Declaring a character variable without quotes in C - c

What happens when we declare a character variable without using single quotes? For eg:
char ch=5;
char ch= a;

In C, char type is just an integer number, usually 8 bits wide, signed or unsigned depending on compiler.
"Characters" are just agreement on what these numbers mean, called "text encoding". 8 bit text encodings in common use today are based on ASCII. From there you can check that value 5 is non-printable control char (called ENQ, with historical meaning which has no practical relevance today except for curiosity), and printable character '5' has numeric value 53 in ASCII encoding.
Let's explain the two lines of code in your question:
char ch=5; defines variable ch of type char, and initializes it with value 5, which is a numeric literal. It is recognized as such literal, because it starts with a number.
char ch= a; defines variable ch of type char, and initializes it with value of variable a (and if there is no a defined yet, you get compiler error). a here is a symbol name (probably a variable name), recognized as such because it starts with letter character (underscore would also be ok).


Using int to print character constants [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Multi-character constant warnings
(6 answers)
Print decimal value of a char
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I wrote the following program,
int main(void)
int i='A';
return 0;
and I got the result as,
So I tried another program,
int main(void)
int i='ABC';
return 0;
According to me, since 32 bits are used to store an int value and each of 'A', 'B' and 'C' have 8 bit ASCII codes which totals to 24 bits therefore 24 bits were stored in a 32 bit unit. So I expected the output to be,
but the output instead was
and I can't understand why?
'ABC' in this case is a integer character constant as per section of the standard.
An integer character constant has type int. The value of an integer
character constant containing a single character that maps to a
single-byte execution character is the numerical value of the
representation of the mapped character interpreted as an integer. The
value of an integer character constant containing more than one
character (e.g.,'ab'), or containing a character or escape sequence
that does not map to a single-byteexecution character, is
implementation-defined. If an integer character constant contains a
single character or escape sequence, its value is the one that results
when an object with type char whose value is that of the single
character or escape sequence is converted to type int.
In this case, 'A'==0x41, 'B'==0x42, 'C'==0x43, and your compiler then interprets i to be 0x414243. As said in the other answer, this value is implementation dependent.
When you try to access it using '%c', the overflown part will be cut and you are only left with 0x43, which is 'C'.
To get more insight to it, read the answers to this question as well.
The conversion specifier c used in this call
in fact extracts one character from the integer argument. So using this specifier you in any case can not get three characters as the output.
From the C Standard ( The fprintf function)
c If no l length modifier is present, the int argument is converted to
an unsigned char, and the resulting character is written
Take into account that the internal representation of a multi-byte character constant is implementation defined. From the C Standard ( Character constants)
...The value of an integer character constant containing more than one character (e.g., 'ab'), or containing a character or escape
sequence that does not map to a single-byte execution character, is
'ABC' is an integer character constant. Depending on code set (overwhelming it is ASCII), endian, int width (apparently 32 bits in OP's case), it may have the same value like below. It is implementation defined behavior.
or others.
The "%c" directs printf() to take the int value, cast it to unsigned char and print the associated character. This is the main reason for apparent loss of information.
In OP's case, it appears that i took on the value of 0x434241.
int i='A';
printf("i=%c",i); --> 'A'
// same as
printf("i=%c",0x434241); --> 'A'
if you want i to contain 3 characters you need to init a array that contains 3 characters
char i[3];
i[0]= 'A';
i[1]= 'B';
the ' ' can contain only one char your code converts the integer i into a character or better you store in your 32 bit intiger a converted 8 bit character. But i think You want to seperate the 32 bits into 8 bit containers make a char array like char i[3]. and then you will see that
int j=i;
this will result in an error because you are unable to convert a char array into a integer.
In C, 'A' is an int constant that's guaranteed to fit into a char.
'ABC' is a multicharacter constant. It has an int type, but an implementation defined value. The behaviour on using %c to print that in printf is possibly undefined if the value cannot fit into a char.

C Language: Why int variable can store char?

