access model class inside entity class of other model - cakephp

I am using CakePHP 3.4+
I have written an application with multi level membership.
The Pro members will have benefit to view short url for external links which when shared will record the visit count to that url.
The original url is stored in PostVideos table for all user.
I have created a table to store uniuqe keys for short urls inside short_video_post_urls with columns
| id | post_video_id | unique_key | visit_count |
Since, count of Pro members will be low than normal users, I don't want to generate unique_key entry in short_video_post_urls because It will flood database with useless records.
So, what I want is to generate them dynamically and store them for PRO members only
Now, in template file I'm using $postVideo->video_url to display original video url from post_videos table.
What I want is to tweak video_url entity call which will check for
Membership level of logged in user
If member is pro
check if unique key exists in ShortVideoPostUrls model for the url requested
If no record exists, then create a unique_key in ShortVideoPostUrls
return the new url with unique_key
But for that I need to access logged_in user data in the entity class.
What I tried?
class PostVideoLog extends Entity
* ----
* ----
protected function _getVideoUrl()
$user = $this->Users->get($this->Auth->user('id'), [
'contain' => [
if ($user) {
if (strtolower($user->membership_level->title) === 'pro') {
* check if unique_key exists for this request
$checkShortUrl = $this->ShortVideoPostUrls->find()
->where(['post_video_log_id' => $this->_properties['id']])
if ($checkShortUrl) {
return $this->_generateUrl($checkShortUrl->unique_key);
* create new record
$unique_key_generator = new Hashids(UNIQUE_SHORT_URL_SALT, 4);
$unique_key = $unique_key_generator->encode($this->_properties['id']);
$newShortUrl = $this->ShortVideoPostUrls->newEntity();
$newShortUrl = $this->ShortVideoPostUrls->patchEntity($newShortUrl, [
'unique_key' => $unique_key,
'post_video_log_id' => $this->_properties['id']
if ($this->ShortVideoPostUrls->save($newShortUrl)) {
return $this->_generateUrl($unique_key);
return $this->_properties['video_url'];
private function _generateUrl($unique_key)
$base_url = Router::url('/', true);
return $base_url . '/u/' . $unique_key;
I'm not sure, whether my approach is right or wrong.
To load Users model and other models I'm using in above function requires to use
But, loadModel seems not to be working here.
What is other approach to do this? Or how to load external model and Auth component in Entity class?
Edit 2
Is there any better alternative to do what I want without entity? or simply some way to call function from template on each entity?

To load other model inside entity You can use TableRegistry class
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
class MyModel extends Entity {
protected function _getVideoUrl() {
$table = TableRegistry::get('Users');
$users = $table->find('all')->toArray();
I think its not the best idea to use Auth component in model - I dont know how to do this "properly", but all session data (including auth data) is still available in $_SESSION array


Filter via condition on one relation and eager load another relation records

I have this code I want to get list users with a role of teacher where each teacher will have one object for the personal detail one object for the school detail
public function index(){
$teachers = User::whereHas('roles' , function($q){$q->where('name','isTeacher');})->get();
foreach($teachers as $teacher){
$teacher_id = $teacher->id;
$teacherinSchool = School_Teachers::where('user_id', $teacher_id)->first();
$teacherinSchool = $teacherinSchool->school_id;
$School = School::where('id', $teacherinSchool)->first();
return response(['teacher'=>$teacher, 'school'=>$School]);
this is what i got but i am expecting to have more that one teacher but it takes the first teacher in the list and display the objects
output in the postman
i have 5 models involved here User model, Role model, User_Role model, school model and school_teacher model
Few things to point out
You are doing queries within a loop (foreach) not good for performance.
Having return response() within foreach loop hence only 1 Teacher record is available
You are getting just the first record for School_Teachers & School
For what you are trying to do can be done more efficiently as under
public function index()
$teachers = User::whereHas('roles', fn($query) => $query->where('name', 'isTeacher'))->get();
$schoolIds = School_Teachers::whereIn('user_id', $teachers->pluck('id')->toArray())->pluck('id')->toArray();
$schools = School::whereIn('id', $schoolIds)->get();
return response()->json(['teachers' => $teachers, 'schools' => $schools]);
However that is also not optimal, still can be better
Define a relation on User model to link it to School model via School_Teachers (many-to-many)
Then in a single query you can get User(s) which have role of isTeacher with their School
For eg: Say you have a table school_teachers which has columns for user_id, school_id (kind of pivot table) where each record can be uniquely identified by ['user_id', school_id'] composite key - unique index on database table.
Then you can define direct (many-to-many) relation between User and School
//User model
public function schools()
return $this->belongsToMany(School::class, 'school_teachers', 'user_id', 'school_id');
//School model
public function teachers()
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, 'school_teachers', 'school_id', 'user_id');
In controller you can do
public function index()
$teachers = User::with('schools')
fn($query) => $query->where('name', 'isTeacher')
return response()->json(['teachers' => $teachers]);
Laravel Docs - Eloquent Relationships - Many-to-Many

Laravel Relationships (user-upload)

