Why does C manage the heap, instead of the operating system? - c

In other words, why doesn't free() just return the memory to the operating system, and malloc simply request memory from the operating system?
This unpacks to three closely related questions:
Why does C need to manage its own heap? (Is it because the OS will only allow you to allocate and free contiguous memory of a minimum size?)
Assuming what I wrote in parentheses is true, why is it?
Can this problem affect the operating system itself, so that it's unable to allocate blocks of memory to any running processes?

Why does C need to manage its own heap?
It's not actually specified that it needs to, but it needs to implement malloc() and friends the way they are described in the standard. So if there was an OS already providing such an interface, a C implementation could just provide a tiny wrapper.
Is it because the OS will only allow you to allocate and free contiguous memory of a minimum size? And if that's true, what's the reason?
Yes. A typical OS will manage paged memory and map or unmap processes whole pages of memory. The unit of memory that can be "paged" depends on the hardware architecture. You might want to read some details on how memory management units (MMU) work. On architectures without MMU, the operating system might not do anything and a C implementation would just fullfill malloc() requests from a fixed location in physical address space.

malloc is a C method itself. You are using a standard library that provides it for you, but in the end, it is C code just like yours is.
In some operating systems, you can only get memory from the OS in the size of pages (using mmap). This is too big for your regular data structure.
Doing a system call every time you need memory is way too expensive.

Actually it is left for the implementation. The question :
why doesn't free() just return the memory to the operating system, and
malloc simply request memory from the operating system?
is wrong as nothing stops the implementation from doing it. So there is no answer for this question - every implementation can be potentially different (it only has to be standard compliant)

Why does C need to manage its own heap? (Is it because the OS will only allow you to allocate and free contiguous memory of a minimum size?)
Operating systems manage memory in pages. Allocating and freeing pages has a high overhead. Most allocations in C tend to be much smaller than a page size.

From the other answers, here's what I gathered the answer to be.
Most operating systems only allocate memory to processes in fixed sizes, called pages. When a process returns memory to the OS, it can only do so in pagefuls. A page is a sequence of memory of a fixed size. The start and end points of a page are fixed, so even if you've got a large enough amount of free memory, you won't be able to return it to the OS unless it's between the start and end points of a page.
On the other hand, you could imagine that there is no operating system (or that the operating system allocates memory to programs from its own heap). This helps me understand things better, because the operating system was getting in the way of my intuition, because it looked as if the freed memory was being dropped into a black hole, and the allocated memory was coming out of a similar black hole. Without any OS, all the memory in a computer could be pictured as belonging to a large sequence of cells. If you allocate all available memory in a computer, and then start freeing some memory, then you might not be able to find a large enough contiguous chunk of memory to fulfill a malloc request.


Why does malloc() call mmap() and brk() interchangeably?

