Populating a Column in a Relation Using SQL Update Table and Set Commands in MS Access - database

I am using MS Access 2016 to learn SQL as part of a class on the fundamentals of databases. I am tasked with adding a new column to a table and then populating that column. The column should reveal whether an account is paid in full or if a balance remains to be paid. Based on that criteria it contains only 'Yes' or 'No.' The formula relies on data from two tables (ENROLLMENT and COURSE).
Here are the tables I created:
I have been researching the problem here and on other sites but not finding the logic and only getting syntax errors.
Here are a couple ways I have tried
I am looking for the direction to go to approach the issue and not asking for someone to do the coding for me. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

The following should help populate the column you want to create:
SELECT ENROLMENT.AmountPaid, IIf([ENROLMENT]![AmountPaid]>0,"Yes","No") AS Paid


Linked SQL Server's table shows all fields as #Deleted, but when converted to local, all information is there

My company has a really old Access 2003 .ADP front-end connected to an on-premise SQL Server. I was trying to update the front-end to MS Access 2016, which is what we're transitioning to, but when linking the tables I get all the fields in this specific table as #Deleted. I've looked around and tried to change some of the settings, but I'm really not that into SQL Server to know what I'm doing, hence asking for help.
When converting the table to local, all the info is correctly displayed, so it begs the question. Also, skipping to the last record will reveal the info on that record, or sorting/filtering reveals some of the records, but most of the table stays "#Deleted"...
Since I know you're going to ask: Yes, I need to edit the records.. Although the snapshot method would work for people trying to view the info, some of us need to edit it.
I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this,
Thanks in advance, Rafael.
There are 3 common reasons for this:
You have bit fields in SQL server, but they are null. They should be assigned a default of 0.
The table in question does NOT have a PK (primary key).
Last but not least you need (want) to add a timestamp column. Keep in mind that this is really what we call a “row version” column (so it not a date/time column, but a timestamp column). Adding this column will help access determine if a record been changed, and this is especially the case for any table/form in Access that allows editing of “real” number data types (single, double). If access does not find a timestamp column, then it reverts to a column by column comparison to determine table changes, and due to how computers handle “real” numbers (with rounding), then such comparisons often fail.
So, check for the above 3 issues. You likely should re-run the linked table manager have making any changes.

Azure Data Factory- Referencing Lookup activities in Queries

I'm following a tutorial on Azure Data Factory migration from Azure SQL to Blob through pipelines. While most of the concepts make sense, the 'Copy Data' query is a bit confusing. I have a background in writing Oracle SQL, but Azure SQL on ADF is pretty different and I'm struggling to find specific technical documentation, probably because it's not widely adopted yet.
Pipeline configuration shown below:
Query is posted below:
SELECT data_source_table.PersonID,data_source_table.Name,data_source_table.Age,
FROM data_source_table
AS CT ON data_source_table.PersonID = CT.PersonID
Output to the sink Blob as a result of the 'Copy Data' query:
Couple questions I had:
There's a lot of external referencing from other activities in the 'Copy Data' query like #{activity('...').output.firstRow.CurrentChangeTrackingVersion. Is there a way to know the appropriate syntax to referencing external activities? Can't find any good documentation the syntax, like what .firstRow is or what the changetable output looks like. I can't replicate this query in SSMS, which makes it a bit of a black box for me.
SYS_CHANGE_OPERATION appears in the SELECT with no table name prefix. Is this directly querying from the table in SourceDataset? (It points to data_source_table, which has table tracking enabled) My main confusion stems from how table tracking information is stored in the enabled tables. Is there a way to show all the table's tracked changes in SSMS? I see some documentation on what the return values, but it's hard for me to visualize it without seeing it on the table, so an output query of some return values would be nice.
LookupLastChangeTracking activity queries in all rows from a table (which when I checked, is just one row), but LookupCurrentChangeTracking activity uses a CHANGE_TRACKING function to pull the version of the data sink in table_store_ChangeTracking_version. Why does it use a function when the data sink's version is already recorded in table_store_ChangeTracking_version?
Sorry for the many questions, but I can't find any way to make this learning curve a bit less steep. Any guides or resources would be awesome!
There is an article to get the same thing done from the UI and it will help you understand it better .
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/tutorial-incremental-copy-change-tracking-feature-portal .
1 . These are the Lookup activity ,. very straight forward , please read about them here .
2.SYS_CHANGE_OPERATION is a column on data_source_table and so that should be fine . Regarding the details on the how the change tracking (CT) is stored , I am not sure if all the system table are exposed on Azure SQL , but we did had few table on the on-prem version of the SQL which could be queried if needed . But for this exercise I think that will be an over kill .

