Generic to integer conversion in Eiffel - eiffel

I have some codes like follow:
keys as cursor
tempK := cursor.item
if tempK ~ 1 then
tempI := tempK
"cursor.item" is type of "K". However, the real value inside there is integer type.
thus, "if tempK ~ 1 then" works fine. But "tempI := tempK" doesn't work.
How can I convert tempK's K type to integer? so that it can compile?

In this particular case, where you know that tempK is 1, tempI := 1 will do.
If the idea is to initialize tempI as soon the values stored in the list are of type INTEGER, there are several ways. One is to use an object test:
if attached {INTEGER} tempK as i then
tempI := i
However, in this case the test is performed for every element, i.e. inefficient. Changing the code to test for the list type before the loop will help:
if attached {LINKED_LIST [INTEGER]} keys as integer_keys then
integer_keys as cursor
tempI := cursor.item
If the only operation in the loop is the assignment, the equivalent code is to take just the last element of the list:
if not keys.is_empty and then attached {LINKED_LIST [INTEGER]} keys as integer_keys then
tempI := integer_keys.last
Instead of specialization, the code could also be generalized to take a generic agent that will be passed the key, and the client will supply the procedure to handle the key. But this might be too much, depending on what is the purpose of the task you are solving.


convert a set to expression Maple/ Change prefix to In-fix expression

How to convert the below set to expression
Expression := {{a°b}, {a°x°y}} # ° can be any operator
required output as
result := {a°b, a°x°y} #required output
I have tried to convert using convert function like below,
asString := convert(Expression, string);
asString :=Remove("{}", asString)
result := InertForm:-Parse(asString);
but my output is in the order of Pre-fix expression.
result := {"°(a,b), °(°(a,x),y)"}
Kind regards
foo := {{a/b}, {a+x*y}}:
result := map(op, foo):
{a/b, x*y+a}
There is no guarantee that the resulting set will have its entries appearing in the same order as the original set of sets. And hence using sets for this general kind of thing is never going to work properly.
That's why I used nested lists instead of nested sets, in my answers to another of your many questions on this theme last week. Your current Question indicates that you're not following my advice.

Odd "Check_VIOLATION" failed test case in Eiffel

The main issue from the below picture is that when "check Result end" statement is added it automatically fails and displays "CHECK_VIOLATION" error in debugger.
Also, the HASH_TABLE doesn't store all items given to it but I fixed that by switching HASH_TABLE[G, INTEGER] instead of using the current HASH_TABLE[INTEGER, G]
My main problem is why does it throw Check_violation always and fail whenever a "check result end" statement is seen? Maybe the HAS[...] function is bad?
Currently any test case feature with "check result end" makes it false and throw CHECK_VILOATION
make_empty, make_from_tupled_array
make_from_tupled_array ({ARRAY [TUPLE [G, INTEGER]]})
feature{NONE} -- creation
create table.make(1)
make_from_tupled_array (a_array: ARRAY [TUPLE [x: G; y: INTEGER]])
require else
non_empty: a_array.count >= 0
nonnegative: is_nonnegative(a_array)
create table.make(a_array.count)
across a_array as a
table.force (a.item.y, a.item.x)
feature -- attributes
counter: INTEGER
testing code:
comment ("t6:repeated elements in contruction")
bag := <<["foo",4], ["bar",3], ["foo",2], ["bar",0]>> -- test passes
Result := bag ["foo"] = 5 -- test passes
check Result end -- test fails (really weird but as soon as check statement comes it fails)
Result := bag ["bar"] = 3
check Result end
Result := bag ["baz"] = 0
Most probably ADT_BAG stands for an abstraction of a multiset (also called a bag) that allows to keep items and to tell how many items equal to the given one are there (unlike a set, where at most one item may be present). If so, it is correct to use HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, G] as a storage. Then its keys are the elements and its items are the elements numbers.
So, if we add the same element multiple times, its count should be increased. In the initialization line we add 4 elements of "foo", 3 elements of "bar", 2 elements of "foo" again, and 0 elements of "bar" again. As a result we should have a bag with 6 elements of "foo" and 3 elements of "bar". Also there are no elements "baz".
According to this analysis, either initialization is incorrect (numbers for "foo" should be different) or the comparison should be done for 6 instead of 5.
As to the implementation of the class MY_BAG the idea would be to have a feature add (or whatever name specified in the interface of ADT_BAG) that
Checks if there are items with the given key.
If there are none, adds the new element with the given count.
Otherwise, replaces the current element count with the sum of the current element count and the given element count.
For simplicity the initialization procedure would use this feature to add new items instead of storing items in the hash table directly to process repeated items correctly.