I'm new to C and heap memory, still struggling to understand dynamic memory allocation.
I traced Linux system calls and found that if I use malloc to request a small amount of heap memory, then malloc calls brk internally.
But if I use malloc to request a very large amount of heap memory, then malloc calls mmap internally.
So there must be a big difference between brk and mmap, but theoretically we should be able to use brk to allocate heap memory regardless of the requested size. So why does malloc call mmap when allocating a large amount of memory?
so why malloc calls mmap when it comes to allocate a large size of memory?
The short answer is for improved efficiency on newer implementations of Linux, and the updated memory allocation algorithms that come with them. But keep in mind that this is a very implementation dependent topic, and the whys and wherefores would vary greatly for differing vintages and flavors of the specific Linux OS being discussed.
Here is fairly recent write-up regarding the low-level parts mmap() and brk() play in Linux memory allocation. And, a not so recent, but still relevant Linux Journal article that includes some content that is very on-point for the topic here, including this:
For very large requests, malloc() uses the mmap() system call to find
addressable memory space. This process helps reduce the negative
effects of memory fragmentation when large blocks of memory are freed
but locked by smaller, more recently allocated blocks lying between
them and the end of the allocated space. In this case, in fact, had
the block been allocated with brk(), it would have remained unusable
by the system even if the process freed it.
(emphasis mine)
Regarding brk():
incidentally, "...mmap() didn't exist in the early versions of Unix. brk() was the only way to increase the size of the data segment of the process at that time. The first version of Unix with mmap() was SunOS in the mid 80's, the first open-source version was BSD-Reno in 1990.". Since that time, modern implementation of memory allocation algorithms have been refactored with many improvements, greatly reducing the need for them to include using brk().
mmap (when used with MAP_ANONYMOUS) allocates a chunk of RAM that can be placed anywhere within the process's virtual address space, and that can be deallocated later (with munmap) independently of all other allocations.
brk changes the ending address of a single, contiguous "arena" of virtual address space: if this address is increased it allocates more memory to the arena, and if it is decreased, it deallocates the memory at the end of the arena. Therefore, memory allocated with brk can only be released back to the operating system when a continuous range of addresses at the end of the arena is no longer needed by the process.
Using brk for small allocations, and mmap for big allocations, is a heuristic based on the assumption that small allocations are more likely to all have the same lifespan, whereas big allocations are more likely to have a lifespan that isn't correlated with any other allocations' lifespan. So, big allocations use the system primitive that lets them be deallocated independently from anything else, and small allocations use the primitive that doesn't.
This heuristic is not very reliable. The current generation of malloc implementations, if I remember correctly, has given up altogether on brk and uses mmap for everything. The malloc implementation I suspect you are looking at (the one in the GNU C Library, based on your tags) is very old and mainly continues to be used because nobody is brave enough to take the risk of swapping it out for something newer that will probably but not certainly be better.
brk() is a traditional way of allocating memory in UNIX -- it just expands the data area by a given amount. mmap() allows you to allocate independent regions of memory without being restricted to a single contiguous chunk of virtual address space.
malloc() uses the data space for "small" allocations and mmap() for "big" ones, for a number of reasons, including reducing memory fragmentation. It's just an implementation detail you shouldn't have to worry about.
Please check this question also.
Reducing fragmentation is commonly given as the reason why mmap is used for large allocations; see ryyker’s answer for details. But I think that’s not the real benefit nowadays; in practice there’s still fragmentation even with mmap, just in a larger pool (the virtual address space, rather than the heap).
The big advantage of mmap is discardability.
When allocating memory with sbrk, if the memory is actually used (so that the kernel maps physical memory at some point), and then freed, the kernel itself can’t know about that, unless the allocator also reduces the program break (which it can’t if the freed block isn’t the topmost previously-used block under the program break). The result is that the contents of that physical memory become “precious” as far as the kernel is concerned; if it ever needs to re-purpose that physical memory, it then has to ensure that it doesn’t lose its contents. So it might end up swapping pages out (which is expensive) even though the owning process no longer cares about them.
When allocating memory with mmap, freeing the memory doesn’t just return the block to a pool somewhere; the corresponding virtual memory allocation is returned to the kernel, and that tells the kernel that any corresponding physical memory, dirty or otherwise, is no longer needed. The kernel can then re-purpose that physical memory without worrying about its contents.
the key part of the reason I think, which I copied from the chat said by Peter
free() is a user-space function, not a system call. It either hands them back to the OS with munmap or brk, or keeps them dirty in user-space. If it doesn't make a system call, the OS must preserve the contents of those pages as part of the process state.
So when you use brk to increase your memory adress, when return back, you have to use the brk a negtive value, so brk only can return the most recently memory block you allocated, when you call malloc(huge), malloc(small), free(huge). the huge cannot be returned back to system, you can only maintain a list of fragmentation for this process, so the huge is actually hold by this process. this is the drawback of brk.
but the mmap and munmap can avoid this.
I want to emphasize another view point.
malloc is system function that allocate memory.
You do not really need to debug it, because in some implementations, it might give you memory from static "arena" (e.g. static char array).
In some other implementations it may just return null pointer.
If you want to see what mallow really do, I suggest you look at
Linux gcc malloc is based on this.
You can take a look at jemalloc too. It basically uses same brk and mmap, but organizes the data differently and usually is "better".
Happy researching.

