2sxc Data from another app and zone - dotnetnuke

I'm using 2sxc 8.5.4 on DNN Evoq, i have an App which is in Portal 0 and i'm showing the content of this in child apps.
I created a template and created a query to fetch data from the App in Portal 0 by adding its App id and Zone id.
All works fine, when i update the App content in Portal 0, changes are shown instantly in Child portals.
Problem is that the changes only show instantly to the browser i'm currently editing the changes. Example: if i edit the changes in Chrome, changes reflect instantly on Chrome but in Firefox or another PC it takes awhile to show the changes.
I believe its a cache issues, but don't know what else i can do within the visual query to show changes instantly on all browsers.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
The following is the snapshot of the visual query:

I'm guessing it's something a bit different, since you're not using a cache-data-source as far as I can tell.
Could it be that you are providing the data as JSON to the browser using the API or similar? because then the browsers have a default behaviour to cache this, unless you are in F12 mode or something.
please try to provide more details if this is wrong.


When deploying React app to WordPress server, there's a ~5-second delay where the screen's blank before render begins

I have WordPress shared hosted server with Hostinger and wanted to deploy my react app there. I connected to the server with SFTP and copied and pasted the build folder's contents into public_html/test-gpu-app.
The app works, but I've experienced the strangest issue: when accessing the page, a blank page is displayed for 5 or so seconds, and full render takes nearly 8 seconds.
I've deployed the boilerplate react app to ensure it wasn't something I coded poorly/inefficiently, and it experiences the exact same issue. When deploying to Vercel, the app loads instantly, so it's clearly something to do with the server.
Server usage isn't anywhere close to maxed out, and every other page on the site loads quickly. I'm at a loss, can't figure out where to go from here.
The page:
GTMetrix test:
Any help would be massively appreciated.
If you run the chrome performance profiler, you will see that the only function calls happening when the content loads are by a script called cmbv2.js, which appears to be a data tracking framework or something like that.
Your app code is downloaded only # 5 seconds or so, likely an arbitrary timeout by the lib. I'm guessing this is something like an analytics framework waiting to display content before JS initializes so that users don't see flashes of content. Do you have settings that automatically defer JS or anything like that by third party libs?
It reminds me of something like a layer that sits between HTML and the end user, auto deferring JS execution or something like that.
Be warned of this smell, future internet folks!

Angular App not updating when source files have been changed

I'm trying to develop my first Angular application, however quite often, when I change the source files, the app isn't updating.
I am using Firefox and the Xampp stack. If I change, for example, a view or even a controller, when I refresh my page, I am not seeing the updated changes. I just opened Chrome and it is showing the updated changes.
Is there some sort of caching going on, or any gotchas that I should know about?
Keep your dev-tools open, right-click on the refresh icon, and click 'empty cache and hard reload'. That should do it.

How to load data at launching Chrome App?

What's the best practice of loading data at launching Chrome App?
The landing page of my Chrome App is dependent on some configuration data, which I've stored in the chrome local storage. However, reading chrome local storage is an asynchronous process. Hence, after the App has launched, there is a period of time when the landing page doesn't show correctly.
To avoid this blank time (due to the asynchronous process of reading local storage), I'm thinking about reading data at background JS. However, I haven't googled out what's the best practice to do it.
Anybody has any comments? Thanks.
just listen to the onLaunched event
chrome.app.runtime.onLaunched.addListener(function() {
// load your data
Here's one piece of helpful suggestion I've got from the Google Group. Share here so that someone with the same problem might refer to it:
You can read from chrome.storage in the background page and open the window when the data is ready. However, the user experience might be even worse, because instead of the incorrect landing page, you have no user feedback at all.
The usual (and easy to implement) solution is to show your landing page with some visual feedback during data loading, like a spinning wheel with a "Loading" label. If you UI really requires the data to show up, you can add this visual indicator as an opaque div on top of the whole window.
Some people use splash screens, but I don't think it adds to the user experience.

Can't exit Salesforce Development Mode

When I have the Development mode enabled for my profile, and I open a custom VisualForce page, the code-editing window/frame appears on the bottom of the screen.
Problem: for 7-8 months now, this window does not disappear when I am done with the custom VF page and go on to strandard pages. It's just sitting there, and displays the code for the original VF page. In addition to that, it's keeping the custom VF's URL up in the address bar of the browser, which interferes with other VF pages which take a use of the URL data.
I have submitted this as an issue to SF Support, who had pounded on it for months, and did not resolve.
Have you experienced this problem before, or know how to fix?
I've had this problem before and found the Development Mode toolbar at the bottom of pages particularly annoying. It doesn't work with some of the Firefox plugins that I use. So, I turned it off.
To edit a page without Development Mode turned on, go to Setup > Develop > Pages (or Apex Classes for controllers).
If you'd rather keep Development Mode on you may want to try updating your browser, or try using a different browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome).
You can also use the url parameter
in the address of any VF page to temporarily disable the development Mode toolbar.

Checkboxes disappearing when uploading to Google App Engine

I have written a controller to take input from the form containing a list of options. The options have to be selected using checkboxes. I have successfully tested the code on my local machine. But when uploaded to the app engine, the webpage is not displaying the checkbox fields. It is not displaying the options either. I tested with 3 browsers - IE, Mozilla and Chrome and this happens everywhere. But, everything is working on fine on the browsers when running on local machine. I am quite confused as to what is going wrong.
Please help me fix this issue.
Thanks in advance...
You likely need to setup static file/directory mappings in app.yaml.
You need to provide us with more details to help you debug issues. For example, if the browser doesn't display what you expect tell us what it does display. What happens if you view source? Is your HTML there?
