entry from like to dislike can also be done in a single atomic update.
There is much more you can do, but I would prefer this structure for the reasons as given.