I get the following errors when i am trying to save the data with the file upload function because I have declared a new uploader_id to my table which should get its value from the relationship I wrote in the model.
Illuminate \ Database \ QueryException
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'uploader_id' doesn't have a default value (SQL: insert into `assets` (`filename`, `title`, `body`, `filepath`, `extension`, `realpath`, `mime`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (, New, dummy text data. , /uploads/User Test/2014-03-04_00:48, mov, /private/var/tmp/phpHDpmEI, video/quicktime, 2014-03-04 00:48:59, 2014-03-04 00:48:59))
In my models I defined the following
User Model: where assets its the table name for the uploads table in database
public function assets() {
return hasMany('assets');
Upload Model:
public function user() {
return belongsTo('user', 'uploader_id');
I have tried in my controller where i am using Upload::create(array()) function to post the data to the database, to add another parameter called 'uploader_id' => Auth::user()->id; but none of this work.
What is the best way to pass the uploader_id to the form each time the user uploads a file ?
That's what events are for:
class Asset extends Eloquent {
public static function boot()
$model->uploader_id = Auth::user()->id;
Also your relationships should reference their class -
return $this->hasMany('Asset');

Cakephp: How to get table data without creating Models/Controllers?

My doubt is, I had few tables named client1,client2,client3 etc., I need to get the data of each client in single controller without creating any model/controller for each table. Can any one explain how to get those values.
You can use dynamic models
class ClientModel extends Model {
var $name = 'Client';
var $alias = 'Client';
function __construct($table) {
$this->useTable = $table;
And Use like this for client1 table
$client = new ClientModel('client1');
You Can do it by firing normal mysql queries selecting table and fetching values
in controller as we do in core php.

Cakephp Model Association Not kicking in

//index.ctp, this forms points to action updateData in profilesController
Class User extends AppModel {
var $hasOne = array('Profile', 'Associate'};
var $primaryKey = 'user_id';
Class Profile extends AppModel {
var $belongsTo = array('User');
var $hasOne = 'Associate';
var $primaryKey = 'user_id';
Class Associate extends AppModel {
var $belongsTo = array('User');
var $primaryKey = 'user_id';
Class ProfilesController extends AppController{
function updateData(){
//output incoming request for debugging purposes
//here i fetch the db to get the id of user
$options =
array('conditions' => array('User.username' => $this->Auth->user('username')),
'fields' => array('')
//find user id so we can find user in related tables
$id = $this->Profile->User->find('first', $options);
//here I modify request data so cakephp finds the users through primaryKeys
$this->request->data['Profile']['user_id'] = $id['User']['id'];
$this->request->data['Associate']['user_id'] = $id['User']['id'];
$this->request->data['User']['id'] = $id['User']['id'];
//this updates data in table no problem
//this updates data in table no problem either
//this returns breaks here
Table structure:
|id|int|auto increment
Ok I know what some of you might tell me, why do I do this on the profilesController and
not on the UsersController. Well, my idea is to separate some actual important user
data from the profile data so it's my intention to write the code for profile on the I was developing I was assuming that the same Model association would have automatically updated the User.lastname field in the User table..but that is the part where my code breaks and I have tried but I can't make it work
The current association in my mind at least is as follows:
User has one Profile
User has one Associate
Profile belongs to User
Associate belongs to Profile and User
Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong? i am following what I think is a logical approach for my application, cakephp updates Profile and Associate models but User remains unaffected.
Assuming the primaryKey of your users table is 'id', just remove all of the $primaryKey lines, and try again.
The only reason to set the primary key is if it doesn't follow the default that CakePHP has in place. I would GUESS (can't see your tables) that the primaryKey field in your 'users' table isn't 'user_id' - more likely it's just 'id', and in the other tables, it's 'user_id'. If that's the case, there's no need to specify the $primaryKey, since that's the default of CakePHP.
As it turns out after reading the cakephp documentation (and obviously being a n00b) the reason why my code was breaking is because I had a callback beforeSave in my model. I didn't know that in order to save data I had to disable the callback which was unrelated to the part of the code I presented to you. The solution in a case like this is to do as follows:
$this->Profile->User->save($this->request->data, array('callbacks' => false));
I don't know you guys but sometimes I feel the cakephp documentation is a little too simplistic, I discover this by looking at the API.

Problem with altering model attributes in controller

Today I've got a problem when I tried using following code to alter the model attribute in the controller
function userlist($trigger = 1)
if($trigger == 1)
$this->User->useTable = 'betausers'; //'betausers' is completely the same structure as table 'users'
$users = $this->User->find('all');
And the model file is
class User extends AppModel
var $name = "User";
//var $useTable = 'betausers';
function beforeFind() //only for debug
The debug message in the model showed the userTable attribute had been changed to betausers.And It was supposed to show all records in table betausers.However,I still got the data in the users,which quite confused me.And I hope someone can show me some directions to solve this problem.
Model::useTable is only consulted during model instantiation (see the API documentation for Model::__construct). If you want to change the model's table on the fly, you should use Model::setSource:
if ( $trigger == 1 ) {
The table to use is "fixed" when the model is loaded/instantiated. At that time a DB connection object is created, the table schema is being checked and a lot of other things happen. You can change that variable later all you want, Cake is not looking at it anymore after that point.
One model should be associated with one table, and that association shouldn't change during runtime. You'll need to make another model BetaUser and dynamically change the model you're using. Or rethink your database schema, a simple flag to distinguish beta users from regular users within the users table may be better than a whole new table.
