The requested URL was not found on this server in cordova for the facebook plugin in react? - reactjs

i actually used the facebook login npm in react and i tried on my browser it works when i run on ios devices using cordova,it shows the following error
Failed to load webpage with error: The requested URL was not found on this server.
i don't know how to fix this? can anyone help my samples
textButton="Login With Facebook"/>
and i use my http://localhost:8080/ it works on browser and i ain't know about the mobile what to give and where to give


Firebase Google Authentication works on localhost, but not on Netlify hosted site

I have a React website that I'm hosting and deploying through Netlify. I have it currently set up so that I'm able to log in using their authentication service, which is useful. However, it only works on my Localhost. When I try to use it on the Netlify hosted site, I get the following error:
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Illegal url for new iframe -********&appName=%5BDEFAULT%5D&v=9.2.0&eid=p&usegapi=1&jsh=m%3B%2F_%2Fscs%2Fapps-static%2F_%2Fjs%2Fk%3Doz.gapi.en.ILxaxn5iF9E.O%2Fam%3DAQ%2Fd%3D1%2Frs%3DAGLTcCP4GH4pdEaIiZe1k-cWfBRo9KTiAQ%2Fm%3D__features__#id=I0_1635906033796&_gfid=I0_1635906033796&
at Object._.Zk (cb=gapi.loaded_0:154)
at Fl (cb=gapi.loaded_0:165)
at Object._.Gl (cb=gapi.loaded_0:166)
at Object._.Nl (cb=gapi.loaded_0:172)
at _.Ym.openChild (cb=gapi.loaded_0:310)
at (cb=gapi.loaded_0:315)
at iframe.ts:81
at l (runtime.js:63)
at Generator._invoke (runtime.js:294)
at (runtime.js:119)
It seems as though it's trying to use that URL to reference a script that presents the iframe with the Google login. I'm not sure what permissions would be causing it not to work. I've enabled everything I know to.
I am using a .env file to hide my API information from a repository and have the values set up under "Environment Variables" on Netlify. If anyone has any feedback it'd be greatly appreciated!
You need to add your hosted domain in firebase as I have added my own domain here.

How to use Sencha app watch with custom app?

I have a web application whose front is on Extjs, Currently I am building a theme so I wanted use Sencha app watch command to get the live update as and when I make changes in scss files. But I am getting 404 error for fashion.js and sass-compiler.js file. Please let me know how can I use it to see live updates.
below are the console errors I see in the developer tool.
bootstrap.js:1595 GET http://localhost:8080/~cmd/extensions/sencha-fashion/fashion/fashion.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404
bootstrap.js:1595 GET http://localhost:8080/~cmd/extensions/sencha-fashion/sass-compiler.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404
My application is hosted on tomcat.
Thanks in advance.

ERROR: Firebase Database (${JSCORE_VERSION}) INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED: Reference.ts has not been loaded

I get error message when I am loading my Webapp with IE10 and below IE version.
I am building an my Webapp with React 15.4.0 and firebase 5.5.0.
I have tested the Webapp with Chrome, Firefox, IE11 and it's working fine.
Try to comment line below in file "firebase-js-sdk/src/database/api/Query.ts" may help you to solve this error.
assert(__referenceConstructor, 'Reference.ts has not been loaded');
Other work around are also available in link below that you can try to check.
Firebase Database (4.3.1) INTERNET ASSERT FAILED: Reference.ts has not been loaded.

Angular application unable to open in windows operating

We are using windows 8.1 for one angular application. Installed the bower and npm, also installed node server.
We can see the login page after npm start but after login success we are not able to redirect. It showing error
Cannot GET /components/home.html
After inspect element Console error like this:
angular.js:11038 GET http://localhost:8081/components/home.html 404 (Not Found)
Request URL:http://localhost:8081/components/home.html
Request Method:GET
Status Code:404 Not Found
Remote Address:[::1]:8081
Referrer Policy:no-referrer-when-downgrade
Cannot GET /components/home.html
But it is working on linux machine perfectly. We are using .Net web api so we want to use one machine for both application.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
If you have tested on Linux and it works, I would say it is a configuration in paths the server that it is serving the assets. If you are using Express or Webpack to serve you React code, they have good support for Windows, so probably is a local configuration issue.
Try checking for any static paths, e.g. ./foo/bar and replacing them with a more Windows-friendly syntax, for example:
const path = require("path")
path.join("foo", "bar")

Error URL pdfMake.js with Ionic Cordova App

I have a problem using pdfMake.js library. This library is supposed to generate PDF, client-side only.
It works well with chrome, Firefox...
But when I launch my ionic app on a device (Android in my case), I have the following error :
CordovaWebViewImpl﹕ Blocked (possibly sub-frame) navigation to non-allowed URL: data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjMKJf39/f0KNiAwIG9iago8PAovVHlwZSAvRXh0R1.......
I encountered this problem before with AngularJs for example for Blobs...and using the following configuration worked :
BUT not here... :(
Do you have any idea how to allow the data/pdf ?
Thanks !
You have to add permissions to your App inside manifest.xml file
