How to store the character for each looping in Matlab? - arrays

I have a string :
and I create 2 empty array:
when i used the while loop, for the first time looping, if i want the first character from the A to store in B1 array, what command i need to write?
if in Python, i just need to used append command, but if in Matlab, what is the commend need to apply?

If you have MATLAB R2016b or newer you can use the new string class' overloaded + operator to append text in a more pythonic manner:
A = 'hi';
B = "";
B = B + A(1)
Which gives you:
B =
Here I've created A as a traditional character array ('') and B as a string array (""), mainly to avoid having to index into the string array (A{1}(1) instead of A(1)).
You can also just use traditional matrix concatenation to accomplish the task:
B = [B, A(1)];
% or
B = strcat(B, A(1));
% or
B(end+1) = A(1);
Note that 4 of these approaches will continually grow B in memory, which can be a significant performance bottleneck. If you know how many elements B is going to contain you can save a lot of IO time by preallocating the array and using matrix indexing to assign values inside your loop:
A = {'apple', 'banana', 'cucumber'};
B = char(zeros(1, numel(A)));
for ii = 1:numel(A)
B(ii) = A{ii}(1);

you can try strcat for concatenating strings in matlab

Try using arrays instead of matrices. You can assign the first letter to the first position of the B1 array like this:
>> B1 = {};
>> B1{1} = A(1);
>> B1{1}
ans =
To Loop through:
for i = 1:length(A)
B1{i} = A{i};


In MATLAB how can I write out a multidimensional array as a string that looks like a raw numpy array?

