Promoting SSRS 2016 Mobile Reports - sql-server

I am looking for a solution for promoting SSRS 2016 Mobile reports and their associated data sets between environments. Given that the link between the mobile report and the Shared Datasets is based on a GUID, I don't believe that it is possible to do this manually. Losing the Dataset breaks the Mobile reports rendering it inoperable - so you can't repoint it manually.
Does anyone know of a tool which may be able to assist?

I just answered a similar question: Basically there are PowerShell commands created for downloading and uploading individual items/folders from one server to another server. I think that will help you migrate Mobile Reports across servers.


SSRS Reports transferred to different server

I have several SSRS reports that need to be transferred to another server. Currently, all reports and SSRS reside on the same exact server as SSMS and all databases. I was wondering if there is a simple way to essentially take everything I have on SSRS (All Reports) and transfer them along with their data sources to the new server that I have. I know downloading all reports and uploading them to the new server is an option but I was wondering if their is an easier/more logical way to go about this process. After completion, SSRS and the SQL Server will be on different servers but still able to work together.
I have had really great experiences with an old (2007) program called "SSRS Scripter" (from Jasper Smith). It seems like it has been absorbed into a newer product called SqlServerFineBuild (which I have never used). The original stuff is a little hard to find, but very nice to work-with, imo.
Microsoft also has another product called Reporting Services Migration Tool (free) It is a command-line util and isn't the easiest or most-helpful. It has a UI-mode, but it isn't very user-friendly.
Both of these will only extract report files and settings from an existing site. You still need to use VStudio (+ reporting add-in) (and then some RS project work/design/config) to re-deploy.

Can you use SQL Server Reporting Services, SSRS 2008, to host an intranet site?

The project I'm on has a single server running both the SQL Server 2008 R2 database and the SSRS Reporting Services. Can I utilize SSRS to host a simple intranet site that would allow users to modify reference table data via a web app that I created?
I know SSRS is no longer tied directly to IIS. Is it possible to use SSRS's hosting facilities or will I be forced to install IIS?
I have read articles on how to utilize report parameters to do simple CRUD operations (, but I'd prefer another solution, because at some point the data entry piece will be used to do more than manage lookup table data.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
Can I utilize SSRS to host a simple intranet site that would allow users to modify reference table data via a web app that I created?
Yes you could do that. From the different elements in a SSRS report you can link to web pages, so the report could link to your web app, then have the web app link back to reports.
Also, one report could link to another report, and you could accomplish an intranet with a dashboard page that links off to dozens of other reports.
I know SSRS is no longer tied directly to IIS. Is it possible to use SSRS's hosting facilities or will I be forced to install IIS?
In order to just run reports you would need an install of IIS, but in order to run other web applications, you will need a web server, and IIS will do the job.
As far as the data entry goes, you are probably best off using your web application rather than trying to implement data entry in the report. Technically you can do data entry using parameters on the reports, but it is a very ugly solution.
Still using Sharepoint with SSRS might give you want you want. Another option would be to use OneNote for some of the intranet pages, and put the OneNote files on a shared network location. You will still need your web app to enter data.
I hope this answers you question.

SQL Server 2005 Report Services only works on development

I have a large number of reports that only seem to load when working with MS Visual Web Developer Express. When I put application into production, all my reports just spin and then show nothing.
We need a lot more information to give you a good answer. There are many reasons why this could happen. One possibility - the data source is different on the server than on your local PC. Keep in mind - when you deploy a report to a SQL Server Reporting Services server, and you overwrite an existing report, your newly deployed report will keep the old data source of the report you're overwriting; It will not automatically use the datasource you were using on your development machine if it was previously using something else.
Check in profiler if the Database dou think is accessed is accessed by reportserver.
If not check the datasource in http://yourreportserver/reports/
Have you tried running IE8 in compatability mode?
#mike, as you said, while you already check and recheck the data source but still some user can use the report, and some other dont.
Lets have some scenario. User A work on PC A001 can use the report, while user B, work on PC B001 cannot use the report.
Please recheck whether user A still able to use the report in PC B001? if that the case, the problem is in the user right. but if not the problem is in IE/machine configuration.
hope that helps.

SQL Server Report Services Premisson

I am currently looking into developing and designing the Report service system for work. My user does not seem to have access to Report Builder etc. I have given access to the below roles, but all I can seem to do is view report, create new folders and upload.
Content Manager
My Reports
Report Builder
Does anyone know what I need to do to resolve this?
Have you tried following the instructions on MSDN?
(These are the instructions for SQL 2008- I think the process for SQL 2005 is similar but may differ slightly)

Sql Server 2008 Reporting Services email on the fly solution

To all,
I have noticed that other reporting tools allow you the option, at the time of running a report from the web interface, to either have it rendered to the browser or allow you to enter an email address have have the report sent to that address. This would be helpful for long running reports or reports that are fairly large.
My question is whether this can be done with the existing sql server 2008 report server toolset or if there are third part solutions available?
I don't think that what you are wanting to do is possible out of the box.
This may seem like overkill for your situation, however, I have worked for a client who wanted some custom features like this. Given that Report Manager is so inflexible out of the box, we wrote a new front end leveraging the Reporting Services Service. We could then write our own extended capabilities right into the new viewer.
This link describes it a bit more.
You can setup a subscription on a report which will email it too you once or at regular intervals.
This Link give you more info. Be aware that if you want data driven subscriptions you need enterprise sql server.