I am recently reading The C Programming Language by Kernighan.
There is an example which defined a variable as int type but using getchar() to store in it.
int x;
x = getchar();
Why we can store a char data as a int variable?
The only thing that I can think about is ASCII and UNICODE.
Am I right?
The getchar function (and similar character input functions) returns an int because of EOF. There are cases when (char) EOF != EOF (like when char is an unsigned type).
Also, in many places where one use a char variable, it will silently be promoted to int anyway. Ant that includes constant character literals like 'A'.
getchar() attempts to read a byte from the standard input stream. The return value can be any possible value of the type unsigned char (from 0 to UCHAR_MAX), or the special value EOF which is specified to be negative.
On most current systems, UCHAR_MAX is 255 as bytes have 8 bits, and EOF is defined as -1, but the C Standard does not guarantee this: some systems have larger unsigned char types (9 bits, 16 bits...) and it is possible, although I have never seen it, that EOF be defined as another negative value.
Storing the return value of getchar() (or getc(fp)) to a char would prevent proper detection of end of file. Consider these cases (on common systems):
if char is an 8-bit signed type, a byte value of 255, which is the character ÿ in the ISO8859-1 character set, has the value -1 when converted to a char. Comparing this char to EOF will yield a false positive.
if char is unsigned, converting EOF to char will produce the value 255, which is different from EOF, preventing the detection of end of file.
These are the reasons for storing the return value of getchar() into an int variable. This value can later be converted to a char, once the test for end of file has failed.
Storing an int to a char has implementation defined behavior if the char type is signed and the value of the int is outside the range of the char type. This is a technical problem, which should have mandated the char type to be unsigned, but the C Standard allowed for many existing implementations where the char type was signed. It would take a vicious implementation to have unexpected behavior for this simple conversion.
The value of the char does indeed depend on the execution character set. Most current systems use ASCII or some extension of ASCII such as ISO8859-x, UTF-8, etc. But the C Standard supports other character sets such as EBCDIC, where the lowercase letters do not form a contiguous range.
getchar is an old C standard function and the philosophy back then was closer to how the language gets translated to assembly than type correctness and readability. Keep in mind that compilers were not optimizing code as much as they are today. In C, int is the default return type (i.e. if you don't have a declaration of a function in C, compilers will assume that it returns int), and returning a value is done using a register - therefore returning a char instead of an int actually generates additional implicit code to mask out the extra bytes of your value. Thus, many old C functions prefer to return int.
C requires int be at least as many bits as char. Therefore, int can store the same values as char (allowing for signed/unsigned differences). In most cases, int is a lot larger than char.
char is an integer type that is intended to store a character code from the implementation-defined character set, which is required to be compatible with C's abstract basic character set. (ASCII qualifies, so do the source-charset and execution-charset allowed by your compiler, including the one you are actually using.)
For the sizes and ranges of the integer types (char included), see your <limits.h>. Here is somebody else's limits.h.
C was designed as a very low-level language, so it is close to the hardware. Usually, after a bit of experience, you can predict how the compiler will allocate memory, and even pretty accurately what the machine code will look like.
Your intuition is right: it goes back to ASCII. ASCII is really a simple 1:1 mapping from letters (which make sense in human language) to integer values (that can be worked with by hardware); for every letter there is an unique integer. For example, the 'letter' CTRL-A is represented by the decimal number '1'. (For historical reasons, lots of control characters came first - so CTRL-G, which rand the bell on an old teletype terminal, is ASCII code 7. Upper-case 'A' and the 25 remaining UC letters start at 65, and so on. See for a full list.)
C lets you 'coerce' variables into other types. In other words, the compiler cares about (1) the size, in memory, of the var (see 'pointer arithmetic' in K&R), and (2) what operations you can do on it.
If memory serves me right, you can't do arithmetic on a char. But, if you call it an int, you can. So, to convert all LC letters to UC, you can do something like:
char letter;
if(letter-is-upper-case) {
letter = (int) letter - 32;
Some (or most) C compilers would complain if you did not reinterpret the var as an int before adding/subtracting.
but, in the end, the type 'char' is just another term for int, really, since ASCII assigns a unique integer for each letter.

