opencti "setSoftphonePanelVisibility" has no effect if "isSoftphonePanelVisible" was invoked before - salesforce

In Lightning mode, when the Lightning console App is displayed, and based on a specicific message received from my 3rd-party app, I invoke sforce.opencti.setSoftphonePanelVisibility(true), the softphone is first hidden (shortly), then shown again.
As I debugged my code, I could verify, that invoking
sforce.opencti.setSoftphonePanelVisibility(true) led to this behavior.
So, I decided to first invoke
sforce.opencti.isSoftphonePanelVisible(), then depending on the response in its callback, I decide to invoke
sforce.opencti.setSoftphonePanelVisibility(true) or not.
The problem is, when I do this, sforce.opencti.setSoftphonePanelVisibility(true) has then no effect, allthough the OpenCTI call is responded correctly (response.success=true and response.errors=undefined): The softphone is still minimized.
Thanks in advance.

just to share how I solved (workaround) this issue.
A good functional workaround I had implemented was to first of all invoke sforce.opencti.setSoftphonePanelVisibility({visible:true}); in your initialization phase of the softphone. I then check the content of the GUI to be displayed. If there are calls to be display, the softphone has to remain visible. Otherwise, it will be hidden using sforce.opencti.setSoftphonePanelVisibility({visible:false});.
All subsequent calls of sforce.opencti.isSoftphonePanelVisible(); followed by sforce.opencti.setSoftphonePanelVisibility({visible:true}); will be functional to 100%.
It seems that OpenCTI expects that sforce.opencti.setSoftphonePanelVisibility({visible:true}); is invoked first before sforce.opencti.isSoftphonePanelVisible();.


Not able to set list2 in Adobe Launch in custom code

I am trying to set list2 in my analytics call through custom code but it is not getting set.
This issue comes with only while with s.t() method, it is triggered correctly.
Below is the code :-
s.addEvent("event12", true);
s.linkTrackVars = "list2";
s.list2 = "Data", "d", "Download", s);
If I place logger just before beacon call, it shows the value. However, when I click the button and check for same, only "event12" get fired and not "list2".
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Just tested your code on lululemon:
You're overwriting either the listvar or the linkTrackVars somewhere else. As #Crayton Mentioned above, doPlugins would be a good spot for it.
But it actually can be overwritten anywhere. In any rule that fires prior, or the s code, or any DE affected.
Paste your code into the console. Execute. Do you see the listvar populated? If yes, then your problem is in rules, so check them. You're not supposed to reassign linktrackvars. Always use the s.apl() plugin.
If no, however, then your problem is definitely in doPlugins. Sometimes I have it when I have silent catches in s code. Pageviews would have all vars populated, but links would have mixed results. Check your error reporting in the catches in doPlugins. I suggest having all code in doPlugins in a try catch.

Prompt when trying to dial a phone number using tel:// scheme on iOS 11

I am facing an issue, while trying to start a phone call from my iOS app using:
UIApplication open(_:options: completionHandler:)
iOS shows an confirmation popup/alert before starting the call with two button Call & Cancel and CompletionHandler called with a Bool parameter having true/false based on button action in iOS 10.
But now in iOS11 the problem is that the completionHandler is being called automatically before tapping on "Cancel" or "Call" button of confirmation popup, always having true value.
Is this a bug in iOS11 or is there something that I am doing wrong?
There has been a behavior change in when the closure is called in iOS 11. I cant say if this behavior will be reverted or if this is a bug.
But one of the ways you can identify when the user interacted with the popup is by adding a notification listener around UIApplicationDidBecomeActive in the completion closure of openURL(). To identify whether the call was clicked or not you will need to create another custom notification and listener on the CTCallCenter. That was the best way through which I was able to identify it, there might be better solutions though :D
completionHandler will get a call if your given URL gets open success or failure, this has nothing to do with Cancel & Call buttons on Alert
see what Apple docs has to say about it HERE
The block to execute with the results. Provide a
value for this parameter if you want to be informed of the success or
failure of opening the URL. This block is executed asynchronously on
your app's main thread. The block has no return value and takes the
following parameter:
A Boolean indicating whether the URL was
opened successfully.

Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on a null object reference

Within a Codename1 app, I'm getting a CrashReport: java.lang.NullPointException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on a null object reference. This seems to occur after I invoke a "show()" on the main form of my application.
Note that the code runs fine in the simulator, but consistently gets this error prior to doing the "show()" on Android.
Interestingly, if I put a Dialog like this:"Wait a sec", "Showing interrupt point", "OK", null);
before the .show(), and then click "OK", then everything runs well with no exceptions at all.
But a sleep(5000) instead of the Dialog does not help - still get the exception. So it at least seems like its not a race condition.
I have try-catches wrapped around all of the potentially offending code, and have NOT been able to isolate this. It always gets caught by the CrashReport, and only when running on the Android device.
Any ideas?
The symptoms to this one are pretty strange (i.e. workaround with a Dialog), and it would be interesting to have an explanation. However, since deprecated cn1 (Map) code has seemingly been implicated, I'm going to let this one go and replace this code with the latest Google native maps code. If it recurs, I will post another question then.

