Console UI in Winform App - winforms

We have a legacy application running on UNIX. Our windows users login to the application via a terminal application or commaind prompt. The app looks like one of those car-dealer like application which runs in dos mode interface.
I am creating a new winform interface to the application but still want to keep the legacy application online for a while, however I dont want the users to open up command prompt, but instead access the application from within my winform. Is there a usercontrol which I can place on the winform for command prompt access?
Solution ~ Ended up using a control from, fast integration and easy to use.

See this blog post from Jeffrey
With his code you can write to a Console window, even from a Windows Forms application.
I would NOT recommend to do that.
A Windows Application should use the Windows as GUI and not the console window...

I've been keeping my eye on this one. It looks promising.


How to handle windows Form in seleniuim

I have a scenario where i am getting a windows form ,AutoIT is not able to handle this window form,is there some other way to handle window form using selenium
If you are unable to automate OS level dialogue boxes/windows forms with AutoIT, you can use Sikuli to automate your windows forms.
Sikuli automates anything you see on the screen. It uses image recognition to identify and control GUI components. It is useful when there is no easy access to a GUI's internal or source can get more info from below link-

Possible to have Silverlight OOB App "Listen" for Keyboard Shortcut?

I'm building a Silverlight Out Of Browswer Application with Elevated Permissions and need the ability to basically have the application listen for a keyboard shortcut such as doing something like Ctrl + F10 will cause a window to take focus of the screen... Personally I am against stealing focus but feel that this is alright seeing as the user invokes it themselves.
So more background... if any of you are familiar with applications like XFire or Steam.. I'd like to the ability to do a keyboard shortcut and have a window open above all the other applications like Steam can with the in-game windows.
If Silverlight can't do this can someone point me towards a better language where I can create this sort of application?
If Silverlight can do this can someone point me in the direction of how to accomplish this?
Silverlight 4 can't do this and Silverlight is not a "Language". Any application developement platform (JAVA, Delphi, VB6, .NET) that has full access to the windows API could do it.
Silverlight 5 includes support for PInvoke so if your willing to wait for the RC to go to RTM then you may be able to hook the system level WinAPIs needed to watch for a hotkey.

xaml debugging application

I need to debug xaml and i am looking for some application for that .
Need for recommendations.
Snoop not manages to find my application while i am trying use it.
I've had great results with Snoop but you might want to check if you are running your app with elevated permissions eg as administrator as this will prevent it showing up in the list of applications inside Snoop - from snoop codeplex page
Why Aren’t My Apps Showing Up in the App Chooser? One question that comes
up all the time is the situation where
the application you are trying to
Snoop, isn't appearing in the
application chooser (i.e. the combo
box that lists the processes you can
Snoop). This is more than likely a
situation where the application you
are trying to Snoop is running
elevated (as Administrator). In order
to Snoop these applications, you will
also need to run Snoop elevated (as
Also if your xaml is Silverlight then it looks like the only options is Silverlight Spy
You can use 'Visual Tree Visualizer' from VS 10 (VS C#/VB.NET) 2010 Express. See:

Keyboard Controls?

Hello World I am creating a financial software working on a touch panel machine. I have created a Keyboard control for User Input. I want to open start menu on my keyboard's Window button click. How's that possible?
you can't send keystrokes from a Silverlight app to the OS, neither can you execute shell operations. Just remember that SL apps run in a browser. If you were able to do things like simulating keystrokes etc., that would be a serious security issue.
Cheers, Alex
Silverlight does not allow you to directly send commands to the OS, as it runs within a secure browser sandbox. Even when the application is running out-of-browser, the majority of the security restrictions remain.
There are workarounds, however. The simplest of these is to implement a service or native application that can execute the commands, and then connect to it from your Silverlight application with a TCP socket or similar.
I haven't used it but Silverlight 4 has COM interop for out of browser applications. Maybe you can use that. If not directly then another application or service can be installed with a COM api and the SL4 application can send commands to it and that in turn sends keystrokes.
Here is some idea on how to do it.

Silverlight 3 - Can I run Out-of-browser inside another application

The new Silverlight 3 beta includes the ability to run Out-of-Browser applications. The demos so far show this only inside a special frame. Does anyone know how I can run Siverlight 3 controls inside a (WPF) application?
No, you can not embed out-of-browser silverlight into WPF. The sllauncher.exe standalone frame has a special handler for the offline://(hostname).(revision)/ url given to it to allow the app to have all the features of out-of-browser mode (like extra keyboard access). Unless you can find a way to embed this app into your app, you won't be able to get out-of-browser; if you know some way to do this the address for this app is:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\3.0.40307.0\sllauncher.exe
As others have said, however, you can embed a silverlight control inside of an html page and that inside a WebBrowser element. Be cautious with this method, however, since there is currently no x64 support for Silverlight and if you absolutely must do this make sure to compile specifically for x86.
I'm guessing (yes, shame on me!) but you can probably put a WPF web browser on your window and navigate to the Silverlight app inside it.
This is a supported scenario; a recent MSDN article stated this scenario was supported, and scenarios like this forced the CLR team to allow multiple CLRs loaded into a single process.
It seems that SLOOB apps run inside a host process (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\3.0.40307.0\sllauncher.exe). This hosts and sandboxes the app.
I suspect that it will not be possible to host it yourself - sorry if that's a little close to guessing, but short of running a hosting web browser in your WPF app I can't think of a way around the sandboxing requirement.
You can host a browser control inside a windows app, and load silverlight inside the browser control. This is how live mesh is going to do it.