crystal reports missing columns

OK, first question here so go easy!
Let's start with some quick background - I have been working with Crystal almost daily for the past 15 years to so, so I like to think I am not too much of a dummy.
Today, I have stumbled across a problem I have never seen.
My source data is from SQL Server 2012 Standard.
I have created a view, nothing too complicated. It grabs PartNo and Description from an Inventory Main table. Then a few other columns from other related tables so I can see the data neatly in a single view, so stuff like carton qty (how many units go into 1 carton), height, length, depth.
Now, bear in mind I have done these kinds of views so many times in the past I couldn't even count.
Now, in Crystal Reports 2013, I connect to SQL via OLE using sa credentials, find my view. Pop over to the "Links" tab in the Database Expert, and my columns created from the related tables are not listed! Only PartNo and Description are visible.
I have scratching my head over this for the past few hours & the only thing I can put it down to is some kind of weird Microsoft update.
My SQL view results:
SQL view
What I see in Crystal
Database Expert, Links
the other way to test this is instead of a view or table just add a
command and select * from yourview
the only downside i think would be using sql expression from a command connection.
another option is to
To define the data type in the view... same with dates. does not like
to be converted otherwise will treat it as a string

Linked Informix table in MS SQL Server ignoring criteria?

I’m having a problem with a linked Informix table in MS SQL Server 2008r2. When I query this table, it seems to ignore some of the criteria I’m passing to it but not others. For example if I put a condition on the rowdate field the remote query part of the execution plan does not show any WHERE clause but if I put criteria on another field such as ACD it does show.
It seems it does not pass any criteria on the rowdate field but does on all others.
I know the field is indexed on the Informix side. If it helps the table I’m linking is from Avaya CMS and it is linked via the OpenLink ODBC driver.
As far as I know it is Informix Dynamic Server 2000 and it is on Solaris. The column comes up as a DATE data type which is correct. I have tried passing the criteria as ‘2010-08-03 00:00:00’, ‘2010-08-03’, CONVERT(date,’2010-08-03’) and a few more variations. When the data is returned to SQL server it is in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
When I view the execution plan I can see the remote query with all the other criteria followed by a filter for only the rowdate field.
I know that rowdate is indexed and that the driver does normally communicate that information as we use it in other applications (Business objects and MS Access) and they don’t have a problem
I managed to figure it out but it is the strangest thing ever. I went down the route of passing the date in different formats. My default is to use the normal YYYY-MM-DD that of course did not work so I tried YYYY-MMM-DD, still nothing. After going through LOTS of combinations I found one that works Mmm-DD-YY and it has to be exactly that! SEP-21-2010 wont work but Sep-21-2010.
I wonder if this is just a strange hang up from Informix or something in the driver, anyway it works.
On a side note has anyone noticed how strange it is that people from the America write the date month, day year? Stop and think about it for a second, do you say the number 2410 as “Four hundred, ten, two thousand”? The best part about it is try asking yourself this, what day is American independence day? Most Americans say “That’s easy you limey person it is the 4th of July” hmmmm day month (year), the only date they say round the right way is the date they got their independence. I will leave it up to the SO community to see the irony in that
Example query below:
select *
from OPENQUERY (AVAYA, 'select row_date,starttime,intrvl,acd from root.hagent where
row_date = ''NOV-22-2012'' and acd = 1 and split = 1 and starttime = 1900')
By the way I managed to extract accurate data via both MMM-DD-YYYY and Mmm-DD-YYYY.

Missing data in first record in MS Access (front end) and using SQL Server (back end)

I have a database that I just converted the back end to SQL Server using SSMA. I left the front end in MS Access. I only converted the tables and not the queries. It already had some data in it and that moved over just fine.
All was going well until just recently. On opening the database and loading the main form Event Interest it started having problems with the first record of the subform, called Names. The first field in the first record has data sometimes and not others. This is a text field. When data is in the field it puts in random numbers. I believe they may be related to SQL somehow. When there is no data/missing you can select the field and hit the backspace button and the data will appear minus the one character you just errased. I have no idea what is going on.
Any help you can supply I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance.
I am new to SQL Server and I have used older versions of MS Access for a few years.
I am not certain what the problem might be, but these are some considerations that come to mind:
try deleting and recreating your linked tables. Perhaps an update to the table structure (or view, if you're linked to a view) has invalidated some of the metadata stored in the table link in your front end.
does your table have a primary key? If not, you really need one. There really is no such thing as a properly-designed data table in a relational database that is PK-less.
does your table have a timestamp? If not, add one, as this helps Access keep track of whether or not the data has changed on the server.
However, let me add that none of these issues manifest themselves exactly with the symptoms you've described, so they may not help.