How do I find the context in which document.write operates. Can you solve the riddle

Basically i have these two lines of code written right after each other.:
console.log(typeof (noAdsCallback));
document.write('<sc' + 'ript type="text/javascript">console.log(typeof(noAdsCallback));</scr' + 'ipt>');
The first one logs function, the second logs undefined.
Of course it's a bit trickier than that. So here is the set-up in a nutshell:
I have a so called waterfall of ad-providers. That means, I try to load some Ads, by writing (using document.write) some special tags (given to me by my ad-provider).
If the provider doesn't find an ad for me, they send back a javascript-snippet which looks like this:
if (typeof(window.noAdsCallback) === "function") noAdsCallback();
This function essentially writes the tags of the next provider, which does the same as the first one until I reach the end of the list.
This system actually works fine, doing exactly what I want it to do. Both lines given in the beginning log function.
Except if I use Google as an ad-provider. There is one thing Google does differently, which seems to mess everything up.
In Google, I cannot define a fallback-JavaScript-snippet. All I can do is provide a fallback-url. So this fallback-url (since it's loaded inside an iframe inside an iframe inside...) sends a postMessage to the top, which then calls the same noAdsCallback() method. And this too, works just fine. The message is received and the right method executed. However, already the two lines already give different results, i.e. function and undefined respectively
The next provider then fails to find the noAdsCallback() Method, when it returns, because it uses document.write to try to execute it. Somehow, the context was lost.
First hint: It works fine (i.e. both lines log function) in Chrome, but it doesn't work in FF or IE.
Second hint: It works fine, as long as context never switches, but if communication runs at any point through messaging, it get's confused.
Third hint: Using the fantastic postscribe library as mentioned below, actually solves the problem, but introduces new ones somewhere else.
Fourth hint: Debugging the, before using document.write, gives the correct name, so I'm not in a random iFrame.
Finishing thoughts. I know, i know: DON'T USE DOCUMENT WRITE!! I know that. But since Adproviders use it all the time, I am forced to use it to, otherwise I get this:
Failed to execute 'write' on 'Document': It isn't possible to write into a document from an asynchronously-loaded external script unless it is explicitly opened.
In Fact, right now I'm using postscribe ( and it works like a charm, except for one lousey provider. And the workauround solution would be, to use document.write only for this lousy provider and postscribe for all the others. But i would really like to find out what the root of the problem is.
Any Ideas, much appreciated.
I think I understood it now. Long story short: DON'T USE DOCUMENT.WRITE :)
Try postscribe, if you have to.
So in hindsight it is quite obvious, because really, anywhere you read about document.write() it says, that write() clears the whole document. And I just didn't get it, because I never saw it happening and every ad is using it, like the whole time. Plus, it seemed to work fine on Chrome. So what's going on??
Well here is what happens. As long as the document is open, which basically means while it is being written, document.write() just appends to the stream, and doesn't clear the document. And as long as I used document.write(), to append foreign ad-scripts (which may and will contain document.write()), the page does not close, hence the document stays open.
This is the reason, why adding Google to my waterfall, posed a problem: Google puts everything in iframes. So the page containing the waterfall model just sees the iframe and says: "well as far as I'm concerned, I'm done" and closes the document, while in fact, Google is still at it.
Afterwards, Google didn't find an ad, sends a postMessage to the main page, causing the next provider to be used. Who then uses document.write() and clears everything.
Everything? Not everything. Remember, it still used to work when I used Chrome? The reason for that is, Chrome just clears the HTML but leaves the Javascript intact. So on Chrome, my Javascript-waterfall worked fine, because all the JS-objects where still in place. All other browsers cleared it.
So that's it. Probably noone's gonna read it, but if you do, USE POSTSCRIBE! Now that I finally really understood document.write() and and document.close() I'm a big fan.

Angular seems to fire on its own

I have a $http.put function that updates my database, this happens on a button click. After I update the database once, and stay on the page, with no interaction at all the update function gets called and will update the database with the last information that was inputted.
I've triple checked my code, there is only one occurrence of my update function being called. And the $http.put is inside $scope.update that is an anonymous function that calls the $http.put.
If I update information and then leave the page, and then come back the function does not fire on it's own.
Here is my Github for the project. I will pull out any specific code that you want to see, but I'm not sure what to show because there are 4 files involved. Those files are
Code is Here
Add a console.trace() just before the $http call to see what is calling it.
You can also use the developper console of your browser and add a breakpoint that will stop the code execution and let you inspect everything (stack trace, current context, etc). Chrome is particularly good at that.