heap overflow affecting other programs

I was trying to create the condition for malloc to return a NULL pointer. In the below program, though I can see malloc returning NULL, once the program is forcebly terminated, I see that all other programs are becoming slow and finally I had to reboot the system. So my question is whether the memory for heap is shared with other programs? If not, other programs should not have affected. Is OS is not allocating certain amount of memory at the time of execution? I am using windows 10, Mingw.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
void mallocInFunction(void)
int *ptr=malloc(500);
printf("Memory Could not be allocated\n");
printf("Allocated memory successfully\n");
int main (void)
So my question is whether the memory for heap is shared with other programs?
Physical memory (RAM) is a resource that is shared by all processes. The operating system makes decisions about how much RAM to allocate to each process and adjusts that over time.
If not, other programs should not have affected. Is OS is not allocating certain amount of memory at the time of execution?
At the time the program starts executing, the operating system has no idea how much memory the program will want or need. Instead, it deals with allocations as they happen. Unless configured otherwise, it will typically do everything it possibly can to allow the program's allocation to succeed because presumably there's a reason the program is doing what it's doing and the operating system won't try to second guess it.
... whether the memory for heap is shared with other programs?
Well, the C standard doesn't exactly require a heap, but in the context of a task-switching, multi-user and multi-threaded OS, of course memory is shared between processes! The C standard doesn't require any of this, but this is all pretty common stuff:
CPU cache memory tends to be preferred for code that's executed often, though this might get swapped around quite a bit; that may or may not be swapped to a heap.
Task switching causes registers to be swapped to other forms of memory; that may or may not be swapped to a heap.
Entire pages are swapped to and from disk, so that other programs can make use of them when your OS switches execution away from your program and to the other programs, and when it's your programs turn to execute again among other reasons. This may or may not involve manipulating the heap.
FWIW, you're referring to memory that has allocated storage duration. It's best to avoid using terms like heap and stack, as they're virtually meaningless. The memory you're referring to is on a silicon chip, regardless of whether it uses a heap or a stack.
... Is OS is not allocating certain amount of memory at the time of execution?
Speaking of silicon chips and execution, your OS likely only has control of one processor (a silicon chip which contains some logic circuits and memory, among other things I'm sure) with which to execute many programs! To summarise this post, yes, your program is most likely sharing those silicon chips with other programs!
On a tangential note, I don't think heap overflow means what you think it means.
Your question cannot be answered in the context of C, the language. For C, there's no such thing as a heap, a process, ...
But it can be answered in the context of operating systems. Even a bit generically because many modern multitasking OSes do similar things.
Given a modern multitasking OS, it will use virtual address spaces for each process. The OS manages a fixed size of physical RAM and divides this into pages, when a process needs memory, such pages are mapped into the process' virtual address space (typically using a different virtual address than the physical one). So when all memory pages are claimed by the OS itself and by the processes running, the OS will typically save some of these pages that are not in active use to disk, in a swap area, in order to serve this page as a fresh page to the next process requesting one. But when the original page is touched (and this is typically the case with free(), see below), it must first be loaded from disk again, but to have a free page for this, another page must be saved to swap space.
This is, like all disk I/O, slow, and it's probably what you see happening here.
Now to fully understand this: what does malloc() do? It typically requests from the operating system to have the memory of the own process increased (and if necessary, the OS does this by mapping another page), and it uses this new memory by writing some information there about the block of memory requested (so free() can work correctly later) and ultimately returns a pointer to a block that's free to use for the program. free() uses the information written by malloc(), modifies it to indicate this block is free again, and it typically can't give any memory back to the OS because there are other malloc()d blocks in the same page. It will give memory back when possible, but that's the exception in a typical scenario where dynamic allocations are heavily used.
So, the answer to your question is: Yes, the RAM is shared because there is only one set of physical RAM. The OS does the best it can to hide that fact and virtualize RAM, but if a process consumes all that is there, this will have visible effects.
malloc() is not system call but libc library function. So when a program ask for allocating memory via malloc(), system call brk()/sbrk() OR mmap() to allocated page(s), more details here.
Please keep in mind that the memory you get is all virtual in nature, that means if you have 3GB of physical RAM you can actually allocate almost infinite memory. So how does this happens? This happens via concept called 'paging', where system stores and retrieves data from secondary memory storage(HDD/SDD) to main memory(RAM), more details here.
So with this theory, out of memory usually quite rare but program like above which is checking system limits, this can happen. This is nicely explained here.
Now, why other programs are sort of hanged OR slow? Because they all share the same operating system and system is starving for resource. In fact at a point the system will crash and reboot again.
Hope this helps?

Is calloc exactly the same as malloc + memset?

