The reply address does not match the reply addresses configured for the application - azure-active-directory

SOLVED: For other people having this error, please check this:
I configured my endpoint/reply address as http:// whilst my app was running https://.. After changing it to https things worked as expected and I could login on the v2 endpoint as well as query the graph api.
It's also a restriction on the v2 endpoint, so beware of that. It just needs to be in https, see the docs:
Restrictions on redirect URIs
Currently, apps that are registered in the Application Registration Portal are restricted to a limited set of redirect URI values. The redirect URI for web apps and services must begin with the scheme https.
I have configured an application via the portal as described in this sample project.
I was running under a different port though, so when I set up the URLs in the app registrations I changed them to match my port number.
Now I'm receiving this error after the flow is trying to connect back to my application.
How can I debug this, or how do I know what is happening?
Additional technical information:
Correlation ID: 145d8f37-7229-4dce-8ace-c777e4aeef94
Timestamp: 2017-11-02 08:41:21Z
AADSTS50011: The reply address 'http://localhost:60761/signin-oidc'
does not match the reply addresses configured for the
application: '8b640f9d-e7d8-4c41-8a40-15069f5712ee'.
More details: not specified
I also get the notification that this application will be fed to the Azure AD Portal (app registrations) - but I can't find it there.


Mailgun API can't connect to MG servers via CLI, fine through browser

In CakePHP 2, MailGun API v3, PHP 7.4, I can initiate an email via a controller action (controller->model->mailgun client->send()) and when I initiate it via CLI/cronshell (CronShell->model->mailgun client->send()) it fails with all of the same parameters passed, with the exception "Mailgun's servers are currently unreachable."
Already checked the API key, general config settings, the domain setting, and it's sending the same email content with same headers to the same recipient... one works, one doesn't. I've also whitelisted the API endpoint IP with the relevant ports in the firewall.
Any nudge would be appreciated!

Redirect URL changes from https to http after users authenticated with azure active directory in azure aks

I've been struggling to find a solution for this issue. Basically I have web application that allows users to sign in with their azure active directory using OpenIdConnect. Everything works perfectly fine on my local. However, when deployed to azure aks, somehow the redirect url changes from https to http when user is authenticated. This causes an exception in azure ad:
AADSTS50011: The redirect URI '' specified in the request does not match the redirect URIs configured for the application 'c853f6fe-5f4a-436e-b329-ff6da9ab89ab'. Make sure the redirect URI sent in the request matches one added to your application in the Azure portal. Navigate to to learn more about how to fix this.
I defined the redirect URI in the application as and no wonder that it does not match. However, I'm struggling to find out why it's happening and how I can resolve it. I'm using .NET 6 and AKS client version 1.22.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
AADSTS50011: The redirect URI '' specified in the request does not match the redirect URIs configured for the application 'c853f6fe-5f4a-436e-b329-ff6da9ab89ab'. Make sure the redirect URI sent in the request matches one added to your application in the Azure portal. Navigate to to learn more about how to fix this.
The above error occurs usually when redirect Url in the authentication are not configured in Azure AD like.
Accessing Website from a different address than what you have defined for your application causes an error.
please check if you have made a mistake in the configuration itself.
From your case :
Please make sure you set ssl redirects url to True
By default controller redirects HTTP clients to 443 port -https ,if it has TLS is enabled
In ingress routing yaml file if it is set to false, try to set it or modify it to true "true" "true"
Also as you said you are using .net make sure you have set headers to true.
Please check that header size in 32k in annotations. "32k"
Error AADSTS50011 - The reply URL specified in the request does not match the reply URLs configured for the application . - Active Directory | Microsoft Docs
I finally figured out the solution for myself. Thanks to the answer in other SOF
Since I'm using .NET 6, all I have to do is
Add these two lines suggested from #Venkatesan to my ingress yml "true" "true"
Everything works perfectly after that.
Thank you everyone.

TAI for MS Azure with Websphere Application Server setup for Idp initiated flow not working

I am trying to setup saml sso configuration for my application which is deployed in websphere.
Idp- Azure AD
SP - Websphere application server when my target application deployed
Done TAI configuration as per the Ibm document . But when I hit the test button from idp I could see the saml response in network tab. but i couldn't login to my application and also didn't get any trace related to saml in log files also however i have enabled logs for saml in Troubleshoot. My doubt is sometimes am getting trace which are related to TAI during server stop. For each request should i be getting TAI trace ? and why my saml response not getting intercepted in TAI. How exactly the interception happen with saml response and how do we get to know that saml response got validated.
[15/4/21 16:18:42:855 IST] 00000096 TrustAssociat A SECJ0121I: Trust Association Init class loaded successfully
acs url -> https://localhost:/browserTest (which is my actual target application url)
metadata and signing certificates also imported correctly.
Thanks for your help.
The acs URL has format like this:
https://<hostname>:<sslport>/samlsps/<any URI pattern string>
if you want to use your application URL
as acs URL, this UR must be able to accept HTTP POST.

