how_to update testlink with mantis bug through jenkins - jenkins-plugins

Manually I am able to update mantisBT bug id in Testlink via associating MantisBT tool through Issure tracker Management option.
But, I am unable to update mantisBt bug in Testlink through jenkins.
In Jenkins we are using mantis plugin to create a bug in MantisBt if particular test case fails.
In jenkins, under project configuration -> Mantis Plugin ->'Issue Id pattern'(%ID% is placeholder which means Mantis issue id ). So where this Issue Id is getting updated ,how can we use this field (Issue Id ) to update Testlink test case.
Can someone please tell how to update Testlink test case with MantisBt bug id via jenkins (Any jenkins plugin available for this purpose)?


How to send Allure Reports in Email using Jenkins server

I have created a Automation using Rest Assured, TestNg, Gradle and Allure reports. Now i am able to generate Allure reports , But i am looking something where i can send Allure reports in Email. Whether this is any plugin is available or any latest deployment is going on
First you need to install Email Extension plugin in your Jenkins. You can also use the default Jenkins mail but I prefer the Email Extension plugin since it's more configurable.
Second you need smtp server to send email from Jenkins. If you have one then cool otherwise create one. (If you are using gmail then your smtp server is by default)
Third is you need to configure Jenkins. Open your Jenkins Dashboard > Manage Jenkins > Configure Systems. Then scroll down to Email Extension. If you have decided to use the default Email the scroll down to Email and enter the details and save.
Fourth you need to add the following code to your existing pipeline.
stage('Email Report') {
// Change the recipent address
sh "zip -r allure-report"
def mailRecipients = ""
env.ForEmailPlugin = env.WORKSPACE
to: "${mailRecipients}",
from: "",
subject: "Allure Report",
body: "PFA",
attachmentsPattern: ''
} else{
Fifth the recipient need to download the zip attachment and execute allure serve to see the reports and dashboards.
It's worth noting that the best way to serve allure report is to upload in some common place for example in jira, confluence etc.

Mule Salesforce Connector TLS 1.1 upgrade Issue

I was working on one poc which will connect to salesforce account . The mule version is 6.3.2 and sales force version is 6.3.2. Till 2 [![enter image description here][1]][1]days back it was working fine.
I came to know that last weekend sales force as done TLS upgrade to 1.1 from 1.0. When i was testing my flow getting the below exception:
Root Exception stack trace:
[UnexpectedErrorFault [ApiFault exceptionCode='UNSUPPORTED_CLIENT'
exceptionMessage='TLS 1.0 has been disabled in this organization. Please use TLS 1.1 or higher when connecting to Salesforce using https.'
When i saw the mule documentation it says that sales force connector 7.1.2 as addressed this issue and I update my connector in studio and retried the scenario which is not working.
Can some one help me out on this.
I previously had to set the following property in the application settings:
And -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 in my wrapper.conf for Mule standalone.
You can put your configuration in tls-default.conf in MULE_ESB/conf/ folder
and then put the value inside like below:
enabledProtocols=TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2
Or if you want to test from your anypoint studio, just create the tls-default.conf and put under your resources folder
Another information I can add is try to input your url destination to to make sure the TLSv1.1 is enabled by your endpoint or the chiper suite enable too
Similar is answered in
Below is the answer I posted.
I resolved it in my system.
When it is not working in the Runtime that is attached in the Anypoint
studio then follow the below steps.
Navigate to the Anypoint studio installation directory
Search for "tls-default.conf" in the folder. This will show you all the files for all the Runtimes that you have installed.
there will be a property "enabledProtocols" make sure that it contains the TLSv1 in it as below
This above should apply to Cloud hub (Most of the times it is already
enabled) or on-premise systems.
Salesforce are now disabling TLS 1.0, forcing TLS 1.1 or higher.
For Java versions >= 1.8 this is not a problem, but for earlier releases you will want to set the SSLContext. This solution worked for me:
if (Double.parseDouble(Runtime.class.getPackage().getSpecificationVersion()) <= 1.7) // Java versions > 1.7 are compatible with TLS 1.1 or higher by default - we want TLSv1.2 for our needs
private static void setSSLContext(SSLContext context) {
try {
/* Either of the first two parameters may be null in which case the installed security providers will be searched for the highest priority implementation of the appropriate factory.
Likewise, the secure random parameter may be null in which case the default implementation will be used. */
context.init(null, null, null);
} catch (KeyManagementException e) {
// handle exception
Navigate to Setup
In the Quick Find bar, type in Critical Updates
Select Critical Updates
Locate the Require TLS 1.1 or higher for HTTPS connections​ under the Update Name column
Click on Deactivate.

Error while adding project

I'm trying to create a new solution with dot net nuke.
I installed the packages and configured IIS to work with it.
Then with visual studio i created a new solution. I want to import an old module already created, so i copied/pasted the folder in "DesktopModules".
Then with VS i right click on the solution and selects add existing project.
This way i get an error:
The web application project "name" is configured to use IIS. The web server "" is not found.
It's probably because the corresponding projet is configured to use a web server depending on the URL you've got.
I suggest you to edit the project file with notepad (csproj or vbproj) and to remove the specified URL configuration. You also have to set the UseIIS value to false.
Note that this configuration could be stored in the users project file (.vbproj.user or .csproj.user).
Then, try again to add this project to your solution.

Joomla Extension Komento Installation Not Creating Database Tables

I am trying to install a Joomla 3.0 plugin called Komento. When I go to Extensions->Extension Manager->Upload Package File and select the extension from the upload package file tab (for Joomla 2.5-3.0) it gives the error
An error has occurred.
SQL=SHOW FIELDS FROM `komento_activities`
The table komento_activities does not exist in my database. It appears as if it is trying to create it, but cannot. I do not see any errors in my logs. The extension website does not offer any troubleshooting for this problem.
Does anyone have any troubleshooting suggestions?
Have you contacted their customer support and send them a ticket on this? I have experience with them and they were very friendly and helpful.
It looks like Joomla is having permission issues creating the table on your site and you should definitely contact their customer support in their official page.

Magento module - database not initialized?

So I've installed an extension in my Magento Enterprise.
I've been able to configure new options in the admin interface after installing the module.
However in the frontend it complains "table not found". Checking the database that is indeed true. Seems the mysql4-*.php scripts have not been run or failed.
Is there a log or something I can look at to see what goes wrong? From what I've read (difficult to find documentation on this) the modules db should've been initialized on the first request after it was installed and activated.
Any other suggestions to what I can check to find out why it's not initialized properly?
First step is to check the core_resource table. If there's a row for your module, then zap it. This will retrigger the setup resource process.

