Add space before values in xticklabels (MATLAB) - arrays

I'm new to MATLAB and really struggling with their datatypes / conventions compared to other programming languages.
For instance, I have created a simple plot (e.g. using the peaks command) and simply want to include a padding space before all xticklabels. My MATLAB/pseudocode solution is thus:
labels = xticklabels; # Get labels
newlabels = xticklabels; # Create new array
i = 1
for label in labels # Loop through all labels
label = ' ' + label # Add single character pad
newlabels(i) = label # Update new labels array
i = i + 1
set(gca,'XTickLabel', {newlabels}) # Set plot to use new array
How can I achieve this please? I feel like it should be possible quite simply
PS, I have found the pad command in MATLAB2017, but not all my xticklabels are equal length and hence, I only want to add one trailing space, not fix the total string length using pad

The simplest way, given a cell array of strings, is to use strcat:
labels = {'1','2','3','4'};
newlabels = strcat('x',labels); % append 'x' because it's more visible
newlabels =
[1,1] = x1
[1,2] = x2
[1,3] = x3
[1,4] = x4
Alternatively, you could loop through the cell array and concatenate to each char array:
newlabels = cell(size(labels)); % preallocate cell array
for k = 1:numel(labels)
newlabels{k} = ['x', labels{k}]; % concatenate new char to existing label


Matlab- split cell array column by delimiter

I have many 33213168x1 cell arrays, where each cell contains an 85 x 1 column.
Each cell in the column is in the form
I want to split up this single column by the semi-colon delimiter so that each cell in the cell array is 85x3, like:
I've tried numerous techniques to solve this, but most commonly get the errors 'cell elements must be character arrays' or 'input must be a string.'
Some of the approaches I've tried:
splitcells = strsplit(regress_original_053108,';');
splitcells = cellfun(#(x) strsplit(regress_original_053108, ';'),regress_original_053108 , 'UniformOutput',0);
splitcells = regexp(regress_original_053108, ';', 'split');
splitcells = textscan(regress_original_053108, 'delimiter', ';');
Etc. Any feedback about how to do this would be appreciated.
Hope this solves your problem:
% Example input
input = {[0.55;0.25;0.75]};
cellArray(1:85,1) = input;
% Create array
doubleArray = zeros(85,3);
% Fill array
for i=1:85
doubleArray(i,:) = cellArray{i,1}';
Each cell you have is not a string, hence you can't use strsplit. Use this approach:
for ii = length(X) % Here X denotes your 33213168x1 cell array
X{ii} = cell2mat(cellfun(#(y) y.', X{ii}, 'UniformOutput', false));

How to store the character for each looping in Matlab?

I have a string :
and I create 2 empty array:
when i used the while loop, for the first time looping, if i want the first character from the A to store in B1 array, what command i need to write?
if in Python, i just need to used append command, but if in Matlab, what is the commend need to apply?
If you have MATLAB R2016b or newer you can use the new string class' overloaded + operator to append text in a more pythonic manner:
A = 'hi';
B = "";
B = B + A(1)
Which gives you:
B =
Here I've created A as a traditional character array ('') and B as a string array (""), mainly to avoid having to index into the string array (A{1}(1) instead of A(1)).
You can also just use traditional matrix concatenation to accomplish the task:
B = [B, A(1)];
% or
B = strcat(B, A(1));
% or
B(end+1) = A(1);
Note that 4 of these approaches will continually grow B in memory, which can be a significant performance bottleneck. If you know how many elements B is going to contain you can save a lot of IO time by preallocating the array and using matrix indexing to assign values inside your loop:
A = {'apple', 'banana', 'cucumber'};
B = char(zeros(1, numel(A)));
for ii = 1:numel(A)
B(ii) = A{ii}(1);
you can try strcat for concatenating strings in matlab
Try using arrays instead of matrices. You can assign the first letter to the first position of the B1 array like this:
>> B1 = {};
>> B1{1} = A(1);
>> B1{1}
ans =
To Loop through:
for i = 1:length(A)
B1{i} = A{i};

How do I convert a cell array w/ different data formats to a matrix in Matlab?