Kubernetes and AAD authentication

On configured AKS there is docker container with application that is using AAD authentication.
Based on this article there is also configured ingress. API is working well.
When I add to Azure Active Directory application registration reply URL with https prefix I receive error "The reply url specified in the request does not match the reply urls configured for the application". And I see that in browser address line redirect_uri is starting with http.
When I add reply URL that is starting with http, then I receive "Exception: Correlation failed".
What I have tried: Add to ingress.yaml setting "true"
May be there is some way to force ingress run https instead of http, or there might be some AAD redirect configuration? Any ideas?
UPDATE 2: Probably http redirect is because of ADAL.
PS: Was able to find similar topic without an answer
I have decided not to use nginx as ingress. Instead I am using now Load balancer. Soon it would be possible to use Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller
Have you tried this?
By default the controller redirects HTTP clients to the HTTPS port 443 using a 308 Permanent Redirect response if TLS is enabled for that Ingress.
This can be disabled globally using ssl-redirect: "false" in the NGINX config map, or per-Ingress with the "false" annotation in the particular resource.
More information on this on the Ingress documentation link.
You have to make a decision whether to use HTTPS or not. If this is just the start of a development cycle, start without it and get auth to work - but implement HTTPS as soon as possible.
AAD supports both http and https, but of course, the reply urls must be added to the application registration respectively.
As #mihail-stancescu says, ssl-redirect must be set to false, if you choose not to use HTTPS. In addition to this, you also have to ensure that your app does not make the redirect from HTTP to HTTPS.
Using curl with -L -k and -v options will give you a lot of information on what is actually happening with your requests.
When the http/https thing is solved, you have to remove any rewrite annotations you have in your ingress. (e.g. / should be removed).
Now, if your ingress path to the service in question is e.g. /myservice, then the reply-url should also have that part of the path added ([host]/myservice/signin-oidc) - both in the AAD application registration and in the configuration of your app. (The path in the config should not contain the host)
If you are using https, then you must also have a proper certificate. You can use the free LetsEncrypt ( in conjunction with KubeLego (, where you can find some nice examples on how to implement it.

How to configure on-behalf-of authentication in multi-tenant environment?

I have a native client that calls a service I wrote-- that in turn calls the Graph API (using the original caller's credentials).
This is exactly like the 'onbehalfof' sample found here (my code fails the same way as the sample):
When logging in as a user from the same tenant as the service (tenant A), everything works fine (just like the onbehalf of sample). When logging in as a user from a different tenant (tenant B), I get an exception on this line in the service:
result = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(GraphResourceId, clientCred, userAssertion);
(this is line 153 from TodoListController.cs in the onbehalfof sample).
The exception is this:
AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the
application with ID 'de2fb28b-83f8-419d-9b00-3fbce0a60bf4'. Send an
interactive authorization request for this user and resource.\r\nTrace
ID: 6865c420-674a-4adf-a070-3d9b9c500200\r\nCorrelation ID:
7e088563-d7fe-4131-a05c-cbe04dbb2bbd\r\nTimestamp: 2017-03-29
The application id above refers to the service I wrote (which is the same line in the TodoListService in the onbehalfofsample).
I configured everything for multi-tenant authentication. But it's the additional call that my service is making to another service (Graph API) that's causing the problem. What additional configuration do I need to do in the Azure portal to make this work?
In the instructions written for the sample you linked above, they address this issue with the following section:
Configure known client applications
For the middle tier web API to be able to call the downstream web API,
the user must grant the middle tier permission to do so in the form of
consent. Because the middle tier has no interactive UI of its own, you
need to explicitly bind the client app registration in Azure AD with
the registration for the web API, which merges the consent required by
both the client & middle tier into a single dialog. You can do so by
adding the "Client ID" of the client app, to the manifest of the web
API in the knownClientApplications property. Here's how:
Navigate to your 'TodoListService' app registration, and open the manifest editor.
In the manifest, locate the knownClientApplications array property, and add the Client ID of your client application as an element.
Your code should look like the following after you're done:
"knownClientApplications": ["94da0930-763f-45c7-8d26-04d5938baab2"]
Save the TodoListService manifest by clicking the "Save" button.
My assumption is that because you are running into this problem, that you have not done this special configuration.
The other option you have is to explicitly request consent between the middle tier and the AAD Graph API. You can do this by having a tenant administrator 'login' and consent to your middle tier service. All you need to do is generate a login url with the middle tier App ID.
However, I strongly recommend you do it the documented way, since this will provide a better experience for your users.
It's working now. I had to make two changes to get it working.
First, on the service side switch to using "common" as the tenant. I had switched to common on the client but didn't realize you had to do this on the service side as well:
<add key="ida:Tenant" value="common" />
Second, change the GraphUserUrl on the service to the following URL:
<add key="ida:GraphUserUrl" value="" />
The original URL in the sample didn't work (at least for users in another tenant).
Here's the consent dialog that appears when a user from another tenant logs in:
Consent Dialog
Here's my client manifest...
Client Manifest
...and my service manifest...
Service Manifest