Post-Condition Violation with Feature in Eiffel

This is part of the class. This class is called BAG[G -> {HASHABLE, COMPARABLE}]
it inherits from ADT_BAG which has deferred features such as count, extend, remove, remove_all, add_all... more, and domain to be re-implemented.
domain returns ARRAY[G] which is a sorted array list of G
i always get Post-condition violation "value_semantics" which is something to do with object comparison but I checked and there is no code for object comparison which is very weird.
I tried to remake the code for domain feature several times and it ALWAYS ends up with a post-condition violation or a fail.
When I check the debugger the array "a" that is returned from domain always has count 0 but this does not make sense because i move keys from table to "a" but count is still 0.
Maybe I am transferring the keys wrong to the array?
count: INTEGER
-- cardinality of the domain
result := domain.count -- has to be domain.count because loop invariant: consistent: count = domain.count
domain: ARRAY[G]
-- sorted domain of bag
tmp: G
create a.make_empty
across 1 |..| (a.count) as i -- MOVING keys from table to array
across table as t
if not a.has (t.key) then
a.enter (t.key, i.item)
across 1 |..| (a.count-1) as i -- SORTING
if a[i.item] > a[i.item+1] then
tmp := a[i.item]
a[i.item] := a[i.item+1]
a[i.item+1] := tmp
Result := a
ensure then
value_semantics: Result.object_comparison -- VIOLATION THROWN HERE
correct_items: across 1 |..| Result.count as j all
has(Result[j.item]) end
sorted: across 1 |..| (Result.count-1) as j all
Result[j.item] <= Result[j.item+1] end
test code:
sorted_domain: ARRAY[STRING]
comment("t3:test sorted domain")
sorted_domain := <<"bolts", "hammers", "nuts">>
Result := bag2.domain ~ sorted_domain -- fails here
check Result end
The first loop across 1 |..| (a.count) as i is not going to make a single iteration because a is empty (has no elements) at the beginning. Indeed, it has been just created with create a.make_empty.
Also, because keys in the table are unique it is useless to check whether a key has been added to the resulting array: the test not a.has (t.key) will always succeed.
Therefore the first loop should go over keys of a table and add them into the resulting array. The feature {ARRAY}.force may be of interest in this case. The addition of the new elements should not make any "holes" in the array though. One way to achieve this is to add a new element right after the current upper bound of the array.
The sorting loop is also incorrect. Here the situation is reversed compared to the previous one: sorting cannot be done in a single loop, at least two nested loops are required. The template seems to be using Insertion sort, its algorithm can be found elsewhere.
EDIT: the original answer referred to {ARRAY}.extend instead of {ARRAY}.force. Unfortunately {ARRAY}.extend is not generally available, but a.extend (x) would have the same effect as a.force (x, a.upper + 1).

How to use 'Last attribute on multidimensional arrays in Ada?