The Goal
(Forgive me for length of this, it's mostly background and detail.)
I'm contributing to a TOML encoder/decoder for MATLAB and I'm working with numerical arrays right now. I want to input (and then be able to write out) the numerical array in the same format. This format is the nested square-bracket format that is used by numpy.array. For example, to make multi-dimensional arrays in numpy:
The following is in python, just to be clear. It is a useful example though my work is in MATLAB.
2D arrays
>> x = np.array([1,2])
>> x
array([1, 2])
>> x = np.array([[1],[2]])
>> x
3D array
>> x = np.array([[[1,2],[3,4]],[[5,6],[7,8]]])
>> x
array([[[1, 2],
[3, 4]],
[[5, 6],
[7, 8]]])
4D array
>> x = np.array([[[[1,2],[3,4]],[[5,6],[7,8]]],[[[9,10],[11,12]],[[13,14],[15,16]]]])
>> x
array([[[[ 1, 2],
[ 3, 4]],
[[ 5, 6],
[ 7, 8]]],
[[[ 9, 10],
[11, 12]],
[[13, 14],
[15, 16]]]])
The input is a logical construction of the dimensions by nested brackets. Turns out this works pretty well with the TOML array structure. I can already successfully parse and decode any size/any dimension numeric array with this format from TOML to MATLAB numerical array data type.
Now, I want to encode that MATLAB numerical array back into this char/string structure to write back out to TOML (or whatever string).
So I have the following 4D array in MATLAB (same 4D array as with numpy):
>> x = permute(reshape([1:16],2,2,2,2),[2,1,3,4])
x(:,:,1,1) =
1 2
3 4
x(:,:,2,1) =
5 6
7 8
x(:,:,1,2) =
9 10
11 12
x(:,:,2,2) =
13 14
15 16
And I want to turn that into a string that has the same format as the 4D numpy input (with some function named bracketarray or something):
>> str = bracketarray(x)
str =
I can then write out the string to a file.
EDIT: I should add, that the function numpy.array2string() basically does exactly what I want, though it adds some other whitespace characters. But I can't use that as part of the solution, though it is basically the functionality I'm looking for.
The Problem
Here's my problem. I have successfully solved this problem for up to 3 dimensions using the following function, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to extend it to N-dimensions. I feel like it's an issue of the right kind of counting for each dimension, making sure to not skip any and to nest the brackets correctly.
Current bracketarray.m that works up to 3D
function out = bracketarray(in, internal)
in_size = size(in);
in_dims = ndims(in);
% if array has only 2 dimensions, create the string
if in_dims == 2
storage = cell(in_size(1), 1);
for jj = 1:in_size(1)
storage{jj} = strcat('[', strjoin(split(num2str(in(jj, :)))', ','), ']');
if exist('internal', 'var') || in_size(1) > 1 || (in_size(1) == 1 && in_dims >= 3)
out = {strcat('[', strjoin(storage, ','), ']')};
out = storage;
% if array has more than 2 dimensions, recursively send planes of 2 dimensions for encoding
out = cell(in_size(end), 1);
for ii = 1:in_size(end) %<--- this doesn't track dimensions or counts of them
out(ii) = bracketarray(in(:,:,ii), 'internal'); %<--- this is limited to 3 dimensions atm. and out(indexing) need help
% bracket the final bit together
if in_size(1) > 1 || (in_size(1) == 1 && in_dims >= 3)
out = {strcat('[', strjoin(out, ','), ']')};
Help me Obi-wan Kenobis, y'all are my only hope!
EDIT 2: Added test suite below and modified current code a bit.
Test Suite
Here is a test suite to use to see if the output is what it should be. Basically just copy and paste it into the MATLAB command window. For my current posted code, they all return true except the ones more than 3D. My current code outputs as a cell. If your solution output differently (like a string), then you'll have to remove the curly brackets from the test suite.
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,1)), {'[1]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,1)), {'[[1],[1]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,2)), {'[1,1]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,2)), {'[[1,1],[1,1]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(3,2)), {'[[1,1],[1,1],[1,1]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,3)), {'[[1,1,1],[1,1,1]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,1,2)), {'[[[1]],[[1]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,1,2)), {'[[[1],[1]],[[1],[1]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,2,2)), {'[[[1,1]],[[1,1]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,2,2)), {'[[[1,1],[1,1]],[[1,1],[1,1]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,1,1,2)), {'[[[[1]]],[[[1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,1,1,2)), {'[[[[1],[1]]],[[[1],[1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,2,1,2)), {'[[[[1,1]]],[[[1,1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,1,2,2)), {'[[[[1]],[[1]]],[[[1]],[[1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,1,2,2)), {'[[[[1],[1]],[[1],[1]]],[[[1],[1]],[[1],[1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,2,2,2)), {'[[[[1,1]],[[1,1]]],[[[1,1]],[[1,1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,2,2,2)), {'[[[[1,1],[1,1]],[[1,1],[1,1]]],[[[1,1],[1,1]],[[1,1],[1,1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(permute(reshape([1:16],2,2,2,2),[2,1,3,4])), {'[[[[1,2],[3,4]],[[5,6],[7,8]]],[[[9,10],[11,12]],[[13,14],[15,16]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,1,1,1,2)), {'[[[[[1]]]],[[[[1]]]]]'})
I think it would be easier to just loop and use join. Your test cases pass.
function out = bracketarray_matlabbit(in)
out = permute(in, [2 1 3:ndims(in)]);
out = string(out);
dimsToCat = ndims(out);
if iscolumn(out)
dimsToCat = dimsToCat-1;
for i = 1:dimsToCat
out = "[" + join(out, ",", i) + "]";
This also seems to be faster than the route you were pursing:
>> x = permute(reshape([1:16],2,2,2,2),[2,1,3,4]);
>> tic; for i = 1:1e4; bracketarray_matlabbit(x); end; toc
Elapsed time is 0.187955 seconds.
>> tic; for i = 1:1e4; bracketarray_cris_luengo(x); end; toc
Elapsed time is 5.859952 seconds.
The recursive function is almost complete. What is missing is a way to index the last dimension. There are several ways to do this, the neatest, I find, is as follows:
n = ndims(x);
index = cell(n-1, 1);
index(:) = {':'};
y = x(index{:}, ii);
It's a little tricky at first, but this is what happens: index is a set of n-1 strings ':'. index{:} is a comma-separated list of these strings. When we index x(index{:},ii) we actually do x(:,:,:,ii) (if n is 4).
The completed recursive function is:
function out = bracketarray(in)
n = ndims(in);
if n == 2
% Fill in your n==2 code here
% if array has more than 2 dimensions, recursively send planes of 2 dimensions for encoding
index = cell(n-1, 1);
index(:) = {':'};
storage = cell(size(in, n), 1);
for ii = 1:size(in, n)
storage(ii) = bracketarray(in(index{:}, ii)); % last dimension automatically removed
out = { strcat('[', strjoin(storage, ','), ']') };
Note that I have preallocated the storage cell array, to prevent it from being resized in every loop iteration. You should do the same in your 2D case code. Preallocating is important in MATLAB for performance reasons, and the MATLAB Editor should warm you about this too.

Add space before values in xticklabels (MATLAB)

I'm new to MATLAB and really struggling with their datatypes / conventions compared to other programming languages.
For instance, I have created a simple plot (e.g. using the peaks command) and simply want to include a padding space before all xticklabels. My MATLAB/pseudocode solution is thus:
labels = xticklabels; # Get labels
newlabels = xticklabels; # Create new array
i = 1
for label in labels # Loop through all labels
label = ' ' + label # Add single character pad
newlabels(i) = label # Update new labels array
i = i + 1
set(gca,'XTickLabel', {newlabels}) # Set plot to use new array
How can I achieve this please? I feel like it should be possible quite simply
PS, I have found the pad command in MATLAB2017, but not all my xticklabels are equal length and hence, I only want to add one trailing space, not fix the total string length using pad
The simplest way, given a cell array of strings, is to use strcat:
labels = {'1','2','3','4'};
newlabels = strcat('x',labels); % append 'x' because it's more visible
newlabels =
[1,1] = x1
[1,2] = x2
[1,3] = x3
[1,4] = x4
Alternatively, you could loop through the cell array and concatenate to each char array:
newlabels = cell(size(labels)); % preallocate cell array
for k = 1:numel(labels)
newlabels{k} = ['x', labels{k}]; % concatenate new char to existing label

How to extract different values/elements of matrix or array without repeating?

