How to handle windows Form in seleniuim - winforms

I have a scenario where i am getting a windows form ,AutoIT is not able to handle this window form,is there some other way to handle window form using selenium

If you are unable to automate OS level dialogue boxes/windows forms with AutoIT, you can use Sikuli to automate your windows forms.
Sikuli automates anything you see on the screen. It uses image recognition to identify and control GUI components. It is useful when there is no easy access to a GUI's internal or source can get more info from below link-


Behaviours in wpf apps Microsoft expression blend 4

I am using Microsoft expression blend 4 and i want to add a simple button,in a wpf application, which by clicking it(on "Run Project" mode) navigates the user to another existing wpf application in expression blend 4.This can be done by using a method but maybe I used the wrong method or i used the right method the wrong way.To be more specific i dragged on the button(that i want to make the task i mentioned) the "Launch UriOrFile Action" method but i realised(by making experiments with various files on desktop and using internet url's) that i can only link the running wpf application with random files or internet sites and not to another wpf application as i wanted(when i put the path of the wpf application it pops up a window saying"windows explorer has stopped working",something that didnt occured when i put random file's paths or internet sites url's).If anyone understands my problem let me know!thanks!!
Check out Process.Start. Create a command that fires code that calls that method.

Custom window for CHM help project

We're developing in WPF and are using custom borderless windows like the new Office 2013 windows. Now we are creating CHM help using RoboHelp.
I'd like to know if there's a way to launch a CHM file, but somehow hook into it so that it loads in a custom window that I specify, rather than the default window. Even better would be some kind of CHM display control that could be embedded in a WPF window, analogous to the way you can embed an HTML browser control in a WPF window. That way I could compile the CHM content with RoboHelp, but display it in our own custom borderless window that's part of our application.
CHM is no longer supported by MS since Vista, so you might want to consider using RoboHelp to generate Webhelp instead, and display that in a browser control as you described. Webhelp also supports context sensitivity via the URL, if that is needed.

Loading a WPF form into a MFC application without /clr

I am trying to integrate WPF into a legacy MFC application. I am unable to include the /clr switch to mix managed and unmanaged due to the restrictions of other projects in the solution. I need the WPF window open up as a child window in the main MFC application. I have been investigating different ways for the past two weeks but have hit roadblock with every implementation try. If anyone has successfully integrated this type of implementation, I would appreciate some direction. I have been able to integrate with a Win32 app, but could not translate this to an MFC app. Thanks everyone.
I believe that WPF requires .NET, therefore what you need is to create a separate DLL or EXE for the WPF parts. hat new project could be the container for .NET code and your main MFC would launch this separate project.
You can write a WPF front end that launches C++ apps with the desired command like switches, similar to what Visual Studio 2010 is doing to compile your code and show the results in the output pane. In this way you can avoid having to hack message loop code to support both frameworks .
You may show your Dialog using a COM interface

How to control MFC application from another program?

I have a binary application on windows (train timetable software) which contains a lot of interresting data which I need for my project (nothing illegal, just some weird optimization algorithm). But the application has no api and the data files have undocumented binary form.
So my idea is to control the application from my own code. I would like to send keystrokes to it to fill a form, run query and save result to a file (there are buttons and menu items for this in the app). And repeat many times.
Is there a library for this? Or an example? I have a general idea how to do it, but I am lazy and I do not want to invent the wheel.
Also, the same data is available on the web. Is there some solution for the same task with ASP (Win forms) web applications? I could probably handle parsing the results but I do not know how to fill the values of webforms controls.
Thanks in advance.
You can use simple Win32 APIs to do this.
FindWindowEx and then once you have the window handle you can send any message (such as WM_KEYDOWN) to it by using SendMessage.
A good tool which helps with this process is Spy++ because it allows you to see the window hierarchy more easily and also which messages are being used internally for the application you are monitoring.
As for web form controls, you will probably have to do more work than this because typically the web will be one canvas control that things are drawn custom onto depending on the browser. Perhaps doing this via some kind of proxy is a better approach where you actually filter the HTML pages.

Console UI in Winform App

We have a legacy application running on UNIX. Our windows users login to the application via a terminal application or commaind prompt. The app looks like one of those car-dealer like application which runs in dos mode interface.
I am creating a new winform interface to the application but still want to keep the legacy application online for a while, however I dont want the users to open up command prompt, but instead access the application from within my winform. Is there a usercontrol which I can place on the winform for command prompt access?
Solution ~ Ended up using a control from, fast integration and easy to use.
See this blog post from Jeffrey
With his code you can write to a Console window, even from a Windows Forms application.
I would NOT recommend to do that.
A Windows Application should use the Windows as GUI and not the console window...
I've been keeping my eye on this one. It looks promising.