In linux, is calloc exactly the same as malloc + memset or does this depend on the exact linux/kernel version?
I am particularly interested in the question of whether you can calloc more RAM than you physically have (as you can certainly malloc more RAM than you physically have, you just can't write to it). In other words, does calloc always actually write to the memory you have been allocated as the specs suggest it should.
Of course, that depends on the implementation, but on a modern day Linux, you probably can. Easiest way is to try it, but I'm saying this based on the following logic.
You can malloc more than the memory you have (physical + virtual) because the kernel delays allocation of your memory until you actually use it. I believe that's to increase the chances of your program not failing due to memory limits, but that's not the question.
calloc is the same as malloc but zero initializes the memory. When you ask Linux for a page of memory, Linux already zero-initializes it. So if calloc can tell that the memory it asked for was just requested from the kernel, it doesn't actually have to zero initialize it! Since it doesn't, there is no access to that memory and therefore it should be able to request more memory than there actually is.
As mentioned in the comments this answer provides a very good explanation.
Whether calloc needs to write to the memory depends on whether it got the allocation from heap pages that are already assigned to the process, or it had to request more memory be assigned to the process by the kernel (using a system call such as sbrk() or mmap()). When the kernel assigns new memory to a process, it always zeroes it first (typically using a VM optimization, so it doesn't actually have to write to the page). But if it's reusing memory that was assigned previously, it has to use memset() to zero it.
It is not mentioned in the cited duplicate or here. Linux uses virtual memory and can allocate more memory that physically available in the system. A naive implementation of calloc() that simply does a malloc() plus memset() in user space will touch every page.
As Linux typically allocates in 4k chunks, all of the calloc() blocks are the same and initially read as zero. That is the same 4k chunk of memory can be mapped read only and the entire calloc() space in only taking up approximately size/4k * pointer_size + 4k. As the program writes to the calloc() space, a page fault happens and Linux will allocate a new page (4k) and resume the program.
This is called copy-on-write or COW for short. malloc() will generally behave the same way. For small sizes, the 'C' library will use binning and share 4k pages with other small sized allocation.
So, there are typically two layers involved.
Linux kernel's process memory management.
glibc heap management.
If the memory size requested is large and requires new memory allocated to the process, then most of the above applies (via Linux's process memory management). However, if the memory requested is small, then it will be like a malloc() plus memset(). In the large allocation size, the memset() is damaging as it touches the memory and the kernel thinks it needs a new page to allocate.
You can't malloc(3) more ram than the kernel gives the process doing the malloc(3)-ing. malloc(3) returns NULL if you can't allocate the amount of memory you want to allocate. In addition, malloc(3) and memset(3) are defined by your c library (libc.so) and not your kernel. The Linux kernel defines mmap(2) and other low-level memory allocation functions, not the *alloc(3) family (excluding kalloc()).

How does physical pages are allocated and freed during the malloc and free call?

Malloc allocates memory from one of the virtual memory regions of the process called Heap.
What is the initial size of the Heap (just after the execution begins and prior to any malloc call)? Say, if Heap starts from X virtual address and ends at Y virtual address I want to know the difference between X and Y.
I have read the answers to the duplicate question which was asked earlier.
How do malloc() and free() work?
The answers written are all in the context of virtual address but I want to know how the physical pages are allocated.
I am not sure but I think that this initial size (X-Y) would not have the corresponding page table entries in the operating system. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Now, say there is a request for allocating (and using) 10 bytes of memory, a new page would be allocated. Then, all the further requests for memory would be satisfied from this page or every time a new page would be allocated? Who would decide this?
When the memory would be freed (using free()) then at what time this allocated physical page would be freed and marked as available? I understand that the virtual address and physical page would not be freed immediately as the amount of memory freed could be very less. Then at what time the corresponding association between the physical and virtual address would be terminated?
I am sorry if my questions may sound strange. I am just a newbie and trying to understand the internals.
Normally you can think of physical pages as being allocated temporarily. If the memory that your program is using is swapped to disk, then at any time the association between your virtual addresses and physical RAM can be dropped, and that physical RAM used for something else.
If the program later accesses that memory, the OS will assign a new physical page to that virtual page, copy the data back from the page file into the physical memory, and complete the memory access.
So, to answer your question, the physical page might be marked as available when your program is no longer using the allocations that were put in it, or before. Or after, since malloc doesn't always bother freeing memory back to the OS. You don't really get to predict this stuff.
This all happens in the kernel, it's invisible from the point of view of C, just as CPU caching of memory is invisible from C. Well, invisible until your program slows down massively due to swapping. Obviously if you disable the swap file then things change a bit: instead of your program slowing down due to swapping, some program somewhere will fail to allocate memory, or something will be killed by the OOM killer.
How pages are allocated is different in each os, Linux, Mac, Windows, etc. In most/all implementations there is a kernel mechanism that defines how it is allocated.
How the OS handles this is quite OS dependent. In most (if not all) cases, the OS will at least takes note in its table that there was an allocation. You probably are confusing with the fact that some OS in some situation do not commit memory until it has been accessed. (keyword: overcommit; if you want my opinion on this, it should be a per process setting, and not a global one, and defaulting to committing the memory).
Now for returning freed memory to the OS, that depends on the allocator. It can't return anything less than a page, so while a page contains allocated memory, it won't be returned. And depending on how it has been allocated, there may be other constraints; for instance when using sbreak() as traditionally done on Unix, you can return only the latest allocated pages (i.e. if you return a page, all the one allocated after are also returned). More modern approach on Unix use mmapped memory for large blocks, under the rationale that mmapped memory can be returned as wanted. For small allocation blocks, it is often deemed not worthwhile to check if pages in the middle could be returned, and so mmapped memory isn't used.