Why are 4 characters allowed in a char variable? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to determine the result of assigning multi-character char constant to a char variable?
(5 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have the following code in my program:
char ch='abcd';
The output is d.
I fail to understand why is a char variable allowed to take in 4 characters in its declaration without giving a compile time error.
Note: More than 4 characters is giving an error.
'abcd' is called a multicharacter constant, and will has an implementation-defined value, here your compiler gives you 'd'.
If you use gcc and compile your code with -Wmultichar or -Wall, gcc will warn you about this.
I fail to understand why is a char variable allowed to take in 4
characters in its declaration without giving a compile time error.
It's not packing 4 characters into one char. The multi-character const 'abcd' is of type int and then the compiler does constant conversion to convert it to char (which overflows in this case).
Assuming you know that you are using multi-char constant, and what it is.
I don't use VS these days, but my take on it is, that 4-char multi-char is packed into an int, then down-casted to a char. That is why it is allowed. Since the packing order of multi-char constant into an integer type is compiler-defined it can behave like you observe it.
Because multi-character constants are meant to be used to fill integer typed, you could try 8-byte long multi-char. I am not sure whether VS compiler supports it, but there is a good chance it is, because that would fit into a 64-bit long type.
It probably should give a warning about trying to fit a literal value too big for the type. It's kind of like unsigned char leet = 1337;. I am not sure, however, how does this work in VS (whether it fires a warning or an error).
4 characters are not being put into a char variable, but into an int character constant which is then assigned to a char.
3 parts of the C standard (C11dr § may help:
"An integer character constant is a sequence of one or more multibyte characters enclosed in single-quotes, as in 'x'."
"An integer character constant has type int."
"The value of an integer character constant containing more than one character (e.g., 'ab'), or containing a character or escape sequence that does not map to a single-byte execution character, is implementation-defined."
OP's code of char ch='abcd'; is the the assignment of an int to a char as 'abcd' is an int. Just like char ch='Z';, ch is assigned the int value of 'Z'. In this case, there is no surprise, as the value of 'Z' fits nicely in a char. In the 'abcd', case, the value does not fit in a char and so some information is lost. Various outcomes are possible. Typically on one endian platform, ch will have a value of 'a' and on another, the value of 'd'.
The 'abcd' is an int value, much like 12345 in int x = 12345;.
When the size(int) == 4, an int may be assigned a character constant such as 'abcd'.
When size(int) != 4, the limit changes. So with an 8-char int, int x = 'abcdefgh'; is possible. etc.
Given that an int is only guaranteed to have a minimum range -32767 to 32767, anything beyond 2 is non-portable.
The int endian-ness of even int = 'ab'; presents concerns.
Character constant like 'abcd' are typically used incorrectly and thus many compilers have a warning that is good to enable to flag this uncommon C construct.

Special char Literals

I want to assign a char with a char literal, but it's a special character say 255 or 13.I know that I can assign my char with a literal int that will be cast to a char: char a = 13;I also know that Microsoft will let me use the hex code as a char literal: char a = '\xd'
I want to know if there's a way to do this that gcc supports also.
Writing something like
char ch = 13;
is mostly portable, to platforms on which the value 13 is the same thing as on your platform (which is all systems which uses the ASCII character set, which indeed is most systems today).
There may be platforms on which 13 can mean something else. However, using '\r' instead should always be portable, no matter the character encoding system.
Using other values, which does not have character literal equivalents, are not portable. And using values above 127 is even less portable, since then you're outside the ASCII table, and into the extended ASCII table, in which the letters can depend on the locale settings of the system. For example, western European and eastern European language settings will most likely have different characters in the 128 to 255 range.
If you want to use a byte which can contain just some binary data and not letters, instead of using char you might be wanting to use e.g. uint8_t, to tell other readers of your code that you're not using the variable for letters but for binary data.
The hexidecimal escape sequence is not specific to Microsoft. It's part of C/C++:
Meaning that to assign a hexidecimal number to a char, this is cross platform code:
char a = '\xD';
The question already demonstrates assigning a decimal number to a char:
char a = 13;
And octal numbers can also be assigned as well, with only the escape switch:
char a = '\023';
Incidentally, '\0' is common in C/C++ to represent the null-character (independent of platform). '\0' is not a special character that can be escaped. That's actually invoking the octal escape sequence.

character type int

A character constant has type int in C.
Now suppose my machine's local character set is Windows Latin-1 ( which is a 256 character set so every char between single quotes, like 'x', is mapped to an int value between 0 and 255 right ?
Suppose plain char is signed on my machine and consider the following code:
char ch = 'â'
if(ch == 'â')
Because of the integer promotion ch will be promoted into a negative
quantity of type int (cause it has a leading zero) and beingâ mapped to a positive
quantity ok will not be printed.
But I'm sure i'm missing something , can you help ?
Your C implementation has a notion of an execution character set. Moreover, if your program source code is read from a file (as it always is), the compiler has (or should have) a notion of a source character set. For example, in GCC you can tune those parameters on the command line. The combination of those two settings determines the integral value that is assigned to your literal â.
Actually, the initial assignment will not work as expected:
char ch = 'â';
There's an overflow here, and gcc will warn about it. Technically, this is undefined behavior, although for the very common single-byte char type, the behavior is predictable enough -- it's a simple integer overflow. Depending on your default character set, that's a multibyte character; I get decimal 50082 if I print it as an integer on my machine.
Furthermore, the comparison is invalid, again because char is too small to hold the value being compared, and again, a good compiler will warn about it.
ISO C defines wchar_t, a type wide enough to hold extended (i.e., non-ASCII) characters, along with wide character versions of many library functions. Code that must deal with non-ASCII text should use this wide character type as a matter of course.
In a case where char is signed:
When processing char ch = 'â', the compiler will convert â to 0xFFFFFFE2, and store 0xE2 in ch. There is no overflow, as the value is signed.
When processing if(ch == 'â'), the compiler will extend ch (0xE2) to integer (0xFFFFFFE2) and compare it to 'â' (0xFFFFFFE2 also), so the condition will be true.