I have a vector/ or it could be array :
A = [1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3]
I want to extract existing different values/elements from this vector without repeating:
B= [1,2,3,4,5]
How can I extract it ?
I would appreciate for any help please
Try this,
A = [1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3]
y = unique(A)
B = unique(A) returns the same values as in a but with no repetitions. The resulting vector is sorted in ascending order. A can be a cell array of strings.
B = unique(A,'stable') does the same as above, but without sorting.
B = unique(A,'rows') returns the unique rows ofA`.
[B,i,j] = unique(...) also returns index vectors i and j such that B = A(i) and A = B(j) (or B = A(i,:) and A = B(j,:)).
The answers below are correct but if the user does not want to sort the data, you can use unique with the parameter stable
A = [1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3]
B = unique(A,'stable')

How to transform 'double' into 'cell array'?

My code:
B = zeros(height(A),1);
col_names = A.Properties.VariableNames; % Replicate header names
for k = 1:height(A)
% the following 'cellfun' compares each column to the values in A.L{k},
% and returns a cell array of the result for each of them, then
% 'cell2mat' converts it to logical array, and 'any' combines the
% results for all elements in A.L{k} to one logical vector:
C = any(cell2mat(...
cellfun(#(x) strcmp(col_names,x),A.L{k},...
'UniformOutput', false).'),1);
% then a logical indexing is used to define the columns for summation:
B(k) = sum(A{k,C});
generates the following error message.
Error using cellfun
Input #2 expected to be a cell array, was double instead.
How do I solve this error?
This is how table 'A' looks like:
A.L{1,1} contains:
C = any(cell2mat(...
cellfun(#(x) strcmp(col_names,x),A.L{k},...
'UniformOutput', false).'),1);
here A.L{k} gets the contents of the cell located at the kth position of A.L. Using A.L(k) you get the cell itself which is located at A.L:
tmp = A.L(k);
C = any(cell2mat(...
cellfun(#(x) strcmp(col_names,x),tmp{1},...
'UniformOutput', false).'),1);
Bit of a hacky way, as you first need to get the cell at A.L(k) and then need the contents of that cell, so you need a temporary variable.
I'm not entirely sure quite what's going on here, but here's a fabricated example that I think is similar to what you're trying to achieve.
%% Setup - fabricate some data
colNames = {'xx', 'yy', 'zz', 'qq'};
h = 20;
% It looks like 'L' contains something related to the column names
% so I'm going to build something like that.
L = repmat(colNames, h, 1);
% Empty some rows out completely
L(rand(h,1) > 0.7, :) = {''};
% Empty some other cells out at random
L(rand(numel(L), 1) > 0.8) = {''};
A = table(L, rand(h,1), rand(h, 1), rand(h, 1), rand(h, 1), ...
'VariableNames', ['L', colNames]);
%% Attempt to process each row
varNames = A.Properties.VariableNames;
B = zeros(height(A), 1);
for k = 1:height(A)
% I think this is what's required - work out which columns are
% named in "A.L(k,:)". This can be done simply by using ISMEMBER
% on the row of A.L.
C = ismember(varNames, A.L(k,:));
B(k) = sum(A{k, C});
If I'm completely off-course here, then perhaps you could give us an executable example.

How to concatenate arrays from cell arrays in Matlab

I am new to Matlab and was trying to concatenate array from cell arrays. I have done it as shown below.
S = load('input_file.mat');
c = struct2cell(S);
v = cell2mat(c(1,1));
temp = v(1:500,1:600);
v = cell2mat(c(3,1));
temp1 = v(1:500,1:600);
v = cell2mat(c(2,1));
temp2 = v(1:500,1:600);
v = cell2mat(c(4,1));
temp3 = v(1:500,1:600);
array1 = vertcat(temp,temp1);
array2 = vertcat(temp2,temp3);
But i guess there should be a better way or a direct function call which can get me the same result as i am getting from the code shown?
This is a very specific task, not very general, unless I'm missing the pattern. Starting after struct2cell:
C3 = cellfun(#(x)x(1:500,1:600),c,'uni',0);
array1 = vertcat(C3{[1 3]});
array2 = vertcat(C3{[2 4]});
Although, you could probably get rid of your initial structfun if you replace cellfun above with structfun, taking s as an input. It simply operates on each field.
