To check the old dates present or not - sql-server

I have list of dates like 19/2/2017, 20/8/1975, 02/03/1989, 04/08/2015 . I need a query by using SQL server to find year which is less than current year.
eg: 19/2/2017, 20/8/1975, 02/03/1989
by using the query, it should display these two 20/8/1975, 02/03/1989

Hope this helps

To guarantee you convert the dates correctly, independently of the SQL Server ##DATEFORMAT
DECLARE #BadDateStorage table (BadData varchar(12));
INSERT #BadDateStorage (BadData)
VALUES ('02/03/1989'), ('20/8/1975'), ('019/2/2017');
SELECT CONVERT(smalldatetime, BadData, 103)
FROM #BadDateStorage
WHERE CONVERT(smalldatetime, BadData, 103) < '20170101'


How to write a select query that returns data that is older than a month specifically using EPOCH?

Need to write select query that returns data that is older than a month and I need to use EPOCH.
select *
from TABLE
where DATE < (NOW() - 604800) <- does not work.
I don't understand why SQL Server would not have something this basic.
Actually, it's easier in SQL Server: you can achieve what you want to do with the following query;
select * from Table where Date < DATEADD(month, -1, GETDATE())

SQL Server : BETWEEN DATES brings records outside the period

I am working with an application (EHR system) and needs to bring records with in the specific date range in SSRS record. In the script I format the date variable and applies to the column.
Convert(varchar(10), #begdt, 101) + ' 00:00:00' and
Convert(varchar(10), #enddt, 101) + ' 23:59:59'
If I set the begin and end date to 01/01/2017 and 01/31/2017, then it pulls the records that are associated with 02/01/2017. Can anyone help me with this?
Don't convert the dates to strings. When you do, you allow SQL Server to compare them alphabetically, rather than in actual date order.
Perhaps you have a language conflict (US vs UK) and SQL Server is in fact seeing that date as 2nd of January.
This post offers info on Language and Dates: (SQL Server Datetime issues. American vs. British?)
Don't use between, and set your date formats different:
#begdt = '20170101'
#enddt = '20170131'
WHERE column1 >= #begdt AND column2 < #enddt
This will take care of your datetime issue

convert datetime is not running to view,

i tried to this query. but its not running. how can i do?
SELECT dbo.isemri_data.sipnum,,
FROM dbo.isemri_data
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.kayitlar
ON dbo.isemri_data.isemrino = dbo.kayitlar.isemrino
WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), dbo.kayitlar.tarih, 104) BETWEEN
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), '12.08.2015', 104) AND
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), '19.08.2015', 104)
AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(3), dbo.kayitlar.makina_id) = 'M1'
AND dbo.kayitlar.isemrino LIKE '%'
if delete
CONVERT(varchar(10),dbo.KAYITLAR.TARIH,104) BETWEEN convert(varchar(10),'12.08.2015',104) and convert(varchar(10),'19.08.2015',104)
query is running.
or if run to only main table allready running my query.
i cant find what is the problem.
Since you have mentioned the data type is Datetime , DO NOT convert it to anything else in there where clause, do it in select if you want to.
SELECT dbo.isemri_data.sipnum,,
FROM dbo.isemri_data
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.kayitlar
ON dbo.isemri_data.isemrino = dbo.kayitlar.isemrino
AND dbo.kayitlar.tarih >= '20150812' -- use ANSI date YYYYMMDD
AND dbo.kayitlar.tarih <= '20150819' -- use ANSI date YYYYMMDD
AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(3), dbo.kayitlar.makina_id) = 'M1'
AND dbo.kayitlar.isemrino LIKE '%'
Converting your datetime to a string means sql server treats them values as strings and not a date/datetime values hence you will get unexpected results Also sql server will not be able to make use of any indexes defined on that column if there are any.
Keep date/datetime values as it is and change the format of date in presentation layer for more easy to eyes date/datetime format.
i found answer. if i use
dbo.kayitlar.tarih BETWEEN
CONVERT(DATETIME, '12.08.2015', 104) AND
CONVERT(DATETIME, '19.08.2015', 104)
running query.
thanx for your help

Extract only month from SQL Query

I've a SQl Query. I'm using dropdownlist to display the dates. I'd like to display the month in MMMM format.
SELECT DISTINCT[drdates] (CONVERT(CHAR(4), [drdates], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [drdates], 120)) FROM [DRReceive_20141229]
+ CONVERT(CHAR(4), [drdates], 120)
FROM [DRReceive_20141229]
On a side note I have never seen date values being formatted as MMMMyyyy, a rather strange format to show date values.
But if you wanted something rather simple or usual format like MMMyyyy and if you are using sql server 2012 or later version you can do the following ...
FROM [DRReceive_20141229]
This will help you to retrieve months first four characters :
select CONVERT(CHAR(4),DATENAME(MONTH, [drdates])) + CONVERT(CHAR(4),[drdates], 120)) [DRReceive_20141229];

sql select datetime stamp as m/d/y only. (without h m s)

When I select two rows with a DATETEIME stamp, I only want the m/d/y data and nothing after that.
It has to changed during the select (not afterwards).
To remove the time you just need to do the following Assuming SQL Server
Pre SQL 2008
select DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, getdate()), 0) yourdate
FROM yourtable
SQL 2008
select CAST(getdate() as date) yourdate
FROM yourtable
See Most efficient way in SQL Server to get date from date+time?
Best approach to remove time part of datetime in SQL Server
Is this for export? If you only want the text you can use a variety of coversion formats available on MSDN.
select convert(varchar, getdate(), 101)
-- output: 07/05/2011
Otherwise, if you're using sql 2008, you can just cast the datetime to date:
select cast(getdate() as date)