Why does my c program not free memory as it should?

I have made a program in c and wanted to see, how much memory it uses and noticed, that the memory usage grows while normally using it (at launch time it uses about 250k and now it's at 1.5mb). afaik, I freed all the unused memory and after some time hours, the app uses less memory. Could it be possible, that the freed memory just goes from the 'active' memory to the 'wired' or something, so it's released when free space is needed?
btw. my machine runs on mac os x, if this is important.
How do you determine the memory usage? Have you tried using valgrind to locate potential memory leaks? It's really easy. Just start your application with valgrind, run it, and look at the well-structured output.
If you're looking at the memory usage from the OS, you are likely to see this behavior. Freed memory is not automatically returned to the OS, but normally stays with the process, and can be malloced later. What you see is usually the high-water mark of memory use.
As Konrad Rudolph suggested, use something that examines the memory from inside the process to look for memory links.
The C library does not usually return "small" allocations to the OS. Instead it keeps the memory around for the next time you use malloc.
However, many C libraries will release large blocks, so you could try doing a malloc of several megabytes and then freeing it.
On OSX you should be able to use MallocDebug.app if you have installed the Developer Tools from OSX (as you might have trouble finding a port of valgrind for OSX).
I agree with what everyone has already said, but I do want to add just a few clarifying remarks specific to os x:
First, the operating system actually allocates memory using vm_allocate which allocates entire pages at a time. Because there is a cost associated with this, like others have stated, the C library does not just deallocate the page when you return memory via free(3). Specifically, if there are other allocations within the memory page, it will not be released. Currently memory pages are 4096 bytes in mac os x. The number of bytes in a page can be determined programatically with sysctl(2) or, more easily, with getpagesize(2). You can use this information to optimize your memory usage.
Secondly, user-space applications do not wire memory. Generally the kernel wires memory for critical data structures. Wired memory is basically memory that can never be swapped out and will never generate a page fault. If, for some reason, a page fault is generated in a wired memory page, the kernel will panic and your computer will crash. If your application is increasing your computer's wired memory by a noticeable amount, it is a very bad sign. It generally means that your application is doing something that significantly grows kernel data structures, like allocating and not reaping hundreds of threads of child processes. (of course, this is a general statement... in some cases, this growth is expected, like when developing a virtual host or something like that).
In addition to what the others have already written:
malloc() allocates bigger chunks from the OS and spits it out in smaller pieces as you malloc() it. When free()ing, the piece first goes into a free-list, for quick reuse by another malloc if the size fits. It may at this time be merged with another free item, to form bigger free blocks, to avoid fragmentation (a whole bunch of different algorithms exist there, from freeLists to binary-sized-fragments to hashing and what not else).
When freed pieces arrive so that multiple fragments can be joined, free() usually does this, but sometimes, fragments remain, depending on size and orderof malloc() and free(). Also, only when a big such free block has been created will it be (sometimes) returned to the OS as a block. But usually, malloc() keeps things in its pocket, dependig on the allocated/free ratio (many heuristics and sometimes compile or flag options are often available).
Notice, that there is not ONE malloc/free algotrithm. There is a whole bunch of different implementations (and literature). Highly system, OS and library dependent.
