Angular App not updating when source files have been changed - angularjs

I'm trying to develop my first Angular application, however quite often, when I change the source files, the app isn't updating.
I am using Firefox and the Xampp stack. If I change, for example, a view or even a controller, when I refresh my page, I am not seeing the updated changes. I just opened Chrome and it is showing the updated changes.
Is there some sort of caching going on, or any gotchas that I should know about?

Keep your dev-tools open, right-click on the refresh icon, and click 'empty cache and hard reload'. That should do it.


updating Reactjs PWA without closing it

I have created an app with ReactJS and now I want to make it a progressive web app. I have seen many tutorials and understood how to do it. But I feel there is one problem that, if the UI of the app is updated then the user needs to close the app(smartphone) or browser tab(desktop) in order to get it updated. This is fine for a smartphone but when opened in a desktop some users might keep the website open in a tab and will never see the updated contents. I read that this not possible because updating this way might break some UI components and hence not allowed.
Is there a way to achieve this without the user needing to close the tab and reopen it?

Web site added to home screen takes to long to show updates

I made a site using React and i added it to the home screen using Chrome and it works fine, but my problem is, when make a change to it, if i access it on the web it shows right away the changes, but on the home screen "App" it takes a long time for the changes to be visible.
Is there a way to force the updates, maybe delete the cache or force a ETag change?
Thanks in advance
#Franmcod, could you try the following:
Push F12 or Ctrl+Shift+J to "Open Developer Tools" on Windows, then you can right click on the refresh icon and select 'Empty Cache and Hard Reload'. this should remove what's cached in chrome and load the newer web page after you make the changes. for Mac use: Cmd+Opt+I.

2sxc Data from another app and zone

I'm using 2sxc 8.5.4 on DNN Evoq, i have an App which is in Portal 0 and i'm showing the content of this in child apps.
I created a template and created a query to fetch data from the App in Portal 0 by adding its App id and Zone id.
All works fine, when i update the App content in Portal 0, changes are shown instantly in Child portals.
Problem is that the changes only show instantly to the browser i'm currently editing the changes. Example: if i edit the changes in Chrome, changes reflect instantly on Chrome but in Firefox or another PC it takes awhile to show the changes.
I believe its a cache issues, but don't know what else i can do within the visual query to show changes instantly on all browsers.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
The following is the snapshot of the visual query:
I'm guessing it's something a bit different, since you're not using a cache-data-source as far as I can tell.
Could it be that you are providing the data as JSON to the browser using the API or similar? because then the browsers have a default behaviour to cache this, unless you are in F12 mode or something.
please try to provide more details if this is wrong.

Umbraco - Menu always loads to route #/content after any menu click

I have just updated my site to latest version I have been notified about.
I have following issue:
Clicking on any link in menu in admin site (/umbraco)
The workaround I have found is
click on the link
click on profile
click edit
confirm that you want to leave the page
then the page reloads to correct page
I can reload manually by typing lets say
/#settings and the the angular routing does work
Now ever it is annoying and I cannot give it to anyone else to use like this.
After few days investigation, I have copied all resources from my local pc to the server and to my surprise It works now.
This leads me to the following conclusion:
My project from which I have deployed my versions did not contain all the required files even if all the scripts successfully completed.
If you have same issue, copy all folder to the deployment location and this should do the trick.

AngularJS: Auto reload

What is the most conventional way to make an AngularJS single page app automatically reload in the browser every time I change its code?
In other words, if I have a code editor open editing the HTML for the AnguarJS single page app, and a browser at that app, side-by-side on the same screen, hitting Save in my editor should instantly trigger the browser to refresh.
Alternatively, same scenario as above except instead of hitting Save on my editor, I did a Commit in my VCS.
Use Grunjs watch task for this.
That is the work of your task runner like gulp or grunt to watch the changes over specified files and perform action. None of this is related to angularjs
