How to view (debug) the database in Ionic2 app - database

How can I've got an app which uses SQLite database and Storage Native Component. It works fine but let's say I want to display it in form of tables (SELECT * FROM ...). Is there any way to do it? I tried Inspecting it using Chrome's DevTools under Application -> Storage and checked all the available options and everything is empty.


Why did Hosting with firebase make my page go blank?

I tried hosting my page with firebase so I can make use of the authentication product, but after I hosted it, the page didn't open on my local server anymore.
NB: I created a react app
I followed the normal procedure for firebase hosting and I expected to get a link where my webpage was hosted, but stil be able to run it on my local server. Instead, when I ran npm start, my browser showed the following window:
Note that hosting it is a part of my building simce I needed to use the authentication product.
Then, I tried removing everything firebase related yo start afresh, even uninstalling firebase, but I got the same thing.
Next, I tried creating another project and pasting everything in my app.js and index.css there, so I can start afresh, and, the styles worked since the background colour of the webpage changed, but, no content was shown. The page was blank as shown below

Images in Google data studio dashboard working for editor but not working for viewer

I use google form to collect images. The images are stored in a folder in google drive. The folder is shared publicly so that all the photos within the folder are also public if the link is available. The responses are stored in google sheet and converted to a accessible file that i.e. change from "" to "" so that images are directly accessible. The google sheet is connected with google data studio. I need to show these images in the data studio dashboard. What I could find as solution was to create a table with the image URLs. Using a table, I've tried to do the following
Created a new field in google data studio and added image function with a link as mentioned above.
Instead of creating a new field, changed the type of image URL column to URL as well as image.
Both above are working for me as an editor (during edit or view as shared in below images. But when I share the dashboard as a link and view it in incognito mode, it is not working. I hope I'm able to explain.
Google Form Link:
Google sheet where data is collected : + also Embedded in google data studio
Google Data Studio link:
Its working for me as editor, but as a viewer in above link, its not working as visible in above data studio link
But as a viewer (incognito mode) images are not visible.
Actually, the images work for any user logged into its own Google account. The problem is really experienced when the dashboard is open with no logged user.
Diving into the problem, it seems to be related with the number of redirects that Google Drive need to access the image. Reproducing your dashboard I was able to see the error ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS in browser's Dev Mode.
Steps in logged mode:
302 Redirect to https://*
The image is returned
Steps in non logged mode:
302 Redirect to https://*
302 Redirect to
The image is returned
If you look into Dev Mode, it is possible to note that the URL ended with "/nonceSigner" is accessed dozens of times when not logged (the same does not happen when logged). This means that Data Studio start a loop trying to access the image, which triggers a "retry" operation when it sees a double redirect.
Curiously, this does not happen when using the standard Image control (instead of table chart, that reads from a DataSource), so it seems to be a bug in the Table chart component.
So you're out of luck. My suggestion is to use Cloud Storage instead of Google Drive, since it seems you're using some undocumented features and they'll surely break at some time.
Another option is to report this bug to DataStudio team (report here). There are Data Studio developers that activelly answer questions in StackOverflow (like Minhaz Kazi), so try to drive their attention to this issue.
I was having a related issue here - a colleague was not able to view images in a data studio dashboard, even though he was able to view the same files directly in Drive. It turned out to only be a problem using the Brave browser! I can't figure out what exactly was going on, but posting here in case it helps someone else.

How to migrate an online angular script to local server?

Hi I'm trying to make an offline version of this page: the script is writtin with Angular JS how do I do that?
I saved the page control-s and copied the file to the local server I'm running.
And then I browsed the local ip. the page opened but I get repeated notes ng-repeat shows up as multiple boxes instead of 1 box that edits the same note but in different octaves.
How do I solve this problem please.
You can inspect the front-end code in your browser console. In Firefox it's in the section called "Debugger", in Chrome it's called "Sources". If you use Safari, you need to enable Developer mode first.
Once you have the appropriate view, just click on -> tools/microtuning/ -> index
Hopefully it goes without saying that you shouldn't use large swaths of another person's code without at least giving appropriate credit, or better yet getting the developer's permission, unless there is an explicit open-source license.

2sxc Data from another app and zone

I'm using 2sxc 8.5.4 on DNN Evoq, i have an App which is in Portal 0 and i'm showing the content of this in child apps.
I created a template and created a query to fetch data from the App in Portal 0 by adding its App id and Zone id.
All works fine, when i update the App content in Portal 0, changes are shown instantly in Child portals.
Problem is that the changes only show instantly to the browser i'm currently editing the changes. Example: if i edit the changes in Chrome, changes reflect instantly on Chrome but in Firefox or another PC it takes awhile to show the changes.
I believe its a cache issues, but don't know what else i can do within the visual query to show changes instantly on all browsers.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
The following is the snapshot of the visual query:
I'm guessing it's something a bit different, since you're not using a cache-data-source as far as I can tell.
Could it be that you are providing the data as JSON to the browser using the API or similar? because then the browsers have a default behaviour to cache this, unless you are in F12 mode or something.
please try to provide more details if this is wrong.

Populating data in Silverlight App before its sent to he browser

I have a Silverlight App which gets its data from a database. My Silverlight app (running in the browser) retrieves the data through a web service. Pretty standard setup.
But there is some data which has to be there all the time or the App is in an invalid state - think data to fill drop downs etc. So I need this data to be "pre-loaded" into the App before it's sent down to the client so that it's never in an invalid state. Today I load this data via a web service call when my first page is initialized which can some times take a few seconds - during that time my App is in an invalid state.
Is there a way to populate data (from a backend database) in my Silverlight App before it's sent to the browser?
It is valid for an app to start and not be ready to use for a while, so long as the user cannot interact with it (or see the broken bits:))
Better to ensure your app has a splash screen/login page etc that displays until such time as the required resources are loaded. Once loaded you can set an app state to then show the main screen.
I had the same problem with a website that loaded the menu items via a service (as the text was data driven). Wound up running a progress spinner over the top (with a full-screen background).
I don't think you can. The application runtime occurs on the client's machine. I would suggest putting up a loading dialog while you bring those items down from the database.
What HiTech Magic said. Best practice for this is to use a splash screen or login page. You can also have your buttons (and interaction) disabled by default, and after the data is loaded, enable the UI. I would go with the spash screen though..