I am trying to use the 'Last attribute with a 2D array in Ada, but I can't seem to find the correct syntax to do so.
I know that if I have a 1D array/vector I can use A'last or A'last(n) where n is the nth dimension. But if I do the following
type UnconstrainedArray_2D is array (Integer range <>, Integer range <>) of Integer;
function temp(tempIn : in Integer;
Table : in UnconstrainedArray_2D) return Integer is
tempTable : UnconstrainedArray_2D(0..tempIn, 0..tempIn);
for i in 0..tempTable'last(1) loop
for j in 0..tempTable'last(2) loop
tempTable(i, j) := Table(i,j);
end loop;
end loop;
end temp;
I get the following compile time error:
Storage_Error stack overflow (or erroneous memory access)
So what am I doing wrong?
I am using GNAT Pro 6.4.1 on Linux.
I'd be very surprised if you got a compile-time Storage_Error on that code.
I've grabbed a copy of your code and modified it as follows; it compiles without error using GNAT (gcc-4.4):
procedure Array_2D is
type UnconstrainedArray_2D is array (Integer range <>, Integer range <>) of Integer;
function temp(tempIn : in Integer;
Table : in UnconstrainedArray_2D) return Integer is
tempTable : UnconstrainedArray_2D(0..tempIn, 0..tempIn);
for i in 0..tempTable'last(1) loop
for j in 0..tempTable'last(2) loop
tempTable(i, j) := Table(i,j);
end loop;
end loop;
return 42; -- added this
end temp;
end Array_2D;
(Note that I had to add the missing return statement in temp.)
Your syntax for the 'Last attribute (not "command") is correct, but since Ada arrays can have arbitrary lower and upper bounds, it's better to use the 'Range attribute instead:
for i in tempTable'Range(1) loop
for j in tempTable'Range(2) loop
tempTable(i, j) := Table(i,j);
end loop;
end loop;
As for the Storage_Error exception, that could easily happen at run time (not compile time) if you call your temp function with a very large value for tempIn. Remember that it has to allocate enough space to hold tempIn**2 Integer objects. Presumably you've also created another UnconstrainedArray_2D object to be passed in as the Table parameter.
It's conceivable that the compiler itself could die with a Storage_Error exception, but I don't see anything in your code that might cause that.
Show us a complete (but small) program that demonstrates the problem you're having, along with the exact (copy-and-pasted) error message. Please distinguish clearly between compile-time and run-time errors.
Your tempTable might have a range of 0..tempIn, but you don't know what range your Table has.. They could be of different length, too.
You would have to check that the length is the same and then use relative indices, like this:
function temp(tempIn : in Integer;
Table : in UnconstrainedArray_2D) return Integer is
tempTable : UnconstrainedArray_2D(0..tempIn, 0..tempIn);
if tempTable'Length (1) /= Table'Length (1) or else
tempTable'Length (2) /= Table'Length (2)
raise Constraint_Error; -- or something else
end if;
for i in 0 .. tempTable'Length (1) - 1 loop
for j in 0 .. tempTable'Length (2) - 1 loop
tempTable(tempTable'First (1) + i, tempTable'First (2) + j) :=
Table(Table'First (1) + i, Table'First (2) + j);
end loop;
end loop;
end temp;
that way it is ensured that both tables are same length and all indices are valid.
If your tempTable is allowed to be smaller than Table, simply adjust the length check to >. The indices would still be valid.
I don't see an actual value for tempIn set. If the value for tempIn coming into the function temp has not been properly initialized or explicitly set, then the value in tempIn could be anything and probably not something you would like.
I was thinking of a default value. (probably shouldn't post when I am not feeling well :-)

How to use variant arrays in Delphi

I have two Delphi7 programs: a COM automation server (EXE) and the other program which is using the automation server.
I need to pass an array of bytes from one program to the other.
After some searching I've found that using variant arrays is the way to go (correct me please if you know any better methods).
My question is:
How do I create a variant array in one program, and then how do I read its values in the other?
I know about VarArrayCreate and VarArrayLowBound/VarArrayHighBound, but I'm unsure on how to do this properly.
You create it like that:
Declarations first
VarArray: Variant;
Value: Variant;
Then the creation:
VarArray := VarArrayCreate([0, Length - 1], varVariant);
or you could also have
VarArray := VarArrayCreate([0, Length - 1], varInteger);
Depends on the type of the data. Then you iterate like this:
i := VarArrayLowBound(VarArray, 1);
HighBound := VarArrayHighBound(VarArray, 1);
while i <= HighBound do
Value := VarArray[i];
... do something ...
Finally you clear the array when you don't need it anymore. EDIT: (This is optional, see In Delphi 2009 do I need to free variant arrays? )
That is all there is to it. For another example look at the official Embracadero Help
The array should be created only once. Then just use it like shown in the above example.
For the other side:
(assuming Value is the Variant parameter and the element type is WideString)
Source: PWideStringArray;
if VarIsArray(Value) then begin
Source:= VarArrayLock(Value);
for i:= 0 to TVarData(Value).VArray^.Bounds[0].ElementCount - 1 do