So my main objective is to take a matrix of form
matrix = [a, 1; b, 2; c, 3]
and a list of identifiers in matrix[:,1]
list = [a; c]
and generate a new matrix
new_matrix = [a, 1;c, 3]
My problem is I need to import the data that would be used in 'matrix' from a tab-delimited text file. To get this data into Matlab I use the code:
matrix_open = fopen(fn_matrix, 'r');
matrix = textscan(matrix_open, '%c %d', 'Delimiter', '\t');
which outputs a cell array of two 3x1 arrays. I want to get this into one 3x2 matrix where the first column is a character, and the second column an integer (these data formats will be different in my implementation).
So far I've tried the code:
matrix_1 = cell2mat(matrix(1,1));
matrix_2 = cell2mat(matrix(1,2));
matrix = horzcat(matrix_1, matrix_2)
but this is returning a 3x2 matrix where the second column is empty.
If I just use
it says it can't do it because of the different data formats.
This is the help of matlab for the cell2mat function:
cell2mat Convert the contents of a cell array into a single matrix.
M = cell2mat(C) converts a multidimensional cell array with contents of
the same data type into a single matrix. The contents of C must be able
to concatenate into a hyperrectangle. Moreover, for each pair of
neighboring cells, the dimensions of the cell's contents must match,
excluding the dimension in which the cells are neighbors. This constraint
must hold true for neighboring cells along all of the cell array's
From what I understand the contents you want to put in a matrix should be of the same type otherwise why do you want a matrix? you could simply create a new cell array.
It's not possible to have a normal matrix with characters and numbers. That's why cell2mat won't work here. But you can store different datatypes in a cell-array. Use cellstr for the strings/characters and num2cell for the integers to convert the contents of matrix. If you have other datatypes, use an appropriate function for this step. Then assign them to the columns of an empty cell-array.
Here is the code:
fn_matrix = 'data.txt';
matrix_open = fopen(fn_matrix, 'r');
matrix = textscan(matrix_open, '%c %d', 'Delimiter', '\t');
X = cell(size(matrix{1},1),2);
X(:,1) = cellstr(matrix{1});
X(:,2) = num2cell(matrix{2});
The result:
X =
'a' [1]
'b' [2]
'c' [3]
Now we can do the second part of the question. Extracting the entries where the letter matches with one of the list. Therefore you can use ismember and logical indexing like this:
list = ['a'; 'c'];
sel = ismember(X(:,1),list);
Y(:,1) = X(sel,1);
Y(:,2) = X(sel,2);
The result here:
Y =
'a' [1]
'c' [3]

MatLab find cells with specific values in two cell arrays

I want to find cells, which are at the same position in two different cell arrays and which have specific values.
The two cell arrays have the following structure:
cell array C1= cell(20,1). In each cell there is another cell cell(8129,8) holding double values in the range of [0,1].
Cell array C2= cell(20,1). In each cell there is another cell cell(8192,8) also holding double values in the range of [0,1].
I know want to find those cells, which (1) have a specific value that I determine (e.g. C1_value = 0.8 and C2_value = 0.85) and (2) are at the same position in the respective sub cell (!) array (e.g. C1{2}(736) == 0.8 and C2(19)(736) == 0.85). NOTE: The same position only refers to the subcell arrays (cell(8192,8)) not the "main" cell arrays C1(:) and C2(:)
Thanks in advance!
See if this approach works for you -
sz = cell2mat(cellfun(#size,C1(1),'uni',0))
row1 = sz(1);
col1 = sz(2);
t1 = reshape(horzcat(C1{:}),row1,col1,[])
t2 = reshape(horzcat(C2{:}),row1,col1,[])
b1 = t1==C1_value
b2 = t2==C2_value
tt1 = reshape(b1,row1*col1,[])' %//'
tt2 = reshape(b2,row1*col1,[])' %//'
tt22 = permute(tt2,[3 2 1])
tt3 = bsxfun(#and,tt1,tt22)
[C1_cellnum,subcellnum,C2_cellnum] = ind2sub(size(tt3),find(tt3)) %// outputs
Thus, with your sample data, you must have -
C1_cellnum as 2, C2_cellnum as 19 and subcellnum as 736.

MATLAB: Create a predefined array of images

I need to load many small grayscale images in MATLAB. All images are of the same type/size.
How can I predefine an array and place a different image in each of its cell?
For example, an array of 100 images, inserting an image at position 50:
my_array = zeros(100);
my_array(50) = my_image;
You can do this using a cell array, simply define it as:
my_array = cell(100,1);
my_array{50} = my_image;
Each cell of a cell array can hold different size arrays and types. I did assume that your my_image variable was an array. Also notice the curly brackets, this is how you access/define the content in a cell array. Here is a small example:
a = rand(100); % 100x100 size array in cell position 1
r = rand(100,100,3); % Different size array in cell position 2
b = cell(2,1); % initialize cell
b{1} = a; % assign cell content
b{2} = r;
The image is the results of imshow(b{1})
